Bernie Sanders' Base is CRAZY
I was thinking that it may be beneficial to have a conversation about what's been going on within Democratic politics here lately. Considering that many of Bernie Sanders' supporters turned around and voted for Trump in and of itself is something that I have a serious issue with, and is why I would NEVER vote for Bernie Sanders. Secondly, his supporters ARE similar to Trump's base in more ways than one. We really need to have a serious discussion regarding a lot of issues that are going on with these folks.
There's the fact that the DNC bent the rules to let him in the door back in 2016 so that he could run in the first place. He's NOT a Democrat. A lot of his supporters are NOT Democrats, not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm not a Democrat either, but at the end of the day, he's always whining about "the establishment" this, "the Establishment" that. He IS the establishment! He's a multimillionaire, I mean, give me a BREAK man. The Bernie Bros are a perfect example of WHY his supporters have such a bad name. I'm NOT saying that "all of his supporters are bad people". They're not and I don't make generalizations like that. I'm sure there are good people in there. However, their behavior is not so great. Calling Joe a pedophile, making fun of his speech impediment (stutters), calling them gaffes and shit. Yet BS said that toddlers should run around naked and touch each other. (Pot vs Kettle anyone?) *Giggles* He also has touted Fidel Castro and refused to walk back his comments. His supporters troll groups, and I've seen it in just about every group where I'm a member. These behaviors are ALL VERY similar to the behaviors of Trumpettes. Therefore, we have a Trump Base on both ends of the spectrum. We need to figure out WHY. Many of them are people who believe in some of the craziest conspiracy shit, like saying that the establishment is rigging the election even though it was the establishment that let him run IN THE FIRST PLACE. It makes him lose all credibility. I'm sorry, but for all these reasons and SO MANY OTHERS, I will NEVER vote for Bernie.
MANY of BS' supporters have some serious issues and they proved that when they went for Trump. All because they were BUTT HURT that the "Free Shit Guy" didn't win. He didn't win for a reason. Do you see Medicare for All in VT? Do you see free college in VT? Do you see free ANYTHING in Vermont? NO! And if you believe he's going to follow through with all this free shit, then I have a bridge I wanna sell you that Mexico will be paying to build. Hehe
It's disgusting to me to be completely honest. I believe that BOTH of these groups are people who wouldn't otherwise be voting. You can't tell these young people anything these days. They hear "free shit" and it attracts them. They don't realize that they're being lied to. This is a guy who will literally say and do ANYTHING to get elected, just like Trump. There's not ONE of those "free" programs in the state where he's been running shit since the 1960's. If he can't, or won't implement these changes to his own STATE, what makes people think he can or will do it for the whole country?! This is right where you see the similarities between both groups. They're honestly the exact, same group of voters. They're just split when it comes to which candidate they're gonna support.
Joe has a stutter, and BS supporters and Trump supporters alike REPEATEDLY say awful things about him that aren't true. Just because he has a stutter doesn't mean he's stupid or crazy. It just means he has a stutter. So what's Trump's excuse when he slurs his words other than the fact that he's addicted to speed? Yeah, that came out too. And what's Sanders excuse for when he fucks up?
Joe Biden is actually a really good person. People are going absolutely INSANE over him winning the nomination. They're terrified of him, so they make up a bunch of CRAP off the top of their heads, with no basis to their claims. In the end, THEY are the ones who appear crazy to any sane person.
