luckyshotwrites · 1 year
Chapter 1 - Kidnapped by The Hero
Contents (Warnings/Mild spoilers): Introducing Matchbook and how he became a sidekick to one of the strongest heros in the world... (Unwilling prey, willing pred, observer, safe soft vore, goofy shenanigans)
Wordcount: 2,500+
Side note: ENJOY!
No one knows how or why, but one day, everyone gained unique powers or appearances. Some believed it was the next step in evolution, others that it was a lab experiment gone wrong and spread through people like a virus, the result of aliens, meteors, and gods. The theories were endless. 
And whatever caused it sent the world into chaos. It took so long to get where we were now...still filled with turmoil, yet we at least had great and mighty heroes watching over the city. They saved us when regular officials like police, firefighters, and others couldn't. 
And I-
"Hey, Matchbook, can you give me a light before you go?" His coworker held out his cigarette.
Match sighed. This one was the fifth he was asked to light today, "Sure."
He snapped his fingers. It created a small flame at the end of Match's middle finger. He tipped it forward to light the cancer stick.
His coworker raised a brow suspiciously at the gesture and chuckled. It was the easiest finger to light.
It'd light the tip like a match. He technically could do any of his fingers as long as he could snap them. Hence the name, Matchbook.
He couldn't make his flames any bigger unless they caught something, and once they caught onto something else, he no longer controlled them.
The caramel brown-haired male shook his hand a few times. He felt blessed he could put it out and that his body was fireproof. Something he found out the fun way when his youngest sister, a fire-breather, sneezed and caught his clothes on fire.
He walked along the sidewalk. A few construction specialists worked on the richer buildings destroyed during a villain attack.
It took him an hour before he saw his apartment complex in sight. If he had his ride, it would have been faster. Though his bike ended up a snack for a jelly villain, he waited on the collateral claim to go through for a replacement. I wish I lived closer to the sandwich shop. 
Match had worked there for a year now and though it was mindless work, he loved the simplicity of it. An easy and calm system that gave him plenty of time to think about-
The feminine voice shouted from behind him. He opened his mouth to respond, yet the RuuMmbBBleEe of the destruction nearby made him shut his mouth back up. He picked up the pace subtly. He wanted to pretend he didn't hear them.
Sir. I'm barely 20. 
A hand firmly gripped Match's arm.
He turned himself around and was almost face-to-face with a woman. She was a little shorter than himself. Up close, he could hear her huffing, her collar was loose, and she was clearly sweating with her blonde bob haircut sticking to her forehead.
Did she just run a marathon? Was she chasing me this whole time?
He noticed the notepad in her hand. She smiled at him. A spark of determination glistened in ruby-red eyes.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
She nodded and held up her notepad, "sorry to bother you, sir." Do I really look that old?! We look about the same age. "I wanted to know, have you see The Hero?"
"Which one?" He asked. I don't see why I said which one. I hadn't seen a single one today.
She shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose, "this always happens. Why would he pick such a stupid name?" She let her hand fall and repeated her question. "The Hero is their superhero name." She started to do a heroic pose. It allowed me to see her muscles past her rolled-up sleeves. She looks in pretty good shape for a journalist. If that's what she is. 
"He's one of the strongest in the world, the one who..." she curled her fist and shook it up at the sky, "SOMEHOW HAS A NONEXISTENT BACKSTORY AND REFUSES TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT."
"Do you have a vendetta against-"
"YES." She held up her notepad, "I have been chasing that idiot all over the city! I know he's around here somewhere. So again, have you-" There was another loud bang, and they could see the furrow of smoke. It looked and sounded closer. "seen him?"
Her attention looked drawn to the smoke. He assumed she might start running toward it if he said no.
She's going to get herself hurt, isn't she... He shook his head, "I haven't. It does sound like you should get to a shelter, though." If she's willing to run into danger, she most likely has the power to back herself up.
"No way, it might be linked to the hero!"
He lifted his hand to wave her off, and the next eruption stole his chance. On the fifth floor, overhead, an object crashed straight through the building and into the one next to it. They only partially went through the second building. Instead, it hit the bricks, broke some of them, and landed in the middle of the alley.
