#I wanted to animate angel for a while now hohoho
oobbbear · 6 months
Hehehe did a procreate dream test animation
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John Malevolent the character impression thing? :0
moth my beloved I'm sorry this took me so long!! thank you for the ask!
- First impression
"oh this guy is going to Cause Problems. nice voice too."
- Impression now
John my beloved my darling my angel my-
he's trying so hard and I just! love that for him truly. it sounds like some Problems are going to be Caused in the near future, however. nice voice too.
- Favorite moment
ohhhhh god I had to think really hard about this one but the moment I'm currently spinning about the z axis in my brain is him talking to Arthur and stitching his wound closed at the beginning of 28. possible recency bias on this one but! god you can hear how desperate he is and his "you don't give up that easily, and neither do I" GETS me.
honorable mention to him telling Arthur that an otherworldly animal can't understand english, let alone a british accent
- Idea for a story
oh hohoho I've had a silly little idea for a story for a while. and AU where Faroe is still alive and she and Arthur move into a house haunted by John (he's not a ghost really, closer to a demon perhaps?). this isn't a new concept in the slightest (thinking about those ghost AU tma fics,,,) but I just keep thinking about John and Faroe communicating with each other and Arthur laughing when faroe tells him about her "imaginary friend John." I have more thoughts for making this a real multichapter fic with Plot or whatever but tldr John learning about humanity through the perspective of a small child my beloved.
- Unpopular opinion
I sat on this one for a while because I wasn't sure how to word what I wanted to say but... let's just say I'm really glad Arthur brought up parker in en 26 because John really actually murdered Arthur's best friend and lied to Arthur about it, and YES he's different now but. man what a rocky foundation for a friendship. I think some people exaggerate John's innocence in he and Arthur's situation.
- Favorite relationship
I probably don't need to say it but. John and Arthur. do Not separate them.
- Favorite headcannon
ever since that ask Harlan answered about john's favorite thing to look at being The Baby I just,,,, think a lot about John being fascinated with children. how they learn, how they interact with the world, that sort of thing.
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m5ria · 1 year
Chapter 5: The Wild One
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Warnings: blood
I tighten the hold on his wrist, fantasizing about cutting it with my bare hand. The son of a bitch tried to sneak behind me and scare me. To dominate. But no, how wrong he was. 
He doesn’t even flinch under the pressure. His smile only grows when a buzz becomes more audible. A defective sound.
“Haha! Such filthy words from the mouth of such a fine lady!” he snickers. I recognize that voice. The voice that seems to come through a channel from somewhere far away.
“Such filthy manners from... whatever the hell you are!” I snarl back. 
He simply shrugs before evaporating. My hand clenches itself, my claws digging into my palm. Blood comes to the surface.
I turn around to see the smiley demon standing perfectly straight like a statue. This time, I get to see him all. He’s all red. His hair, his ears, his coat, his eyes. The color of Hell. The color of blood.
He snaps his fingers and a staff materializes in his hand. It looks like a microphone with a big eye on it. It is fixed on me.
“Charlie, sweetheart, who’s our newest, most welcomed guest right here?”
“Alastor, this is Diana. She’s going to be staying at the hotel for a while.”
I would have smiled at the third attempt of Charlie to introduce me if it wasn’t for her tone. I glance at her to see worry on her face. She looks at me weirdly, as if I’ve just shown her I can fly to Heaven. 
Looking at all of them, I see that only this Alastor guy is cheery. Angel and Vaggie stare at me somewhat between awe and tension. I peek at the dude at the bar, but he looks totally focused on his drinking. 
“Ah! Diana,” Alastor somehow tests my name. I wonder if I should have used a fake one after all. “The goddess of moon and hunt. So fitting for your appearance!”
His eyes dance. I try to hide how much distaste I feel. He, as far as I know, is the only one here who knows who was the first bearer of my name. It’s Roman mythology. It should be common knowledge. Regardless, the way he said it makes me feel invaded as if he can read my past life. Know why I am a Diana and not a Thalia, or a Lily, or a Tiana.
“I suppose Hell has its humor,” I shrug. 
“Hunt?” Vaggie asks out of the blue.
We all turn to her confused. She looks at me with sudden realization, which baffles me further. 
“You’re the wild one,” she speaks out. 
I look at the others for clarification, but nobody seems to understand. 