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This is the third day in a row that the stock market fell. 😡 In the first year of The Chump's Presidency, the stock market actually looked great and #45 sure loved taking credit for it. 😂 What people fail to realize is that 2017 was the PRIOR fiscal year! 😠 This was still economic growth and policy created by #Obama. NOT by Trump. 😡 January 2018, the start of The Chump's first fiscal year, we started to see failings in the stock market. 😉 Every time we have a stock market crisis since Jan. 2018 he BLAMES Obama! 😂 So basically what's going on here is that #45 takes credit for Obama's work and blames Obama for his OWN failures. 😑 This is typical of #45. He blames Obama or Hillary for every single one of his own failures and takes credit for things that aren't due him. The most recently was when he took the credit for Kim Jong Un's agreement with South Korea that they would stop their nuclear TESTING. So, Trump sends out a tweet, not only taking credit for the entire thing which had NOTHING to do with him, but even takes it a full step further by saying that N. Korea has announced it was getting RID of it's nuclear program in it's entirety! Complete, utter LIE! N. Korea then made an announcement correcting the President and said "We already have nukes. All we have agreed to do is to stop testing. We never said that we would denuclearize when we made our deal with South Korea." #45 needs to own his OWN, many failures. #IndependentlyUnitedWeStand #Impeach45 #DumpTrump #TheFallofthe45th #ImpeachTrumpNow #ItsMuellerTime
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Dow Gains 1100 Points After Market Crashes
There's only ONE WAY to go after a drop like yesterday's. While an 1,100 point gain is GREAT news, it's not as great as most people might think it is. In order to break even just from yesterday's numbers, +2,014 gain points would be needed. Then you have the other THOUSANDS of points that it had fallen in the few days and weeks before that. Therefore, if we don't have an 8,000 point gain in one day it's not breaking even, which is more than we can hope for at this point. I'm just saying.... I give credit where credit is due but I also do NOT give credit when it is not due just to stroke the ego of this Emperor With No Clothes. By the end of the day, the stock market fell again and closed in the negatives.
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This is going to be a blog to go with my Facebook group called #IndependentlyUnitedWeStand
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Ivanka & Guilfoyle Are Breaking the Law
OMFG Ivanka Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle are GOING TO JAIL. (*Kimberly Guilfoyle is Donald Trump Jr.'s WIFE!!!) LMFAO!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Turns out that these two snakey, creepy bitches have received over $75 MILLION DOLLARS in campaign donations. What position are they running for again?? All of a sudden I must've developed Amnesia because I follow politics and am very much up to speed, yet I was certain that these two aren't campaigning for ANYTHING. In other words, THIS IS ALL ILLEGAL. These funds are supposed to be for THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. NOT the Trump campaign headliners family members. It's not supposed to go in your pockets. That money is supposed to go towards getting DONALD Trump elected. Not Ivanka. Not Guilfoyle. Donald Trump and ONLY Donald Trump and his reelection efforts. How exactly does giving monies to these two idiots have ANYTHING AT ALL to do with the reelection efforts?? Oh that's right, it doesn't.
You see now - if Kimberly Guilfoyle wasn't so UNBELIEVABLY fucking GREEDY and selfish and actually knew how to keep her FAT fucking mouth SHUT, she would have never gotten caught. These guys are so STUPID that they are their own worst enemy. Sometimes karma can be a real mother fucker. 💙💙🇱🇷❤❤
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Trump, Hitler and Nostradamus
So, I believe I have finally figured it out. After four plus years of digging into the Trump issue, I have come to the following conclusions. If you have been paying attention to the RIGHT THINGS, you will come to the same. I want you to read this article. It's about the terrifying similarities between Trump and his favorite role model, Adolf Hitler.
Nostradamus predicted Hitler. We all know this, but what some don't know is that he also predicted Trump as the antichrist and that he would be assassinated. He calls the third antichrist "the trumpet". There are many quatrains pertaining to the trumpet and if you pay close attention it is ALL happening! I have included an article in the comments section below regarding Nostradamus and his predictions.
I believe that the Russians are setting us up to go down like the 1930's Germans. Then Russia will swoop in, save the day and try to steal our technology. They want to be us. They have been financing Republican campaigns: Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump and several others. Money is coming mostly from Lev Blavatnik, Viktor Vekselberg and Oleg Deripaska, all three Russian Oligarchs who are Kremlin connected pals of Putin. I've been doing a lot of digging and I want to speak to you regarding the things that I have found that no one is talking about. It's so obvious. The question remains: Is Trump in on this plot or is he just a "useful idiot"? Remember that the Holocaust didn't begin until 1941. Hitler came into power as Chancellor in 1933 and as Feuhrer in 1934. He didn't just come into the picture and start killing Jews. He started just like Trump. Read the following examples of just how similar they are. Don't hide from it. If the 1930's Germans had been paying attention, (much like I have), the Holocaust never would have happened and the Russians and later America and Europe would never have invaded. We wouldn't have stolen their technology and they would be a global power today.
After the war the United States took credit that we probably should have given to Russia, and they are PISSED. The Cold War happened between us because of this fact. They have been concocting ways to get revenge for decades. Then Vladimir Putin came around who is probably one of the smartest men in the world.
This is going to happen whether you want to believe it or not. And when it DOES, YOU ARE ALL GETTING A BIG FAT I TOLD YOU SO.