Her arm whipped up and clenched around his shirt. She yanked him into her. They both stumbled back to avoid some of the falling pieces of an apartment. They crumbled into the sidewalk where he once stood. Their dust exploded out and near his running shoes. That wouldn't have been a good trip to the hospital. 
The few people on the streets started to scatter. Match went to take off too. He also expected the woman to evacuate and noticed she didn't follow him.
He slowed down, "Hey, we got to get to a shelter. Let a hero handle it!"
She squinted, fascinated with the alley. She pulled me out of the way. He whipped his head back to her.
"Which hero is that?" Match heard her whisper as he got close. He went to reach for her himself. His eyes suddenly tracked an object darting at them, or more so, a person wearing a torn wrestling uniform with a cape.
The being tackled by the woman before Match reached her. They tackled her into the street, and she whined out.
Match turned his head to see the man over her. His muscles looked to grow.
He cackled as she twisted in his grasp. "Give up, little girl, you're gonna be my hostage," the hefty man in the skin-tight wrestling leotard started to lean toward her face.
I can't fight him. He's huge. He looks like he could bench me. He tensed up as he heard a faint whistle behind him. Is that another villain? He didn't want to turn around and find out. If anything, he wanted to leave her.
I don't know her. He snapped his fingers and went to the villain's back while distracted by the woman. He put the tiny flame on the villain's black cape until it caught fire.
He threw himself back and shouted, "OH NO, Your cape's on fire!"
The villain's attention was pulled from the woman and to the flames that spread up most of his cape. It allowed the journalist to finally land a solid blow to his crotch.
The man hollered out, weakly undoing his cape while he rolled on the ground. Ouch. The whistling got louder, and Match ran to her, "Come on!"
He grabbed her wrist and did not expect the man to get up quickly, "YOU BRAT'S!" He shouted from behind. They barely started running, and the man was up and after them.
His feet pounding on the streets, he got bigger and bigger like he fed off their fear. And Match had a ton of it.
"TO YOUR RIGHT!" A voice yelled. Another being slammed into the concrete, seemingly face-first into the road. The three of them stopped including the villain. The helmet-clad individual in full black stumbled up, his costume snug, showing off his toned shape, rippled with strength.
He also stood much taller than the average Hero, the size of most villains. He dusted off the visor of his helmet. It was unscathed from the fall. His mouth was uncovered. He walked to them calmly.
"Are you two alright?" His voice carried sweetly to their ears. He held as much care as a grandma wondering if they were well-fed.
Match nodded.
The woman said, "The Hero, I need to talk to you." She went to him, and his face grimaced. As much as Match could tell with his mouth.
The villain's arm wrapped around Match's neck. "You-you stay back." It didn't seem as strong as before. "I'll kill him."
The Hero held his hands up. "Put him down; he's not involved."
Match snapped his fingers again and put the flame to the man's arm. He cried out at the heat and dropped him. And in that second, The Hero grabbed Match and moved him to the sidewalk out of the street.
"Is your throat okay?"
Match rubbed it while the man didn't squeeze too hard. "I'm okay."
Though, Match saw The Hero's attention was elsewhere. The man had gotten skinnier; his outfit barely fit.
Suddenly, everything stopped. It was like not a single person's heart took a beat. The Hero walked ahead calmly. Match saw the smile rise on his face. It showed the sharp incisors that normally didn't show when he spoke.
"You've destroyed property, attempted robbery, and now you've threatened a civilian's LIFE." He boomed with laughter when the man tried to move, and he fell back onto his Kester.
"I'm sorry-I'll go quietly."
The Hero grabbed his helmet and took it off. It bounced on the floor like a toy, and increased in size.
Match watched, seeing the blue of his eyes bursting with hunger and excitement.
The fear-stricken villain stumbled to get to his feet, and all The Hero did was sway like a drunkard.
"You will go," his hand reached out and grabbed the loose uniform's front. He yanked up the man with very few muscles left.
His hands pushed weakly, and he couldn't even plead.
Match couldn't turn away. The Hero's mouth opened wide, and he muffled the man's whimpers with his tongue. It twisted partially around the man's head before bringing him inside his mouth.
His mind went blank as he watched the villain flail helplessly in the air, simply nothing more than a bulge traveling further into The Hero. It reminded him of a snake, slowly, surely, and efficiently forcing its prey down their bodies. Except this man was very much alive, it was apparent from every little twinge he saw from The Hero's body's reaction to the slow-growing stomach.
