imbxdateverything · 4 years
Kinda like Florence but not really
(i suck at titles ik ik)
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22392178
Summary: The Ghosts are making a getaway and Four gets hurt. That's literally it.
Everything was going according to plan, but doesn't it always start that way?
Three was driving a dark grey 6-seater Mercedes, One was in the passenger seat, Two, Five and Seven were in the back seat and Four was, of course, on top of a building tracking the others, watching them drive away to their assigned meeting place, trying to spot if anyone was following them. So far, everything was quiet but it never lasts.
“One, you've got a tail.” Four called out on his walkie-talkie as soon as he saw the van following the other Ghosts.
“Fuck.” Said Javier quietly to himself.
“How many?” One asked into the walky-talky.
“One black VW Transporter.” Four responded, “I can see the driver and one other person in the passenger seat. I can't tell if there are more in the back.”
“Noted.” One turned to Three. “We have to lose that van.”
“I know, but like I said before, I don't drive like Six.” Said Three and gripped the steering wheel tighter.
“You're gonna have to.” In which Three answered with a quick glance at One's side and a single 'shit'.
Three switched the gear and pushed harder the pedal. One would choose tight roads that their car could pass with some difficulty, but a whole van would have issues. Javier did everything in his power to follow One's directions and he did succeed -not without a few scrapes here and there- for the most part.
The van's driver was more experienced, it seemed and knew the roads well. So well that every time Three took a shortcut, he would always pop up again behind them, even if they did lose him for a heartbeat.
Four started running towards the direction in which Three was driving to catch up and find a plan to lose the vehicle that was after his teammates. He jumped from the rooftop he was on to a near balcony that had a fire escape. From there, he climbed a pipe that was on the outside of a building and made his way up, towards the roof.
One was, every now and again, turning his head around just to see that the VW was still there. No matter how many roads they changed that damn van was still following them. With newfound vigour and anger, One told Three to step on the pedal harder.
He did.
The man in the passenger seat of the van pulled a gun and positioned it on the rolled car window and started shooting, managing to hit the rear glass of the Mercedes and shatter it. At that, Two also got her gun out and shot back. She managed to shoot at the van's windshield but without breaking it.
“I'm close to ya.” Billy said with strained breath as he leaped down onto a wooden roofed patio.
“Please, do take your time. It's not like we're getting shot at or something.” One replied in a sarcastic voice. Everyone heard the faint 'wanker' that was said after One's response and it managed to get a snicker out of the others and to even put a small smile on One's face.
Seven saw the guy, who was holding an AK-9, pointing his gun high. He looked in front and saw Four jumping from an escape ladder to some balcony bars of a building under construction. Seven realised what was happening a second too late.
One was saying something to Three about how 'his grandma could drive faster than that even though she was dead' but Blaine heard it indistinctly as if it was in the background. He heard Three even softer telling One to 'go fuck himself ' and 'if he wanted to drive he should have just said so'. All Seven could focus on was Billy jumping from roof to roof and the guy with the gun in the van behind them aiming at him.
"Four!" Blaine called out loudly enough to make One and Three stop their bickering. "Watch out!" He tried to say but as it turns out, a bullet is faster than his mouth.
Four heard Seven call out to him through the comms just as he was making a leap to the building opposite of him and looked at them just to see the passenger of the van aiming a gun at him. A millisecond before he landed, he felt a piercing pain go through his right side.
Billy touched down with a pained grunt and a roll and got up to start running again only to stumble and fall once more, crying out in anguish. He shot one hand up to his throbbing side and when he shakily pulled it away, it was covered in blood.
"Ah, fuck!" He groaned.
"Everything alright, Four?" One asked in an uneasy manner.
“Yes.” Four said a bit too sharp, in a way that made his voice seem forced and concealed. He suppressed another agonised moan that was building in the back of his throat and put his feet under him.
Once Four got up on his feet, he took a couple uncertain steps forward and after three steps in total he staggered but caught himself on a TV antenna before he could fall.
“Four?” Urged Seven as he heard Four whimper, but the reply he got didn't reassure him one bit even though it was supposed to.
“Yeah, I'm good.” He choked out though gritted teeth uselessly, doing nothing to comfort anyone.
Before anyone could elaborate on that, the bad guys starting shooting at the Ghosts in the car again.
Billy, with a new air of determination, put one foot in front of the other and slowly started running to the other side of the building he was on, to the escape ladder. Once there, he realised within seconds how futile his attempt at jumping over it would be and instead climbed down the steps onto the ground.
Blaine pulled a gun from his belt and joined Camille by shooting the van but instead of going for the driver he went for the tyres. He shot his aim true and punctured the van's tyre which, because of its high speed, made it sharply turn right and topple over.
Three took this opportunity and sped up away from the unmoving van to an alley and then down the road on his left.
"Wait!" Five yelled both into her earpiece and Three's ear. "Bi- Four, where are you?" She asked into her HT.
After a single alarming moment of silence, Four responded with an exhausted; "I'm here." Which, to be honest, almost made One roll his eyeballs into his fucking skull.
"Four," One spoke calmly, "please tell us where the fuck is 'here'."
After another pause, Billy answered with a single word. "Here."
This time One would have actually shot himself, had he and the rest not heard a knock on the side car window.
Seven was the one to get out of the car. He looked at Four for only a second before pulling him in it which made Billy gasp in the gripping pain he felt as his side was jarred with the sudden movement. Seven immediately let his hold of Four up in shock and started scrutinizing him.
One broke him from his reverie by saying that they needed to move. Four looked at Seven with a gleam in his eyes, got inside the car and sat down. At once, Three started the engine up.
None of them made any indication of knowing about Four's injury. And neither did he. Billy thought that it wasn't that big of a deal right now and decided to say nothing for the time being.
The team was back in the plane flying home after a very tiresome mission.
One was piloting the plane, Two and Three had 'disappeared', Four was sleeping fitfully sprawled on top of two seats with his legs crossed, Five was looking out of the plane window and Seven was on the brink of sleep.
Camille and Javier returned and Three knocked over Blaine's legs making him fully wake up with a 'What the fuck, man?' and Five to silently chuckle into her palm.
Three also went to do the same to Billy but it had a slightly different result.
When Four's legs dropped to the floor, he startled and hurriedly got up only to wince hard and lower himself back onto his seat with his hands instinctively going to his wounded side. This made Amelia also get up and look worryingly at him and check him over for any injuries. When she saw his blood soaked shirt under his jacket she cringed. First, for not thinking of checking him before and second, the blood on his shirt looked to still be seeping.
She went over to where he was seated and carefully moved his hands away from his side. She got Javier, who was feeling guilty as hell, to help her remove Four's jacket. Amelia then slowly and steadily peeled Billy's shirt back and put her hands on his would to assess it.
Four made an involuntary jerk and hissed in pain.
"Stay still." Amelia spoke calmly yet firmly to Billy, "Tell me what happened."
Billy, who was having difficulty saying sentences that consisted of more than one word, whispered; "Shot."
Five nodded and checked to see if the bullet was still inside him but fortunately, she did find an exit wound. After locating where exactly Billy's injury was, she told him to lie down on his left side as she went to get the plane's First Aid Kit. She got out some bandages to try and soak up as much of the blood as she could before changing them and telling Javier to hold them steady while she secured it with some medical tape.
She also gave him a morphine tablet that she had personally put in the kit and told him to sleep and that she would wake him up again in a couple hours for another dose. His only response was a slow humming that went on for a tad bit too long than it normally would have.
With that, Four lied back down, closed his eyes and within moments he was asleep again.
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