#In depth essay of the Pegoryu ship
Persona 5 Ship Rankings Part 1 {{This is gonna be a long one, so I’m only going over one shipping here, the rest will come later.}}
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: All of this is just my persona opinion! I am not looking to start up any debates or otherwise. So I respectfully ask that you DON’T try and start anything with me. I just want to talk about my favorite/liked/disliked ships in peace. Thank you~ ALSO WARNING! THERE IS BOUND TO BE SPOILERS SO YEH! {{I will be pulling up interactions of said characters from both the game and anime for certain ships, so expect spoilers for both the game and anime!}}
Here I shall discuss the ship Akiren/Ryuji {{Note that this is mostly all speculation, seeing hints, context clues, subtext and what not. I’m not trying to push this ship onto anyone or say that it’s actually canon. I’m just saying I believe that there’s something there and that it’s my personal canon. but it doesn’t have to be yours.}}
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I cannot rank this ship with numbers alone, because this ship just sails itself in both the Anime and In The Game. There’s just so much subtext for these two that’s led me to believe that they’re endgame. However if you must know what number rank I’d give them... 
I give them an infinity outta infinity and beyond.
Hoo boy! Strap in everyone cause this is gonna be a LONG one! In this essay I shall tell you all exactly why I believe personally that Akiren/Ryuji is actually the endgame Persona 5 ship! 
Of course you don’t have to agree but just hear me out! For starters Akiren and Ryuji meet under the most bizarre of circumstances. They start out as strangers thrust into a life or death situation after unknowingly stumbling into Kamoshida’s Palace. 
While there, Ryuji shows just how much he cares for Akiren’s well being, despite them being literal strangers! Ryuji immediately asks Akiren if he’s alright upon waking up, and it’s shown by his tone of voice and facial expression that he’s genuinely concerned for Akiren. 
Akiren at this point in time can also ask Ryuji if he’s alright as well, which Ryuji replies more or less to. Then not even a few minutes later, Kamoshida comes in and sentences the both of them to death. Ryuji is understandably terrified, and claims he doesn’t want to die. However despite not wanting to die, he does show that he’s willing to do so, if it means Akiren can escape with his life. 
He even orders him to run. So yes, even though Ryuji doesn’t WANT to die, and he states in terror he doesn’t want to, he was willing to die all the same. Anyone in their right mind faced with a life and death situation would also say they don’t wanna die, even if they know that dying meant that there was a chance someone else could live.
Akiren upon seeing Ryuji’s life in peril, and after watching him get tortured by Kamoshida, literally gets so fucking pissed off that he stands up to Kamoshida therefore becoming a threat to him. This in turn helps Akiren awaken to his Persona. Akiren awoke to his Persona because of his desire to save Ryuji.
 Akiren stood up to Kamoshida to save Ryuji’s life, not because Kamoshida had wronged him personally, it was all to save Ryuji and that just speaks volumes to me. Because every other team mate that The Phantom Thieves gain, always awakens because they have a personal score to settle with A Palace Leader. 
It’s never anything as grand as desiring to protect The already existing members of The Phantom Thieves. But here, Akiren has no personal connection with Kamoshida, he’s only heard of him being this supposed perverted teacher who preys on innocent Students who can’t fight back. Akiren’s reasoning for standing against Kamoshida was as simple as not being able to ignore that someone’s life -Ryuji’s- was in danger, and acting upon it. 
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After that, the two of them blindly rush off into the Palace with one another, trying to find an exit. Ryuji also shows his concern during this little segment, when they’re jumping over rushing water, telling Akiren that he better not fall while they’re crossing over the water.
Then they meet a curious feline named Morgana, whom helps them escape from Kamoshida’s Palace. Afterwards, Ryuji and Akiren become unlikely friends, pulled together by an experience only they could relate to.
Ryuji asks Akiren to meet him on the roof of the School, and there, they talk about what happened. In the end Ryuji tries to brush it all off as some weird-ass dream. But he still thanks Akiren for saving him from Kamoshida even if it was just a ‘dream’.
Ryuji also doesn’t give a damn about all these rumors spreading around Akiren, and wants to be friends. 
