#Ik I can just call him and play Roblox together while on a call but like
machathecat · 5 months
Being an only child suck so much man
I can't have fun I'm always alone everytime my favorite cousin come over or I go to his house I have the best time of my life cause we play fighting and we go together on our games and we do dumb stuff and it's so cool but like they're family never stay more than 2-3 days and I'm just so fucking lonely I want someone to play with I want someone to comfort me after my dad yelled at me for half an hour for dumb stuff why does life hate me T-T
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spinobsessed · 2 months
TTG Rant
tbh I don’t have many major issues with Teen Titans Go, like yeah it’d be cool if there were actual stories told rather than stuff that’s canon one episode then thrown away the next; kinda like what Adventure Time did at the beginning. But the only thing I really don’t like is how they don’t rlly seem to be friends in the show. They’re teammates who play and sing and dance and party and fight together, but they just don’t really seem like friends
There no banter it’s genuine insults and there’s hardly any serious moments where we can be like “yeah they like each other” (Ik it’s not a serious show but you can have a shitposting type show while having actual character moments) other than Cyborg and Beast Boy playing video games. This isn’t hate on the writers but imo it’d be more watchable if the characters had chemistry. I’ve tried to watch the series and I can’t get past the episodes I remember airing from when I was like 4-7 bc so much of the humor involves hurting someone in a way that feels genuine or just childish jokes (more the former)
There’s gonna be ppl who hate it bc it’s not the og show, but I just dislike it bc there’s nothing serious abt the show. The only things rlly set in stone are their designs, the setting, and their powers but everything else is free to change when the plot calls for it as if they’re puppets that kids are using. I’ve had more in depth roleplays in “Wolves Life” on Roblox when I was 8; glowing dragon wings, boombox, truth or dare, and all
p.s. this was inspired by a ttg fan comic I’m reading on deviantart where Beast Boy was doing bad during training and when Cyborg and Robin were talking abt it, Cyborg suggested he asks what’s wrong and Robin said BB told him he was fine but if he doesn’t get himself together he’ll have to find a replacement. That got me thinking on the difference between Teen Titans Robin and Beast Boy and Teen Titans Go’s version. In both shows BB being on the team was a conflict, but in TT Robin was still trying to help BB remember what happened so he wouldn’t have to for the safety of the team; while TTG Robin was similar to the comic. In one example you can tell Robin actually likes Beast Boy and wants him to stay while in the other he sees him as replaceable, you don’t see your FRIEND as replaceable
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