dannystheone · 9 months
So in a SHOCKING turn of events Red and Cartman were at a tie- this hasn't happened since our first bracket with Kenny versus Tweek. So I remedied this the same as I remedied Kenny v Tweek
A good old coin toss
Here's the result
Cartman v Red - Winner: CARTMAN
Craig v Wendy - Winner: CRAIG
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elytrafemme · 1 year
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yeobloom · 2 years
I want to create a post to refresh info for this comeback but I also want to wait and see if the diary version of MOVEMENT has diary entries too
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oak-woodtrees · 4 months
Walten Files fans how are we feeling about TW4?
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sporkberries · 7 months
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my army of wives. my wife army
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ghostpyre · 5 months
Me, almost living the dream (same thing except I'd be in Alaska): living in hyper remote and rural community doing stuff for the feds, continuing to grow, learning to cook new foods and learn new languages, and read and draw and hike and climb and shoot and it's all so exciting that I can have a home again and be with my cat, even if for a short while, after a year and half of not having a place that's stable or I feel safe in
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arenagranita · 1 year
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multisockdrifting · 4 months
for the last like 2 months i fuckim KNEW my t levels were up but didnt know why and i just got my bloodwork back and yeah i was right.... gonna try extremely hard to not blame it on cigs and up my dosage and push forward
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viv-weylin · 1 year
rvb ending actually making me cry??
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quirklessidiot · 7 months
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title: hell's favorite secretary [sneak peak] pairing : Devil!Ryomen Sukuna x F!Lost soul!reader [based on the webtoon 'the devil is a handsome man', DC Comics "Lucifer", and the book and video game 'Dante's inferno'] Genre: Alternate Universe-Hell, angst, mystery/thriller, mild horror, romance, slow burn, hell au, dark comedy, lost soul x devil au
Summary: The faceless man shrouded in mystery tends to be a subject of rumors and false pretenses, but you'd think otherwise when you accidentally caught sight of those grueling red eyes.
General warning for the story: graphic depictions of heavy gore (manslaughter, mayhem, and torture), and explicit sexual scenes, more will be added per chapter. this will be exclusively released in ao3 in december <3 Notes: after reading a couple of pages of dante's inferno, reading lucifer (the comic book), and the devil is a handsome man, it sort of struck my interest to write this story! this is a pretty long series and im actually so excitied to write this lol.
if you're a person heavily practicing the catholic faith, i won't recommend reading this series as this talks and leans on the devil (i'm not a satanist pls), he's not glorified here in anyways but I do recall people who lean heavily on the faith are not fond of reading any media depictions of the devil.
i hope you enjoy! rb's are always appreciated.
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There are possibly hundreds of artworks about the devil. 
The most famous one is that snake hanging off the forbidden tree or, better yet, a half-animal and half-human. Others would be an ugly babe falling down from the heavens. The most popular modern one would be the one in red with horns on his head, yet your boss did not resemble any of those impressions. Instead, he wore a three-piece suit and had a hole right in the middle of his face.
Yes, you heard that right.
A hole. 
All you could see was an empty void of black nothingness. Nobara had said that Sukuna – yes, the devil went by that name — would never show his face to lost souls like you because, as an angel before, seeing him in his proper form would result in instantaneous combustion. 
Despite that good reason, talking to him was still disconcerting. The whole situation remained to be anomalous.
The ringing thoughts about your previous conversation with your workmate replay in your head like a broken record, your eyes trickling on the piles of paperwork across the window that revealed your boss leaning against the table with his usual outfit and pink tufts of hair neatly styled away.
You recalled meeting him for the first time and wondering why he seemed somewhat familiar. You had overtly eyed him up and down. Despite the hole in his face, he had caught on quickly and asked what exactly you were doing. Until now, you couldn’t understand the physics behind how he could even see you and talk.
You purse your lips in deep thought as lines form in the middle of your head. You don’t even feel your boss walking up to you on your desk, “Seems like someone’s head is up in the clouds this morning.” he points out.
You immediately sat up straight, your shoulders squared, “Sukuna, Sir…” you jumped, eyeing him somewhat warily. 
Despite how he made you feel, the devil was not exactly a strict boss. 
He’s rather lax and did not mind procrastination and passing your work at the last minute as long as you did it well. He works on proper hours, gives vacation and leaves, and an appropriate timetable for lunch breaks. 
He’s hard to hate for a being who's been blamed for man’s misfortune since time immemorial.
