#I was tempted to change it to lesbian instead of butch but like
samarecharm · 5 months
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it happens alot
OG link (ha) and image under the cut
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Skam Meeting @ Gaystatale - Part 2
In PART 1 I forgot to write that, when Pietro was asked how much of himself there is in Filippo he said that inevitabily, since he is part of LGBT portaying a gay man, there’s a bit of Pietro in Filippo.
Back to the where we left off:
- So basically the question was if Ludo thought Italy was ready for S2, and he said that yes of course, there have been LGBT characters even on Rai (Italy’s national broadcaster) 
- So Izzy (the girl interviewing Ludo and Pietro) praised how down to earth and real the language feels in Skam Italy. Ludovico was glowing as said it was the best praise he could get, because making his characters sound 17 and from Rome when he 35 and from Milan... Then he admitted that he got there, to deliver that ‘realism’ thanks to a long process that he and his crew have been taught by the Norwegian team, through interviews and meetings. Still, the realness has also been brought by the actors themselves who had room to improvise (and Bessegato downright refuses to write “ao’ “ and “daje” on his scripts) and showcased their talent (ALL of them). 
- For the Pride speech, since he is a straight man, he felt that the best solution was to simply translate from the Norwegian and then let Pietro act it out as he saw fit. 
- The only one for whom it is a bit different is Beatrice, because Sana is very far from who she is as a person, so she needs a bit more guidance and to stick to the script.
- A lot of the moments and quotes that we love the most are improvised, a part from “zozzoni” who came from Bessegato himself. 
- He concluded by saying “c’è tanto dei miei ragazzi in quello che sentite” awwwwww.... (”there a lot from/of my kids* in what you are hearing”)
*kids as in a gender neutral version of ‘guys & girls” *
- Then the clip with the Gay Test was shown, and he repeated what he had already said in Rome: he got a 2, so he had to take the test a couple of times to get a 0 and direct Fede to do the same.
- The clip was used to introduce a question about stereotypes and how much Bessegato felt the need to go against them and if he felt like he succeded.
He said that he felt like he did and it’s one of the aspects he is most careful about in Skam Italia (avoiding stereotypes) especially because all S3 by Julie Andem was about breaking the stereotypes concering two guys falling in love and how a gay guy is supposed to be.
That led him to the choice of having the coming out while the boys where playing FIFA, because it felt like the symbol of “a hetosexual friendship between two guys”... But he is aware that now and then “qualche cazzata l’avremo pure detta” (we probably ended up saying some bullshit). 
The stereotypes can be true, after all, but it’s important to show some other aspects of reality as well.
And of course Filippo (and Pietro) listen to Britney Spears ;D
- And that’s where Pietro added his bit about not fighting the stereotypes by marginalizing/hurting/insulting those who fit them. If the message you are trying to deliver is meaningful, you need to handle the way you communicate with great care or it will get lost.
A gay guy who is a effeminate or a lesbian who is a butch, for example, should be admired because they feel comfortable in their own skin and by the way who are we to judge others without knowing about their journey towards acceptance.
And what’s wrong by the way, about challenging some heteronormative macho behaviour (he used manspreading as an example: if one wants to be a decent human being and sit properly, he should, without worrying about not looking straight enough or something). No man really fits into the ‘alpha male’ stereotype, but straight men probably feel less bound to challenge it. And whilst his straight friend only cries when no one can see, in his own room, he feels free to do it in front of everyone, after spending two years crying his eyes out towards self-acceptance
- Bessegato knows how important it is for the audience to feel that the characters are relatable (then why doesn’t he get the need for rep? who knows) so, unless it’s a reality that he knows well by himself, he always speaks to people belonging to that community so that he can give a realistic picture. He referred to Sana again (which made us start wondering if he’s currently writing her season, huh ;) ?), saying how he is consulting with a Muslim friend of his.
- Pride clip, and Pietro underlined again how making it resonate so much as has been a team effort from everyone (writers, director, Federico, etc.)
- S2 has been written AFTER the 4th of March 2018, when we had the elections that would lead to the Salvini-Di Maio government. Izzy asked why they left Italian politics out of the show, he basically said it’s more important to show people something about worlds/realities they didn’t know about before, making them deep and meaniful so that people can empathize. He got loads of messages from people saying that thanks to Skam they had the courage to come out to their friends and family, that’s the kind of response he wishes for.
