#I'm also thinking of a quote about Tozer from an earlier script
Reading the Episode Ten script again, mainly because I had it open the other day to double-check a specific quote, and there are so many wee things that are jumping out at me all over again.
The religious connotations of Goodsir's feet being the only "clean" part of him!
The fact that Crozier manages to signal to Hodgson and Diggle specifically not to eat their own portions of Goodsir while he's eating his!
This little quote: "Circuits are frying in Crozier's head but he continues to do this unthinkable thing with blind belief in a perfectly-named man called 'Goodsir'".
And finally, something that I'm only now realising I've not thought in depth about before - the fact that Tozer is the only one we see being actively betrayed and bonked on the noggin! We don't know how the others ended up in chains, in all fairness. We don't know if they were bonked too, if they fought back, or if they went quietly, albeit likely at gunpoint. The fact that his coercion is the only one shown says something incredible about Tozer's power and about how Hickey views him at that point in time, I think. He's clearly aware, if not outright scared, of what Tozer is capable of, how unpredictable he could be, how rapidly he's coming to his senses and escaping Hickey's control. He's painfully aware of the fact that he can't let that happen, not now. Like, they could've just held a gun to his face! Lord knows they have enough guns and loyal, desperate men to wield them! But the merest idea that even that wouldn't be enough to coerce him is just making me lose my goddamn mind! The idea that you could hold a gun to Solomon Tozer's handsome goddamn face at that point and it still wouldn't be enough to get him to do something he doesn't want to do...!
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