maiverie · 2 years
( ୨୧ ) ── ꒰ update ! ꒱
hi hi everyone !! just wanted to share a super quick update <3 i know this account hasn't been properly active in a month so i firstly wanted to apologise for the inactivity and also keep u all in the loop abt what i have planned in the future :>
( note : it's kinda late here so i'll answer asks tmr :0 <3 )
ㅤㅤ↳ the reason for my inactivity is quite multifactorial but boils down to a lack of motivation to write / be on tumblr + many commitments irl !! ive been working + studying a lot, which has kept me busy :(
ㅤㅤ↳ i don't have plans to deactivate this acc or anything so don't be concerned about that!! not that anyone would even care saslkddjsj just wanna put that out there!! i still very much have a passion for writing, though admittedly my motivation has taken a bit of a hit. nothing really to do with you guys / tumblr,,, i think i just have a tendency to overthink things and sometimes writing can be stressful when ur brain literally mf hates itself :’>
ㅤㅤ↳ a few months ago i reached a new milestone (4 digits!!! that is literally so effing slay IM CRYING) but didn't get the chance to say anything soooo THANK U ALL SOOO MUCHHHH AAAA im seriously in awe at that number because tbh i really don't feel like i've achieved much w this acc T_T sometimes im super embarrassed that my masterlist is so puny and i've only got the one completed fic,, but reaching such a cool milestone is more than enough for me to be utterly grateful. in saying that, i'm so so so sorry abt how horrible my updating schedule is :’’> i'll definitely try to work on it and be more consistent :( in the meantime, if anyone has any idea on like milestone ideas then pls pls pls lmk *-* <333
ㅤㅤ↳ anyways, if you're wondering what my plans are next, the first thing i want to do is update & finally complete triage !!! i have about 2-3k written so far but the final chapter will probably reach 7k+ (kms) :’’> i have sm wips i want to publish and start, but i probably won't do anything about them until my other ongoing fics (misconduct and doublespeak) are on a somewhat steady trajectory to getting finished (i.e. i have a good understanding of where they're headed).
ㅤㅤ↳ to any moots that are reading this (but tbh blr literally looks so dead that i wouldn't even be surprised if nobody sees / reads this HAHAHS), i will defs catch up on all ur updates <33 i really wanna be active again on this acc so ill probably be reaching out sometime soon to say hi :’>
ㅤㅤ↳ lastly, i noticed some people are recommending my fics and asldk;fjl;kjew im literally crying like it genuinely makes me so happy that people are even reading my shit like?? hello?? yall got some questionable ass taste but tysm for enjoying my fics :< i gen love yall sm u !! don't !! even !! know !! sooo yeah thank you so much for all the likes, comments, reblogs, recommendations, or any other sliver of interaction bc yall are the best and i love writing and i love enhypen and i love u all MWAH MWAH MWAH !! anyway i'm probably gna sleep now but tysm for reading this long ass post aksjjadjss ill answer asks tmr!!!
ㅤㅤ— lots and lots of luv from mai <333
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gilears · 2 years
for you my darling jamie: 3, 9, 19, 21, 22 (👀), 28, 29, and 33!! <3
3. How would you describe your writing style?
all over the place tbh!!!!!! i feel like i can very much be a writing style chameleon based on what the vibe of a piece needs, but i def gravitate to either silly goofy writing with lots of unnecessary asides (like lola fic or my reddie fake married disaster fic) OR like. insane ominous overly verbose dread hours (like o&t<3)
9. Thoughts on cliffhangers.
harrowing!!!!! what if the author never updates again???? i dont ever post chapter fics until ive finished or almost finished the entire thing for this reason, i dont want anyone to hurt the way ive been hurt
19. Share a snippet from a wip without giving any context for it.
“Ah, it’s rather smoky—Kristen, did you make cheese crackers? Is that why you—” He cuts himself off, looking genuinely touched at the idea that Kristen would go out of her way to make him his favourite snack, just the way he likes it (burnt).
She’s not sure how she feels about crushing the hopes of a man who’s had his hopes crushed so many times before, so she decides to just rip off the bandaid. “No, your kitchen’s on fire.”
Gilear’s eyes widen, and he takes one more step out of the hallway to where he can see the kitchen, the yells, “Ahhhh! My kitchen is on fire!”
“Great listening skills,” Riz mutters under his breath.
21. Can you accurately predict how long your fics are going to be? If you can, what’s your secret?
yeah for the most part i can! ive been writing fic for 8 years now (omg) so ive kinda just developed a sense for how long a particular idea will take me. i think it helps a lot that im a pretty heavy outliner, and i typically dont start writing something unless ive got most of the plot figured out
but whenever im wrong about a wc its always that i end up being way over. i have cant shut up disease and its terminal
22. What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again?
djkglhbsdlj;ghsdfg woowwww i wonder what ship that eyes emoji is for sav!!!! tbh idk if i have a solid answer for this question! sometimes a dynamic just Grips you and youre like holy shit i have to read and think about these people interacting for the next 5-10 business days straight. when i figure it out ill let you know
28. Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
yes! i think you should write whatever makes you happy to write because that will make you love writing more, which will make you write more, which will make you be a better writer. early 2021 i decided i wanted to write more stupid goofy shit and i had SUCH a blast writing it it made me wanna write more stupid goofy shit and i had so much fun writing stupid goofy shit i stopped caring about what would get the most hits/kudos/attention/whatever
also i think the secret to not giving a shit is having friends that are also writers. all my closest friends in fandom have been writers and when u can have people to go to who will Get and celebrate your work no matter what? game changer!!!!! opens up a whole world of possibilities like, "hey, what if i wrote this niche rarepair fic with my friend but its in second person and also the ship only has like 2 fics in their tag and also what if we wrote it in one night?" and then u have SO much doing it and dont even bother to check stats bc u already feel so fulfilled for having created it!!!! and also u and ur friend are so much closer now for it!!!
tldr put on some fun music, do a little dance, tell urself "who give a shit" and write whatever the fuck makes u happy
29. What’s the hardest thing about writing?
writing 💔
33. Give your writing a compliment.
aw this one is cute. mmmm i think im pretty good at capturing specific character voices/cadences/vocabulary in dialogue!!! 🥰
send a number for fic writer asks!