Match didn't know how long he watched. It felt like seconds before there was a final swallow and a satisfied exhale from The Hero. His tongue traced his lips, and he smiled.
He patted his middle, "Secured. I'll take you in soon."
Villains eat people. Not Heroes. He thought. The smiling Hero walked to Match.
The woman's voice interrupted them, "Hey, the hero, YOU'RE GOING TO ANSWER MY QUESTIONS THIS TIME!" She walked up to him even though she was the same height as his thigh and stood back to look at his face without his stomach obscuring her.
He put up his hands and stared down at her the best he could. "I think you have me mistaken for another hero. I'm not the Hero; I'm heroooo."
He's a terrible liar...His thoughts refocused on the giant. How can she talk so close to him like that?! I have never seen HIM eat a villain. Now that he considered it, he rarely saw media of The Hero even though he famously stopped a lot of villains.
"You can't keep avoiding me!" She followed him as he moved again.
He walked until he stood over Match and dropped into a squat, almost tipping from the weight and struggling inside him. Yet he wore a harmless smile.
Match's eyes struggled to stay on Hiro's face. They continued to trail down to the very active gut he sported. There's a living person in there.
"Great job on your heroics! I saw them when I was coming down!" He cheered to Match.
His hand came out the best it could at their distance. He tried to pat Match's head. Rather, he tapped it with his fingertips. "Are you another hero's sidekick in training?"
Why is she okay with that? She's willing to tug on the back of his costume, which doesn't even look stretched with his increased size. Match couldn't find the words quite yet. I've heard about others eating each other but never seen it...
"HELLO?" The Hero waved his hand in front of Match's face. His eyes then widened, "did you get hurt?!"
The concern shoved Match from thought. "N-no," everything The Hero said finally processed fully. "To both questions."
The bright smile widened with childish glee, "THAT'S PERFECT!" He grabbed the front of Match's black graphic T, "I'm in desperate need of a sidekick!" The Hero tugged Match into himself and pressed him close to his side under his arm.
He faced the other way and at least didn't face his abdomen. He could feel it at his hips, though.
"Huh?" Surely he doesn't mean...
He could feel The Hero's body tighten, explicitly the tenseness at his legs, "Stand back, miss." The Hero said to the journalist. She begrudgingly had no choice as he pushed her back.
"HOLD ON, I didn't agree to be your-"
"LET'S GO!" The next thing Matchbook knew was that he was shot upward into the air. It made him scream as they rose higher and higher above the city.
It would have been beautiful if Match didn't have a fear of heights, more specifically, FALLING! Everyone and everything looked so small. Please, please, please PUT ME DOWN NICELY!
Soon, they went out past the docks, finally starting to slow down, but now they were over the water.
"Shoot, I overshot the docks again!"
"Overshot! You can fly!" Match exclaimed.
The Hero laughed, "Ha, you're right!" They started to fall toward the water. "I simply have to remember how I do that again."
"WHAT!" I shouted.
The Hero let Match go from under his arm. It allowed him to fall slower with the push The Hero did.
Match could see the smile that spelled out 'oopsie' moments before The Hero's back struck the water followed by Match.
To Be Continued...eventually.
Next Chapter
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I Get Roped Into Being A Hero! (Synopsis/Chapter List) - In Progress
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luckyshotwrites · 1 year
"I Get Roped Into Being A Hero"
(Synopsis/Chapter List) - In Progress
Everything will be edited and re-done at a later date! (ALSO @vore-toast for helping me with the title!)
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"I get roped into being a hero," uses Vore as a plot device in a goofy world where villains and superheroes clash daily. The main story revolves around Matchstick, a "willing" sidekick of one of the greatest and most mysterious heroes in the world, Hiro. Basically thrown into the fray, Matchbook is either going to have to learn how to handle himself in this crazy world of heroes or find a way to escape, the ever so persistent and passionate, Hiro. A fiction, comedy, action story, packed with Hijinx, Character developments, a tiny bit of Angst, and subtle world building.
~~Table Of Contents~~
Chapter One - Kidnapped By The Hero - Matchbook is "recruited" by The Hero
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