#I wanted to use Jimmy but given that he... dies so early? the world didn't really belong to him
All this OC talk… now you’ve got me curious- tell me a little bit about your OCs, if you would like!
the thing is. the OC's that have been rattling around in my brain for like... five months? are NOT part of the fic I am 3/4 of the way through writing. So that's been fun.
But they won't get out of my head, and I like them a lot, so I'm gonna natter about them. (They also show up in this fic, and I keep thinking I might expand on that... I also have another fic idea I might put them in, because they're my OC's and I can put them in any world I want, but their backstories would be pretty much unchanged).
uh. this got long, so things are under the cut.
Ji-hun (Jimmy) Kim: Mid-40's, Korean-Canadian entrepreneur. Born the second son and third of four children to the leader of a Canadian based Korean crime family. He cut ties with his family in his late 20's and basically started his own little criminal empire. He quit that a few years later after his adopted sister Delaney nearly died from his bullshit and he nearly died because she wasn't there to protect him, and he went mostly legitimate into the fashion industry. He started going by Jimmy at that time, with only a very, very small number of people allowed to call him by his given name.
He puts on a pretty non-threatening and almost campy public persona. In reality, he's a highly intelligent and shrewd businessman and learned long ago that being a flashy, non-threatening person allowed him to get in close for Hello hugs and walk away with the other person's watch, wallet, and phone, which he can then mine for information to use later. Mainly focuses on fashion, though splits his time between high fashion and couture collections and practical wear for mundane combat - clothes that look casual and normal, but are actually tailored to carry multiple weapons or protect from bullets or knives.
Generally pretty easy-going, but he does have a temper, and is willing to hold grudges. He doesn't let them get in the way of work, but he certainly doesn't forget any wrongs against him or those he cares about, which is mostly just like two people total. Has majority stakeholder interest in a few ventures outside of fashion, a few electronic parts manufacturing companies, owns and operates a few exclusive clubs, that kind of thing. He goes a bit squirrely if he's bored, which can happen easily. He always needs a project, whether that's designing a new dress or pouring over tech magazines to figure out which microchip manufacturer to invest in next.
Delaney Winters: Early 40's, Jimmy's adopted sister and bodyguard/ personal assistant. She met Ji-hun when she was twelve and her father sold her to Ji-hun's mother to be trained as an escort/ intel agent to pay for his gambling debts to the crime family. She learned the skills, but was a bit too scrappy for the graceful, accomplished look the crime family wanted in their people, so she started training as a fighter. Ji-hun was in training at the same time - his mother didn't care for that as she wanted him to take on the medic role for the family, but he never really got along with his mother. He and Delaney got along like a house on fire and quickly became inseparable, so they were partnered together. It also worked well as cover: each had a "date" for fancy events where they would attend to perform assignments for the family from gathering information, committing heists, or enacting assassinations. This led to a lot of rumours about Del and Jimmy being romantically involved - they absolutely are not, but they don't do much to discourage the rumours.
Del is nearly always in high heels, and never (unless she's completely relaxed at home, and even then it's iffy) has her hair down. It's a dangerous game, to have long hair in a world where it can get caught or pulled in a fight or left behind as evidence, but she likes it anyways so keeps it.
She has less of a temper than her brother, and is more willing to forgive people. She's also willing to negotiate more, which, partnered with her love of old-fashiond Colt single action army revolvers, earned herself the nickname The Peacemaker. Likes dancing and daisies and houseplants - she sometimes wants a simple, normal life, but worries that it would drive her crazy with boredom. So for now, she's fine running around the globe as the bodyguard/ PA for her brother. She can be very charming when she wants to be, but mostly plays the straight man to her brother's goofball persona, and can be sharp-tongued and sarcastic. She's loyal to a fault - literally.
Marcus: Haven't sorted out his last name yet, but he's Ji-hun's love interest and eventual husband. Mid to late 40's. He's a chef, and runs a few high-end restaurants and does some catering, but he's just like... a normal dude. No criminal ties, no dangerous past. The worst thing on his background check is that he had a couple DUI's and speeding tickets in his early 20's. Very calm personality, almost surfer-dude-esque. Keeps his hair long (for a dude, it mostly hits his shoulders), and enjoys experimenting with different recipes. Eventually he and Ji-hun adopt two kids together and he is hands-down the less stressed parent - probably because he's the only one who had an actual decent upbringing lol.
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goatsandgangsters · 6 years
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