That’s what bringing politics into a series like Skam means to him: affect the society around you by showing and encouraging virtous behaviours (one of the reasons he decided not to change the coming out scene, though he was tempted too). Showing good people, instead of wasting time critizing the bad. 
“I want to inspire, not to destroy” . And by the way, having a character insulting Lega (Salvini’s party) doesn’t do any good: who was already against him will say ‘yeah, I think so too’ and who supports him will go like ‘oh great, now they’re insulting me’ and it will only serve to radicalize the latter.
Again he talked about Sana and how to show a true friendship between her and the girls can come to be is more important than giving a judgement about our current political situation (giving how islamophobic Italian society can be, I do agree with him that Sana’s season is going to be quite important for our country)
- Pietro stressed that in our society, the coming out IS a political act. Trans’ bodies are a political act. Our identities, our lives... Just telling our stories is  a revolutionary political act. Every day we do politics just by being true to ourselves, not choosing a way that would be more comfortable and reassuring. Which doesn’t mean you are an asshole for not coming out of the closet, though.
- I don’t really know why he digressed by complaining about how we insult him and the cast when the clips don’t come out or things were better in the og and such, but he did.
- By the way they had Filippo saying “fascisti di merda” because Rome has a big problem with neo-nazis from Casapound beating people up in Gay Street, it wasn’t a jab to the government itself.
- Effettivamente: it was really important and meaningful clip for him. He was tempted to give it a dramatic turn, with Giovanni not accepting Martino straight away. He said ‘you generally use this trick: I’m not mad about the matter itself, but about you not telling me: it’s Fiction 101.’ and that it’s the kind of conflict that would be resolved pretty soon.
(Personally: I said that when Yann went to Lucas and said “tell us what’s wrong or solve whatever it’s going on and then come back to us”  he gave me the vibe of someone who would make a coming out about themselves, not necessarily in a bad way, but more like ‘why haven’t you told me before, am I such a bad friend???’ and I could tell without watching the show, but just that one clip... because it’s the way storytelling works)
- He praised David for changing the scene. He personally hasn’t seen Skam France - all directors basically mind their own business and take care of their own remake - but he gets that after SkamOG and SkamIT it was wise to have changes and that if it worked for Yann as a character then why not? The fact that we were still talking about it on Monday afternoon meant David’s change wasn’t that bad after all, huh?
He couldn’t go through with his idea because it would have been OOC for Giovanni to react that way, given how Ludovico Tersigni fleshed him out through S1 and S2 up to this clip.
Moreover, he felt like ending ep 6 on a sad note after all that happened to Martino at the end of ep 5 and up to Effettivamente would be too much.
Like Nicholas in the bloopers he said “He saw Rocco kissing his girlfriend”, instead of ‘Niccolò’, which made us all laugh ;D
- He said that he wants every remake of S3 to be loved and appreciated, given how important it is, that we shouldn’t make it into a challenge. The Norwegian team gave them Skam so that the message of love and acceptance could reach as many people as possible and that’s what all the directors care about (they sometimes give each other advice). So he personally will never take part in any feud against and back up who disses other remakes.
- Pietro: “there isn’t a ‘right’ formula. Personally, I cried while watching this clip. I wasn’t there when they shoot it so I saw it when it came out, just like you. Because its message is about the importance of communicating: Martino gets into a fight when he doesn’t know how to express his emotions, or he can’t, but then he bravely takes that little step that opens new scenarios to him... So, do we want to tell people that they are allowed to come out to their best friend and that the worst it can happen it’s telling them to fuck off? That sometimes people, even those you would never expect to, when they see that there’s something deep there, there’s a history behind it and a feeling and when you can get those emotions across to the ones you’re speaking to, then maybe it won’t result in being beaten up?
- Then every reaction, even a negative one, is still meaningful: it gives me more info about the person I came out to. Communicating opens the door to emphathy, which is also the reason why Filippo doesn’t take it to heart when Martino says those things during the Pride clip, because he knows Martino is in the middle of his journey and sees the potential in it. It’s about showing the shades of emotions that can happen while interacting. 
- Ludovico said that we should be forgiving with Martino’s dad, since his reaction wasn’t that negative from an estranged father who doesn’t really communicate with his son. He said we shouldn’t stigmatize reactions that are not immediately 100% supportive and ideal.
Thanks Ludo, but no thanks. He might not be homophobic, but he still feel like an asshole to me.