“You’ll have to be more explicit,” I declare. “We all are wild here.”
“No,” she breathes out irked. “You’re the Wild One. The demon that nobody knows of, that turns up with dead animals.”
I look at her with different eyes. I didn’t know I gathered a reputation. The Wild One… What a pathetic way of a nickname. And I didn’t know this girl would know about me. I’ve never seen her in my life.
“Ok, Vaggie,” Angel cuts in, clearly bored. “Enough with the know-them-all act.”
She visibly stiffens of madness. She has a quick temper, that’s for sure.
At least, she lost the focus on me. She mumbles between her breath words in an unknown language, her healthy eye sending daggers towards Angel. Still, I don’t think anyone is in any real danger.
That’s not how Charlie thought though, as she goes to Vaggie and puts her hands on her shoulders in a reassuring gesture. I’d guess they’re the closest thing to a friendship here. 
“Hohoho, I think Diana here deserves a better welcome than this!” Alastor declares. A round of laughter from his mic accompanies him. I already smell a lot of bullshit, but I keep my face straight.
“Right!” Charlie comes back to us. “I’m so sorry, Diana! Here!” 
She makes a black key appear from thin air in front of me. The eye on it blinks at me sweetly.
“Here’s your key to the room. It’s on the top floor, but if you wish to change that, just tell me. And, as for your T-shirt, you can borrow one of mine anytime you want. Just ask me!”
“No, thank you!” I refuse politely. “I’d prefer to buy some clothes now. Explore the surroundings. Getting used to them.”
I give her a reassuring smile. The truth is that I can’t tell them how stupid I lost my few belongings, but I can’t hide the lack of them. 
Plus, I need time to ponder on what happened. My new ability; the darkness that surrounded me; the world in shadows. What does it mean? How can I control it? How can I use it?
I glance at Alastor as if he can be a clue as to why I’ve just discovered something new. He’s, however, smiling (no teeth revealed) at Charlie. As if he sympathies with her. 
“Alright then,” Charlie smiles at me optimistically. Then, she turns to Angel Dust: “Hey, Angel! Weren’t you going to work right now?”
“I wasn’t,” his eyes are trained on his hellphone. “I still got two hours.”
“Great! Can you show Diana around?”
I half expected a spoiled teenage refusal from him, but he glances at me with sudden energy.
“Sure, Charlie!”
He runs to me and grabs my right bloody hand. My whole body pulled from his grip, but the decisive factor was the slippery blood that let my wrist free. He turns to me only to find his and my hand red.
“Angel!” Charlie shouts, frightened. “What did you do?”
“Nothing, I swear!” he gets defensive. His upper two hands raise in peace while the lower hands try to clean off the blood.
“It’s nothing, Charlie,” I smile, delighted at Angel’s apprehensiveness or disgust. “See?”
With my other hand, I brush the blood from my palm where four marks looking like triangles are the only clue of a bruise.
“It’s healed,” I state.
I peek at Alastor for a second and, as I suspected, there’s a smug grin on his face. I feel a surge of hatred, an impulse of scratching that face and that corrupted smirk. But I am better than that.
“Why so much blood, tho?” Angel asks disgustedly. He managed to grab a napkin. Now, he’s cleaning himself.
I walk to him and offer my other arm like a gentleman. I can play the gentleman. I can play whatever I have to, now that I’ll have to share this space with them. It won’t take too much, too long. 
“I’m sorry about that, dear,” I slightly bow. “Shall we?”
For a second, he looks at me perplexed as if I’m a Rubik's cube. Then, he simply shrugs and takes my arm. I am prepared for the occasional touches of skin-to-skin. In fact, I can ignore them. It bothers me when someone touches me without letting me know. Not when I initiated. Not when I agreed.
I turn to look at Alastor. His face would be one of a delighted fellow. But I notice his eyes burning with a deep interest. He’s not what he seems. I’ll have to be careful about him.
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x0401x · 6 years
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Mekakucity Talkers: Chapter 32
A dispute outburst happens in the chatroom! The ones who are fighting, unexpectedly... are Shintarou and Ayano!? Ene, who rushed in, suggested that they resolved it with a fair and square face-off, however...!? 
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Mekakushi-dan Chatroom
Ayano: So, it seems this movie is fun.
Shintarou: Oh.
Ayano: Hum, and also, it looks like the tickets for it are cheap if you buy them online.
