there have been a lot of (canonly) unexplained moments on various television shows i’ve watched over my years being alive, but the one that haunts me the most is definitely quinn fabray asking rachel berry “when you were singing that song, you were singing it to finn and only finn, right?” and then holding back tears when rachel hugs her. what was up with that? what was. what was that. what WAS that?????????
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axelsagewrites · 5 years
Ship(s): Finn x Reader, Finn x Rachel
Request?: Nope
Warnings?: swearing
Type: Angst
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You know how when you like someone, you'd do almost anything to be with them? You'd write up pretty notes so they could borrow them, look for hours for the perfect gift and say you just happened to find it in some random shop, even go out of your way to see them in the corridors when you knew it would make you a little late for class. I did that for Finn.
It didn't even seem to matter. When he was the star of the football team, dating the head cheerio, and was the stereotypical cool guy I didn't bother. Sure, I knew he was hot, but I was able to tell myself he was probably an awful person to get over it.
Then he joined glee. That's where I learned the truth, he was an amazing, kind human being even if he was a bit too obsessed with fitting in., we became friends and I hated myself for it. It meant he would tell me his struggles with Quinn, then Rachel, then Quinn and Rachel, and then even when he was briefly with Santana which was just gross. Of course, I had to remain objective.
Unfortunately, I give 'great advice' and I'm not 'judgy', which I kind of am but I don't let him see, so Finn would always ask my advice. Tina always encouraged me to tell him to date me instead. I couldn't. every time I saw his desperate face, the frustration in his eyes, then the happiness when he was around his at the time girlfriend, I couldn't.
Finn walked up to me at my locker, the same look on his he always had when he needed advice, "I need your advice," I groaned, "Please. You're the only one who gets it,"
"Okay," I sighed, "What's up?"
Finn proceeded to explain some over-complicated girl drama that would give soap operas a run for their money. "I just don't know what to do," Finn looked at me expectantly.
"You ever thought about taking a break? From all this relationship drama?" I sighed as I pulled open my locker, shoving things in and grabbing what I think was the right notebook, "I mean every week with Rachel it's a new issue or complaint or problem. Maybe it's just not right. Take a break, see things clearly for once. Then decide,"
"But I like Rachel- "
"Then what's the problem?" I asked, "Because if you liked her that much you wouldn't have to keep asking me for help,"
Sure, I was harsh, but I was also tired, cranky, and sick of being his agony aunt. The next day I couldn't help but notice the stormy looks Rachel was giving everyone and the awkward walk Finn did come into glee. He sat beside me and my eyebrows scrunched. I glanced at Rachel who immediately looked away.
"We broke up," Finn said. My mouth almost fell open. Sure, I told him to but still, "You've been right every other time. Its time I flew solo for a while. Find someone who doesn't want to change me," why would anyone want to change you, I thought.
I held in the massive grin, opting to just nod along in silence. When he wasn't looking, I text Tina about Fincheal. She'd been kept up to date with all this drama. 'now's your chance' she replied. Maybe it was.
I didn't want to do anything right away. No matter how long I waited Rachel would hate me, I just didn't want Finn to think I tried to break them up even though I kind of did. Whoops. One good thing about the breakup was Finn had more free time. And since I was the one who 'helped him' with his Rachel problem he saw us as real friends now. We'd hang out, study together, text way more than before. It helps he didn't have some girl looming over his shoulder
Being in Finn's house was weird. A good type of weird but weird. Study in a library was boring, my parents would kill me, and the one time we tried to do it outside it began raining, so here I was, on Finn's bed, textbooks everywhere.
"None of this makes sense!" He sighed.
"Come here. Let me have a look," although I'm still smittened I'm learning how to act normal around him. As I'm going through the problem with him his phone keeps pinging. He smiles, checks it, then turns the sound off. Then it felt like the bed was vibrating every ten seconds. "You might want to get that,"
"Sorry," Finn smiled, pulling out his phone. His smile dropped, "Its Rachel," My stomach dropped, and I stayed silent. He fiddled with his phone before actually turning it off, "Sorry you were saying?" Why did butterflies have to fly in my stomach when he spoke?
After a while, even I was sick of math. "Let's take a break,"
"Great idea," Finn slammed his book shut, "Wanna watch a movie? We've got popcorn,"
"Don't need to convince me," I grinned. As soon as he got out of the room, I took a deep breath. "be normal (Y/N), you can be normal," I whispered to myself.
The good thing about movies? You don't need to talk during them. No awkwardness. The bad thing about movies? The awkward kissing scenes. Even more awkward when you wish it was you and the boy beside you.
Where are you supposed to look? I can't look at Finn because hell no, I can't look at the screen because ew, I can't look down because then I'm a prude. What the hell do I do? What was Finn doing? I glanced at him.
