#IVX News
racefortheironthrone · 3 months
How do you feel about revolutionary era cyclops? Both in premise and execution?
A fascinating premise fatally undermined in execution by contradictory editorial and writing choices.
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To start with, Revolutionary Cyclops was a completely logical extension of where Cyclops’ character arc had been going ever since Utopia and AvX and the Phoenix Five. All his life, Scott Summers had been Charles Xavier’s perfect soldier - not his favorite student or his most trusted student, by the one that Xavier could count on to put the mission above himself no matter the cost. And for many decades, that’s who Cyclops was, to the point where it destroyed his first marriage and caused his second to founder under the weight of his repression and trauma. But after the Decimation, Scott had to move past that, to take up the mantle of independent leadership for mutantkind - something he pursued with unflinching pragmatism and ruthlessness, before it culminated in the ultimate Oedipal rebellion. So having completely severed himself from the legacy of Charles Xavier and his dream, Cyclops had to find a new purpose, a new direction for his life, and he found it in revolutionary politics. I think that’s a quite compelling arc.
Where I think the execution got messed up was that editorial clearly wanted to portray him as being in the wrong, another well-intentioned extremist in the vein of Magneto (who not coincidentally was increasingly loyal to and admiring of Cyclops as time went on), but Brian Michael Bendis never quite agreed. We would keep reading stuff about how Scott was going too far, that his ends couldn’t justify his means, and so on - but when it came to actually showing on the page what he was doing, it wasn’t anything more extreme than the X-Men had done in their “outlaw” era, and arguably much less morally questionable than the stuff he did when he was running Utopia and was coded more consistently as heroic. (This reached its peak of ridiculousness in the post-Bendis era with Death of X and IvX, where turned out that the thing that had convinced the world Cyclops was “worse than Hitler” was to make a big psychic projection of his head and destroy one of the Terrigen Mist clouds that were threatening to wipe out mutantkind.)
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scarlet--wiccan · 5 months
(Slight spoilers in FotHoX in this ask) You’ve talked a lot about pietro’s costume lately, do you have any thoughts on Lorna’s? I feel like her og costume was pretty great, idk why she gets so many redesigns (although I really like her new one) especially compared characters like Kannon who direly need an updated look. Not sure what’s going on with her hat/helmet head/hairpiece, though
Lorna has had a lot of notably different costume designs. I think that's partly due to how often she's been mind-controlled-- she gets a new look whenever she's possessed by Malice, or manipulated by Eric the Red, or turned into a Horseman, etc, etc. A lot of these incidents happened relatively early in her history, so I feel like she just never got to settle on one iconic, defining look. She has this dark, kind of edgy aesthetic that comes and goes over the years, and she's also been shuffled around a lot of different X-teams, so she's worn a lot of different uniforms.
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Her original costume is probably my personal favorite. The outfit itself is really pretty, and her headpiece is clearly evocative of Magneto's helmet while still retaining a unique look. The updated, 2006 version of this look is really popular, but I think it lacks the unique charm of the original, and I don't like how it makes her look like a green version of Wanda, especially with the simplified headpiece.
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I want to like her darker, edgier looks more. The Dark Seduction design is amazing, in concept, but I never like the way it's drawn. The 2003-era Uncanny X-Men design feels better suited to a magical, fantasy character, and this purple-and-green look from 2010s X-Factor is just really ugly, which is unfortunate because I quite like the silhouette on her.
I think I'm in the minority of readers who really, really liked Lorna's X-Men (2021) design. Her writing in the Krakoan era was a little all over the place, but this outfit suits her personality in the book really well. It's cool, it's modern, it is a very successful example of how to incorporate a short dress into a superhero costume, which, next to early-Krakoa Jean, feels like a win. It stood out like a sore thumb because it was one of the only new designs in the book, but I think you could build a cohesive collection of team uniforms around this one design, if you wanted to.
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That brings us to today, and the first issue of Fall of the House of X. Let's cut to the chase-- I love this look. It's beautiful, it's elegant, it's imposing, the details are very modern, and it brings back that darkness, which I think Lorna is going to be drawing on quite heavily this year. I don't like it when people reduce Lorna to just "girl-Magneto," but having her take on Magneto's mantle makes sense in moments like this, and I think this design still has a distinct personality. It feels like a very elevated version of this short-lived look from IvX.
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positivelybeastly · 6 months
What are your thoughts on the cerebro podcast stance on Hank?
My immediate thoughts are that I would fight Connor Goldsmith in the street.
Nah, that's an exaggeration, but I certainly don't have a lot of nice thoughts.
The biggest problem I had was that, considering those podcasts are meant to be an exhaustive, deep dive into a character, the host outright saying, oh yeah, I'm just kinda not covering anything about him from 1974 to 1986 because he isn't in X-Men comics, strikes me as an immediate admission that you don't really care about the character, you care about pushing your thoughts on the character. I immediately discount your read as bad faith, in that you refuse to confront facts over your opinion, and this is something I find, like, really depressingly common about Hank?
