#I'll be tagging all my s/i x Eggman posts as
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I posted 341 times in 2022
That's 301 more posts than 2021!
102 posts created (30%)
239 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 295 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#sonic the hedgehog - 71 posts
#other people's art - 36 posts
#darkqueen's thoughts - 28 posts
#opinion post - 21 posts
#darkqueen says things - 19 posts
#the brave little toaster - 17 posts
#vent - 17 posts
#blog post - 16 posts
#shadow the hedgehog - 15 posts
#hive don't look - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#losing both my best friend and my comfort au is the absolute worst trauma i've experienced yet and that's against some stiff competition...
My Top Posts in 2022:
So I just watched the new Sonic Drone Home short on YouTube, and, well, two thoughts popped into my head while I was watching it...
One of them was, "aww, this is so cute and wholesome", and the other one was "oh fuck, that reminds me... I still haven't finished writing my Sonic Movie 2 review yet..."
18 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Say hello to the newest additions to my Sonic plush collection! >w<
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Tangle the Lemur
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19 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
Now I'm genuinely curious as to where Shadow was during the events of Sonic Frontiers
Perhaps this year's Sonic Twitter Takeover event could elaborate further on that...? 👀
40 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
What Ruined Shadow: The Downfall of an Amazing Character
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Greetings, mortals! Today, I will be analyzing Shadow's peak characterization in the Adventure/Dark Era and the steady decline in the Meta Era.
During this analysis, I will explain how Shadow went from being a likeable, well written and relatable character in the 2000's, to a truly detestable character in the 2010's.
I will focus mainly on Shadow's characterization in the games, since I haven't watched the animated Sonic shows in a long time (I will make it a point to rewatch them all eventually though), and my knowledge of the comics is limited at best, but from what I've read of the comics, Pre-Reboot Archie Shadow's characterization is really good, Reboot Archie Shadow is just as much of a piece of shit as the Boom/Pontaff version of the character is, and IDW Shadow, while he's not exactly as bad as he is in Reboot-Archie/Meta Era/Boom, I still hate how stupid he can be sometimes, and that really showed in the Zombot arc.
I haven't watched Sonic X in a long time, but from what I remember, Shadow's portrayal in the show was similar to that of his game counterpart. As for Boom Shadow... I'll explain my stance on him later.
Anyway, let us begin! ^^
Shadow's Four Game Arc
Shadow is the only character in the Sonic series I know of whose character arc happened over the course of four games, starting with SA2 and ending in 06.
In SA2, Shadow believes he is destined to exact revenge on humanity for killing his best friend, Maria, but then the memory of Maria's true wish (to protect humanity) made him realize the error of his ways, so he sacrifices himself to save humanity from the ARK falling towards Earth.
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113 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Here's some interesting things I found out about Sonic Prime's voice cast:
• Tails is voiced by Ashleigh Ball, who you may recognize as the voice of Rainbow Dash and Applejack from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
• Amy is voiced by Shannon Chan Kent, who made a brief cameo as the Roadhouse Waitress in the first Sonic movie
• Dr. Eggman is voiced by Brian Drummond, who voiced Knuckles in Sonic Underground back in 1999
• Shadow and Big share the same voice actor (Ian Hanlin)
225 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
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egg-emperor · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons for your self insert and Eggman
OHO you bet I do, especially since I have a bunch of fics of my s/i and Eggman that I’m literally never gonna post sdhkjdfhbkgbs //^w^//
I really appreciate your interest in my s/i because I don’t talk about him often thinking that people just might not really like to know. So it means a lot thank you :’D
Julian previously lived with a self-formed pack that mostly consisted of wolves and a few dogs. The point of them was to combat against Eggman’s Forces and basically serve to protect the place they resided. Of course having this connection meant that Julian heard about Eggman and all the terrible things he did all the time, being told about the latest news and past stories by the pack very early on in his life.
Despite being very well aware of how dangerous a man he is, Julian was always more intrigued than afraid. Having no idea when what he could possibly do next with how unpredictable he is was the exciting thing happening Julian’s life. He was very good at hiding it from the others though.
Julian was never a physical fighter so his position was to be the lookout, the one that warns the others of oncoming danger.
He didn’t do his job properly on purpose though lmao. Out of his fascination with all of Eggman’s creations from the biggest of mechs to the smallest of robots, he wouldn’t warn the others about seeing badniks because he didn’t want to contribute to them being destroyed. Despite them being programmed to be hostile, Julian would try to get as close to the odd motobug he saw just to get a better look at them.
He had absolutely no regard for his own safety and that only reached higher extremities when he’d sneak not far behind the pack to get even the slightest glimpse of Eggman in person. He still remembers and treasures the first time he got the closest he been yet. Which compared to now, was still very far away as he was up on top of a building lol. But he managed to see him there in his egg mobile just before he left and that was special to him!
I have multiple stories for how they first met personally but I’m still deciding on which one is the ‘canon’ version to my main story of them. Because I’ve settled on combining all my favorite parts into one, I’ll share what I’ve decided on for certain atm.
Eggman visited to see if there was any useful terrain for a base or more healthy animals to use for his pawns. This time he had his forces seize some of the most important members of the pack on the scene. Julian just happened to be one of the random extras they grabbed since he was lurking there. While that was everyone else’s horror, it was his luckiest day!