We locked eyes. I felt my skin flush and I went to say something but didn't know what. Finn glanced down and I swallowed. Why was he looking at me? Why was he leaning in? what's happening? Omg, it is happening! Finns going to kiss me! Wait, what if I'm a bad kisser? What if my breath smells? What if there's a bit of popcorn stuck in my-His lips touched mine. Everything felt at peace.
Finn pulled back after a moment. I was stunned silent, "Sorry. You didn't want that and I um- "
"Kiss me,"
The stormy looks Rachel gave me were worth it. Finn and I were dating. Part of me felt guilty for steering them to their breakup but right now I wanted to be selfish. After a month I really didn't care what Rachel thought.
Id never had a boyfriend before so I just kind of went along with it. The shy glances, the awkward PDA, and how sweaty hand-holding actually is. But it was worth it to be the one making Finn smile. All I wanted was for him to be happy.
But then he stopped being happy. Well with me at least. It felt like nothing had changed like we were just friends. He didn't kiss me that often, he never held my hand, and when we hung out it wasn't the typical dates you'd expect. Sure, life's no movie but is it too much to want to go out for lunch or dinner or something?
This week for glee we'd to perform something from the heart. This was my chance. I prepared all week for this, going over every line, rehearsing with Tina, building confidence. Then it was my turn. I went up and I think it was one of my best performances.
One of the unspoken rules of glee is that you always clap. Most of us, despite denying it, were nervous to go up and sing. This isn't the 'I saved the whole universe, and everybody clapped' type of thing but everyone clapped. Well except Rachel. If Santana claps you know it's good.
As I walk back to my seat next to Finn, Mr. Sheu walked up to me, "(Y/N) if you keep singing like that then I'm going to give you more chances. It was great,"
"Thanks," I grinned, sitting down.
"Who'd like to go next?" Mr. Shue asked.
I turned to Finn, "What'd you think?" the smile was still on my face.
"You did great. You always do," He smiled. My smile wavered though. Sure, I like people saying I'm good, but I had tried really hard. "Rachels up," He basically shushed me. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't stoop so low as to talk through Rachel's performance but still.
Afterward, I couldn't help noticing how much he clapped. I glanced at Tina who gave me a sad smile. This wasn't right, was it?
I was walking out of glee with Mike, Tina, and Finn, and just casually talking. "You did amazing (Y/N)," Tina said.
"I didn't realise you could sing like that," Mike said,
A smile was back on my face, "Thanks. I practised a lot. Rachel normally gets the big parts, but I don't know. I wanted to do something special,"
"Yeah but Rachel's-never mind," Finn said.
"What?" I asked, smile plastered to my face.
"It's just you have to admit Rachel has an amazing voice. I mean today she did a perfect solo," Finn said smiling but I think his smile was real.
"Was mine not perfect?" I asked.
Tina and Mike shared a look before slinking away. Finn looked at me like I had three heads, "I never said that. You did good too,"
"No, you said Rachel was perfect," I said. "I'm just okay,"
"No of course not. I-I love you (Y/N)," it was the first time he said it, but my stomach churned, probably killing all the butterflies from before.
"Don't lie to me,"
"I'm not lying,"
"You-you still love her. don't you?"
Finns face dropped "No I don't,"
"Why don't I believe you?" Finn tried to say something but fell flat, "Finn I don't want your pity. Go be with her. if you don't want me then I defiantly don't want you,"
"I'm sorry (Y/N). can we still be friends at least?"
I swallowed, hard like it was glass, "Don't ask me for any more advice Finn Hudson"
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longhornfabrays · 4 years
Calming the Waters || Faberry
Who: Quinn Fabray and @longhornrachel
Where: Quinn’s room at the sorority house
When: May 22, 2020, after her talk with Finn
Notes: Quinn and Rachel talk to make amends.
After Finn left in a rush, Quinn decided to text Rachel. She made amends with one person, might as well go for two, right? Rachel would probably be the hardest one to apologize to, though. Sure, Marley slapped her, but she felt like she hurt Rachel more. Everything she had said in the past, she knew it did some damage to their friendship. She just wanted to make things better. 
 So, she had been checking comments now on her social media stuff for her gaming channel while she waited for Rachel to show up so then maybe, just maybe, they could be friends again.
Rachel wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not, but here she was, pulling up to the sorority house to talk to Quinn. Maybe they should have done this over texts, where Rachel would at least have the screen to protect her. Yes, what Quinn had said was mean and unnecessary, but it wasn't like deep down Rachel hadn't been thinking of it. But Quinn had poked and poked and Rachel couldn't handle that again. But she also knew the blonde was going through her own things and maybe this was a good thing for them. They both had things to work through on their own, but maybe now they'd be okay again. She headed into the house and for Quinn's room, knocking on the door.May 24, 2020
For the second time that day, the blonde heard a knock on the door and she walked over to open it. She made a polite smile at Rachel and moved so the girl could come inside. "Hey, Rachel." She said and closed the door once she was inside. "Thank you for meeting with me." She said as civil as she could and took a breath. She reminded herself that this was to mend things up between them. She just had to stop herself from getting too defensive.