{{Speaking of later on after Akiren tells Ryuji what actually happened that landed him in probation, Ryuji is visibly upset at this.-In the Anime he actually sheds tears upon hearing what happened- And in game he’s also upset, to the point where he raises his voice in anger upon knowing what was done to Akiren.}}
Eventually Ryuji and Akiren both go back into Kamoshida’s Palace, upon which they reunite with Morgana. While in the Palace, Akiren waits for Ryuji to memorize the faces of the Cognitive students that are being abused by Kamoshida’s Shadow, which means the real Kamoshida is abusing the real students in the School too. 
One event leads to another, and we get to a point that Akiren and Morgana are rendered helpless upon the ground, about to be killed. During this event, Akiren speaks out, telling Ryuji to stand up for himself, to not allow himself to give into hopelessness. 
To rise against Kamoshida, an adult who has abused, oppressed, and hurt Ryuji and caused everyone to label Ryuji as a problem child. Causing everyone to label Ryuji as the track traitor, caused the entire School and most of the Teachers to dislike Ryuji in general.
Ryuji finally gets to his feet and stands up against Kamoshida,not only because of what Kamoshida has done to him, but also because---
Akiren is about to be killed by a Shadow. 
The Shadow is about to bring its sword down upon Akiren. Ryuji literally fucking woke to his Persona to save Akiren and---
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That’s just fucking beautiful man.
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Watching Ryuji awaken to Captain Kidd, to save the guy he now considers his best friend, even though they’ve only known one another for a short while is just-
 No other teammates have awoken to their Personas to save the other, besides Akiren and Ryuji. Both of them awoke to their Personas to save each other, and you don’t see that in ANY other awakenings. The other awakenings are all about the other Phantom Thief members standing up to the unjust treatments of the Palace rulers towards them and in Ann’s sake -other people she cares about-. 
Other than that you don’t really see any of the other Phantom Thieves waking to their Persona to save one another. Akiren and Ryuji are probably the only examples of this through the entire game/anime and they’re still just fresh friends at this point. 
If THIS doesn’t speak volumes about how much Akiren and Ryuji have come to care for one another, then I don’t know what fucking does. Doesn’t it seem like the start of a romance to you? 
Because this just parallels the start of so many romantic stories. Two strangers coming together, both of them being cast out by society, both of them coming together and facing death defying odds and doing incredible feats to save one another.
{{Also not to mention it’s adorable how when Ryuji and Akiren go get some food, Ryuji puts more food on Akiren’s plate after he notices Akiren’s barely touched his food. And even when Akiren assures him he can do that himself, Ryuji insists that he has to TREAT him, to thank him.}}
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{{Oh and this little animation of Ryuji having to touch Akiren as they open a treasure chest together.. like OMG HOW ARE THEY THIS FUCKING ADORABLE?!}}
Anyways through the course of the anime/game, Akiren and Ryuji’s friendship just deepens even more. Especially during the game in Ryuji’s confidant ranks he’s always saying how cool Akiren is. Complimenting him, and saying the cutest fucking shit like he feels free whenever he’s talking to Akiren. 
Thanking Akiren whenever he gets the chance, like Ryuji literally thanks Akiren all the time. So much to the point it’s nearly god damn ridiculous the amount of times Ryuji thanks Akiren. Also just the fact that in game Akiren is given the option to square down with the former Track Team while they’re shit talking Ryuji is just... AHHHHH it warms my heart. 
There’s just so many instances in game while Akiren is hanging out with Ryuji, that Ryuji will just suddenly say something so fucking heartfelt out of the god damn blue. Once Ryuji is maxed out, he tells Akiren that if he EVER needs help with anything EVER- that he’s there for him. That he has his back no matter what. 
Like there’s this one instance where Ryuji tells Akiren that he found his place next to him. And then he’s like: Huh... I guess your place is next to me...
And then seriously...
During one of their hangouts, right before Ryuji and Akiren go for a ride on an attraction, Akiren has the option to tell Ryuji to go by himself. 
And what is Ryuji’s reaction to that?! 
“What are you scared? Don’t worry I’ll protect ya...wait... that came out wrong. Hey there’s a ton of couples around here. I wonder what they think when they see us?” - Ryuji
^^^ That’s right, he’s immediately embarrassed by what he’s said, and his mind then IMMEDIATELY jumps to the fact that there’s so many couples around them and he’s asking Akiren what they might be THINKING seeing them here together. Why would his mind even be thinking about the couples around them for? 
My best guess would be he’s wondering if the couples around him think that he and Akiren are a couple. And even upon thinking that, he seems totally chill with it. Like he doesn’t really give a damn if they do or not. Honestly I think Ryuji just wanted to see what Akiren thought. Ryuji wanted to know if he was bothered by the fact that the other couples could potentially see them as a pair.