Shintarou: This kind of thing is common lately.
Ayano: Yup, hum, if you’d like, erm, is it okay if I ask you to buy tickets for two...?
Shintarou: Yeah, it’s fine.
Ayano: R-R-R-REALLY!? Is it really all right!?
Shintarou: What’s that? You’re so exaggerated. Not even I would act like just making an online purchase is a hassle.
Ayano: Yup, yup...! Thank you...! Hum, then, one of the tickets is for me, and about the other ticket... hum, Shintarou, could you pay for it?
Shintarou: Eh? You, does that mean...
Ayano: Sorry for being abrupt, but I wanted to go together no matter what...
Shintarou: Ayano, you...
Ayano: Yep...
Shintarou: You’ll be going with Momo?
Ayano: Eh?
Shintarou: What, so this means I gotta pay for her ticket in her stead, right? I don’t particularly mind it. So you and Momo were interested in these love story movies? And stuff of the sort. That “couples make long lines everyday!” is becoming a topic in the internet too. Well, it seems you’re going to have fun with my little sister, so it’s something to be grateful for.
Shintarou: Hoan? What’s that out of the blue!?
Ayano: You don’t understand anything about how girls feel!!!
Shintarou: What’s with you so suddenly? I said I’ll reserve the tickets and buy Momo’s fare for her!
Ayano: Sure, but that’s not it!!!!!
Shintarou: Hah? What’s this out of nowhere? Why’re you angry?
Ayano: I’m not!
Shintarou: You are.
Ayano: I’m telling you that I’m not!
Shintarou: No, like I said...
Ene: Oyaoyaoya~? Things appear stormy for some reason. You two should be fair and square.
Ayano: Ah, Takane-san.
Ayano: Eh, ah, I’m sorry! Ene-san, what’s the matter?
Shintarou: What’ve you come here to do?
Ene: Eh~, ahem! I thought that the chatroom was noisy, and when I tried taking a peek, I found the two of you having a rare fight!
Shintarou: We’re not fighting. Ayano is acting on her own accord.
Ayano: I wonder about the person saying that. Being unilateral isn’t a good thing, is it?
Ene: There, there, there. By the looks of it, you have opinions that neither would yield. If you’ll go as far as continuing with this unproductive argument, how about you try to settle it with a competition?
Shintarou: “Competition”, you say?
Ayano: Tell us the details.
Ene: Eeh, eeh, that’s fine! I will explain! The “competition” would be... simply put, a quiz showdown!
Shintarou: “Quiz”?
Ene: The rules are simple! I’ll come up with questions and give points to whoever can answer the quickest! The winner will be the one who manages to give most right answers!
Shintarou: Doesn’t it seem interesting? All right. I’ll do it.
Ayano: I also can only put on airs of being calm and composed for now, so I won’t hold back!
Ene: Fuhfuhfu~, both seem to be more than willing! Well, then, let’s get to it! First question~! Di-Ding! What is the name of the inequality applied to variance and covariance in inequalities that evaluate the possible inner product between two vectors in the energy of the inner product space by the norm of each vector, various inner products for vectors of finite and infinite dimensions in linear algebra, function analysis and probability theory?
Shintarou: Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality.
Ene: CORRECT!!!!
Shintarou: All right.
Ayano: Hey~~~, that’s difficult~~~. There’s no chance for me to win~~~.
Ene: Myy~, being able to give an instant answer this fast... As expected of Master~.
Shintarou: That’s ‘cause typing takes time. I worry only about not falling behind.
Ayano: Actually, Ene-san! Isn’t this a quiz!? That a math problem, wasn’t it?! Let’s leave out this kind of thing! ‘Kay?
Shintarou: There’s no guarantee that quizes will always be riddles. To be precise, it’s about “asking something”. In other words, it’s “asking questions about trivia”.
Ayano: We don’t need this now! I’m talking to Takane-san!
Shintarou: Hieh...
Ene: H-Hum~, I’d like you not to call me “Takane-san”~.
Ayano: Enough already! Please on with the next question!
Ene: Y-Ye~s. E~rm, then, let’s get it together and move on to the next question! Di-Ding! In the sword battle anime that was a hit in the year 1980, “Fighting Swordsman! Shout, Genjuurou”, what were the last words said to the protagonist Genjuurou by his life-long rival Izaemon?