“Was the long weekend still not enough?”
“I’m not exactly a sloth, Sir,” you mumble to yourself, but he catches onto your words and remains unphased. It's uncharacteristic for you to say anything more to him, but you needed a good starter for this conversation to get on,  “...Although, I-uh…I do have a question…You remembered our contract, sir?”
One thing that humans were able to grasp correctly about hell and its king is the contract signing and how the devil gives out favors in exchange for something you truly hold dear. For you, since you’re a lost soul, in exchange for changing your status, you’d give proper work hours and help him capture at least eight hundred itinerants.
You’re running on two hundred and fifty so far.
“Oh?” he leans in closer, “That’s not something we talk about every day.” his body language remains fluid and guileless as if he wanted you to speak your mind more, and it only made your palms sweaty despite the coldness of the room, “Would you like to change some conditions? I am, after all, a fair man.” His voice is crisp and light, a charm that made up for his empty face.
“I- well, I’m going to be frank with you, Sir…” you blink, “I- um,” you start to stammer, and it only makes your stomach do different kinds of flips as your mind conjures up different types of worst-case scenarios. It’s not like you couldn’t become a soul after this, right? You’d only have to wait for a century and try to retain your sanity along with it.
He cocks his head to the side, and if you could paint a face on that void of nothingness, you’d wish it would be kind eyes looking down on you, but this was the devil, the man who was struck down from the heavens for being too ‘arrogant and malicious’. You need to be careful with your words, “I…I need information…” you swallowed, your words tumbling out clumsily.
“Information?” your boss remained relaxed, and you knew it was rather diabolic to even pray for God when you were literally in hell, but you had little to no way of reading him. There’s another round of stifling silence; you only want to melt into a puddle of goo this time.
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yoonyoons-yoon · 5 months
I can't waiting clonehigh season3.....
and tophabe will be canon!!!!
because!! 'kalopatra' not appear to trailer too. but they are kiss!!!!!!!!
so, tophabe will be same too. and, they said they are will big reversal in show.
'the reversal' is topher bus's true crush is abe!!!! topher like abe!!!! that's true!!!!!
if tophabe won't be canon, i will drop to the window.
but, actually i don't want there love each other.
I want topher's pain and i want he obbessed to abe (maybe his white raverage again?)
im sorry, i just so excitied........
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mintmatcha · 10 days
i wish i could post this tonight but its not quite done but AAAAA IM SO EXCITYED TO SEE PEOPLES REACTIONSS
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knittedslug · 4 months
im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so exicted im so excited im so exicted im so excited im so excited im so excited im so exicted im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so exicted im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so exicted im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im sk excited im so excited im so excited im so exicted im sk exocited im so excited im so excidtedm im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excitedm im so excited im so exmited im so excited im so excited im so excitex im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excitded im so excited im so excitied im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so exicted im so excited im so excitdmed im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so exicted im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excietded im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so exicted im so eizmdted im so excited im so excited im sk excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so ezxitedm im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excidtem im so excitded im so excitdem im so excitdedm im so excited im so excited im so excidted im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im sk exoecired im so excited im so excited im si excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excitsed im so excitedim so excited im so exitecdd im so excited im so excited im so excited i so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so excited im so
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
aw sweet! see what it says on the calendar?summer has sprung, it seems! some might say its time to show u sillies some songs for the season!