Also right before the end of the game if Akiren says that there’s nothing to see in his hometown, Ryuji will remark: What are you talking about? You’re there. - 
Anyways back to all the subtext that happens in the main story. Right after they take down Kamoshida, and go to the restaurant, there’s a choice for Akiren to say he’s so happy. And Ryuji says that it’s cute hearing him say something like that. 
Right after that, Akiren, Ryuji and Morgana all need to go find a bathroom because they over ate. Then Shido -the uncle Ian looking ass motherfucker- comes by and is being a snobby ass bitch. Akiren has the choice to demand that he and his posse apologize to Ryuji. 
After he leaves though, Akiren realizes Shido’s voice is familiar to him, but he can’t place it just yet. Ryuji at that point turns to Akiren and takes notice that something is up with him. And if Akiren says he’s feeling lightheaded, Ryuji will look concerned and say: You not feelin’ good? - In a very concerned tone, like...he’s just so worried cause his best friend is telling him he’s feeling lightheaded and not feeling well.-
But then Morgana, not really knowing why Akiren isn’t feeling well, will pipe up and just say it’s probably because neither of them eat well, and this will soothe Ryuji’s worries, because from what he knows of Akiren, it makes sense that he might not feel well at all after over eating when he doesn’t eat enough.
Ryuji is also super physically affectionate with Akiren, in the anime there’s a lot of instances where Ryuji will be touching Akiren. Either his shoulder with his hand, or he’ll drape his arm over his shoulders and pull him close to him, or he’ll press his shoulder against his. 
Especially the scene in the bathhouse.
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But you’re probably thinking in the anime Akiren says: “Don’t touch me” 
However I think it’s so obvious that Akiren said it because he’s bashful. Ryuji literally pressed up against him with no warning, while they’re both in a tub together. 
How can that not be awkward and embarrassing for Akiren, who has been presented as someone who is very socially awkward? Like he’s seriously just a god damn shy nerd that really only shows off his more confident and sassy side when he’s acting as the Leader of The Phantom Thieves.
They’re in reality, so right then Akiren isn’t the bad ass, suave Leader of The Phantom Thieves, he’s just the shy and awkward nerdy Akiren of reality.
So yes, Akiren might have told Ryuji NOT to touch him, but given all the context and subtext, it’s obvious he’s just shying away from being touched out of the blue like that.
-Also Akiren was totally fine with Ryuji touching him before that, he didn’t mind all the physical contact. So for him to suddenly be “disgusted” by Ryuji touching him in the tub makes no damn sense. Akiren didn’t mind all the other times Ryuji’s been physically close to him. 
So yeh, Akiren didn’t tell Ryuji not to touch him because he was disgusted, he was just surprised. Anyone would be if their best friend just pressed up against them without warning while they were in a bath house together.-
Speaking of other physical contact they’ve had:
There’s that scene in the anime where Akiren and Ryuji’s hands linger for just a few seconds together in Sae’s Palace, right before Akiren takes the suitcase, and leaves either to pull of one of the greatest acts of deceit, or to his death. And even if Ryuji says: I’m sure you’re not gonna die
The fact that his hand lingers there against Akiren’s prove his unspoken worry for him.
And then when Akiren arrives back at Leblanc? Who is there by his side first? Ryuji. He pulls him into a one-armed side hug. So happy to see him back and safe.
{{Also I will never get over the fact that Ryuji calls Akiren by Renren in the anime quite often. Also this nickname he gave to Ren he gave it to Ren really early on in the anime. It’s like a god damn pet name that a person would give to the person of their affections. So to hear Ryuji cry out “Renren” with utter joy in the anime, and rush over to him upon coming back.... is just...GAH MY FUCKING HEART IT’S SO FULL OF RAINBOWS AND BUTTERFLIES IT’S TOO CUTE!}}
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Ryuji always seems to need to be touching Akiren, like, he just needs to touch him at certain times. Like he just can’t help himself.
Oh and let’s not forget about the Hawaii trip and the gay implications in the game about Akiren that happen there.
What happens with the Hawaii trip? If Akiren -in game- doesn’t show any interests towards girls. Ryuji -in the game- will ask Akiren what kind of guys he likes. And this is no mistake, because he asks it twice. First he gets interrupted by Yuuki {{Mishima}} because he’s gotten himself sick by drinking tap water. And so he says it again. 
