#Imitation Pig's Intestine
buffetlicious · 1 year
Something new is in this takeaway pack of Vegetarian Rice for dinner. Yeah, it is the fried cereal prawn fritters or maybe is fish. :D The usual curry mock mutton & potato and imitation pig’s intestine & kidney.
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deshoveledmess · 1 year
List of Dishes to learn before ORD
- Bak Chor Mee - Har chiong kai - Cai Chao kueh - Char siew - Hei bi hiam (paste) - Hokkien mee - Chicken herbal soup - imitation crab soup - Pig intestine soup - Nai Nai’s fried rice - Sao rou - Char kuey teow - Xia mee
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sweetheartpowder · 2 years
Consumerist mothballs (II)
Mouth comes down on a smooth, almost fleshy, wet ball. Balancing boba, sticky Japanese donut, phone, hands vaguely covered in semi-sweet icing, now sticking to the phone as well. Every time I try to look like some New York it-bitch I end up looking like Ohio. Keep sticking my fingers in my mouth. The stick and saliva never ends.
Thinking things with no answers, for no reason, which tortures me. Is it mental illness, too much stimulation, society placing its toils upon me? Constantly staring up for answers, only naked trees, naked people in heaven-touching buildings on a wet, slinky sky.
I think about being a consumer. Supporting local business, but-goddamn-wasting-a-lot-of-plastic-why-isn't-plastic-banned-spoiled-being-able-to-buy-little-treats-often-places-deserve-to-make-money, etc., etc., etc.. Maybe I never did grow out of my childhood guilt.
Maybe the only thing that gives me joy is adorable food and beverage. Still imagine the cream puff imitating a pig I ate a few months ago. Sweet pink puff turning into sludge inside of me.
Seem to chew boredom, existentialism whether it's city, beach, farm. Can't commit to the bit I guess. Plus I fucking love buying shit. Balancing what's natural, good for me, reading the labels, clicking all the little links. Ding, ding, ding, my brain says.
I bite down on this cream puff and out of it pours intestines; I'm horrified but my mouth continues to pull it out, somehow they just keep coming. I'm pulling, pulling, they're sliding out of this beating, doughy puff, I start to cry.
Love to consume because I need distraction. Distraction from what? Thought I wanted more time to not think, but I may only want that for others. I want it all to go away. Then I think how much I'll suffer if I don't get a cream puff that looks like a beating heart.
In the white-light aisle, squeaking white floor, trying to decide if I really need fluoride in my toothpaste. Eying Tom's and some brand I'd never heard of. They all tell me the same things. It's just fucking toothpaste. I'm bored. Humanity is at the trough. Maybe I'm just guilty about different things now.
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
It's bja house alright tons saw it
https://youtu.be/uLeSNVKSpnY And he cannot put into words how it feels. He says stop pestering me. Then oh. He ate ppl in it after I left. His mom's parts meaning see. Intestines and more she made it out killed him a lot. She pestered him after he came right out and said it she got stabbed grabbed the knife cut him up bad left him for dead. Horrified she found him gutted him. Took it out kept it under lick and key we got it. We fished he's there in the house fiddling with knives we hit him now Tons will when they see who else he was eating in the house John c orielly bits of him. Pieces from Ronald spine surgery...bobs back surgery that's Andrew took a big chunk out walks funny he ate that cancer and all all analogies is ridiculous and a pig. Sandy had you do it all mostly they envmcouraged her but tried slowing it once you named them in 2005. The maps hacked off tons of yours limbs for affect you always fell for it. They ate islanders eat plenty of meet. Tons of meat. Ok. And our Kaiju eat them nightly But you devoured whole pieces of your neighbors and tiny pieces of Dan a big chunk of hesterburgh Jr his belly meat muscle and intestine. Carried himself funny forbyrars always saw bja. Hit him a lot after. Imitated Biden as a judge in Sarasota he thought it was Biden as it was smart. Bja fell apart still can't see it. He ate up Garth up to his head. And planned to eat both but failed chased the body they shot up any around then the town. Silent. Quiet. Tons loved it. And he ate tons of ppl around here partially Howard stern has the records and bothers him constantly to do stuff So does the Mac you here Tommy lost it to bja no gained it back tries to get him out using it Boa used the black guy look to shut dn the Mexican place to try hurting gators as he likes going there even though he tries stinking Every one here should ask Howard or Tommy for it stop the nonsense. It's healthy. Bja uses Howard and Tommy to ride you all and them. Counter extortion you hv this I threaten you. Howard gets it will send it soon to any who ask...but Howard is bja and we noted you noticed. Tommy f is not No he ain't So we send to those who act In our way...our time like next year ok when your all gone but our boy Thor
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rushorderapp · 7 years
Food From A Confessional: Pojangmacha Street Food
By Jason Yi
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Tacos, hot dogs, and halal — the food that quickly comes to mind for most people when thinking of street food. Yet, street food consists of so much more, especially in the multicultural melting pot that is Los Angeles. From the streets of East Asia to the South Central underground, LA’s diversity of culinary influences and options is unparalleled.
To try and cover all the street food options that LA has to offer in just one post wouldn’t be realistic. And so, today let’s delve into my personal favorite, Korean pojangmacha food. You’re probably wondering, what’s a pojangmacha? Pojangmachas are the iconic, tented street stalls of Korea that serve just as much as confessionals as they do as local pubs for the everyman. Patrons of all generations frequent these tarp-covered gastropubs for just about any occasion, whether that’s to drink their sorrows away or to celebrate anything worth celebrating.
