#I’m starting to get driven crazy by the mispronunciation
travelingtardis · 2 years
Ever since Eve pointed out how people say Velaryon wrong, I’m hearing it everywhere in my rewatch 😭
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lord-of-no-energy · 3 years
Dakkeon’s Family [Aslan + Helga + Alev]
From @dreamsinkandcoffee​
So I decided to come and drop my own bombs. c: By the way, thanks again for requesting!! I hope it's not a problem, I'd love some Aslan/Helga with Alev as their daughter. AU or canon or whatever, it's fine. Wish you the best~
Thank you for writing my request! This idea is such pure fluff that it hurts me to change it up a bit, but I don’t write character x character ;-; I’ll have to focus more on Alev and cut out the entire Aslan and Helga romance. I’m really sorry.
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Aslan and Helga have literally protected each other’s backs on the battlefield, so it’s no question that he trusts her with his life
He may or may not piss her off sometimes
It’s hard to know when he’s being intentional or when he isn’t aware of it
But he knows exactly how to make up to her
These two mess around with each other a lot. A lot of sharp remarks are thrown around.
Aslan isn’t afraid to compliment Helga, which normally results in a retort
He could say, “You know, you’re really reliable to have around” and she’d respond with “I have to be because you’re way too much of a carefree idiot with everything.”
But Aslan has known her long enough to hear the underlying compliments in her insults.
He appreciates how much she has guided Alev
Alev needs a strong female figure in her life to take as a role model and look towards for guidance, and Helga’s perfect for that
Alev isn’t the most confident, so when some politician makes a jab at her, the two have a talk with her to make sure it doesn’t affect her determination
Which ends up in an argument between the two because Aslan is all “You’re going to face a lot of criticism as the heiress, you need to use them to grow and move on” and Helga’s like “Do you want me to get rid of them? It’d be quick and clean, no one will know”
Aslan and Helga have opposite ways of thinking, so a lot of sparks are created
But that’s exactly why they rely on each other so much. They balance each other out.
Aslan is a strong-willed and rushes into things headfirst, while Helga prefers to think her options and weigh their consequences against each other
And that’s exactly what makes Alev such a promising leader. She starts picking up habits from both, combining them with her own style of leadership
But most importantly, it makes them the best parental figures she could have asked for
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Helga normally goes with the flow and does whatever she wants. At some point, she most definitely ended up in Dakkeon
She’s exceptionally comfortable with Aslan, so naturally, she’s a lot more sharp-tongued around him, but that’s because she knows that he won’t be offended
She’s never said it out loud, but she admires Aslan a lot. She’s never been the leader type, she’s always been the logical one
It’s Aslan’s carefree personality that she needs to be there for. Someone can pretty much be bullying him and he wouldn’t realize it, so she needs to be there to tell them to back off.
How dare someone besides her bully him
She pulls small tricks on Aslan just to mess with his mind
It started off by moving his study table a few inches to the left and watch him bump into it
Sometimes, it went too far. 
She told him that the actual pronunciation of “sarcasm” is “sar-cay-zum” and now she regrets it because Aslan has driven everyone crazy to tears with his mispronunciation
She once convinced him that photosynthesis means getting new curtains so once Aslan passed Alev in the hallways and he was like “Can you remind the servants to do photosynthesis” and Alev was like what
Helga gets Alev involved in her pranks too. Once she told Aslan that girls loose their toenails at a certain age, just like how people lose teeth
When Alev confirmed this, Aslan brought her duct tape because he will not let his daughter lose her toenails
Speaking of Alev, when Aslan introduced Alev to her, she immediately decided that this girl will be her daughter from now on, no questions
Helga sympathizes with Alev a lot. Helga’s quite confident now, but she’s doubted herself on the battlefield before
She doesn’t only guide Alev in politics. Sometimes, the two just share tea over normal talks, like about crushes and normal mother-daughter things
Helga never imposes anything on Alev. She knows that Alev needs time to build trust in herself, and while pushing her out of her comfort zone is healthy, pushing her too much might just break her even more
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She adopted Helga as a mom before she even met her
Alev’s heard a lot of stories about Helga from Aslan. She began looking up to her, like how young boys look up to the knights in fairytales
She may or may not be a bigger fan of Helga than Schneider is
When Helga was staying in Dakkeon, Alev received a lot of guidance about feminine things
Like periods and female hygiene and stuff
Don’t get me wrong, Aslan is a great dad who Alev doesn’t hesitate to ask advice from. But the thing is that Aslan doesn’t know much about female hygiene himself
Pretty much all the advice she got was from Solphi
When Alev first met Aslan, she was intimidated by his strong will. So when she first met Helga, she was intimidated by her as well
But from all the stories Aslan told, she was excited to meet her
After she got comfortable with Helga, she bombarded her with questions about the battlefield
It’s not that she hasn’t been on the battlefield before, but she’s never been at the center of war
Alev’s not confident in herself and her choices, and in the political world based on bringing others down to climb to the top, she finds it hard to fit in
This is where she relies on Aslan and Helga. The two give her advice whenever she asks for it.
The Aslan and Helga duo have helped her get over her self-consciousness. Of course, Aslan has definitely helped her a lot, but she follows Helga’s advice sometimes.
For example, Aslan’s advice for when being criticized is the face it with a smile and be honest with it. Helga’s advice is to fight back or ignore it.
Alev does both depending of the circumstances. When she feels that someone is offering genuine advice, she follows Aslan’s advice. When she knows that someone is criticizing her to attack her, she follows Helga’s.
Alev knows that when she gets the throne and is responsible for Dakkeon, the entire country will owe Aslan and Helga for creating a suitable leader for it.
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I couldn’t help myself, these three would be an adorable family. Tysm for requesting, I enjoyed writing this way too much
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