Oh and during the school Festival, Akiren has the chance to yell to everyone he loves Ryuji. And during that moment, you can hear the 3 note happy jingle that plays when Akiren makes a confidant happy. So it heavily implies that Ryuji was secretly happy to know that Akiren was gonna say something like that. But true to Ryuji form, he would die of sheer embarrassment if Akiren shouted that in front of everyone.
Then there’s the time they’re all in Destinyland, and they’re watching the fireworks.
Yusuke says the scenery is quite beautiful. 
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Akiren turns to look at Ryuji - Right as Futaba playfully says this in response to Yusuke: “But it’s not as beautiful as you!” isn’t that what couples would say to one another?
Ryuji also then turns to look at Akiren after Futaba says that.
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LIKE?!?!? UH------??!!?
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Anyways lets get to late game stuff. 
Like take for example- Ryuji calling up Akiren right before they take Shido down -in game- Ryuji seemed to want to tell Akiren something over the phone. But he stops himself and says never mind. 
He’s like: “Hey Akiren... once we change Shido’s heart...no, nevermind, forget it.”
And then the phone call ends...
I don’t care who you are THAT phone call sounded like the start of a confession that Ryuji didn’t end up following through with.
Seriously there’s just so much content for these two, that it’s hard to deny that they’ve a strong bond with one another. From Ryuji defending Akiren from Makoto, saying that Akiren is an upstanding guy, to Ryuji being SERIOUSLY protective over Akiren whenever someone wrongs him.
There’s so many instances where Ryuji will yell at people that have treated Akiren unfairly. 
Take Shido for example before the battle in game, Ryuji literally states: OUR LEADER’S GONE THROUGH SHIT, CAUSE OF YOU! IT’S ON!
Ryuji is ALSO very hostile towards Akechi, yes part in fact because he opposes The Phantom Thieves, but also because they discover the fact that Akechi was planning in killing Akiren. And Ryuji shows his utter distress at the fact Akiren might die because of that bastard.
It was a god damn fucking SHAME that Akiren hardly reacted at all to the “supposed” death of Ryuji. 
Literally in both the game and the anime and it hurts me so much that they didn’t give him more of a reaction. 
Because you can CLEARLY tell they care so deeply for one another.
Ahem anyways!
Onward to when after the Thieves all vanish from reality, and end up in The Velvet room prison. 
Once Akiren has found Ryuji he immediately dives into how it reminds him of their first meeting, when they were locked up at Kamoshida’s Palace. Ryuji then starts to doubt what they were doing, as if all the pressure that had been weighing on them and all the responsibility they had to take up - had come crashing down on him. Akiren is then able to talk it out with Ryuji, and help him regain his drive and rebellious spirit.
. -In the anime it also seems Akiren found Ryuji first out of anyone else, like he was destined to find him, although that might be stretching it and me looking too deep, but still it just seemed too intentional-
Ryuji calls Akiren so tough, for still being able to take a stand, while he’s just sitting there trapped and being consumed by so many emotions. Ryuji remarks upon thinking about it, he’s the one that really started all this Phantom Thief stuff, because of how pissed off he was.And maybe he was just doing all this out of defiance. Akiren’s first dialogue choice option is to tell him that how he felt was fine.
Ryuji then seems utterly shocked to hear Akiren say it’s fine. But he doesn’t question it, he just accepts it as the truth. He tells Akiren he is right. Then he gets back up and calls forth his rebellious spirit to stand alongside Akiren to fight a God that they don’t even know if they have any chance of winning against.
Like how is that not giving off serious vibes of there being something more between Akiren and Ryuji?
Then finally after all the shit with Yaldabaoth is finished up, and Christmas day rolls around, and Ryuji notices that Akiren isn’t around. And that everyone seems so downcast
He’s the first to ask where Akiren is, he sounds so dismayed about it to. And upon hearing that Akiren is now in juvi, he slams his fist down into the chair booth, and cries out “WHAT THE HELL” and then he and the others all come together to try and figure out a way to help Akiren out of juvi. 
Ryuji gets up and says: Yeah! Now’s not the time to be hangin’ our heads!”
Then afterwards he firmly states: We’re gonna save our leader, no matter what it takes!”
Once Akiren is back, Ryuji is just so frikken overjoyed about it. In the anime he once again even calls out to Akiren as: RENREN! - In that excitable tone of his, showing just how happy he is.
