#I'm assuming the paperwork is filed with lesley??
adobe-outdesign · 2 years
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One of the strangest things that I haven’t heard anyone talk about is that the coffin teacher can apparently just leave? his body??
But if you need anything urgent, just press the button. Okay, I’ll leave you to it. Bye.
And remember, the buzzer is only for when you really need it- okay, you don’t need to press it when I’m here.
Which I guess implies that the whole sequence with the heart at the beginning was more of a summoning than anything? Which makes sense considering it’s A) a homage to Hellraiser (1987), and B) he has a list of dead people and generally acts like he wasn’t made two minutes ago.
Also I might be overthinking things, but he might’ve actually been around a long time. The style of shoe he wears (with the buckles on top) are from the 1700s–1800s, and he doesn’t seem know what a TV is:
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“Woah, you’ve got one of those! I’ve been thinking about getting something like that.” “What, a television?” “Yeah! [laughs] Don’t tell anyone.” “...What?”
And may or may not know what a cassette recorder is (”Where did you get that? What is this?”—though he might be talking about the song rather than the recorder itself).
I’m not sure what conclusion I’m trying to reach with this ramble except for the implication that Duck killed some kind of potentially 200 year-old demonic entity by Being Too Annoying makes the entire episode like 10x funnier
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