Ayano: “My friend, let us meet again.”
Ene: Corre~ct!
Ayano: Yay~!
Shintarou: Kuh, so that field is your specialty...?
Ayano: Huhu~n. Just being good at studying won’t cut it!
Ene: You’ve also given an instant answer, as expected~. This series is quite old, but you knew it very well, huh?
Ayano: This anime is really interesting! The scenes where he fights to protect the heroine are cool! Wouldn’t Shintarou understand a little of how girls feel if he watched it?
Shintarou: Gngh...
Ene: Oyaoyaoya~! The fight has gotten exciting, huuh?! Then, let’s continue with the third question! The next will also be a question from an anime series!
Shintarou: What!?
Ayano: Yay!
Ene: No complaining at the proposed questions~. Well, on to the problem! Di-Ding! What’s the item that the protagonist of the the super popular anime “Mahou Shoujo ☆ Sister Angel”, Ichigo-chan, uses when transforming?
Shintarou: Pretty ☆ Angelic Rod!!! I got this!!! It’s correct, isn’t it?!!!
Ene: Uuwah... it is, but... this is a late-night anime in which only pretty little girls show up, y’know...?
Ayano: Huun. Even though you normally say that you don’t watch anime, Shintarou, you watch this genre. Heeh~.
Shintarou: iaier—No, I just knew—I just knew it by coincidence! It coincidentally came in the question!
Ayano: Hu~n.
Ene: Myy, as expected of Master~! You’ve gained one point, but it seems you’ve lost something important in exchange, huh~?
Shintarou: What!? “Something important”!? What did I end up losing!?
Ene: Yes, yes, there are sacrifices even in quizzes. Because this is a battle!
Ayano: That’s right, Shintarou. Even if you grin like a madman while watching animes where lots of cute girls appear, Shintarou, if you’re okay with that, then isn’t it fine?
Shintarou: What’s up with that specific way of speaking...?
Ayano: Nothing.
Ene: Now, with Master at a one-point lead, we head to the fourth question! The fastest person will be the one to answer this question~. Please focus! Di-Ding! 5783903 : 469745 = ?
Ayano: 12
Ene: By casting away the decimal points... Huh, eeh!? Correct!
Shintarou: Ayano!? That’s not a matter of input speed... It’s almost like you’ve known the answer since earlier!
Ayano: Huh? I pressed the numbers by mistake, though...
Shintarou: A typo?!!!
Ene: No, no, a win is still a win! This is part of the so-called power of luck~!
Ayano: Is that okay!? Thank you very much! With this, the points are even, right?!  
Shintarou: No helping it...
Ene: Both haven’t yielded a single step in this incandescent battle!! Next is the last question~!!
Shintarou: Oh, come at any moment!
Ayano: Let’s do this!
Ene: Then, this one will be impartial, from an information about the latest movie! Last question! Di-Ding! What was the release date of the big-hit romance movie that is currently screening “My and Her Bright Red Eyes”?
Shintarou: Ah? Ain’t this the movie that I got asked for tickets?
Ayano: “Release date”? What day was it again...?
Shintarou: I saw it in the site earlier... If I’m certain... Right! It’s October 20th!
Ene: Pinpon, pinpo~n! Completely correct!
Ayano: Aah... I see... Last Saturday...
Shintarou: This date sort of stayed in my memory.
Ene: It seems this movie has been recording an exceptionally huge hit a week after its release, y’know? It seems it’s not just a romance movie, but also has a mystery and battle aspects. It’s super fun, they say!
Shintarou: Heeh, is it that good a movie...?
Ene: How about you see it in the big screen of a cinema for a change~?
Shintarou: Hn, aah, that’s right. I’ve become used to going outside lately too... Ayano.
Ayano: Hea—Y-Yes!
Shintarou: About the movie that was just mentioned, can I go too?
Shintarou: Why are you getting so high-tension...?
Ene: Oops~! Isn’t it already thi~s late~?! Shall I excuse myself here~? Now you two young ones take it easy...! O~hohoho!
Shintarou: Haah? What’s gotten into her?
Ayano: W-W-What happened, huh~? She was acting weird, wasn’t she~? Ehehe.
Shintarou: You too, what’s been with you since earlier? Actually, about the quiz showdown of a while ago, you took me for a splendid ride, but I ended up winning. Are you not angry anymore?