Hank's time on the Avengers counts. Hank's time on the Defenders counts. Hank's time with the Secret Avengers, with the Inhumans, with S.W.OR.D, in Marvel Team-Up, in issues of Spider-Man, they all count. Those appearances did still happen, even if you choose not to read them because you like staying in the X-Men hemisphere of the Marvel Universe.
And I don't blame people for doing that, god knows there's enough X-Men to read, except for when they start simultaneously wanting everything to revolve around the latest mutant tragedy but also don't want the Avengers to come anywhere near their comics because they're cops (which, what the fuck ever).
I almost think it's some kind of resentment towards Hank, that he dared to cross over to other teams. How dare he be popular in other spheres. How dare he not bleed, sweat and cry for the X-Men ever minute of every day. How very well dare he. People call him a race traitor because he sided with the Avengers in Avengers vs X-Men and was neutral during Inhumans vs. X-Men, and I really do roll my eyes at that because if you actually bother to read those books, he's actually usually talking sense and trying to be a bridge between the two parties, but he's regarded as a giga-traitor because he wasn't sucking Cyclops or Storm's dicks constantly.
Like, it's an actual fact that Hank was trying to talk the Avengers out of taking down the Phoenix Five, because he trusted the people the Phoenix was inhabiting. It's an actual fact that if he had been allowed to go back to New Attilan and explain that the Terrigen Cloud was about to start an extinction level event, Medusa would have dispersed the Cloud and avoided the whole conflict. But knowing that requires reading AvX and IvX, and people don't wanna do that, and that's fine, but if you want to start bringing that shit up in a way that makes it clear you're talking about what you remember rather than what actually happened, you best come correct, because I operate based on panels, not based on fucking vibes.
And maybe that's an exaggeration, maybe that's just sour grapes towards a fandom that's been vilifying this character since the Utopia era, but I honestly don't think it's that off base, considering how extremely weird some X-Men fans can get about the Avengers and other teams.
"WHERE WERE THE AVENGERS WHEN GENOSHA WAS BURNING - " Bro, it ain't that deep, they were saving the world from Kang. Also, this level of surface level criticism towards comic book media (you see it all the time in MCU reviews, where people ask, why didn't Dr. Strange help during this movie or this scene) just kinda bores me, because you buy X-Men to see X-Men.
Would it really make you happier if an Avenger turned up every issue to say something devastating to an anti-mutant racist and turn to the camera and give a thumbs up? No, you'd complain that they're taking up valuable panel space that could be devoted to another character's development (rightfully so), and point out that if you wanted to see Avengers, you'd read Avengers (also rightfully so).
This is all preamble to another eye roll worthy moment about the Cerebrocast, and granted, it's one that the host has said was a joke, but the whole bit about Avengers being cops . . . like, yeah, I get it, it's a joke, but you forgot to be funny about it, and it also just exposes the ignorance and bias that also leads you to state that you can totally give a legitimately informed opinion on Hank McCoy without reading a twelve year stretch where he underwent a lot of character development.
Anyway, where was I - oh yeah, so the fandom. A lot of the fandom, and I really don't think Goldsmith is immune to this, likes to operate based on vibes when it comes to Hank. They read All-New X-Men, they read X-Force, and they think they know the character, and they just like to go off, even though forming an opinion on Hank McCoy based on those runs is like having an opinion on Cyclops based on just the 90s TV show. It's not exactly a complete understanding of the character, now, is it?
And guess what? You're more than entitled to have that opinion! I don't believe in gatekeeping! What I do believe in, is staying in your lane when your understanding of a subject is demonstrably incomplete. Talk less, listen more.
People like to act like the Cerebrocast is some kind of rubber stamp, like it came down with THE FACTS on Hank McCoy, just because Connor Goldsmith had a two minute rant about the Threnody situation locked and loaded and ready to go from moment one, and, like.
I'm really glad you're passionate about Threnody, bro, someone out there has to be, but - and I hate to be this guy, I really do, but when you want to say you know Beast, you invite it - I know more about Hank McCoy than you do.
Just 'cause you've got a podcast and I don't (not about X-Men, anyway) doesn't mean you're the authority. Thanks for helping to poison the well on this character I enjoy. I can now no longer post panels of Hank being cute on Reddit because there will be at least three people talking about Threnody or X-Force or the Cerebrocast, and that's just mentally exhausting.
TL:DR - I did not enjoy the Cerebrocast episode on Hank McCoy. You should also check out this post by most beloved @brw where they cover this from the same angle, but with some different points.