Rachel walked into Quinn’s room her hands clasped behind her back. She could do this. She could be open to whatever Quinn wanted to say and not let herself get too hurt by anything she might not like
She led the to the bed and took a deep breath as she sat down. This was definitely more awkward than it was was Finn just a few hours ago. "So, should I just start or do you want to do some pleasantries first?"
Rachel sat as well, looking over at the blonde. "I think it would be better if we skipped the pleasantries, we're adult enough to do so I think?"
She shrugged. "My mother would say pleasantries are a must, but okay." She smoothed out her dress and took a deep breath. "Well, first I want to apologize for all the things I said. I shouldn't have and I now know what exactly came over me."
"Well my mother didn't exist and Dad always told me not to waste time with small talk," she said archly, though she didn't mean it and she didn't mean to be so hard. She bit her lip and looked over at Quinn. "I'm sorry..." she apologized before listening to the blonde. "And what exactly came over you?"
"Explains so much." She mumbled and took a deep breath. "How unsure I am of everything. My future, my love life, my major..." She swallowed and shrugged. "The news of the baby and you two getting together... It seemed so certain. So permanent. You guys figuring out this complicated situation while I couldn't figure out anything just made something snap within me. And I took it all out on you three. I regret that." She met her eyes. "I really do, Rachel."
Rachel rolled her eyes at the subtle dig but listened carefully to Quinn's words. Of course it had to be hard to not be certain, hadn't Rachel dealt with that on her own? She had been so certain of NYADA and Broadway that when it had ended she didn't know what to do with herself. It was very lucky her Dad's had made her apply to UT because if they hadn't she wouldn't have had it in her to even try. She had had 3 month to mope before she had joined as a freshman and began working on her degree. But Quinn had had at best a week or two to get use to any of these things. Rachel softened and put her hands on Quinn's. "I'm sorry you've been feeling all of these things and you didn't think you could come talk to me about it...We're young but so close to the end of something...It only makes sense"
She was surprised when Rachel touched her hands. She didn't expect that so soon. Maybe that was a good thing? "I didn't know how when all i was doing was taking it out on you." Quinn sighed. "We're going to be seniors and I'm wondering if my major is right. If the career path ahead of me is right. The only thing I am certain of right now is making things better between you three, keeping the amazing friendships I have, and... the fact that I am..." She swallowed and bit her lip before looking back at Rachel. "I'm a lesbian."
"Well...do you see yourself doing your major for the rest of your life? What did you want to do with your degree in English?" she asked nodding as she thought about it. But then Quinn said she was a lesbian and Rachel gasped softly. "Really?" she asked her, not so much in shock but more so in pride. "I know that can be so hard to say...to realize...And you're sure you're a lesbian? And not bi, or pan?" she asked squeezing Quinn's hands in hers.  "Thank you for sharing with me"
She shook her head. "I don't. It was easy to pick. Something people expected from me. I'm not sure what I would do." That was a lie. She would go into game developing. She would love to make her own games. It would be amazing to be part of a team like that. But she was still hiding that side of her for some unknown reason. Because she was used to it. At Rachel's reaction, she smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'm a lesbian. If being with Kyle and Finn and the other guys I have been with didn't make me feel anything and the girls... had me feeling like I was where I was meant to be means anything, it definitely is that I am a hundred percent into girls." She smiled. "Of course. But, don't tell anyone? It's not like I'm hiding it, but I want to come out to people on my terms. So, you, Finn, Sebastian, and Brittany are the only ones who know officially."
Rachel nodded slowly. "Well I hate to tell you this, but you're an adult now...You get to decide what you do now" she said with a smile. She listened to her talking and smile at her, giving her a hug. "Thank you for telling me...I'm so proud of you for living your truth. Honestly, if I wasn't with Finn and I knew you were available well who wouldn't shoot their shot!" she said with a smile and a wink. "Your secret is safe with me"(edited)
She raised an eyebrow for a moment. "If only it was that simple." She said before hugging the girl back. "Thanks. Glad to know I have so many options. Except, I'm kinda hoping something happens with someone." She smiled bigger than before. "Thank you, Rachel. Are we okay?"
"It is that simple Quinn...I believe in you, so believe in me and then you can do anything" she said with a smile as she pulled away to look at her. "Ooo...with who? Do I know her?" she asked with a large grin. "We're okay...I can't be mad at you for trying to figure yourself out...that's all any of us are trying to do"
Quinn sighed. "Thanks, Rachel. I guess I'll think about it." She shrugged. "You might. Well, you do. She's the cute blonde dancer in your glee club." She smiled more. "Thank you, again. And I really am sorry for all this."
"Wait Brittney Pierce?" she asked with a smile.  "She's great!" she said with a happy nod. "You guys would make a lovely couple...so blonde..."