Ayano: I was never angry~. Ehehehehe. More importantly, I’m looking forward to the movie!
Shintarou: Oh? Oh... I really don’t get very well how girls feel after all...
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kanon-mendi · 6 years
Anime Expo 2018 Story
I am finally back from Los Angeles and HOHOHO DO I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU!!!!! This year was the absolute BEST year from the last 3 that I’ve gone and I literally could not top any other year from now on. (7/11/18: it is 11:47 PM and i JUST finished this... :’D)
Day 0: Arrival and Pre-Show Night
This day was pretty long. The night before, I was confirming orders and receiving payments that pretty much kept me up for a while. Also, my mom’s friend who’s a priest was in town for the week to relax a little. I needed to stay up-to-date with everything. ANYWAYS, so that morning I woke up around 8 to finish packing. Now, sadly my Tokiya LS cosplay never arrived so I had to abandon my wig that I worked tirelessly for. I just brought with me the Camus cosplay that I had. My best friend had my contacts and I asked someone to make me the wig since I didn’t know if that was also gonna arrive on-time. I finished packing, and my mom took me to the airport. I realized that my flight was later than what I predicted so we waited there for maybe 20 minutes before I had to leave. Now, because of my Cafe experience last year, I was scared and told her to please pray for me since I didn’t want that experience to ruin my year. I boarded my flight and arrived to LA. Best part about it was that I got to sit in the near front (flying with Southwest) and got out of there super quick. Upon getting to LAX, I grabbed my bag and met with Aria and out friend Sally, who was a volunteer this week. Sally was going to take a shuttle to her hotel and we took a Lyft to our AirBnB. When we got to the place, it kinda didn’t look like the pics that we saw, but we sucked it up since it was close to the convention center. Now, I was VERY hungry since I didn’t have breakfast. Aria and I arranged so we could go to Curry House for our lunch. We had plenty of food before heading to our destination, the Los Angeles Convention Center. When we got there, we went to the premier lounge to pick up our swag and then to charge my phone because I forgot my portable charger at the AirBnB. I forget how long we stayed there, but after wards we went to the Entertainment Hall to look at what they had to show. Well.... it was only me that went first because Aria was somewhere else, I forget. Anyways, while I was down there, I saw the World Cosplay Summit costumes from 2003 and after and they look so. Damn. Cool. Like, if I had the right amount of patience for cosplaying, I would definitely do it, but I got frustrated just making a badge. Can’t imagine myself doing more. Then I went to the Wacom booth because I wanted to see their amazing tablets. I also wanted to know prices because I want a new tablet since I broke the stylus and charger out of yet another frustrated episode. Tbh, I’ve been wanting a Wacom tablet for years. However, I only tried them that night because of what you’re about to read later. So, because of that problem last year at the Cafe, Aria decided that it was best for her to go alone (please remember this for later in my story) to make sure that those involved weren’t there. While she was at the Cafe, I chilled out somewhere for about an hour and for the next hour or so, I waited for her to get out. While I was out there, I kept hearing things that really made me uneasy and I was starting to freak out like ‘should I really go there tomorrow’ but I kept myself distracted with Reiji’s current event so I won’t think about the anxiety I had. So when Ari was to get her picture taken, the doors had opened so anyone on the outside could see in because the show had ended. I saw Aria and told her to please hurry because it was almost midnight and I needed to sleep. I didn’t look inside very well, which was good for me in a way because I didn’t want to see what else was in there. As me and Aria were going back and forth, lo and behold the MC, who remembered who I was and was standing AT THE DAMN DOORWAY was all like “Come inside” and I said “No!!” and he was like “Why not?” and I said “Because no!!” and that’s where that little thing ended. When Aria came out of the Cafe, she told me that the people involved in my incident from last year aren’t there this year. Meaning that my celebratory dance from the week before kept going and when we went outside, I literally yelled “FREEDOM!!!!!!!” because I was so relieved that I was going to be fine this year. I was going to enjoy this con SO MUCH because of that news that I won’t have to hide my emotions. I am free of the curse I was going through for a year. I am safe.