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brw · 1 year
not to bother more people but like... ive said it before and i will say it again; there's nothing wrong with an evil hank. i do think he absolutely has dubious morals, dubious ideas, dubious motivations that could be exploited in ways to make him the worst possible version of himself. it's what makes him an interesting character–that there are so many ways he could be evil, so many events in his life that would be a villain origin story in any other characters' history, and yet he remains someone who tries to think about ethics, that makes his friends laugh, who is considerate and kind and likes to play music and quote shakespeare.
the thing isn't that hank is evil, it's the fact that hank is just unbelievably , cartoonishly evil. he's not a convincing character anymore, because every evil aspect of him is so greatly exaggerated he genuinely feels like a star wars villain more than anything else. wherever as before, while Hank was questionable, even at his worst moments you could always empathise with him or at the very least understand where he was coming from; he's clearly torn up while doing shit for the illuminati, or while he's working with dark beast in endangered species, or when he's teaming up with supervillians to cure the legacy virus or when he's faced with his consequences in all new x-men. even during ivx, when his reasons were bogus, you at the very least could understand where he was coming from from an ethical perspective even if it was fucking stupid.
And every time where Percy has had an opportunity to display an understanding of Hank or even like reference anything that might be consequential or interesting or impact him, he just doesn't. Like it does feel like there's zero consideration into how a character like Hank would actually evolve into an evil character, which Dark Beast did. Dark Beast was interesting because despite being a clearly and overtly evil person, he also had emotional draws even he hadn't managed to rid himself of; one of the most interesting comics with Dark Beast is X-Men Unlimited #10, where he's unable to kill Hank's parents after hearing about their genuine love for their son.
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I'm not convinced if asked Percy would comfortably name who Hank's parents actually are. And it's unfortunate because it ends up feeling like Percy has a shockingly na��ve idea of what evil people look like despite the actual content of his comics. That they're clearly and overtly insane, cruel, sadistic, literally making torture stations in space or killing their closest friends and are overall easy to hate and easy to dismiss as being nothing like yourself. And no, not every villain has to be a deep nuanced portrayal of corruption and how even those with the best intentions can become warped and lead astray, but Hank was once a nuanced character. He was interesting, once.
What made Hank so interesting again, was that he could have very easily been evil the moment he became blue and furry, but wasn't. He became an Avenger and when that didn't work, applied himself to the Defenders. He was kind. He made friends. He played the guitar and was deeply upset when he couldn't anymore when he became catlike. Like when he says in New X-Men #117, the reason he avoids violence is because he believes in other, better, bigger things.
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Again. I do think Hank can be morally questionable and dubious and do incredibly unethical things in the name of the greater good.... but he is also someone who loves his friends and that doesn't stop being a factor. Evil shouldn't be a supervillian who will literally shoot some of his closest friends in the back and use their bodies against their will and break a submarine in half condemning men with families and children to death, we don't need that. It doesn't serve any purpose than a cartoonishly caricatured antagonists for heroes to take down. What makes a morally dubious Hank interesting is the fact that people can still at least understand where he's coming from. Understand his thoughts and motivations and when done well even relate to them. That he could still be loving and caring and funny and kind and still do horrible things, because being evil doesn't miraculously remove your ability to make jokes.
It's just frustrating. Because I feel like the only thing the increasingly ridiculous feats of evilness do is just make it more and more likely that the next status quo will just reset Hank rather than deal with all that unless they just want full on Cassandra Nova deranged villain. And it's annoying because there are so much potential here but instead that's being ignored in favour of the shock factor and it's frustrating because I do enjoy the darker side of Krakoa–but there's no believability in making a bunch of clones to make up for your team, who will probably end up turning on themselves in like an issue for again, shock factor.
Anyway I'll get off my soap box but basically I think Hank would be more interesting as an actually morally grey character rather than all out evil, or at least an evil person you can understand and share motivations with. Instead he's literally just cartoon character villain with a little more blood and gore than usual.
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coco-little-rose · 1 year
I read a very strange article from an official newspaper, probably the equivalent of fox news in my country so it could be a misinterpretation on their part, about a billionaire named Peter Thiel and how he used the blood of his son to try to stay young (by transfusion of course).His main focus is "the transfusion of blood from a young individual to an older man."
It's funny to think he hold the same belief than Madame de Montespan, a mistress of Louis IVX in France. Only the method change, because she take part in black mass and children blood was used for various reason: to keep the king in love with her, sometimes black mass was performed over her nude body because at this time, people held the belief that children bloods could be use as "an elixir of youth".
We're in 2023, rich people understand that children blood can't be use as a love potion but they still focus on youth. If you are scare of aging, try to find some useful thing about alzheimer, parkinson and all.
Is it fear of aging or fear of death? but sorry you could just spend ressources around more useful research.