She laughed softly. "Yes, Brittany. She's helped me a lot recently and I am feeling stuff for her. I just hope this trip we're taking goes well and maybe something will happen?" She shrugged.
"Quinn, she'd be crazy not to want something to happen there...and good for you. I know moving fast can be scary, I mean look at me and Finn...he's moving in soon...and it's all going ridiculously fast...but I'm so happy! And that's what I want for you"
Her smile kinda faltered as Finn was mentioned. She had her thoughts about all this, but she didn't want to ruin something she just fixed. "I'm glad you two are happy. Really, I am." She told the girl. "And I hope she feels the same. It's something her and I need to discuss. Either way, things will work out. I know that much."
"Thanks...it means a lot...I know it s a weird situation to be in, but I know that Finn loves me and I know I've never felt anything like this before...He means everything to me" she said with a small shrug. "True...things that are meant to be will be"
She nodded, fighting all instincts to speak her mind about their situation. She was going to have to keep that mainly to herself now. Let them deal with it. "Speaking of, how is Miss Marley?"
"She's okay...She's tired I think...And her and I have been having little spats...I think we've been apart too long and only able to talk to tumblr or texting and its so hard to read someone online you know?"
She nodded. "I get that. Frannie and I have our issues with that. If you don't mind me asking, what have the spats been about?"
"Feelings mostly," she said with a shrug. "She got mad at me because I called her and Finn friends, and she thinks its not as simple as that...and I got mad because I didn't think calling them friends was derogatory...I mean I can't exactly call them soulmates if I'm the one dating him can I?" she sighed and shook her head. "I shouldn't be talking about it without her permission..."
Quinn shrugged and nodded. "Well, I can see where she sees it as not as simple as that. They are having a baby together. I'm not sure what else you would call it though. It's definitely complicated." There the word was. The one Quinn used most to describe their situation. "You can tell me anything. It's not like I'm going to tell her."
"Like you said...it's complicated...She can't just ask me to call it something more and be okay with it because we're sisters...I mean what would you do Quinn?" she asked with a sigh. "Because I don't know what to do...It just feels like she's doing all the things a good girlfriend should and I'm not...and then I wonder if maybe I'm just a bad girlfriend"
"Did she say what she wanted you to call it?" The blonde asked her. "What do you mean? What is she doing?"
"No she said she wasn't sure what she wanted to call it, just not friends cause they were more than that" she said with a shrug. "She's checking in on him and going over to be with him...and just things I didn't think to do...or thought were being too much"
"She probably doesn't know what to call it either. Like I said, it's complicated. They are more, but not dating. it's weird. Plus, her emotions are probably all over the place. I wouldn't take it to heart." Quinn told her. "So she's being a friend to him? There's a weird difference between being a best friend and being the girlfriend. The friend can do something that if the girlfriend did it could be too much."
"I don't know...Maybe I'm just paranoid because of how she talked about him...it just felt like more...and I don't think she'd ever do anything to hurt me, it just hurts sometimes because I know a lot of people," you included, she thought, "Don't think Finn and I are really in love...or really care about each other, but I know we do...and I know that this is a hard situation but life is full of hard situations"
"You two are close. I don't think she'd ever do something to purposely hurt you either." She told him. "How do you think she talks about him?" She questioned more. She really did have an act of prying. "I'm sure you two are in love and care about each other. There's not a doubt about that. And this is a hard situation. If it was me in your position, I would've broken things off with Finn and let him and Marley figure their stuff out. If he still wanted something with me later and nothing was going on with him and Marley, I might consider it." She took a breath. "That's me, though. You feel secure in your relationship and you trust them, you shouldn't let me or others get to you. If things work out, great. If not, you'll all move on and still stay close if you guys are as close as you think. If not, that's just how God wanted things to be."
Rachel bit her lip and nodded. "I don't think either of them would hurt me...Finn's not that kind of guy...And he told me he wants to be with me and I trust him. I think if he wanted to be with Marley he'd be with her, and he's not. And like you said, she's going through so many hormones and changes that it's probably hard for her...I'm not that worried about it...not anymore"
Quinn touched the girl's back. "Then you just got to trust them. That's all you have to do." She smiled softly. "And it is. I'm sure it's hard for her. But, it's hard for you too."
“It’s hard for us all but we’ll figure it out...I mean we have to”
She nodded. "You guys will." She sighed. "Can I ask you something?"
“You can...I can’t promise I’ll answer it”
She took a moment before deciding to ask still. "Why do you kind of change the subject when it's brought up that it must be hard for you or something? Because it must be really hard. And I know I've said this before, but you don't have to be okay, Rach. I don't mean to have you be mad or anything. I'm really trying to look out for you." She sighed and bit her lip to hopefully not start anything again
“Because it’s not hard. Not anymore. Finn and I talked. He said he’s all in. I’m all in. And I have to take him at his word on it. What Marley and he have or had...it’s a non issue for me now because I trust him and her. If they wanted to be together they’d be together.”
