#I was re-read ES21 and got this idea lol
nammyfanficsblog · 1 month
When I draw Diamant of FE: Engage, I draw him similar to Sena of Eyeshield 21 like Diamant is just having shorter hair style than Sena's.
and then, I came out with weird idea that what if Diamant come to ES21 world and Sena to Engage?
I imagine that the Devil bat team think Diamant as Beefy Sena (with somehow Shin's personality) since Diamant is exactly older than all of them (he's 25 and minus their coach) He sees them as younger friend and of course, act like their mother hen. also he said some of the team like even look like his retainers.
and The Brodia think of Sena as Tiny Diamant and Alcryst (and Citrinne) is overly protective of him. also Sena said that Lapis looks like his Mamori nee-san.
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lovecartoongame · 7 years
Got tagged again :D
Tagged by @chiamocha  thanks for always tagging me, and sorry for doing it slow ; w ; 
Rules: Answer 20 questions & tag 20 amazing people you would like to get to know (I will pass the tagging people thing since I think they might busy at this time ; w ;)
Name:  T.R. (Since My real name is quite difficult for read , Did you want my real name? or just tumblr’s blog name?) 
Nickname: Nam (my name’s mean Water),  Nammy 
Zodiac Sign: Leo (??) not sure but I born on 10th August
Height: 157 cm.
Orientation: Hi, I like to talk and drawing <3  so, send me some ask or let’s share our au idea of our fave cartoons/animes >w<  (right now, Arc-v , Svfoe , Es21, D.gray-man , Pokemon (UB theories) and Seven knights are my interested = w = )
Ethnicity: you mean nationality? I’m (SE) Asian!
Fave Season: Rainy but I guess it’s Fall in Western theme.
Fave Books:  Any books with a lot picture!! so, the novel one is my least lol 
Fave Flower: Rose, Jasmine
Fave Scent: Rose, Vanilla, Jasmine and Lavender
Coffee, Tea, or Hot cocoa: Blended Tea with a lot of syrup!!! lol I really LOVE sweet you know, = w =
Average Sleep Hours: 6-7 maybe?? 
Cats or Dogs: BOTH!!!!
Fave Character: I have MANY!!!  ok, let’s list some of them = w =
Zexal - V , Yuma , Kotori , III
Arc-v - The yuyuyuyu with Bracelet girls, Stargazer magician (my first fave <3) , Shingo , Sora , Shun
5d’s - Bruno, Crow , Team Taiyou Trio, Brave , Luka and Lua
Svfoe - Star , Marco
Castlevania Series - Soma , Jonathan , Charlotte , Alucard
Pokemon (Sumo) - Lillie , Hau , Gladion and Guzma
ES21 - Sena , Suzuna
D.gray-man - Krory , Allen, Road
AA : Falcon, Thor , Loki
Blazblue - Taokaka , Jin , Hakumen , Rachel, Carl , Noel , Tsubaki
ok that’s enough for now. if I continue, it would be really long ; w ;
Number of Blankets: just 2 , small white blanket and big blue blanket
Number of Followers: 192 (in my main blog)  thanks for following and supporting me since in my main blog, I re-blog too many things ; w ;
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