Also this reminds me Peter Pan from Once Upon a Time :D
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xkeyon · 2 years
Inhumans mini idea
An Inhumans mini called Inhumanity, 5 issues where each issue is a seperate story:
Issue 1 would focus on Luna Maximoff, along with Haechi, Inferno, Synapse, and Quicksilver. It would be a basic superhero feel but dive into the Warrior spirit most Inhumans have. That things like the Caste system were created to at first to limit the numbers so they don't become to militaristic and start a war with humans, along with having other duties still being preformed. But with the world having changed and Nuhumans wanting to still do work from their old lives Inhumans of Attilan have started new Warrior lodges of old.
Issue 2 would be Leer, along with Grid, Swain, Naja, and others but they wouldn't get real focus. Relaunching and Refocusing the Royal Inhuman Diplomatic Mission into more of an archeological one hoping to find lost Inhumans kingdoms. Along with going into a more personal connection with their powers, that it is more then getting a new ability but becoming ones true self.
Issue 3 has finally Petras active but he Moongirl, Glassgirl, along with those 3 young Inhumans from IvX looking into young ones seeing the similarities and differences between Inhumans and Human cultures.
Issue 4 drawing a HUGE blank all I know Alecto would be a focus point and it wouldn't have any of the Inhumans from the other so read issue 5 idea then ya if anyone have any ideas.
Issue 5 would have Ahura Boltagon, Puppy, Treste, Iso, Tonja, Alaris, and the Unspoken. Ahura would run into Treste and see the differences of noble line Inhumans to commoner. Along with Attilans status on its worth to the rest of the world seeing also what stuff from Attilan would have followed those who started the other Kingdoms. But the biggest thing is the goal of the reunification of Inhumanity Ahura is trying to do starting with New Attilan as its Crown Prince, and Ennilux as the CEO.
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opticblasting · 1 year
🔥 unpopular X-Men opinion!
I guess this might come off as biased considering my url but whatever: I genuinely think if you don't like Scott Summers that you don't get the X-Men. Like if you asked me who are the two X-Men that come to my mind - as in which two X-Men absolutely fit the definition of X-Men, it's Scott and Ororo, no contest. But obviously everyone loves Ororo, if you don't love Ororo you're not a real person and people should not be talking to you or taking you seriously. But I digress. I think you can make an argument of the fact that if you read the Claremont stuff and whatnot that Scott is very much not meant to be the main character and that this take is largely informed by the big push he got in the 2000s and onward ala New X-Men (Morrison/Quietly/co.), but also its important to consider that in spite of that he's still really fucking interesting and his entire character arc from NXM all the way until like... IVX (bad as it is) really encapsulates the X-Men experience.
Going from the child soldier who led but followed orders struggling with the weight of everything but repressing it all for the sake of everything else to being someone who can stand his own ground against the father he loved who is why he is the way he is to leading a mutant nation and defying that father to being the face of the mutant revolution and keep pushing to save his own race..... it's compelling and to me encapsulates the experience because ultimately if you're being raised to protect your people at one point you're going to be radicalized by it all. And at his peak (even if Revolutionary era is better conceptually than execution) he ends up being the blend of Xavier and Magneto, who are the de-facto faces of the mutant conversation, so like, hard to say you like the X-Men when you don't like the guy that truly represents it in a way that is so authentic to it all.
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"If you can hear my voice and you are mutant… you are not alone. Do not let the humans dictate the course of your life. If you are mutant you are part of an elite species that deserves every freedom. Don't worry, my brother and sister of the atom. We are the X-Men and we stand together."
Unpopular Opinion asks
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40 for the salty comics asks!
40. What’s your most detested plot point?
Hmmmm........in terms of Marvel comics in general, probably the decision to make the Terrigen Cloud poisonous to mutants, therefore putting mutants and Inhumans on a collision course for the shitty IvX crossover, which absolutely no one wanted or asked for. I mean, it's probably the one thing that both Inhuman and X-Men fans will agree on, IvX was terrible.
But in general, it felt like that completely derailed the Inhuman books, and I'm sure X-Fans felt the same about their books. The writers for the Inhuman series clearly didn't want to deal with the Terrigen poison thing, they just wanted to tell their own stories with the Inhumans. But because the Terrigen sickness is killing mutants, the Inhumans writers are left in an impossible position - either they have to dedicate every storyline to Inhumans trying to save mutants (in which case they don't get to tell their own stories, and X-Fans complain that the X-Men are "propping up" the Inhumans books), or the Inhumans mostly ignore the issue, and look like complete monsters because they are ignoring mass mutant death which they caused. Somehow, the powers-that-be at Marvel looked at the X-Fans' general hatred of the Inhumans during the push, and decided that the best way to deal with that was to pit the two groups against each other, and make the Inhumans mostly the bad guys. Yeah, that'll totally endear them to readers, great job, team. We should have had the Inhumans and X-Men working together to contain the cloud immediately, or better yet, no Terrigen sickness and the two groups both enjoying their own separate stories. But nah, Marvel's gonna Marvel.
