#Inaraeon Drathir
zarahxan · 2 years
OC-tober Day 17 - Matching
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Just my old blood elf oc, Inaraeon, being gifted a matching earring set by his beau, Kelantir to match~
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zarahxan · 3 years
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Day 9 - Spice
“So,” Inaraeon asked, setting down his fork onto his plate. “What do you think?”
Kelantir hummed in thought, fork still in hand and her mouth full of pie. It was the perfect mix of tart and sweet apple. The crust was airy and had the right amount of crisp, and though it seemed rather subtle, she could’ve sworn that she detected a small hint of spice and floral notes from the filling.
She wasn’t too sure of what that was, but it was certainly like Inaraeon to sneak in some magical herb into his culinary ventures. Either way, it tasted good.
“Hrmph..!” Kelantir held her free hand up as she finished her last bite.
Inaraeon barely resisted the urge to laugh.
“It’s good, I never knew you could cook!” she said, her mouth finally clear. “First you being an expert in alchemy, then your cousin telling me how long it took for you to hold a sword right, now this.”
“Haha.” Inaraeon finished the last bite of his serving. “I say that cooking is just another form of alchemy. It requires that same attention and thought to the choice of ingredients, measurement, and the methods and timing of which you use to combine them all together.”
“Guess the Firesong name has more than enough surprises than I expected. Delicious ones, at that.”
Inaraeon let out a chuckle. “Thanks, though I’d like to think that some surprises can still be deadly.”
“Like your sister?”
“Hah! Don’t let her know you said that.”
“I said she was deadly, that doesn’t mean I’m scared of her.” Kelantir set her fork down. “Anyway, how did you learn to cook that good without any help?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, aren’t you people rich and have servants at your beck and call?”
Inaraeon rolled his eyes. “You don’t think that there are people who happen to take cooking up for a hobby? Well, to answer your question, we did. But ever since the Scourge invaded, we’ve had to get by on our own, as you can imagine. Can’t really employ anyone when most people had… well. You know.” A remorseful glint appeared in his eyes.
…not when most people had been dead.
Kelantir grimaced. “Ah.”
“Regardless, me and my sisters managed. Because of the shortage of magi, Illianah had to work more often. So she didn’t always have time to attend to household duties.” Inaraeon sat up and began to clear our the tableware.
Kelantir couldn’t help but observe his movements. Whether he was doing chores or swinging his sword in the battlefield, Inaraeon always seemed to have an inherent gracefulness about him. Perhaps it was typical of a noble like him.
She followed suit, clearing out her own plate and utensils. “And Soranthia?” She asked, recalling the young, sardonic redhead she met not too many hours ago.
Inaraeon smiled bitterly. “She needed a lot more time to adjust to the whole situation. It took her a while to get back into the field. But that’s why I put it up to myself to maintain the house and do the cooking. At the time, it seemed like a better option than showing my face again.”
“…I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize. You weren’t responsible for that apocalypse, someone else was.”
Kelantir could’ve sworn she saw a cold flash in Inaraeon’s eyes, but she wasn’t too sure under nothing but the candlelight.
She followed him into the kitchen and offered to help him with the dishes.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have.” Inaraeon said. “Feels a bit inappropriate to ask a guest to help me clean in my own home.”
“I insist. It was also rather inappropriate for me to ask questions leading to matters you probably didn’t want to bring up.”
Inaraeon waved it away. “It’s fine! It’s was the truth of that situation. You’ve been rather good to me, Kel. I don’t feel the need to hide any of that from you.”
Kelantir nodded. “…thanks. But this will still be quicker of we did it together.”
Inaraeon didn’t reply, but he scooted a spot for her next to him by the sink.
So the two stood by each other, with Kelantir soaping as Inaraeon rinsed.
“But to veer away from the sadness,” he turned, golden eyes fixed on Kelantir’s own. “Is it safe to say that I make the some of the best desserts you’ve ever tasted?”
“Hmm, perhaps.”
“Ah, an admission of my skill?” Inaraeon smirked.
Kelantir held up a spoon at him like a small sword, a drop of sud flinging onto his tunic. “Don’t get cocky, Firesong. I said ‘perhaps’. Still doesn’t best bloodberry tart, in my opinion.”
Inaraeon raised a brow. “Really? Blood berries are quite good for its strengthening benefits, but as a dessert? Their sourness is overpowering.”
“That’s because you don’t know how to cook it right!” Kelantir declared smugly. “…yet.”
“You remember the reunion feast with the other knights that our Lady of Light was planning for the Harvest festival?”
“Yes.” He peered at her in curiosity as he finished the last of the dishes. “Where is this going, Bloodblade?”
“I plan on bringing some of that tart to the feast. So if you’re not busy, maybe before the day of the event you could come pay me a visit this time, and I could show you how to make it.”
Inaraeon closed the faucet, his golden eyes flashing. “My, my, an invitation to your home?” He offered Kelantir a cloth to dry her hands with.
“That’s what it is.” Kelantir replied matter-of-factory as she stood against the kitchen wall. “You can come so long as you behave yourself.”
Inaraeon chuckled. “Believe me, I quite familiar with restraint in terms of my countenance with others. But the question is…”
He leaned towards her, setting his hand on the counter next to her. “Will you?”
Kelantir smiled. “I behave in any way I want, Firesong. It’ll be on my turf, after all.”
“Anyway,” she pushes the cloth onto him as she shuffles out of their close proximity. “Is that a yes or not?”
“Sure.” He replies. “It will certainly give you a week to tidy up.” He smirked.
“Excuse me! My place is perfectly clean.” Kelantir insisted.
“It will be, knowing you’ll have a guest over.”
Kelantir sticked out her tongue at him.
“How mature.”
“Oh, knock it off.”
That ended up longer than I anticipated. 😂 But these two are nonstop when it comes to their banter.
Anywho, I dedicate this theme to my Warcraft OC, Inaraeon. Kelantir is actually a canon character. She only appeared in one of the books though.
Prompts by @oc-growth-and-development.
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zarahxan · 3 years
OC-tober Day 23-24 - Crumble and Smile
Prompts by @oc-growth-and-development​.
(Image under the cut for horror elements).
“I remember the days back then, when I thought we were happy.” Inaraeon said, trailing his fingers over rusted, golden wood marred by destruction and time. Such a waste for such craftsmanship. Even beauty forged by effort was ephemeral. “Days I thought that we were ordinary and just like any other family...”
Soranthia hummed in thought, idly twirling a lock of her copper red hair with an arrow. “Huh. You still believe that?” He smiled. “Anar’alah, absolutely not.”
They shared bitter laughter. Ah, what would their eldest sister say?
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