#I'm not doing it the favour of fanwanking it
frumfrumfroo · 4 years
What’s your take on Rey stabbing Ben? I try to see it as her giving in temporarily to the Dark/her anger
I don’t have one because this movie’s depiction of Rey cannot support analysis and doesn’t deserve the charity of an attempt.
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I'm confused, I never understood it. Who ARE multishippers anyway, and what do they multiship - if they hate Emma so much?
I’m sure this is a question you should rather be aiming–at them? But then again, yes, you’d probably be accused of being a single-minded Swan Queen (just assuming :) shipper, a biphobe–or something equally banal. Because, that’s the general pattern?
But if you ask us, I’d say there are two categories. The first, who started as SQ shippers (built cred as fanfic authors, then wanted to expand the fanbase–things to peddle an’ all) and then more or less failed at balancing, putting their fanwanked version of OQ canon (they just want Regina happy, aww!) ahead of Hook-infested (she’s been degraded in favour of CS, so they “don’t want that Emma anywhere near Regina” now) Emma canon–to the point of anti-Emma and even anti-JMo. And the other group, who believe that shipping different ships with different characters (be it from the same show, or any another) makes you a multishipper. You know, instead of shipping single character with multiple others (like say, I totally dug Faith the vampire slayer in two het, and.. *counts*..four different slash ships) but–EQUALLY so?
The problem aren’t those multishippers who ship whatever, the problem are those who due to the ‘authority’ given by their following (clicks, notes, illusion of popularity and the the power it brings, arrogance to lord over the sheep, gaslighting, bullying, you know–typical highschool frame of mind) took monopoly over entire interpretation of the show, its characters, enforcing opinions onto entire fandom, telling people what to think, accept, how to behave (in fandom or at cons) hell–even which actors to worship and which to shun. All of which could’ve been prevented, you know?
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