Runner up - the terrible Death of Inhumans mini-series, written by a writer who ignored the previous continuity of Royals (the best series to come out of the Inhumans push) and clearly didn't give a shit about the characters, he just wanted his edgy "epic" story. I won't forgive Donny Cates for killing off Naja and Flagman, my two minor favorite new Inhumans, who will likely never be seen again. At least we'll probably get Maximus and Triton back eventually.
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
OK SO IM BACK headache might be returning so I’m gonna try to get to as many memes as  I can BUT FIRST report on Eve of Judgement--- Ok, so at least it’s not “all the Eternals decide mutants are excess Deviation and must be culled” bc that’s dumb as hell. It’s “Druig has now ascended to being Prime Eternal, and while he doesn’t actually think mutants are really excess deviation that needs to be culled, it’s what he’s going to say in speeches. His REAL reason is he thinks that this is a good move to bind his new subjects to him, all coming together in something terrible and a “return to tradition in a fallen age” and like...it’s shakey reasoning but it does make sense for how he would think, his previous human identity was the fascist dictator of a fictional Eastern European nation, complete with death camps. Uniting people he rules via getting them to do terrible things on his command is his brand.  And like, I am fine with Druig being Druig. My main concern is whether our heroic Eternals were suddenly going to be gung-ho about murdering all mutants. Right now. . .most of them don’t know about this. The majority of the “heroic” Eternals that we follow have fucked off to Lemuria to live among the Deviants peacefully and trying to basically find a new way to live and exist. Given this new leaf, it’s highly unlikely to me they’re going to go along with Druig’s idea, especially since they can’t stand the guy anyway at the best of times. Which is what I was optimistically hoping for way back when this started being talked about, that it would be the doing of the villainous Eternal(s) and our good guys would be on the side of the mutants. Which we don’t know is the case yet cuz again, Ikaris and Sersi and Thena and so on don’t even know about this shit yet, but that’s my current prediction.  Oh, and, uh, actually, all our “heroic” Eternals are NOT at Lemuria. Ajak and Makkari are up to their own thing, and tried to recruit Phastos into it. It’s not yet revealed exactly WHAT, but Phastos was not down for it, and in his own words they are trying to “make a god” and whatever that means, they’re the ones who kidnapped Sinister for this end. I am VERY keen to see what these ladies are planning, especially as there’s a hint that whatever it is, it might end up causing Big Trouble for Druig (”What’s the worst thing a bunch of priests could do?” is not a question that Druig would rhetorically think if the story was NOT intending the priests---Makkari and Ajak---to end up being a huge problem for him after all) Between that and kidnapping Sinister and USING HIS CAPE TO GAG HIM, they’re the highlight of the issue for me....even if Ajak is like, shamefully whitewashed. She looks literally EXACTLY like Sersi used to, right down to her old hairstyle, and the way they drew Sersi in this makes her look like Spock.  But yeah basically the art is my only complaint, and while I am still not a fan of this whole plot, it is thus far going in the best direction I think it could for what it is (that is, just being Druig’s idea, not the good guys, and depicted as entirely evil and self-serving, no “both sides” thing like IvX and AvX) and I really, REALLY want to see what Ajak and Mak are gonna do. Definitely more enjoyable for me than the X-comics, lol.
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cassandralexxx · 13 days
I fucking hate these people so fucking much.
im just so beyond frustrated. I had called these people multiple times throughout several weeks and they are so fucking incompetent. You fucking dumbasses. I receive infusions because I have an autoimmune condition and without them I am in chronic pain and experience muscle damage and just all around have a shitty fucking time. And my insurance decided that they no longer wanted them done at the infusion center I was before because they consider that a “hospital” treatment but it’s outpatient so they are actually just fucking stupid. In any case I needed to have it done at another infusion center so I have contacted them a bunch and my rheum has contacted them a bunch. Last time I talked with them they said they’d be contacting my insurance to ensure everything is in network and they’d call me back. Fucking POS I call them back today like hey it’s been over a week any news? And those assholes are like oh no we haven’t contacted your insurance we are missing some information and actually just today sent to your rheum office about it. You fucking pricks were you just lying every other time I talked to you?? I hate being tired in pain and weak and we are at the 6 week period I’m supposed to be at to receive my next dose but no fuck me.
Fucking incompetent and worthless. Actually since they are nationwide: screw you IVX y’all suck fucking ass 🖕
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Medication Management System Market Growth Analysis, Opportunities, Trends, Developments, And Forecast to 2032
The global medication management system industry is gaining momentum as lack of enough pharmacists and healthcare professionals is necessitating the requirement for an efficient management system to ensure the workflow. While the pandemic has brought substantial changes in the medical and healthcare industry due to shifted demand-supply patterns, the need to curtail medical errors grew stronger resulting in prominent demand for medication management systems.