spotify link :3 :: yt link :3
full list + notes under the cut ^w^
Aluralura - Sweet Trip: this somg is soooooo fucking smooth. and cool. using the strictest definition of cool i can. perhaps cooler than cool. dk what ud even call that but this is it. sounds like i should be cruisin down the information highway to this straight up. feels like im being hit with a million little lightning bolts in. a good way? that doesnt sound good but it is. ull get it just listen pls just li
Babe of the Abyss - Girls Rituals: UGH devi.. i was so sad when this was pulled from streaming for a bit like some of the other singles from the upcoming girls rituals, but thankfully it did return :3 unlike the rest of those songs :/ eh this one is good enough to make up for it! so glittery and clicky and kinda unlike a lot of other songs devis done but it's v unique like that :3 the cover is interesting to me too bc it looks ai generated and it reminds me of a video devi made explaining her songwriting process a bit and after setting an arpeggiater (dk if i spelled that right lmao) to random she said she likes the collaboration between her and her computer and letting the computer decide some things like that :3 idk just a neat little factoid for ya
BALD! - JPEGMAFIA: was gonna put one of the tracks off scaring the hoes in this spot but, after deciding to go through peggys solo stuff a bit i liked this one even more than those ones :3 he has a very interesting and wide ranging sound tho so im really excitied to listen to more. uhh nothing else to say really. juts good song 👍
Cops and robbers - underscores: new underscores era hello anyone rockin wit it???? ME im rocking with jt thank u very much!! that one song count of three (you can eat $#@!), which ive heard is very good :3, was the end of the fishmonger era for them, where the "thing" was apparently that underscores wanted guitar on each track. still trying to find The thing about this eras sound, and maybe its the deeming it "the Wallsocket era", but to me everything just feels very buzzy, very electrically alive idk. like theres just this CRT/fluorescent light hum that backs the bass at the beginning. and the middle section just sounds like im listening to a fucking tesla coil make a pop song. shit Rocks. and Fucks. i give this one the Makes Violet Sing And Dance Around In Her Room Alone award this season, which is something i will absolutely be doing from now on and will not forget for the fall hehe :3
Dariacore Song Tutorial - leroy/Jane Remover: wait i thought there was YEAH there was dariacore on the last one, but as ive seen it so elegantly explained, this is a jane song more than a dariacore song. i mean obviously sonically right, no memey hyperpop mash up font, just some loud ass guitars n drums, but its good!!! jane literally incapable of missing.
Dress Down - Kaoru Akimoto: one of my many music moments recently has been getting into city pop more! i kiiinda only know the hits, of which this is definitely one of them, but ive seen my way around a bit B) (my cool sunglasses guy do not steal.) and even after my journey round the city.. pop, this is still one of my faves.
FELL - Varg^2™️ (im toolazy to make it superscript sowwy) & Bladee: since i began my drain journey i thought id listened to most if not all of bladees stuff besides like really old stuff that actually isnt good. like, bladee isnt good, but u get used to it as the saying goes and u kinda get to see his artistic vision unfold as he releases new stuff. but old bladee really isnt good. anyway imagine my delight and splendor when i see theres another Varg^2TM, Bladee collab... besides ecco and the rest of drain gang varg is probably my favorite bladee collaborator. in fact i almost put SHINIE, another collab from them, on some spring songs but it didnt make the cut unfortch. glad i could find something new from them to dig into mm yummy bladee :3
!¡! find the answer ¡!¡ - six impala: holy FUCK i am listening to six impala!
光の中へ (hikari no naka e)- Kessoku Band: yeah yeah i know there was kessoku band on the last one BUT THEY MADE MORE SO I LISTENED TO IT. they have such good push and pull with their tunes. like the moments of silence/slowing down before going all out. the quick drum interjections to pick things back up again. like nijikas fuckin getting it!!!! actually i read something recently about the critical reception to kessoku band, the self titled album, that makes a similar point. they were saying that although the album is just good j-rock on its own, the strength of the individual instruments and the texture of the songs themselves embodies the characters in your mind. like i listened to the beginning a bit closer one time and heard the little shreds the guitar was giving at the top and it instantly made me think like "oh shit bocchis fucking tearing it up!" soooo good instantly one of my faves from them.
It Was A Good Day - Ice Cube: fuuuuuuck i cant fucking find it i wasngonna put it here bc its the reason i added it to my playlist and have been listening to it so mch recently but. i cant find it. it was a top text bottom text cat meme edit of this song, in the same vein as that one of death grips' hacker. a very good morning walk song btw, cuz even tho it would be very easy for that situation to feel trite, im like shit. mama cooked the breakfast with no hog! todays gonna be a good day. it usually isnt with where im heading on my morning walk but. eventually itll be a good day! and the iced cube told me that.