- To him the crucial message of Skam is: people need people. Talk to them, you’ll find them more ready to listen than you’d expect. People are the solution, not the problem.
- Yes/No question to Pietro about Emma’s words to Martino in the last clip of episode 5... He said no, of course. People still care if you are gay in 2018/2019.
- How do they choose the music for Skam Italia? Well, it a lenghty and expensive (in terms of royalties) process and sometimes the songs we hear are not even their first choice but the 4th or 5th. Some of the proceedings became urban legends, like going to LA to get Britney’s approval to use one of her songs... Some are chosen by the music consultants, some are suggestions from Bessegato himself or the cast.
- Question about MI: he approached it with care, as Julie did in the original. He got some pointers from a psychiastrist on what he should modify to tell his story... He still ended up receiving a letter, recently, from an association of doctors who deal with these MI (he said ‘doctors’ not psychiatrists) telling him that he mixed elements from BPD and the bipolar disorder (and pointing out the inaccuracies of the OG as well, before someone uses this to diss on SkamiT) but that the end of the letter they thanked Skam because, apart from the inaccuracies it is good that someone talks about MIs a bit more in depth and that it doesn’t label people with MIs as ‘crazy’, people that you don’t wanna hang out with because they aren’t right in their heads but it’s rather a situation that can be dealt with, that can be managed and that have different levels of severity...
I also walked up to him later on to personally thank him about changing Nico’s MI, because after we discussed it and complained about the inaccuracies - he smiled when I said that - it led us all to get some more info and a deeper knowledge of BPD.
Okay, now that’s all X°D
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podcastmecaptain · 7 years
part of advanced PLACEMENT: an ars PARADOXICA high school au about a gang of queer teen nerds, by @estherroberts​ , @podcastmecaptain , and @lizzieraindrops
all three of the aformentioned dorks are responsible for the hijinks found in this post. today’s, @podcastmecaptain especially. (that’s me!)
click here for the au masterpost | track #ars placement for updates! ALSO: 
things aren’t always showing up in the tags, so your most reliable bet is the aforementioned masterpost.
this is the first of many individualized advanced PLACEMENT works, for stories of each character involved. we each wrote the story that we each post, with input from our other members! without further ado, here’s my first piece:
jack is ornery and whip smart and tired and witty and and loudmouthed and defiant
he chomps at any bit you give him
including the laws of science
and the laws of manners
and the laws of gender
and just a bit the law in general.
he’s not willing to change who he is for other people.
“it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, and even more to stand up to your friends.”
and even more to stand up to society as a whole.
but he is willing to love his friends.
we know jack and esther have been friends since. forever.
if there was a prize for most platonic i love yous per hour they'd have won the grand championships
they have also, however, won plenty of REAL science grand championships together
science isn't his entire life but it's MOST of it
he's always been a bit of a tinkerer
before he transitioned esther used to call him tinker bell
his mom’s car engine is the most well kept in Point of Exile
and possibly colorado
possibly america?
he's got a ham radio setup in his attic and a telescope, both are constantly being taken apart and put back together. there's a billion tech and science magazines and shoeboxes full of random parts scattered around the boxes of old clothes or broken furniture. moth eaten cushions line the floor. he stole a satellite from an abandoned cabin on the outskirts of town and it’s his pet project. he really loves his attic workshop, it’s his happy place.
one of his older sisters referred to it exactly once as The Batcave and he got so excited that she never did it again
the first time he knew he was serious about penny he led her up there and talked about all of it, all he's done with it
jack and esther both definitely have known the other likes girls for a very long time
jack thinks he's bi but he likes girls an awful lot. he's a girl leaning bi. who doesn't love girls. afuckingmen.
they're both adhd, but jack actually figured that one out first. esther took much longer, with different symptoms
he's constantly in standing motion, moving in place, focusing either too much or too little and never in between
creative in his machinery in a way others can't be
his mom popped him into a session with a school quack and he finally had a name for the humming hub of energy that snapped and crackled and popped in his head all day, that didn't make him wrong, just meant he worked differently.
a different set of springs and gears for the same human machine. same function, different ways of getting there, maybe even better results. he could get that.
but for his gender, things were slow going.
he has three older sisters. he’s always been firmly in the spot of “the baby girl.” he’s surrounded by femininity and doesn't have a problem with it. but it’s never felt. right. applied to him.