She took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. Just remember it's okay to not be okay." She said and left it at that.
She nodded. “I know...and like I said before. You can I told me so all you want if it goes bad”
She shook her head. "How about a hug instead?" She smiled softly.
“I will gladly accept a hug”
"Even now?" She grinned and opened her arms for a hug.
Rachel laughed and wrapped Quinn in a hug
She smiled and hugged Rachel tightly. "I'm glad we're okay."
“Me too...I really hated having to be mad at you” she said with a laugh
"I hated having to be mad at you too." She laughed with her.
“Let’s agree to not do that again...at least for a while” she teased.
She nodded. "Agreed." The blonde looked into her eyes. "So, anything exciting I missed?"
“I’m taking Blaine and Sam on vacation soon!”
"Really? Where to?" She asked.
“It’s a secret...We don’t want Sam to find out. So I haven’t told anyone...well except Finn but he’s my better half so of course he knows”
"Oh, well, I'm sure you guys will have fun." She smiled at her.
“I hope so...Sam deserves it. He’s such a good guy”
Quinn nodded. "He is. He really is. I should talk to him before I go on my trip. Explain the reasoning behind me not dating him."
“He’d be very understanding...I mean that’s just how Sam is...but he also wouldn’t press you for it”
"I know. But he deserves to know. I'll text him soon." She told her. "Anything else?"
“I aced all of my classes?” She said with a laugh. “I sang the hardest song I’ve ever sung in my life and it was perfect...all thanks to Finn”
"That's good. I'm glad it all went well for you." She smiled at her.
“What about you?”
"Same with the classes. I passed all mine. Um, tonight's my last night at the sorority house since I'm moving into an apartment. Going on this trip with Brittany... Otherwise nothing too much." She shrugged.
“Congratulations” she said with a smile. “Are you going to live here again next year?”
She shook her head. "No. I'll stay at the apartment. I'll still be part of the sorority, just living off campus."
“Ahh...me too...well aside from the sorority part”
She laughed. "Is Marley and Finn gonna live with you still?"
“Marley will...I Hope Finn will too”
"I'm sure with the baby, he'll want to stay close, right?"
“I think so”
"Speaking of which, do you know if they need anything? How are they with the medical bills and stuff? I want to help out." Quinn told her.
“Oh my Dad’s are taking care of it all” she said with a nod. “And they both have jobs lined up with my Dad too”
She raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's really generous of your dads."
“Marley’s like another daughter to them. They said it was a no brained”
She nodded. "That's cute they think of her like that. So they don't need anything?"
“I mean if they need anything my Dad’s will buy it for them. Maybe you could give them something that’s not a need. Maybe like a want?”
"Like what?" She asked curiously, wondering what the two would want.
“Maybe something not baby related? I mean everything is about the baby right now. Maybe give them both something them related?”
"True. It'll probably be baby related for a while. I know they've been stressed. And I know you two are going on a trip, but maybe they should have a trip together? To destress?"
“Maybe. I’m not sure what her travel restrictions are. Might be best to keep to local things?”
"I think travel restrictions are for the later months. I'll read up on it. And run it by them, of course."
“I’m not sure. I’ve never been with child before”
She shook her head. "Neither have I. It's wild Marley and Finn are the first of us to have a kid. I always thought it would be Puck or Santana." She joked.
She laughed and nodded. “I guess as far as unplanned pregnancy goes yes...I always thought you or I would have the first planned one”
She nodded. "That's true. Now I guess planned is all you. I know I can still have kids, obviously, but I don't know how soon that would be. Or if I would be pregnant." She shrugged.
Rachel nodded and shrugged. “I don’t know. I think Finn will want to wait a while”
"Well, yeah. He's already a father." She pointed out. "But, still."
“Well, I think he wants to be the kind of father who plays with his kids. And enjoys spending time with them. This first baby needs some of that. And then we can start a family if we want”
She nodded. "I'm sure he'll do that with this baby and whatever kids he has next. He's going to be a great dad."
She nodded. “He really will be...”
"This kids and any other kid is lucky." She commented.
Rachel nodded and bit her lip. She had definitely thought about what having a family with Finn would be like. And Quinn was right, Finn was going to be an amazing Dad
She looked at Rachel and creased her eyebrows. "You okay?"
She nodded. “Yea...just imaging it”
"Finn as a dad?"
She nodded. “Yea”
"Is this good or bad?" Quinn asked.
“Good...I’m like ridiculously in love with this man”
She nodded. "I'm glad."
"Me too...I never thought a girl like me would get to love a guy like him and have him love me back..."
"Rach, come on. Of course you were going to get love. You just had to get away from the place you were in before."