Eggman had a lot of ideas for what punishment he wanted to give the significant members that he had targeted. But first, he wanted to make sure he could break them down and control them to the point that they feel miserable and defeated, acknowledging his power and greatness for being the winner of the annoying ongoing battle between them. Before dealing with them immediately though, he had them temporarily work for him so he could mock and toy with them some more.
Since Julian was not a trained and skilled fighter like the others, he wasn’t closely involved until the third meeting. That’s when he was unexpectedly brought in and the former leader explained his position of being the lookout. As long as he could be useful to Eggman in the meantime, he could also serve some type of purpose rather than just sit in a cell until he decides it’s time to rid of them all. So he gave Julian a role in his current main base’s security room.
Eggman quickly noticed how visibly focused on him he was the entire time he was talking. Of course, when he can feel the attention on him it further boosts his confidence to the point where everyone can tell that he’s deliberately showing off. But Julian is just like me and recognizes him as a total asshole and finds that attractive about him along with everything else. Eggman announced to the others that he was an example of how attentive the others should be.
During the short time the pack had to follow Eggman’s orders, they were often scared into submission by his threats so much that hardly anyone dared to act up. They knew that their sentence would only become even shorter if they made their unwillingness too clear to him. Julian didn’t have to be told twice to do anything and served him the most willingly the entire time. The second he saw someone even consider an attempt to escape, he’d make sure Eggman knew about it.
It really didn’t take Eggman long to notice how much Julian was into him. He was already getting ideas the first meeting he attended but there was so much besides that which really made it obvious to him. The way Julian’s tail would wag like crazy when he entered the room. How happy he looked whenever Eggman was jolly, especially when he’d laugh. How he failed to hide his reaction towards even the slightest bit of physical contact between them. Even indirect contact like using something after he had, like drinking from the same glass as he did was something that he seemed oddly delighted about.
Most importantly he had many assets that Eggman found useful, such as his enthusiasm to hear him talk about himself and his work, how quickly he’d jump at the chance to serve him. Everything he did wasn’t even in an attempt to impress him or make him notice that he liked him, he did it all simply because he couldn’t help it. He just enjoyed stroking his ego and his satisfaction came from seeing Eggman happy and proud. The way he didn’t expect him to give him anything in return was also helpful in getting Eggman to realize that he had some worth lol
After he’d rid of all the other pack members he’d captured, Julian didn’t even seem to care what happened to happen to them. Instead, he was instead thrilled that he was kept alive for some reason because he still didn’t know why yet. That almost convinced Eggman that his desire to stay on his side was genuine. He was considering keeping him in management of his security and that’s why he was spared.
But he wasn’t going to reveal that to him just yet because he was soon thinking back to the times where people working under him would try to betray him or get something out of him, even after seeming to be pretty devoted to serving him. Even though Julian seemed to have the deepest passion for him beyond working, he wouldn’t overlook the possibility of him being a good actor and spy of some sort.
So he decided that he’d confront him about it and test his willingness. That way he could attempt to understand his true intentions. It’s not like he’d stand a chance against him if he did try anything against him in those moments, so he went for it. He ended up having Julian pinned up against the wall, demanding that he prove to him that it’s all real.
He said that there were no security cameras around, so he can do whatever he wanted and nobody would ever find out. He expected Julian to understand that if he had some plan to attack or betray him, now was his chance. But that’s not what he thought of with those words. And oh boy, did he know how to prove how he really felt. It was after that where Eggman knew for certain that it was real and things escalated between them from there when he took full advantage of his desire for him.
When Julian was staying with him at the base everything went well. Eggman liked how much the wolf made it clear that he would never ask so much out of him, never interfere with his work or speak against his orders because he understood and supported him in a way that no other person had done before.
Julian especially cheered on all his biggest dreams for Eggmanland, any latest plans and projects that he revealed to him and he loved to hear of all the stories of the evilest and cruelest chaos he’d brought upon people, lands and the entire planet. Hearing of it all from his perspective had been his dream ever since he’d been told about him.
The surviving (hint hint) members that had never been captured by Eggman attempted to come and ‘rescue’ Julian, but it was never a group effort. His former partners would take it upon themselves to go alone to find retrieve him, believing that he was being held there against his will. Most of them never figured out why he was so calm about being there and even after they reminded him of how dangerous Eggman is.
They were furious and appalled when they finally realized his betrayal of them for Eggman and how he completely supported the man’s actions. But it didn’t matter because none of them ever left the base unscathed to tell anyone else of their discovery. Eggman would threaten them and take action upon them himself so they’d never be able to even dare to try to come back again. Julian didn’t care what he did to them as long as it got them off their backs.
So yeahhh, Julian doesn’t have the power to be labeled a true villain like Eggman but he definitely isn’t a good guy huh XD He knows how to look and appear innocent and hide his much darker side. Eggman definitely helps bring it out of him and is a very bad influence without even really trying though heheh. They also have a lot of very deep and dark secrets that nobody else will ever know or hear of, if they do then they won’t live to tell the tale anyway. Eggman especially has always made sure of that. 👀
As time went on he realized that despite hardly being able to contain his immense amount of love for him, Julian was still very good at keeping the secrets they had together too. That’s why he eventually decided to also give him the role as a type of spy that could act and blend in well with their enemies.
He’d later go on to fool the Resistance as his spy by joining them and reporting back to his beloved with any necessary information he’d gathered. Despite a lot of close calls, Julian’s biggest accomplishment is that he managed to play the part right up to the moment where Eggman was about to drop the sun down on everyone. Then he finally got to join his side again and despite not expecting anything, he got quite the reward for that effort ;D
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