Now we get to Valentines day. In the game if Akiren didn’t date any girls, Ryuji comes over and spends the day with Akiren. He even gives him chocolate. If Akiren asks Ryuji if it’s a confession he’s like: HELL NO.
And also depending on the choices you pick with Akiren there’s a dialogue path where Ryuji states he’s done with girls - and even though he says this: “you think I’ll get a girlfriend before I graduate highschool” - probably added for comedic affect, and Ryuji just pouting about it. He’s just a lonely boy really.
However that’s the in game version, but in the anime OVA hooo boooyyyy. That’s soo different! In the anime Valentines ova special.
In the anime ova special: A Magical Valentine’s Day-- Ryuji comes in all pouty. He even shakes Akiren asking him “what does it mean” after saying Yusuke got chocolates and after stating Mishima ain’t there. 
Ryuji sits back for a moment, then asks Akiren if he got any chocolates. Once Akiren says he didn’t Ryuji takes Akiren’s hand in both of his and sounds so jubilant that Akiren didn’t get any chocolates.
He cries out joyfully: “THAT’S MY RENREN!”
You hear that he says: MY
He calls Ren HIS! 
Not only that he’s cradling Ren’s hand in his, all tender like, and he gives him the chocolate. 
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Akiren then asks Ryuji if he’s his Valentine.
To which Ryuji replies: Yes, yes you are...
But upon realizing what he’s said, he gets undeniably flustered and adds: NOT!
At the end of it. But he fucking SAID it. He admitted that yes, Akiren was his Valentine. Even if he added the not on there. HE SAID YES. Not only that he said YES TWICE.
Then Ryuji suggests they close the shop and hang out.
Afterwards we get to see Akiren and Ryuji standing closely together in the attic, through the window, and Ryuji totally pulls Akiren closer to him. Heavily implying that they probably kissed. 
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Cause if you watch the whole special, every date ends with Akiren getting a kiss from his date!
So why the hell would Akiren and Ryuji’s special not end with a KISS? Even if we cannot clearly see that kiss. 
I’m not saying that they kissed...
Anyways, I’m just stating the fact that this pairing seems to sail itself in the main story of the game, and in the anime itself. There’s just so much between them that points to the fact that there’s much more going on with them than just being friends. 
Their relationship is made so it can be viewed in a romantic way. And I just happen to think that due to all this evidence, the subtle hints, the not so subtle hints, and the way Akiren and Ryuji seem to adore one another to the point they can tell each other anything, and everything, and be so trusting and physically affectionate - that Akiren/Ryuji is ENDGAME.
But hey that’s just a theory a GAME/ANIME THEORY! 
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I’m sorry. I’ll shut up now.
But before I do, this is just a reminder that this is all my personal views, and I’m not asking people to enjoy this ship. If you don’t care for this ship, or for Ryuji as a character, or you don’t think that Ryuji or Akiren are either gay/bi - then that’s fine with me. You can dislike this ship or not agree.
Just don’t come storming into my inbox, or reblogging this with negativity, I beg you. I don’t want to see any negative stuff being sent my way for just expressing my love for this ship. If you want to talk about your dislike for this ship then do it somewhere else and DON’T involve me! 
With that being said, I believe that Ryuji is bi, and Akiren is probably gay. And no matter what Atlus says contrary wise, there’s just too much implications to be denied here. Through the entire game and anime itself it just seems to hold so much Akiren/Ryuji content. There’s just so much of it that I’ve probably missed many scenes just while writing this post.
This is why to me Akiren/Ryuji are boyfriends and why they will always be my number 1 favorite Persona 5 ship.
A Good friend of mine put the relationship of Akiren/Ryuji into simple and sweet words and I’d like to share it as my closing statement:
My Good Friend: 
Don’t get me wrong, I love their canon friendship so much. Their loyalty and willingness to die for each other and their friends fills me with joy. But bro...They are so intimate that it borderlines their friendship and becomes something so much more. Its beyond friendship, and beyond romantic love
And it really baffles me that there is people out there that somehow cannot see this. Or that they dont think this is the case
Their relationship (romantic or platonic) is so raw and powerful that you can see it miles away, like the ship or the characters or not. I can make a whole essay of why Akiren/Ryuji IN GENERAL is so beautiful and why they are so perfect for each other.
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope to those of you who do enjoy this ship are pleased with this post~
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