Rachel wiped her eyes, only aware of the tears that had started to form. "No...Finn was supposed to be my first love..." she said with a small chuckle as she shook her head. "I was meant to have something this good"
Quinn was surprised by the tears and touched the girl's arm. "Rach, I'm sure he was, but you were always meant to have something good. We all are."
Rachel shook her head and wiped her eyes again.  "Ignore me...I'm being overly emotional"
She shook her head. "No, no. Talk to me."
"I just really really really love him...and I hope he knows"
"I'm sure he does. You guys say it and show it. You don't have to worry about that." She smiled and rubbed the girl's skin.
Rachel nodded and gave Quinn a smile
"And you know if, and i'm only saying if, you and Finn end up not together in the end, you will find someone who makes you feel this way again, right?"
Rachel shook her head. "No...If Finn and I don't end up together in the end I'll never have something like this again...What Finn and I have is...ours...putting that onto anyone who would come after isn't fair"
She took a deep breath. "It is special. This feeling. And while you won't have exactly this, you will find someone who makes you feel it more. Someone who will make the world seem different and brighter. Like rainbows really rain skittles. I'm sure Finn makes you feel like that right now, and I'm glad he does. I hope he keeps it up. However, if you don't end up together, you will find that again. Trust me. I thought I had it in high school but the clouds came quickly and I wasn't really happy. I haven't been... but now, it's like the sun is coming out again." Tears filled Quinn's eyes without her noticing. "First loves are great. Second loves can be better." She released a tear and quickly wiped it away before touching Rachel's arm. "I'm not trying to say you'll have a second love, but if you get to that point of searching for one, you'll find it. I want you to just know that, okay?"
Rachel reached over and pulled Quinn into a hug, rubbing the blonde girls back. "If I need a second love, I'll make sure to find a good one"
She nodded and hugged the Rachel back. "You will. I know you will. Because I'll fight anyone who isn't good." She laughed.
Rachel laughed and pulled back to smile at Quinn. "I think we have been sappy enough for one night," she said giving her a big smile. "You need to get packed so you can spend some time with a very special girl"
She laughed and nodded. "I think so too. I'm going to let the movers do it all. But, yeah. I like spending time with her."
Rachel smiled and stood up. "Good...Enjoy it all summer...you deserve it"
"I'm definitely hoping to. And have a good trip with the boys." She smiled at her.
"I will...I'll even bring you back a surprise present"
"You know how much I love presents." She smirked.
"That I do" she said hugging her again before heading out the door, turning to give her a wave before she went
She hugged her back and waved her off as the girl left.
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axelsagewrites · 6 years
How you met-Glee Preference
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It was winter in his freshman and the ramp was frosty, making it harder for him to wheel up. You were walking in with your sister, Quinn when you saw his struggle. You quickly said 'bye' and walked to Artie. "Hey, do you want a hand?"
He looked at the ground, embarrassed, but muttered a 'yes'. You wheeled him up and held the door for him. "Thanks. You're the first person to stop and help me."
"No problemo. I'm (Y/N)." 
"Artie." You smiled but saw your friends so waved Artie goodbye but you had definitely left an impression.
You were at Lima Bean getting (Y/F/D) after a hard day at school. Mr Shue had been sick so Rachel tried to take over. Let's just say you had a huge headache afterwards.
You had just ordered your drink as you looked through your bag for your wallet. "Where in the hell is it?" You muttered to yourself. You cheeks went red as you heard the man behind the counter tut and sigh.
"You dropped this." You turned to see a man in a blazer holding out a $10 bill. You froze for a second till he pressed the note into your hand. 'Thanks' you mutter as you handed the cashier the money.
After you got your drink you sat at a table, eyes never leaving your saviour. A couple minutes later blazer boy sat at your table. "Hey." He greeted.
"Hi," You spoke, cheeks red."Thanks for that. It was sooo embarrassing."
"I get it," he chuckled. "Forgot your wallet. Could happen to anyone."
"I swear I had it." You proclaim, glaring at your bag. You began to rummage through your bag again and he laughed. "Ugh." At that moment your phone buzzed. After reading the text you grit your teeth. "I'm going to kill him."
"My cousin, Finn, 'borrowed' my wallet to take his girlfriend on a date. How am I meant to pay you back?"
"Don't." He plucked the phone from your hand and began typing on it. You raised an eyebrow so he explained. "Heres my number and next time, you can buy my drink."
You had seen Kurt around McKinnley but hadn't spoken to him. Until your neighbour and friend, Mike dragged you to glee club. "I can't even sing." You whinned.
"Neither can I. Oh come on it'll be fun." He tried to convince you as you stood next to the door to glee. Kurt walked into glee, saying a quick 'hi' to Mike. "Ok, you have to join now." He said, noticing your eyes following Kurt. "You like him."
"Screw you." But you walked in any way. 
Mr Shue looked up. "Whose this?"
"This is (Y/N). Their an amazing dancer and want to join." I glared at him for his words. He grinned and added. "and they can kinda sing." I elbowed him for that.
