#I'm sorry; I just can't fucking stand johnson and I needed to bitch today
medicinemane · 6 months
Try to avoid talking politics cause it's a fucking cesspool, but god I fucking hate mike johnson, he's such a lying piece of shit
"Oh I've always supported Ukraine", bitch, you refuse to ever bring an up or down vote for aid to Ukraine to the floor, you refuse to even do the basics of your job and see if the house is willing to vote yes for aid to Ukraine. Quick being the biggest fucking liar around, at least fucking be honest
Wouldn't like you, but as it stands it would be hard fro my respect to get any lower when you straight up have been blocking aid to Ukraine since you got this position by simply refusing to even bring a vote to the floor
I'd be annoyed if it got voted down, but the fact he won't even just bring a simple yes no vote to the floor, that's why out of all the scum in American politics, right now I probably like him about the least
#I mean I've lost any respect for any of them that used to crow about supporting Ukraine that turned in the drop of a hat#I will never ever respect or trust them again#but the aid could have been voted on literal months ago cause it used to have bipartisan support before people decided to take it hostage#I'm sorry; I just can't fucking stand johnson and I needed to bitch today#I don't know how anyone can possible vote for that trash#do your fucking job and just bring things to the floor to be voted on#but don't say you're an ally to Ukraine while refusing to do your job#like people want to vote no; well they suck; but at least we'd have had a vote#but you refuse to do that#and I'm sorry; I forget if any of the DOA version were ever voted on#but any of them with a bunch of amendments to do other shit do no count; cause... well cause they're dead on arrival like I said#just a clean up or down vote; that's all I ask and what he refuses to deliver cause he's trash#name a dollar amount for aid to Ukraine; house votes if they like it#I'm not asking for anything fancy; literally just that it be put to a vote#that's too much for johnson#cause you see why I can't stand him?#sorry; I can't trust politicians who don't support Ukraine#just so happens I think most of the ones who don't are dumb fucks regardless#but like I would straight up vote against anyone who can't support a major fucking ally that's being invaded and bombed#Ukraine has been such a good investment; purely talking numbers and strategic goals being achieved for the US#like tossing my humanity out supporting Ukraine is a good fucking deal that just puts money back in our wallet#cause all that aid money? most of it's just getting spent here in the US#but aside from the practical I just am fucking sick of seeing people dying every day cause of russia launching attacks on civilians#I don't know; fuck mike johnson in particular#he seems like a piece of shit just in general; but this is what just makes me loath his stupid ass#and then he goes on tv and straight up lies to everyone's face#fuck that dumb shit bag
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