#IndependentlyUnitedWeStand #DonAndTheGiantImpeach #Impeach45 #Impeach #ImpeachTrumpNow #LockHimUp
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"In February 2018, the TDCJ announced it would install air conditioning in housing areas at the Pack Unit as part of a settlement reached in the class-action suit. Calling it “a big day for inmates who suffered,” attorney Jeff Edwards added, “they’re not going to be in fear of dying from heat stroke anymore.”'
We can take a lesson from our kindred spirits down in Texas.
"The TDCJ has reported 23 prisoner deaths due to heat-related causes since 1998 – though the difficulty of pinning a heat-related cause to a death means the actual number is likely higher. A 2014 report by the University of Texas School of Law’s Human Rights Clinic documented at least 14 heat-related prisoner deaths in TDCJ facilities since 2007 alone.
They refuse to acknowledge that there is a problem,” said Ariel Dulitzky, the Clinic’s director. “They’ll say that everybody suffers from extreme heat, that it isn’t an issue particularly affecting inmates, and that there are other people in Texas that don’t have air conditioning either. So that’s their point, we all suffer.”
However, people outside of prison who experience extreme heat have options that prisoners often lack – they can take a cool shower, drink cold water, move into the shade or go to a place that is air conditioned. For prisoners, those options are generally unavailable."
This is also true at the NCCIW. Except at NCCIW, you have over 40 women in the living quarters who are all taking multiple showers throughout the day. They have no control over the water temperature and it is piping hot, making it impossible to cool off. It also creates hot steam that permeates the already incredibly hot room. You can only open the windows about 4 inches on each end. The guards cut your fans off as a way of punishment and the coolers with the ice water are empty 70% of the time. We don't have the same options for getting cool as people in the free world.
Rodney Adams is one of the men named in the lawsuit. "At the time of his death, his body temperature had climbed to nearly 110 degrees."
That is just completely unacceptable. These are still human beings we are talking about. Some will say that it's for punishing the real bad guys. The only problem with that is that at NCCIW, DEATH ROW IS AIR CONDITIONED. So you give A/C to the worst of the worst while your low level, minimum custody, "Honor Grade", non-problematic inmates are the ones who suffer the most.
"When the Pack Unit suit was filed, most of the 1,450 prisoners at the facility were heat-sensitive, including 188 older than 65 and 111 who were morbidly obese. There also were 728 who had hypertension, 142 with coronary artery disease, 53 who received prescribed psychiatric medications, 22 with liver cirrhosis, 84 with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 113 with asthma, 189 with thyroid dysfunction and 212 with diabetes. Many prisoners had more than one of those conditions."
The same is also true at the North Carolina Correctional Institution For Women. There are all types of women in there of all races, afflictions, mental illnesses and ages. Everyone suffers.
"But according to the Centers for Disease Control, fans are ineffective at temperatures over 95 degrees and can actually increase body heat. Misters are also ineffective in areas with high humidity, where they can actually raise the heat index. Both cool-down showers and cold water are effective only for brief periods, and drinking large quantities of water can cause other medical complications."
It is almost 2020. The only option to protect these human beings in Texas AND at The North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women, is by installing air conditioning immediately.
"In addition to capping the prison’s heat index, the court also ordered the windows in housing units to be re-screened. Some dormitories lacked windows that opened while others did not have properly-fitting screens to keep insects out – leaving prisoners to choose between higher temperatures or insect infestations."
The same happened to us is Dorm O, Quad A. We had no screens on our windows but it was hot as hell, so we had no choice but to keep the windows open. Thousands of termites flew in the windows one night. They were crawling all over sleeping women. All over our beds. It was horrific!
"The TDCJ has paid over a half-million dollars in workers compensation claims to its employees for illnesses related to excessive heat since 2006. It has also spent $750,000 to air condition a building that houses hogs raised by prisoners – an expense that TDCJ spokesman Jason Clark defended by noting “pigs can’t sweat.”'
Same is true, again! The guards are hot and understaffed. They are somewhere around 30% of where there supposed to be when it comes to staff. You couldn't pay me enough to work for them.
"Lance Lowry, who heads the union that represents TDCJ guards, observed that suicide attempts rise among prisoners every summer, as prisoners trying to avoid heat-related illnesses stop taking their psychotropic medications, thereby putting both themselves and staff at risk."