"Show us what you can do," Kurt spoke. Mike winked at you but you two danced together anyway. After your dance, you were panting slightly and the glee club clapped. "You have to join." Kurt proclaimed.
"Welcome to glee." Mr Shue patted your shoulder and you and Mike took a seat. "Now this week assignments is 'beats you can move your feet to'." He started writing on the board.
Kurt turned to you. "Want to be my partner, newbie?" 
You and Mike were both in glee club together. You didn't really talk, like at all, but you couldn't help but notice he was cute AF. You and Mercedes had just grabbed lunch and were looking for a table. She noticed some of the glee guys (Mike, Puck, Finn, Sam) sitting at a table so she winked at you and basically dragged you over. She knew about your little crush and said she shipped it.
"Hey guys, can we sit?" She asked. Finn nodded and they kept talking. Mercedes beelined to the seat next to Sam so you had to sit next to Mike. She sent you a wink though.
You went to sit down and Mike pulled your chair out for you. "Hey." He greeted.
"Hi." Your conversation went quiet for a couple moments. "The dance you did yesterday was awesome." You internally cringed but he smiled brightly.
"Really? Thanks. Oh, and you should have totally got that solo. Rachel gets them all."
"I know." You complained, started your lunch. "It's so irritating. You excited for the assignment."
"Yeah, kinda. Its good to dance but I've got no vocals." He sulked slightly. "Cause, I know I could do a cool routine but I feel like it needs a voice."
"Why don't you two pair up?" Mercedes suggested.
"Sure, you in?" Mike asked. You nodded and internally did several summersaults. Little did you know Mike was doing the same.
You avoided Puck like the plague. He was a bully and he and his friends had thrown your brother, Kurt, into a dumpster for ages. You didn't get why Kurt would be in a club with him but knew he loved music. Either way, you avoided him.
You hadn't even spoken to him until one fateful day. You and your friends were sitting, chatting at a lunch table when you felt a slushie roll down your back. You gasped at the cold drink as you began to hear laughs. You turned round to see Puck standing behind you with a shocked look on his face, holding an empty cup. He tried to say something but you were too quick and ran away.
You had never been slushied before so you ended up crying and running to find your brother. "Oh, what happened?" He exclaimed as he saw your soaked t-shirt.
"Puckerman." Kurt grabbed the spare clothes he had in his locker and guided you to the nearest bathroom. 
Kurt's clothes were more...flamboyant than yours so you felt slightly weird in his white trousers and pink shirt. "I can't believe he did this to you," Kurt said as you washed your face, trying to erase the tears.
"Well, he did. I saw him, cup handed."
It was later that day as you were passing glee club when you spoke to Puck. You were heading to the library and he saw you pass by so sprang out his seat and ran after you. 
"I am so sorry." He began as he quickly caught up with you. "I tripped, I swear I didn't mean to."
"Yeah right." You muttered as you turned away.
He grabbed your shoulder and you couldn't help but flinch. "Oh my god, you're scared of me." He muttered.
"No wonder. You tossed my brother in the trash every day."
"You're a Hummel?" You nodded. "Huh. Well, I promise I didn't mean to. Ask Finn, he was with me. He tried to jokingly trip me and next thing you know..." He gestured to your new clothes.
You sighed. "I need to go." You didn't know whether or not to believe him. But for once, Puck had said the truth. It really was an accident.
You had transferred to McKinley a year before Rory so principle Figgins called you into his office. "(Y/N)" He greeted. You couldn't help but notice the cute boy in green, awkwardly sitting in the room. "This is Rory, an exchange student from Ireland. He's been staying with Brittany Pierce," You nodded, still not understanding why you were here. "Since you know what its like, being new and all, I was thinking you should show him around."
"But sir, I'm busy with glee. Why can't Brittany show him?"
"Take him with you. C'mon (Y/N). Look at the boy. He needs guidance. You know what Brittany is like." You did. She'd end up dying his hair green or accidentally locking him on the rood.  "You, however, are just the person. You know how hard it was when you came here." He tried to convince you.
You sighed. "Sure." He was right, you did know. Within your first week, you had been slushied and your accent mocked. "Cmon Leprechaun. Let's get to class."
"I'm not a leprechaun." You almost swooned at his accent.
"I know, but Brittany doesn't. She's been going on about the 'little green man' living with her."
"Oh." He quickly grabbed his stuff and you left the office.
"Let's see your timetable." He handed it over and you saw you shared first. "Oh, great, were in Spanish together. We've got Mr Shue, he's the glee coach here. He's great." You briefly told him about his teachers and he listened intently. 
"Bit of advice," he nodded. "avoid Sue, bitch is cra-cra. The hockey team are all idiots. The football teams not much better. Avoid Jacob or he'll shove a camera in your face. If someone walks towards you with a slushie, walk  the other way."