they call him a tomboy and that doesn't fit either
he knows what doesn't fit and what's not healthy. its not comfortable and its not right. that skin is dead before it touched him. it doesn't belong to him.
he worries he might have internalized misogyny like his friend anthony did, he's thoroughly wedged in feminist theory but maybe its just a side affect of society? apparently none of his sisters feel like this
feminist theory has a lot of gender theory too if done right
it doesn't take long for him to find it
and well
he turned it over in his mind
examining it, a piece he knew fit but not where
its a lot of speculation, but not long from discovery to connection
there it is
lots more under the read more!
jack was stumbling over the words
not sure how to say it but trying
and esther was figuring it out after the third half try and just kinda waiting for him to take his time
throwing in a lot more casual "dude"s and "bro"s and “my man”s
and then she's like huh. maybe he needs some encouragement
and says that they should try on tuxes for fun, because it's dance season and everyone is trying on formal wear anyway, just to try it
it turns out not to be really her thing, she’ll always be a skirt girl but she LIKES it, and then she sees jack's feet swinging off the bench in the next changing room and humming loudly
and she takes a deep breath, cringes first for potentially getting thrown out of yet another establishment, (that happens more than it should)
and its so obnoxiously loud he just falls over cackling
and they're so happy
and she throws him the ones with shoulder pads and a low crotch cause SHE KNOWS WHAT SHES DOING
and they make a day of it and go get mac and cheese and play cards and cause a scene cause he makes a good play and she knocks their cups over and he's that much more smiley when they're politely asked to vacate the premises
and he doesn’t realize it that day, but eventually it comes to him that she’s being extra to make him smile
and its easier from there, little things like pointing out that their cute barista penny might be bi instead of just saying gay, pointing out how superior and sharp short hair would look on jack, leaving a king card with a "have a good day" note in his locker instead of a queen
even if in their ongoing locker game of dilemma, they both know that they both know that it's a bad move
it’s really casual one night, he turns around on the couch opens his mouth and she just nods. and then it all comes out from there, pun intended
he was always going to be jack, he had that straightened out for a long time
esther hears this and grins, and his dead name is never brought up again
esther pulls up the computer and takes him virtual binder shopping and they go into the packer section and just start cackling at some of the inferior options and then she gasps in delight, licks the back of the jack of hearts card, and sticks it on his forehead
“jack, you know, you’re really ruining my whole man hating lesbian thing, like, it’s gonna make me look bad if my best friend is a guy”
“it’s gonna make me look bad if my best friend is a huge nerd”
esther cuts his hair
the living room looks like a cat and an opossum had a death match in it
its so so so bad.
then anita comes home.
“this is a MESS esther what have you done let me fix this"
“esther amelia roberts you better start vacuuming NOW while i do your best friend’s hair"
its very well done.
jack doesn't come out to his family, they just heavily suspect he's a butch lesbian
“tomboy” isn't boy, but he guesses its as good as he’ll get from them
he doesn't know their stance, but he doesn't think it's… great?
so he changes into the binder in the back of esther’s or helen’s car or in the bathroom of the bus
he has a hippie aunt out in the country who drops by sometimes for weird occasional visits
she takes him for his testosterone appointments and ice cream afterward
(cake batter. every time.)
esther keeps his needles at her house
esther's mom was told he's trans after cutting his hair
and she's a little :/ about keeping things from his family but she understands that some things are more important and jack is like a son to her
she tells him this
and pats him
he helped esther practice her hebrew for so long he's picked a little up
sometimes they translate little notes into hebrew, then into binary, then into various cyphers, and pass it to each other in class so no one can read it but them
because if jack ever does anything
its never half assed
a couple years ago he got his ass kicked by an angry peer
something about a project being cut
sally saved him before he could get killed and called 911
he had a head injury and now has chronic pain
but takes modern medicine for it
underage alcohol is still way too tempting for him anyway. he's not an addict in this but. he's a little loose. he hasn't told anyone but penny. this is the one thing esther doesn't know
penny always writes his name wrong on his cafe order, getting ridiculously creative
she encourages a caffeine addiction as an alternative
it’s for sure not the best solution, but they're working it out together
penny counts pennies a lot because of the mortgage problem
so jack comes in and fixes all the machines in her cafe for christmas
they help each other
and learn to help themselves
jack’s a builder
he builds for esther, he builds for penny, he builds for himself.
he built himself.
and he's very happy with what he’s made.
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