The latest revised edition of the report on the ‘medication management system’ market study by Future Market Insights (FMI) offers detailed insights of the global industry, growth & restraining factors, and demand-supply trajectories across 20+ countries during the forecast period of 2021 to 2031. According to the report, the industry players will thrive on the rising number of machines and inventory management equipment in the hospitals and healthcare sectors while eyeing the main regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, to name a few.
Request a report sample to gain comprehensive insights at https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-1419
Key Takeaways from Market Study
The global medication management system industry to ascend at over 15% CAGR through 2031
High requirement for computerized physician order entry and inventory management solutions is likely to be witnessed
Growing requirement from hospitals and pharmacies to favor manufacturers
On-premise and web-based solutions to gain traction in terms of mode of delivery
The United States to remain the epicenter of the world’s largest medication management system industry North America
Germany to remain dominant in the Europe medication management system industry
Asia-Pacific to exhibit the fastest growth during the forecast period
China, Japan, India, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and a few other countries to remain lucrative for stakeholders
“With the medical and healthcare industries adopting cutting-edge technical solutions in order to efficiently manage medication and inventory, demand for medication management system is sky-rocketing. Furthermore, rising inclination towards cloud-based solutions is set to raise the revenue for suppliers and manufacturers in the foreseeable future,” says an FMI analyst.
How is the Increase in Demand from Hospitals Industry Fuelling Sales of Medication Management System Suppliers?
Medication management systems are being deployed extensively by healthcare professionals in order to efficiently manage various information such as patient analysis, regulatory & compliance information, valuation analysis and other vital parameters in healthcare industry.
According to the report titled “Industries at a Glance: Hospitals” published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the United States hospitals industry is highly potential and progressive and comprises of medical, diagnostic, treatment, and other inpatient and outpatient services which include physician, nursing, and other health services. As stated in the report, the employment in this sector has decreased to 5,135.1 in thousands in February, 2021, compared to 5,136.3 in thousands in November, 2020. These data give a glimpse of the upcoming opportunities for medication management system providers around the globe.
Who is Winning in this Space?
With the competition getting stricter, key players in the global medication management system market are diversifying their products in order to target broader end-use sectors.
For instance,
Omnicell, Inc. lunched its new extensive range of products such as i.v.STATION Non-hazardous Compounding Robot, IVX Workflow, AccuFlex, MTS-350 Filler and Sealer, and others during the last 5 years
Cerner Corporation launched its new Automated Dispensing Cabinet, Drug Database Solutions, and others a couple of years back
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thecityonthemoon · 2 years
Heya! I hope this isn’t weird or anything, I usually only lurk on Tumblr and I kinda made this account just to be able to ask people things. Anyway, I’ve been getting into Inhumans recently (the show was on D+ and I was bored, things happened) and it’s kind of surprised me seeing how much people seem to hate them?? Not just the show versions, the comics too. From what I can tell, a lot of that hatred seems to go back to Death of X/ Inhumans vs. X-Men, but all the discussion I’ve seen about that conflict seems to just…take the X-Men’s side automatically, for some reason. I was wondering, as someone who leans more towards the Inhumans’ side of things, if you had any thoughts or opinions on those events? I apologize again if this is weird, there just aren’t very many Inhumans blogs I can ask, and I’m really curious to hear from someone who likes the less popular side, so I hope you don’t mind!
Hey! Thank you for the ask!
Yes, a lot of the hatred the inhumans got seem to come from IvX, but I think some of it is better explained by the context rather than by what happens in the comics.
I wasn’t around at the time, but from what I know, some people at Marvel were salty over not having the film rights to the X-Men (which belonged to Fox at the time), and decided to hype up another group of super people. Some great inhumans comics came out from it, as well as Agents of Shield. Then the actual inhumans show flopped, Disney bought Fox and got the rights back, Marvel let Donny Cates release an awful comic in which he killed all the inhumans except a few, and Kamala Khan is a mutant in the mcu now.
It was a stupid move of them (Marvel people), and some X-Men fans still are still mad that anyone dared to try and replace their beloved mutants (I would be. I know I am mad here on the other side of the story, and this anger is part of what moves me to write on this blog) (I have seen people who are still stuck on this matter, one of the first interactions I ever got in this blog was someone like this who was apparently going to everyone complaining that Kamala was revealed to be a mutant in the show going “inhumans suck blah blah blah”).
IvX was released when this was still going on. I have a lot of thoughts on the story itself.
I do agree that the X-Men were right in the fight. Or at least would be, if the fight was legitimate to begin with.
