#Idalia Ortolano
fictionalreads · 11 months
From Scratch thoughts
First off, why the hell didn’t I know this shit was that sad. I cried almost every episode and for those last few it was nonstop. My eyes are puffy.
Anyway. Spoilers I guess even though it’s been out a while now.
Lino and Amy
Why were they so cute? Like. Lino is adorable. He was good to her and her to him (minus the giancarlo situation). I mean that proposal.
Lino is comparable to Jack Pearson (iykyk). Yes. I said that. And I stand by it too.
Amy is stronger than me cause I would’ve been like
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Actually, I was like that and I was just a spectator.
I knew (from years of watching tv) that the cancer was gonna come back and it would be the end for him but it still got me.
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She was wonderful. Seeing her understand what was happening, worrying about her mom and then her own grief coming out in Sicily.
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The goat, the queen. I loved her so much
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I was glad when she told Amy off cause I think it was something they both needed. Amy was being selfish and needed to hear that to be reminded that it wasn’t all about her. Zora needed to get it off her chest that she felt unseen and that nobody was looking out for her.
Also, she was so pissed she wasn’t talking to her sister but the minute she saw the restaurant was closed she didn’t call, she went straight over to their place to make sure they were okay.
I’m glad she found Zen, he was someone who saw how hard she loved and how she took care of everyone else and then decided he was gonna take care of her.
But why did they have to treat her like the red headed stepchild? I swear every time something good happened to her, something Amy did it was a part of overshadowed it. I didn’t like it.
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She’s gonna be an awesome mom.
LMAO When she was holding Amy while she fell apart and said “I don’t want you to get mad but have you bathed? Cause you stink.”
Also, the fact that she was keeping her promise to Lino by helping Amy put the pieces back together? Sobs. Intense sobs.
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I loved every interaction she had with Lino. It was so pure and lovely to see. That was her brother and you couldn’t tell her otherwise. He got on her nerves but their friendship and bond was beautiful.
I wish I had seen a little more of Ken. Like in regards to Amy. I wish I could’ve seen him be there for her as she had a moment where she broke or something. I would’ve liked to have seen that they had a bind as much as Zora and Lino did.
Amy’s parents
At the beginning all of them got on my nerves. Then I came around. Gotta take the good with the bad
They ended up being so supportive and I loved to see it in a black family on screen.
I loved that the three of them ended up walking Amy down the aisle.
I loved that Lynn (eventually) acknowledged that Maxine was a mother to Zora and Amy. That during the scene where idalia came home she told her “I was only saying I was overwhelmed and didn’t know what the hell I was doing, not that you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
I love that Maxine basically said the entire series “imma keep it cute and classy cause you the mama but don’t get it twisted bitch, I raised those girls”. As she should have, cause we don’t diminish the role of found family over here. Found parents included.
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Lino’s parents
I will always give Giacomo credit for trying in the end, but I will never forget what he said and did to Lino before that.
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At first glance I didn’t like Filomena. Cause no man was gonna tell me I couldn’t go to my son’s wedding. But the more I watched the more I understood her. It was simply what she knew cause that’s how she was raised. We were raised completely differently. Which means we see the world completely differently.
Do I agree with her actions? No, but I can empathize with her.
I think that was the friction between her and Amy. Amy was raised to be assertive and definitely less conservative. I think Filomena had a hard time with Amy’s openness.
I was glad to see in the end she was able to connect with her and give her that land. I think it meant a lot to Filomena that her son’s family still had connections to his heritage and his home.
Wish we had seen Lino’s sister a little more and saw their relationship.
Y’all. When Idalia went to see him for the last time, I was done for.
Just realized that Lino always wanted to go back to Sicily to show his wife and daughter and never got the chance to do it while he was alive.
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In conclusion, Netflix,
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