Les Os - The Unicorns: sooooo this song is extremely horny to me sorry. also very kinda toxic t4t core but thats juts meeeeeee :3... + the singers voice is very similar in register to mine when in singing so it makes it v easy to project who daid that.... uhh anywag in the ol violet amv machine (what i call my brain) i imagine the singer with the mic stand tilted back between their legs, perhaps a cheeky little leg wrap around like sexy singers tend to do, as they stare down from the stage into yuor eyes specifically. asking u directly, out of everyone. tell me bout ur love affairs.. tell me bout ur moral resignations... so then u meet after the show and [transmission lost]
LOU - whoTF (Folie & Forget Basement), Fraxiom: [transmission regained] and from the production stylings of new hyperpop ish duo whoTF comes another lyrical miracle from the mind and pen of fraxiom music!!! includes such bangers as "I’m blowing up your car/I see Mercedes boom/I’m off four drinks of alcohol/Pissing in the ladies room!" rhyming "you can watch a youtube video" with "get your fitted tutu biddie hoe" (LIKE?) and also the amazing outro from which i could just paste the whole thing but this part resonates especially "I need to become alive, in the morning, like a rooster!/Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee and foodstuffs"..."Estradiol, finasteride, adderall, and thc im juiced up!" making rooster rhyme with foodstuff and juiced up and also everything else in that part god. they dont call them fraxiom fucking music for nothing. um but also whoTF is v good, for one without frax that is still good listen to cigs up as well :3
Natural Disasters - Enon: love me a song with a strange guitar hook! ive heard this bands like top 2 songs (which include this one) bc it was just a night of spotify surfing, but those two songs are quite good. very boucy, good energy. makes me wanna do the bounce in place dance and flail my arms as i sing only the chorus and maybe try to approximate the sounds of the lyrics i dont know. sounds like a good time to me!
Overflow - Een Glish, Tyfty, Ben Glish: eek! so ai voiced songs specifically rap is very good to me. that family ties edit with spongebob and patrick is probably one of my favorite pieces of music. but this artist is v interesting to me :3 een glish is a vocaloid (? not sure if entirely correct but u get what im getting at) made from the google translate ladys voice. and its GOOD this one specifically is very catchy but she has bars too!!! check out rap game bob ross too, and also the remix with bars from SONIC HELLO? im giving this one the Sound of the Summer distinction bc not only is it a very summery jam, but it is the one im really telling u to check out if u get the chance. lots of good jams here.
Scatman - Scatman John (DJ Kadozer 2003 Remix): (why did i accidentally type out 'evil remix' at first?) sooooo i was having a bit of a scatman moment recently, as was documented in THIS other epic music post u should go check out if u havent already hihhii :3 tho she TOTALLY STOLE the one i was gonna do, Scatman's World, cuz everyone knows scatman right? skabadaba bweebopbopbadop bop? bopbop badop bop? yeah that one! but.... have u ever heard scatman. like this???? probably not... all im sayin... scat vocals/eurobeat foundation translated to this stabbing edm remix.. its quite good. good enough that the first few seconds alone get me to smile big like this :)
Shop - Toby Fox: songs to order a You. Pick. 2... to...... haha but seriously guys this ones just a really chill one :3 i can alwasy hear the you. pick. 2. part in the song bc theyre punctuated exactly the same way its kinda hell. im chillin. like usual. listenin to undertale musicand then how boutta You. Pick. 2. with some brawwwcolli cheddah. onsecond th... and then were done with that and back to the normal undertale song! like an angle in the knight.. or tiers in the reign...... here and then gone forever. truly, ephemeral..............................
The Flag Is Raised - Asian Glow: in case we couldn't drain enough this summer, asian glow put out this really neat interpretation of one of my faves off bladee and ecco2k's recent masterpiece, Crest. follows in the footsteps of many a bladee cover for me where the cover often plays over the actual song in my head. like i expect certain isntrumentation when i listen to the original that is only present in the cover but that just means theyre both good ! the guitars and the cymbals all over this make this version feel so shiny... aww and they use the little sigil ring from Crest on the cover for it too :"3
THE FLIES - Operation Sodasteal: think i mentioned this in the tags of a post that im sure uve all read before coming to class today, but ive been listening to a lot of these guys recently! just some furry emo nightcore rock that sounds plucked right out of 2007. the one vocalist, slaney(in)famous i think? im not confident which is which, has such a good voice for it too like they have all the good vocal inflections of ur typical lead pop punk vocalist, and i usually just end up singing the lyrics like them bc im just a silly little mirror huh?
This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody) - Talking Heads: ooobh i got plany off time....... yeag ive been getting down with this jam recently :3 another good morning walk tune. been trying to get into talking heads a bit more too bc every song i hear is soooo good. like i almost put the girl wants to be with the girls here bc of that OTHER meme edit i actually dont remember if it was lolcats again. it was specifically the "girls are getting into.. abstract analysis!" OHHBB it was a rose homestuck thing bc i memba her sitting at her lappytop :3 doin some fuckin abstract analysis i suppose..
Tin Man - feeble little horse: this is another single turned favorite-song-on-the-full-album-bc-i-took-too-long-making-this-list-again-lol. i love what theyre doin to these guitars maan theyre really fuckin em up in there..... also i love that this band just calls its music guitar music. its fuckin true.