Day 1: 20 Hours Awake
This was the day of the Boku no Hero Academia panel with Daiki Yamashita and others (Melissa and Dave Ifgorgettheirlastname VA’s were there). As a Premier Fan badge user, I could reserve my wristband for the panel days before online to just pick it up the day of the panel. However, because Aria didn’t reserve hers on-time, we had to literally arrive at the convention center around 4-5 am. At that time, there were already about 200 people lined up for the panel wristbands. I made line for priority entrance since I had nothing better to do. Anime Jungle didn’t bring anyone cool this year, so I just had more time to look around the place before going to the premier lounge and picking up my wristband. Aria was lucky enough to get hers so that way we could go together. As I was waiting at the priority entrance, staff took us all around the place WHERE because they didn’t know where exactly the first entrance was. Maybe 3 turns around the convention center to just get us back to our original line up place WHERE WE STARTED. I was borderline tired since I’ve been up since 4 and to be taken in circles was really hitting me in my ticked of spot. So, after we were in, I was talking to a few people in line and, let’s just say I made new friends. Aria met up with me later after she had gotten her wristband. So at first, we spent some time in the exhibition hall. I went to the KLab booth to play some Shining Live. It is actually kind of hard to play on a large screen, but I had fun trying all songs (except Mirai Chizu) and it was also very hard to get the S score with the cards they had, expecially with QN songs since there’s only 4 UR instead of 7 like Starish. I tried Poison Kiss and Force Live. Still couldn’t get the S score. At around 10 I headed to the premier lounge to get my wrist band. Now, one cool thing I found that was a great addition to the Expo, it was that badge scanner feature. Meaning, if you don’t have a badge, there’s almost no way for you to be let in. It was great. That also included the Premier badge entrance. After getting the wristbands, we headed down to the west hall cafeteria tp grab something to eat before lining up for the BnHA panel. After eating, we went to line up and curse me for waiting.
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ALL THESE PEOPLE WERE JUST FOR PREMIER ENTRANCE!!!!! It was absolutely crazy. Staff was great for getting us lined up and getting us in. Once we got inside, we were lucky to get seats near the front. I think we were on the 4th row. Anyways, when the panel started, they reminded us of no photo or video, which makes sense since there’s a lot of spoilers. The movie itself was AMAZING and the cast was so nice. I felt so cool amongst the thousands of fans. There were approximately 3000 fans IN THAT ROOM so y’all have an idea of how packed it was. Though what was weird is that there was an extra seat right next to me. so there could’ve been more that could go in. Anyways, getting out was much tougher because of the many people that packed up the place. We went back to the exhibition hall because we needed to pick up colored contacts for our cosplays. I have some blue ones that could work for both Camus and Tokiya. But here’s a big downer. I ordered my Tokiya SL costume June 5th. I put on the website that I needed it by July 2nd,  July 3rd at the most. On their website it said 7-12 days to make and 4-7 days for shipping. In total, it shouldve taken no more than 25 days to make and ship. BOI WAS I WRONG!!! June 25th is when I sent my first email to them saying if my costume was ready. They tell me not.
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Then by June 28th, I tell them again if my costume is ready to be shipped because typically when a customer says they need it at a certain day, that should put a little pressure. Ho no. They tell me that the costume is not yet ready and they will tell me when it’s shipped out. JULY 2ND I TELL THEM I NEED TO CHANGE THE ADDRESS BECAUSE IT NEVER ARRIVED IN MY HOMETOWN IN NEVADA and they tell me it’s possible to change and I did. JULY 4TH!!! THE DAMN DAY OF MY FUCKING TRIP IS WHEN THEY TELL ME THAT MY COSTUME IS ON THE WAY!!!!! HOE, I AINT WAITING THAT LONG!!!
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When I recieved that DHL email, I IMMEDIATELY changed the shipping so it arrives at the Reno office so I could pick it up because I was that done with the fucking company. BACK TO ANIME EXPO!!!!! After the Exhibition hall, we went to the Premier lounge just to relax and Aria wanted to go to Cybird’s panel. While she was there, I relaxed and went down to the Entertainment hall once more. After that, I forget what else we did and then we lined up to go to the Butler Cafe at 9:30. That was our original plan to go because I remember from previous years that they like inviting fans onstage for their birthday and I was to yell out that Aria’s birthday was in 6 months and if that counted. So we get there, and while we’re in line, Aria tells me “Hey, get a picture with Akashi. He was the host at my table and is a ton of fun.” I was like alright, a replacement!! We get inside and the guys at our table were Jiro and Takkan (?). They were the definition of fun. They literally gave us a fun time and I really wanted them at least to host my table one more time. Yes, it was that fun. Highlight of the night was when the butler dancers danced “DNA” by BTS with the original choreography and “Talk Dirty” by Jason Derulo. Now, please take in mind that “Talk Dirty” was used in the first AMV I saw of Voltage CGs. I literally died inside because I didn’t expect them to take it that far. It was fun tho!! I got the FB batch of orders, took my picture with Akashi, who was super cool cuz we talked about BnHA and was really kind. Good person.