To get a sense of the sort of food these pojangmachas offer, you have to first understand that pojangmachas (which translates into “covered wagons”) initially began as small carts that offered refuge for the working class from the monotony of everyday work. Accordingly, the food and drink needed to be universally affordable, yet still hearty and comforting. Menus mainly consisted of soju, Korea’s distilled rice liquor, and food that would best accompany this popular beverage, categorically termed, anju.
While I could write at length about the wide variety of foods covered under the umbrella of anju, we’re going to focus on three staple dishes you’ll find in almost every pojangmacha no matter where you go: tteokbokki, gimbap, and sundae. These also happen to be my three favorite anju foods.
Tteokbokki, one of Korea’s most popular dishes, translates to “stir-fried rice cakes.” Though there are various versions of the recipe, the dish fundamentally consists of chewy rice cakes and a medley of added ingredients, including fish cake, boiled eggs, and scallions in an addictive sweet and spicy gochujang-based (chili paste) sauce.
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Gimbap is another of Korea’s most popular dishes. At first glance, many express difficulty in differentiating between Korean gimbap rolls and Japanese sushi rolls. However, what separates them is that gimbap doesn’t include any form of raw seafood, and will instead contain a variety of fillings with sausage, bulgogi, ham, imitation crab meat, canned tuna, egg strips, kimchi, spinach, carrot, pickled radish, carrot, and cucumber being the most popular ingredients, all wrapped up in dried seaweed and rice.
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Finally, we have Sundae (or Soondae). And no, this sundae has nothing to do with ice cream sundaes. The proper pronunciation is actually “soon-dae.” Also known as the Korean blood sausage, its most common form is made of pig’s intestines, stuffed with cellophane noodles, barley, and pork blood. While a bit more on the exotic side, sundae is just as much of a signature dish as the former two listed above.
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Unfortunately, you won’t find any pojangmachas here in the US. However, you will find plenty of Korean restaurants serving pojangmacha food. And so, the next time you think of street food, hopefully what comes to mind isn’t the routine tacos, hot dogs, and halal, but perhaps more interestingly, tteokbokki, gimbap, and sundae.
Feature Image Photo Credit: ROKin’ Around Korea / Jessica Steele
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buffetlicious · 1 year
Breakfast from the coffeeshop near to where we are staying. Mum had the dry style Bak Chor Mee or Minced Pork Noodles (肉脞面). She chose mee pok (面薄) or flat yellow noodles for her carbohydrate. Toppings included braised mushrooms, boiled pork slices, pig’s livers and minced pork.
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As for me, I have the Vegetarian Rice with curry mock mutton & potato, imitation pig’s intestines and black pepper mock pork slices over white rice. Even though they are all plant-based foods, still we wanted them to look like the real thing they represented.
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buffetlicious · 1 year
Got this pack of Vegetarian Rice from the popular stall near my place. From the left, curry mock mutton & potato, stir-fried vegetables, deep-fried chicken drumstick made from bean curd skins with ice lolly stick for the bone and lastly, imitation pig’s intestines.
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buffetlicious · 1 year
If mum did not go to the market at Chong Pang, the most likely breakfast for me would be the Vegetarian Rice option. Here I am having the curry mock mutton with potato, creamy sweet imitation pork ribs and pig’s intestines made of flour.
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Meanwhile, mum had the dry style Bak Chor Mee or Minced Pork Noodles (肉脞面). If you eat it on premise, the noodles would have comes with a soup but takeaway option don’t. Mum chose mee pok (面薄) or flat and yellow noodles which is of Teochew origin and is commonly served in the Chaoshan region of China and countries with a significant Teochew Chinese immigrant population such as Southeast Asia.
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buffetlicious · 1 year
Normally when mum didn’t go to Chong Pang market, the nearby coffee shop would be the place she patronized. For brunch, she gotten for me the usual Vegetarian Rice with sweet & sour mock pork, imitation pig’s intestines under the wedge of bitter gourd omelette and my favourite curry mock mutton with potato.
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buffetlicious · 1 year
Breakfast bought from the coffee shop closer to home. Mum typically went for the Braised Duck Porridge when ordering from this stall. She will ask for extra portion of duck minus the skin. Because it is early, the economy rice stall is still in preparation so I chose Vegetarian Rice instead. Mine came with curry mock mutton and potato, a piece of crispy vegetable fritter and imitation pig’s intestines and kidney.
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buffetlicious · 3 years
These two boxes of Vegetarian Kway Teow (flat rice noodles) are my sis and mum’s breakfast. Both had mock char siu or char siew but my sis’s pack had a fried egg and chilli paste added.
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Me, I preferred my Vegetarian Rice with my favourite curry mock mutton & potato, mock pig’s intestines and an over easy egg.
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buffetlicious · 2 years
A late breakfast of Vegetarian Rice from the coffee shop stall about 10 minutes away from my place. Mock mutton & potato curry, imitation pig’s intestines and stewed bean curds with white rice.
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buffetlicious · 4 years
Sis’s Vegetarian Kway Teow (flat rice noodles) with mock pig’s offal (kidney & intestine) and char siew made from flour. Also included are some pickled green chilli and chilli sauce.
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As for me, my Vegetarian Rice has braised fried bean curd skin, a deep-fried “chicken drumstick” made from bean curd skin wrapped around a wooden ice cream stick and curry mutton with potato.
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buffetlicious · 6 years
Brunch is a takeaway pack of Vegetarian Rice but since after my operation, I have been cutting down on carbs and concentrating more on fish, lean meats and leafy vegetables.
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