"Why?" The timing was perfect as you saw some cocky kid walking over with a slushie. As he began to throw it, you smacked it out his hand. It splashed the lockers next to Rory who jumped. 
You shoved the kid into the slushie covered locker and pinned him against the locker. "What have I told you about slushie-ing, my friends?" The kid, Jordan, nodded scared. "If I see you do it again I'll drown you in the slushie." You let go of Jordan and he scurried off.
"Woah." Your attention was brought back to Rory who was staring at you. "You're tough."
"Yup. I got sick of being slushied. Stick with me and you'll be fine." You sent a wink to Rory and began to walk to class. It took the Irish man a moment before he hurried after you.
Santana was...crazy. You had initially agreed to join glee but changed your mind when you found out some cherios were in it. Your sister, Rachel, wouldn't take no for an answer.
After weeks of her whining 24/7, she somehow managed to get you to join. "Everyone, this is (Y/N) Berry-"
"Oh great," Santana cut Mr Shue off. "Another Berry." 
You glared at her. "Got something to say?" She didn't expect your reply so was caught off guard for a moment. "Good. Rachel may be incredibly annoying-"
"But it's my job to insult her. Not yours." You took your seat next to Rachel.
"Okay," Mr Shue spoke slowly. "Let's just start. Okay?" You all nodded and began the lesson. 
Santana was glaring at you for the whole period. You just glanced at her and rolled your eyes. After the bell went Santana caught up with you. "Hey, Berry 2"
"What?" You were sassy, she could tell that by your crossed arms and stance. She wouldn't admit it but she was sick of no competition and no one to shot insults back at her. She loved bantering but no one at glee had the guts or the patience.
"Well done," She complemented with a twisted smile. "your the first one to stand up to me. Don't get used to it though, I'll crush you."
"Bring it on."
She did live up to her words just not how she expected. Soon after that conversation, you both had a crush on each other.
You had heard about Sebastian from your friend Kurt. He told you about how he was trying to steal his boyfriend and everything else. Later that day Santana also talked to you about him as he had interrupted her, Kurt, Mercedes and Blaine's convo at the lima bean. To say you already disliked him would be an understatement.
Sebastian had decided to take it up a notch so he and some warblers headed over to McKinnley. He wanted to stir the pot and spy on the New Directions and maybe to insult Kurt some more.
When they arrived Sue saw them and instantly asked why they were there. Sebastian said that Mr Shue had invited them so she told them to head to the auditorium. 
They entered silently but it happened to be during a performance. Yours. Well, not only yours. You, Mike, Santana, Quinn and Tina had decided to perform Dirty Little Secret. You sang lead with the girls as back up. Puck and Artie played the guitar while Finn was on drums.
It wasn't a serious performance, just something you had made up for fun, so the rest of the glee club ended up joining you on stage. You all just wanted to have some fun. Even Rachel came up.
After the song finished you were all smiling when you began to hear clapping. You all looked to see some warblers walking to the stage. A cocky looking boy leads them. He spoke first "Well who would have guessed at least one of them have talent?"
"You're Sebastian arent you?"
"The one and only." He proclaimed.
You grabbed a water bottle and drank, not without muttering "Explains a lot."
"What was that?" You just shrugged your shoulders.
Kurt glared at him. "What do you want?"
"Calm down little girl." Kurt rolled his eyes. "We just wanted to see the competition. It's not illegal."
You leaned over and said to Kurt "What I'm about to do is."
"Have we ever even met? Why the hate?" He mocked hurt.
You glared at him. "Mess with my friends, mess with me."
"Oh, I'm scared." The warblers chuckled for some unknown reason. "Why are you friends with them? You could do so much better with a face like that." He had a smug look.
The new directions didn't say anything. Normally you were passive, fun, carefree maybe even a little shy but when someone challenged your friends... well let's just say they didn't stand a chance.
"What? Are you jealous since I actually have friends?" You asked. "Jealousy isn't a good look. Though you don't look good either way." You heard a couple glee members chuckle.
Sebastian glowered at you. "Honey, I ain't-a mirror. Your ass must be jealous of all the shit coming out your mouth." It's a good thing Mr Shue had left to talk to Emma.
"Don't feel sad, don't feel blue, Frankenstein was ugly too. Besides at least you'll be safe if there is a zombie apocalypse, they only eat brains." You could see him grit his teeth.
"Oh was I meant to be offended? They only offensive thing is that outfit."
"If I wanted to deal with a bitch, I would've got a dog."
"Funny,  I thought you'd want to be with your kind."
"At least I ain't as ugly as your personality."
"Sorry, say that again. I couldn't hear you over the smell of peasant."
"Keep on talking, maybe you'll say something intelligent."
Mr Shue walked in at that moment but no one looked at him. All the glee club was looking at you and Sebastian. "Whats going on here?"
"Nothing, we were just leaving," Sebastian stated, eyes on you. 
Later on, your choice of song was comical to him because two weeks later you were his dirty little secret.
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