#I was going to make a shiny new oc page but tumblr won't LET ME
lavellenchanted · 4 months
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"Facing that lot would be suicide. At least for now."
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wherewildthingsroam · 11 months
OC info:
Name: Jamie May Shaw
Clan: 13th gen Gangrel (Fledgling)
Age: 28 (appears younger to mid 20’s)
Gender: trans masc (he/him)
Orientation: Gay (mlm)
Sect: Loyal only to those loyal to me (Unaligned)
Written by: @crowfallow
More info below!
Jamie as a person will give the cold shoulder to anyone who isn’t interested in hiring him for a job. Whatever that “job” may be usually involves stealing, hitman/grunt work, blood running/smuggling (never living blood dolls only blood bags and the like), or even just sending a “friendly” message for someone.
When he isn’t doing freelance work he’s usually on the run from something or someone with his adoptive Mawla figure Keaton (Ravnos) and his newfound friend from Toledo Magpie (Nosferatu). These three and some other unknown Kindred make up a freelance criminal network known as “The Corvidaes”. Perhaps you may have heard the tale of Corvids who preform daring deeds for the right prices. Such as a Jackdaw who was “quite aggressive and bothersome to the local Tremere”, “The Magpie that stole a valuable shiny”, “A Raven swooped by as soon as it vanished” or other such tales. These are the verbal calling cards of the gang.
Underneath all that cold hard skin, Jamie’s true personality shines to those he feels he can let his guard down with. His cynicism becomes witty banter with a friend, his threats become a loving jab, and his defense stance melts away to become warm.
What do they run from? Now that’s at least three pages long of enemies-but lets keep it focused on Jackdaw. Jamie is on the run from his previous Sabbat Pack (who he unfortunately encountered in New Orleans), assassins, and whoever else wants him or his Mawla dead. He’d bet $5 your sire either wants or knows someone who wants his gang dead.
Extras: His animal form is that of a grey wolf with German Shepard like colors mixed in. His preferred feral weapons are wolfs claws and he’s got K9 fangs. Before he died he served in the US Army as a combat medic. He was then Embraced by his Sabbat Sire to be a tool, only for the aforementioned Ravnos to literally steal him away from the Pack and rehabilitate his puppy ass. He looks like this (the one in the green jacket. The left Nossie is Magpie my friend!) https://twitter.com/StellarxKid/status/1657947361644253185?s=20
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About me: Hi! I’m TeaLeaf! 22 enby lesbian writer and larper at your service! I am also autistic so excuse my poor understanding of social cues heh heh… Been in tumblr rp scenes since MIDDLE SCHOOL LMAO so I am very rusty. You’ll have to forgive grandparent here on vampblr. My character may be cold and shadow the edgehog but I am always open to asks and messages!! Can’t guarantee I will be super active but I will try my hardest! Thank you for reading!
Things I will and will NOT write:
NSFW will not be going on this blog. Sorry just not very comfy with that but I don't mind horny conversations or whatever. If I find the conversation uncomfy I may ghost it or just tell you.
I will not write any thing fetishy I dislike sorry
I am a very busy person so this blog will not always be active. If I don’t respond right away please don’t take it as a sign I don’t want to talk to you! I unfortunately touch a lot of grass.
Jamie and I have a PTSD diagnosis in common, so there may be mentions of that here. I take mental health very seriously so I ask that if you bring it up to please consult with me first on your limits.
Jamie is a Gangrel with a tendency for violence and is a DoX (Descendant of Xavier), meaning he can occasionally transform into a hybrid manbat thing. I will not write senseless levels of gore but blood and violence are guaranteed to come up.
If you need something tagged, tell me! I won't know unless you reach out!
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