My friend Mingo attempted suicide this past summer. She was housed in Sparrow. Dorm N. C Quad. It's time we helped these women.
#PLEASEREPOST #NCCIW #StopNCCIW #StandUpForYourRights #NorthCarolinaCorrectionalInstitutionForWomen #Independents #IndependentlyUnitedWeStand #RaleighWomensPrison #BoycottNCPrisons #CorruptNC #CorruptNCPrisons #CorruptPrisons #PrisonLife #FreeOnTheInside #Repost
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"President Trump has no one but himself to blame for the fact that he is on the verge of being impeached. He recognizes no legal or moral limits on his “absolute right” to do whatever he pleases — including pressuring a foreign country to intervene in U.S. politics on his behalf."
Finally, someone said it. I've been screaming it at the television out of frustration. The Democrats aren't tearing us apart. TRUMP IS. The truth is that we would not be here right now if he didn't do what he did. Though, he wasn't made accountable for doing it the first time, so who's to blame him?
"Pompeo is now officially the worst secretary of state in history — wresting that uncoveted title from his predecessor, Rex Tillerson."
I'd take Tillerson back in a heartbeat and that's saying something. Lolzx 🤣🤣
..."he is said to be interested in succeeding Trump."
Please, God, NO!!! 🤣🤣
"Pompeo was fully aware of how unlawful Trump was acting — also on the July 25th call. There is no evidence he did anything to stop Trump.. Pompeo is now leading Trump’s coverup: He has refused to allow State Department employees to testify to Congress."
That is Obstruction of Justice, folks! 😎😎 It is what it is. The question now is, why don't Republicans even bother to TRY and present evidence proving Trump's innocence?? Oh, that's right! THERE IS NONE! 😈😈
"Impeaching Pence, Pompeo and Barr..., all three richly deserve to join Trump in the dock. They have betrayed the country and their oaths of office. They have even failed Trump by not acting to save the worst person ever to occupy the White House from his worst instincts."
I couldn't have said it better myself. 😉😉
#IndependentlyUnitedWeStand #DonAndTheGiantImpeach #Impeach45 #ImpeachTheMF #ImpeachTheMFTraitorNow #PatriotsResist #TrumpIsARussianAsset #PatriotsUnite #PatriotsUnited
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"The Trump administration has quietly released more than $100 million in military assistance to Lebanon after months of unexplained delay...."
This is coming after the public reports of the withholding of this crucial military aid by the media. 😈😈 Once again, crucial, foreign aide was being held for what is, (for now), an unknown reason. They release the aide after getting caught withholding it. Doesn't this sound familiar?! 😉😉
"The money had languished in limbo at the Office of Management and Budget since September although it had already won congressional approval and had overwhelming support from the Pentagon, State Department and National Security Council. The White House has yet to offer any explanation for the delay despite repeated queries from Congress."
Oh! 😲😲 The Office of Management and Budget, ey!? 🤣🤣 That's the same department that help up the funding to The Ukraine! Interesting, to say the least. 😎😎
"...the delay came up in impeachment testimony by David Hale, the No. 3 official in the State Department..."
So, had he not testified before Congress regarding this issue, they may still be holding up the funds today! 😲😲 The State Department even defended their withholding of the assistance! They once again released military aide funds after getting caught withholding it. 🤬🤬
The State Department also called "for Lebanese authorities to implement economic reforms and rein in corruption."
Just like with The Ukraine, the Office of Management and Budget, (OMB), did not explain the delay other than to point at corruption. 😈😈
"...the assistance that pays for U.S.-made military equipment for the Lebanese army is essential, particularly as Lebanon reels from financial chaos and mass protests. The aid is intended to help counter Iran’s influence in Lebanon.... officials have said."
There is civil unrest in Lebanon. Massive protests and the like. They're trying to get Iran to stay out of their government and I don't blame them. 😰😰
So, here I have painted before you a picture of similarities between the Ukraine situation and what is going on here with Lebanon. We don't know very much about this issue yet, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that Donald Trump was looking for some kind of favor that has to do with cheating to defeat his most feared opponent, Joe Biden. 🇱🇷🇱🇷
#GoForJoe #Impeach45 #ImpeachTheMF #FormerGOP #IndependentlyUnitedWeStand #DonAndTheGiantImpeach #Independents #AssociatedPress #DumpTrump #JoeBiden #JoeBidenForPresident #Biden2020
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