Vicinity of Obscenity - System Of A Down: songs that have done irreversible damage to my psyche and syntax. i will bust out a banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie when the fuck ever just let me know the time and place my man. it is such a vocal stim for me. this whole song is honestly. some of the silliest nu metal u can get ur paws on i checked (she is lying to u again tho it is quite silly with it 😳) + had to go with the 2008 youtube editor lyric video for the youtube playlist obviously.
ahmmmmm so thanks u all once again for enjoying some more songs with me (summer edition)!!!!! <3333 see yall...... in the fall.. with some more songs hehe (or perhaps for summer......2! who knowce :3 the summers still got plany off time as some might say)
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chocoenvy · 2 years
no angst only soft >:(
because im thinking about you getting brought to Teyvat just as you finish watching the teaser too..it's probably cold as hell in there though. the Harbingers immediately rushing over to you and fighting over who gets to give you their coat to wear.
meanwhile your shivering just trying not to panic because wow that's a lot of pretty people huh.
either Pierro gives you his or Childe does as the only two people with a working braincell in the room (Childes only works on weekends though). Arlecchino has one sometimes but she's also busy trying to strangle Pantalone so.
so now your just being crowded by a bunch of excitied Harbingers trying to get a crumb of your attention.
ft the Tsaritsa basically breaking down the damn door and making it even colder and oh g-d you just barely come up to her waist. and now everyone's scrambling to warm the room up because your still shaking and it's only gonna get Worse with the Tsaritsa in the room.
she kinda feels bad about it but your attention being solely on her overpowers that thought anyway.
oh to be pampered by a bunch of dumbass (affectionate) Harbingers who constantly argue over who gets to do anything with you while the Tsaritsa absorbs your affection like a sponge
im like 0.5 seconds away from caving and writing for Arlecchino & Pierro + some other Harbingers 😔 - eros
okay im okay im calm cool and collected i am living laughing and loving
Eros. write the fatui content 🔫 this is a threat /lh
just sitting there after watching the teaser, still shaking from excitement. No matter how many coats they give you, you're still shuddering from all of the pretty people in the room you feel you're about to burst.
Then the Tsaritsa barging into the room, her eyes the most beautiful thing you've ever seen, but oh dear you're shaking so hard and it's so cold you can barely blink. That and the Tsaritsa is just... too pretty. You're scared of looking away even to blink.
And they're all so worried about you, fussing over you, but they all part ways for the Tsaritsa. She kneels next to you (and you still barely reach her chest like this) and your face is bright red as she fusses with you herself. Offering her own coat to you, making sure to bundle you up safely in it. Only your eyes are peaking out, staring wide-eyed up at her.
Anyways I'm absolutely insane over all of the harbingers. They're all trying to kill each other except for Pierro. The only sane one.
He's like the dad that gave up on his kids. He still cares about them! He's just given up on telling them to not murder each other. Every man for himself yknow? The most he'll say or do anymore is if they're about to destroy a section of the palace that doesn't belong to them. If they destroy their rooms oh well but public areas are off limits. It also comes out of their paychecks. So he's mostly given up on them.
They keep the murderous intent down to a minimum around you though! Or at least they try. The minimum for the harbingers is threats and throwing shit at people. Like I'm sure Arlecchino throws weapons at Childe and/or Pantalone on the daily. But when they're around you they throw stuff without murderous intent. There's a difference.
I love the fact they hate/love each other. Like only I'M allowed to murder you >:( yknow?
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stil-yr-sand · 7 months
so my meds have been maming me super anxious like just the anxious body reactions like my stomach hurting and feeling jittery but theyre aloso helping me foxuz so idk what to do. i have to poo so im gonna go home at lunch and poo and hm what else. i ordered two more mh dolls and they should srrive soon im very excitied!!! halloween was nice i got lot of candy yum yum yay! i work tonight which is goodd cuz i need the money and i haveny been working
AND OMFG THIS COUPLE BROKE UP ITS SO SAD cuz id been talking w jalen and wed kinda been ranting ab our bfs and how its breakup season (shich i kinda thight was bs) but literally evrryone rlse has been breaking up and then did too :( its so sad
huys i feel pike im gonna shit my pants of my god
two more hours we got this hi adam i love you i want to go to kore parties theyre fun (i just like getti my frink)i have so kuch hw i have to chatxh up on but im gona worry ahout that after seim is done whcih is in loke three days
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