#In my head Pac and Mike are having a shitty day prior to this but context spoils it
tw: alcohol
This is technically au but there is nothing here that means it has to be. It is just a very drunk Pac making out with people at the bar.
They have been at the bar for an hour, and Pac is already very drunk. Cellbit's own attempts to join him had been thoroughly thwarted when he had climbed into his lap, curling up there like he belonged there. And, sure, that was a little awkward, but Cellbit has met drunk Pac before, and a little bit of affection goes a long way to stop him from bursting into tears.
This might go a bit beyond a little affection, though; Felps came to sit with them five minutes ago, and Cellbit is now able to - a little awkwardly - finish his glass. He keeps one arm looped around Pac's waist - if Pac falls then Mike is going to shank him - and uses the other to drink.
And as an excuse to look away as Pac and Felps make out, only interrupted by the very human need for air. He does his best to feed Pac water and pretzels in between makeout sessions, but honestly Pac is going to be Mike's problem in the morning, so the squirming is more Cellbit's concern.
The two are having fun, at least. Even if Pac keeps looking at Cellbit's lips.
Cellbit... he isn't sure if he wants one or not, but beind asked would be nice.
Mike is looking at him.
Cellbit looks back.
"He won't let you kiss him," Mike says, voice dripping in something sharp. "He likes you, but we know where your mouth has been."
Right, yeah, that would... honestly, Cellbit is surprised by having Pac in his lap, drunk and vulnerable as he is.
Wait, no, Pac would absolutely do it. He's surprised that Mike is letting him.
Cellbit is saved, or perhaps damned, from replying by the opening of the door. The group ignore it at first, until Fit's booming laughter pierces the room. Pac, all in a hurry, slams up from the current kiss, slams his head into Cellbit's chin, and looks around.
"Fitch!" He calls. "Fitchi! Come here!"
Cellbit sees Mike down the rest of his bottle of wine, and makes he descision to quickly finish his own drink, too.
It takes Fit a few seconds to find them in the crowd, but once he does he wanders over.
Pac, grinning, finally gets up and off cellbit's lap. He stumbles a bit before all but throwing himself into Fit's arms, calling his name again.
"Hey Pac," Fit smiles, carefully manouvering Pac's hands away from his ass. "Easy, easy, calma."
"Hm!" Cellbit thinks that Pac's pleased noise might be the end of it, only to see him slip out of the grasp and back to his feet and tug him over. "Come sit by Cellbinho! Sim! Here! Good boy Fitch!"
"Oh, um, okay Pac. Hey Mike, Cellbit, Felps."
Even in the low lighting, Cellbit can see that blush on Fit's ears.
Cellbit initially expects Pac to crawl into Fit's lap, and spare his the pain. But, no, no of course that cannot happen; once he is satisfied with Fit's position Pac comes and crawls back onto Cellbit's lap. He squirms a bit, getting himself comfortable and nuzzling Cellbit's neck a little, before immediately leaning over in Fit's direction.
It starts with a nose kiss, then a forehead kiss, and at that point Cellbit turns to look at Felps instead, his best friend sipping on an obnoxiously bright cocktail.
Felps gives a little wave, slouching further in his chair to match the rest of their heights.
Cellbit raises his fingers back, opens his mouth, thinks of a tongue inside ir and promotly shuts it again.
Felps somehow manages to keep his glass in hand even as he bursts out laughing.
Cellbit curls a finger up from his own glass; flipping Felps off only has him laughing harder.
And then there's a shift as Pac pulls back from Fit.
"You good Pac?" Fit asks.
Because some of them are occassionally considerate.
"Yes just..." Pac's eyebrows furrow and Cellbit, not being considerate in the slightest, shoves a pretzel in his mouth and a glass of water in his hand.
Automatically Pac eats the snack, then drinks the water.
"I can't kiss both of you at once, and i like Cellbinho's lap best."
Oh, God help them, Pac looks about on the verge of tears.
"Take it in turns, idiot," Mike drawls over. "Youre sat in the middle and lean both ways."
Pac looks at Mike like an utter genius for a moment, before throwing himself to the side. Fit gets one last kiss on his nose, and a giggle which could either be cute or signal the usage of a world ending superweapon - with Pac, especially drunk, it's a little hard to tell.
Then he shifts his weight wholly, throwinf himself to the other side.
With Felps he skips the little kisses that Fit had been receiving, Pac instead diving straight into making out.
Cellbit, meanwhile, is a little busy making sure pac doesn't fall to notice the kiss pressed to his own cheek.
At least, not until he catches Mike's eyes, face torn half way between complete despair and a chesire cat grin.
"Hey Pac!" Roier calls from somewhere just behidn Cellbit. "Who's your favourite?"
Pac pulls away for a second, calling back a thrilled "Mike!" before switching sides again and kissing Fit.
"No I meant for the kissing! Kissey kisses!"
Unhappy to be interrupted again, Pac sits straight but still answers. "Felps has the best tongue and Fit has the best reactions and Mike says I'm not allowed to say Cellbit has the best teeth, so I'll say he has the best legs instead. Its why I sit here. That and he only wants to kiss-kiss you, not me. I get kisses but not kiss-kisses."
That has Roier - among others - cackling, and Mike swearing a bit before calling for a second bottle of wine.
If Cellbit didn't have a night shift later, he would be very, very tempted to join him.
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