As far as most mutants involved knew, the terrigen cloud released by Black Bolt was a threat to their people. Mutants got sick from breathing it, and it could kill them. The cloud was soon going to become mixed with the planet’s whole atmosphere, forcing them to leave if they wanted to survive. If the cloud was destroyed, all that would happen to the inhumans was that they would not be able to give powers to their next generations.
And yes, one people’s right to live in the planet they were born in, safely and healthily, is much more important than other people’s right to keep their tradition of getting super powers.
There are two catches in this, though:
The inhumans didn’t know everything that was at stake. They knew the effects the cloud had on mutants, but they didn’t know it would become mixed with the atmosphere. They were working on a cure, and as far as they knew they had all the time in the world to do it. They helped mutants escape areas that would be hit by the cloud soon. The deadline was discovered by Beast, but he never got to tell the inhumans about it. When the mutants attacked New Attilan, none of the inhumans understood what was happening, and they fought back to defend themselves and their people
The whole thing was staged by Emma Frost to get revenge for her dead boyfriend. Cyclops was apparently killed by Black Bolt after destroying part of the cloud - except that was not even the real Cyclops, which had died from breathing the cloud. She kidnapped Beast so he couldn’t get in her way, and lied to the other mutant leaders so they would agree with her plans
When the team formed by younger inhumans learns that the cloud with become irreversibly mixed with the atmosphere, they stopped fighting. When Medusa learned of it, her choice was to press the button to destroy the cloud herself.
(Medusa would later pay the price for this choice, as via the weird ways the terrigen works she lost her powers and got sick because of her choice)
And when the rest of the mutants learned about what was really happening, they also stopped fighting
Inhumans Prime starts showing that Storm and Medusa gave a press conference together, and Storm even promised to help the inhumans find an alternative to terrigen
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In short: there would have been no fighting if everyone had access to all the information from the start. The inhumans were reluctant to destroy the cloud, as the terrigen is a substance with important cultural and almost religious meaning for their people, but none of them wanted to keep it at the cost of mutant lives. For the inhumans, they were just fighting back against an unprovoked attack.
It is a good story.
I don’t think the inhumans (not the royal family, and specially not everyone else) did anything in it to deserve being seen as the bad guys, when looking at what’s really going on.
The destruction of the terrigen cloud had the potential to be a big change for the inhumans, but unfortunately not much was released about them after it. It is unclear whether they found a replacement - the next installment, Royals, is all about it but it fails to mention whether they got it in the end or not. Then Death of the Inhumans made it all irrelevant since most of them apparently died now that Marvel is done playing with them for now.
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ivxnews · 4 years
Barcelona's Gerard Pique, Real Madrid's Sergio Ramos and tennis star Rafael Nadal were among those who participated in the charity event organized to raise funds for the purchase of medical supplies and to support fans confined to their homes. Thanks for reading. Please Share, Comment, Like the post And Follow, Subscribe IVX News. from Source
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brw · 11 months
If you don't mind me asking, what do you think of cerebro podcast episode about Hank?
Hi! It's been a while since I listened to it so some of my recollections may be off but I think for the most part I didn't find it too offensive? I think it felt disingenuous to me to write a character study of Hank without taking into account his non X-Men appearances because they are so big and give a very different perspective on the character but other than that it was okay, and I found the guest interesting. But yeah, I don't think it should be taken as an actual study of Hank if Hank's big appearances in Avengers and Defenders and New Avengers aren't taken into account because those comics are really quite important to him? Just a weird decision to do an episode on Hank if you're determined to not read those core characteristion issues because you have a weird loyalist issue.
Anyway, the things I remember agreeing heavily about was stuff regarding Charles, I remember feeling that that was an interesting perspective that despite Hank being the first to leave Charles and to be independent, he hasn't really had the big breakaway from Charles' politics the other members of the O5 have had and from that perspective is probably his favoured student as the one most likely to agree with him socially and politically, which obviously is going to be in tension with the fact that he could never REALLY be Charles' favourite student because he's visibly a mutant and as we all know Charles seems to project his own issues with being visibly disabled onto visible mutants. But I also felt it should have been stressed more that Hank was literally separated from what was a loving family by Charles. Like he wiped their memories of him despite the fact that they had been loving and caring to him up til then and he had various positive relationships with his schoolmates also erased. I definitely think if we're going to talk about Hank being the most loyal to Charles ideologically it should also be stressed part of that is because Hank was literally separated from his family and peers by Charles.
I think however the way it was stated that Hank's characterisation made the most sense in IvX annoying and I think the way there was clearly a feeling that Hank was a betrayer for being a mutant was really dumb bc like . idk I just dislike when people take things so literally in universe when the real answer is literally just that they needed some use for the X-Men now that that comic had ended and Hank just so happened to be picked up by the Avengers while Bobby and Warren ended up as Champions and Scott and Jean stayed when the series was brought back. it's literally not that deep and mutants aren't real and he was literally healthier better and happier as a person when he was with them 🤷 also if you're doing a character study on Hank and you come away with "he's the straightest xman" you're doing the character study wrong.