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decembermoonskz · 3 years
HELOO IZZYYY !! recently, ive been laying off genshin bc thoma keeps on distracting me from my studies Y^Y the past week has been busy since projects kept on coming continuously. one submitted, two new due again huhu but i finished majority of them already hehe like, 3 of them were centered in drawing and wow, didnt expect that ill find art fun :3 im not good but maybe ill practice, i had a really fun time doodling for my projects jadfkjafjk AND is it true that albedos banner will be returning? bc if it is Y^Y i already got a confirmed 50 50 win because of keqing fsbahfhadfv hbu? what were you up to these days? other than that, ive been getting into tbz and nct :>> spent majority of my free time just watching funny vids about them in youtube
AND OMGGG YOU DRAW SO WELLLL. your male characters are all so handsome, can i marry kiryu? IM A SUCKER FOR BAD BOYS Y^Y their backstories are sooo interesting. any chance that youll make a story with them as leads??? id definitely read that! YOURE DRAWINGSSS ARE SO BEAUTIFULLL i kenat get over :">> anyways, kohaku having those god-like visuals, im curious as to how his brother, teika, looks like 👀
for the game,,, #s - 1 - 3 (explain why :>) - 8 - 10 🤔 - 14 - 18 - 19 - 23 IM SORRY FOR THE MANY NUMBERS HUHU these are the topics i genuinely want to know about you, and talk with you about hehe. take your time answering though! i requested a lot after all Y^Y
hope you have a great day~
- 🤡
hey you! nice to hear from ya!
I wish you the best of luck with your studies as always bub! Also art is a lot fun, I’ve been enjoying myself this sem!! ✨✨✨ YES ALBEDO IS COMING BACK!! Albedo and Eula’s banners will be running at the same time as the first part of 2.3 and then Itto after that. I’m gonna skip eula in order to get albedo and then save for itto and his weapon 🙈🙈🙈 I’m super excited! ✨✨ I’ve been good! Just been doing school, writing my fic for the collab and gaming. Nothing out of the ordinary honestly. :3 that’s fun tho getting into a group then watching videos of them is always nice. ^^
Hhhhhh oh my gosh thank you so much about my art 🥺🥺🥺 Kiryu is just so pretty huh? 😔😭 uwucry I love him!! Also I mentioned in a previous ask once that I have been writing a story for them! However I’m not even sure I wanna share it or not, and also I work on it off and on a lot so it’s a big WIP haha to hear that you’d read it tho is a huge compliment thank you 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 also Kohaku was made after teika (I may have mentioned that) and so yeah Kohaku def looks like teika perhaps I’ll show teika in the next rambling post I make 👀👀👀👀 (my bestie literally loves teika haha)
I’m gonna throw your answers under the cut cause this got reaaaallllyyyy long lmao
1. What did you dream about last night?
Honestly it was pretty random, just my mom and I ordering pizza but like IT WAS A TON OF PIZZA I WAS SO CONFUSED LMAO 😂 like we didn’t need that much pfff
3. Do you feel more connected to the moon or the sun?
The moon!! She is such a beautiful entity and as my queen I respect her so much. I’m aware of the saying “you are the sun, your world revolves around you.” I do agree you need to remember you are important but I still end up resonating with the moon much more haha 😂 I feel like, I’m a night owl and I much prefer night over daytime. I feel safe in the night, and the moon always watched over me. She is a safe space to me even if that’s strange to say or may not make sense to anyone else. I feel safe in confiding in her.
8. Do you believe in guardian angels?
I do actually! I’ve always grown up believing in them as my mom does too, she went shared her experiences with me about how she felt she had been in the presence of a guardian angel before. I believe we do have angels watching over us. As for how they watch over us I don’t know.
10. What is something (or someone) you’re in love with?
Well something would be drawing, and gaming. I love drawing so much, to be able to create people, things, spaces my imagination can think up, it feels amazing! Gaming for me is just a safe place for me, I’m so grateful that video games exist. People make these amazing worlds and we get to play them, it’s honestly such a wonderful thing to me. I met most of my close friends because of video games and I’m so blessed. 🥰🥰
14. Talk about one of your most cherished childhood memories.
Hmmm 🤔 I’m not sure which to pick, but a fun thing that happened to me was going to a live shoot of one of my favorite childhood shows and then taking pictures with the actors afterwards, it was really fun to see the making of a show and the process and all :D it was what I did for my birthday and it was a really fun time!
18. Do you believe dreams have meanings or are they completely random?
answered here!!
although I suppose I’ll add to my previous answer and say that random dreams can happen they happen to me a lot where I’m questions the meanings.
19. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do! While it’s very cliché, I believe in gut feelings, and sometimes you just know; you just know that’s the person/people for you.
23. What’s your zodiac sign? Do you think you fit the general characteristics of that sign?
Local sagittarian here hehe I suppose I fit the characteristics I guess. I haven’t looked up my characteristics I’m a while. I do feel like being a Leo ascendant fits me too.
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