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
Honestly I really love the ideas here, too bad it’s wrapped up in another mutant genocide event that’s guaranteed to make everyone hate the aggressor side because you can’t have sympathy for that and it’s going to make things shitty for Eternals fans for years to come
Seriously, mutant fans won’t enjoy this. Eternals fans won’t enjoy this. I want to not pre-judge but after AvX and IvX, we KNOW how this goes and this is just looking like the same thing all over again.
(Don’t mind me, I’m just in the parking lot being grumpy I spent $312 on a couple of mice WHOM I LOVE THOUGH)
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Medication Management System Market Report- Drivers and Restraints, Growth Opportunity Assessment and Forecast to 2032
The global medication management system industry is gaining momentum as lack of enough pharmacists and healthcare professionals is necessitating the requirement for an efficient management system to ensure the workflow. While the pandemic has brought substantial changes in the medical and healthcare industry due to shifted demand-supply patterns, the need to curtail medical errors grew stronger resulting in prominent demand for medication management systems.
The latest revised edition of the report on the ‘medication management system’ market study by Future Market Insights (FMI) offers detailed insights of the global industry, growth & restraining factors, and demand-supply trajectories across 20+ countries during the forecast period of 2021 to 2031. According to the report, the industry players will thrive on the rising number of machines and inventory management equipment in the hospitals and healthcare sectors while eyeing the main regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, to name a few.
Request a report sample to gain comprehensive insights at https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-1419
Key Takeaways from Market Study
The global medication management system industry to ascend at over 15% CAGR through 2031
High requirement for computerized physician order entry and inventory management solutions is likely to be witnessed
Growing requirement from hospitals and pharmacies to favor manufacturers
On-premise and web-based solutions to gain traction in terms of mode of delivery
The United States to remain the epicenter of the world’s largest medication management system industry North America
Germany to remain dominant in the Europe medication management system industry
Asia-Pacific to exhibit the fastest growth during the forecast period
China, Japan, India, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and a few other countries to remain lucrative for stakeholders
“With the medical and healthcare industries adopting cutting-edge technical solutions in order to efficiently manage medication and inventory, demand for medication management system is sky-rocketing. Furthermore, rising inclination towards cloud-based solutions is set to raise the revenue for suppliers and manufacturers in the foreseeable future,” says an FMI analyst.
How is the Increase in Demand from Hospitals Industry Fuelling Sales of Medication Management System Suppliers?
Medication management systems are being deployed extensively by healthcare professionals in order to efficiently manage various information such as patient analysis, regulatory & compliance information, valuation analysis and other vital parameters in healthcare industry.
According to the report titled “Industries at a Glance: Hospitals” published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the United States hospitals industry is highly potential and progressive and comprises of medical, diagnostic, treatment, and other inpatient and outpatient services which include physician, nursing, and other health services. As stated in the report, the employment in this sector has decreased to 5,135.1 in thousands in February, 2021, compared to 5,136.3 in thousands in November, 2020. These data give a glimpse of the upcoming opportunities for medication management system providers around the globe.
Who is Winning in this Space?
With the competition getting stricter, key players in the global medication management system market are diversifying their products in order to target broader end-use sectors.
For instance,
Omnicell, Inc. lunched its new extensive range of products such as i.v.STATION Non-hazardous Compounding Robot, IVX Workflow, AccuFlex, MTS-350 Filler and Sealer, and others during the last 5 years
Cerner Corporation launched its new Automated Dispensing Cabinet, Drug Database Solutions, and others a couple of years back
More Valuable Insights
In its latest report, FMI offers an unbiased analysis of the medication management system market, providing historical data for the period of 2016-2020 and forecast statistics for the period of 2021-2031. In order to understand the global market potential, its growth, and scope, the market is segmented on the basis of software type (computerized physician order entry, clinical decision support system solutions, electronic medication administration record, inventory management solutions, and other software types), end use (hospitals, pharmacies, and other healthcare institutions), and mode of delivery (on-premise solutions, web-based solutions, and cloud-based solutions), across seven major regions of the world (North America, Latin America, Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Oceania, and MEA).
Are you looking for customized information related to the latest trends, drivers, and challenges? Speak to Our Analyst@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-question/rep-gb-1419
Medication Management System Segmentation by Category Software Type
Computerized Physician Order Entry
Clinical Decision Support System Solutions
Electronic Medication Administration Record
Inventory Management Solutions
Other Software Types
End Use
Other Healthcare Institutions
Mode of Delivery
On-Premise Solutions
Web-Based Solutions
Cloud-Based Solutions
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