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Then I went to take my picture with the cosplayer Voltage used (insta: https://www.instagram.com/th3lazyn1nja/)
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Weird part of that Voltage experience was that there were these girls WHO WERE LITERALLY FLIRTING WITH HIM AND I WAS SHOOK LIKE never in my years in life would I go that far with a stranger, HAHA NOPE. Aria tried to do a reverse kabe-don on him but failed miserably. Also remember this for later in the story. We left the Cafe and once outside, I again screamed FREEDOM because that experience was better than the last 2 years.
Day 2: Meeting Maeno
This was a blessed day for me. Tomoaki Maeno is probably the longest-running celebrity crush I’ve had. Now, I usually am not 100% open with these things because I respect their work and I respect their space, which is why I buy their stuff and watch their works to express my love for them. The day I heard that he was coming to Anime Expo, I flipped out and actually cried. Luckily I had no make-up on yet (it was my bro’s graduation) so I BLASTED Aurora and other Maeno songs I have on my computer. I called Aria so we could cry together. BACK TO AX We got up around 4 again to prepare for Maeno’s appearance that day. I did my efforts to look like Camus but I was so scared to put on the contacts. I would do it eventually, but at the moment, I just couldn’t because I hate things in my eyes and I’m super sensible to that stuff. I woke up a little earlier than Aria so I could shower, put my corset on, do my make-up and help Aria style her wig to make her look like a female version of Lupin from Code: Realize. I told her to keep her hair up since she planned on going original for the other half of the day. Before I forget, as I was getting ready and Aria was in the shower, I was watching Shunsuke Takeuchi go live on Instagram. He was promoting his new song with the unit AMADEUS. I left one comment that said, “Hello from America!!” and he replied with “Hello!! (waves) From Japan!!” which honestly made my morning and told me that I was gonna have a good day. Anyways, after we were both ready, I headed down to the convention center to start making the premier line for the Cells at Work panel, which is where Maeno was to appear. I also had to meet up with a lovely person that I asked if they could custom make my wig. I paid them for the wig order and for the design so all I had to do was pick it up and put it on. I waited inside the whole time because that day it reached around 104* outside. No way in hell would I stand outside in that weather. So anyways, it was about an hour waiting inside for the wig to come. I didn’t mind because that whole time, I was writing Maeno’s letter. I literally spilled everything I had to tell him because I really felt it was finally my time to confess to someone. I literally didn’t tell him I loved him and wish to be with him. Again, I respect an artists’ space and wouldn’t want them to know that since they’re told that same thing by many other obsessed fans. To shorten it up, I told him that I’ve been a fan for years and will always support him in his work. After getting my wig, I just played a couple rounds of Reiji’s event in Shining Live. I was top 100 this whole time and really wanted to keep my ranking. Here’s where things get a little meh. The panel was supposed to start at 11, meaning they needed to let us in around 10:30-10:45. I was getting worried because Aria was taking forever at the post office since she needed to pick up some CDs she ordered in case Maeno signed our own items. I kept telling her that it would be a little late for the panel since the staff kept saying it was capped and that no one else was allowed to get in line. The premier line kept getting bigger and general entrance was shortening. Men and women alike were filling the LP4 line area. It wasn’t until 11:45 when Aria FINALLY arrived and I said “We’re gonna be in there when it’s supposed to end.”
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It was about 12:15 when we could FINALLY go inside the panel and they were STILL having technical difficulties. I was VERY patient because I REALLY needed to see Maeno. Panel didn’t start till about 12:30 ish. So the MC was really cool and made us feel like we weren’t abandoned. After she got us all warmed up, the moment of truth came. I really didn’t expect it to go so fast and, pretty much at an instant is when Maeno was invited onto the floor. When she said to give the warmest welcome to Tomoaki Maeno, I. Lost it. I had tears in my eyes, they just didn’t drip down because my body was conscious that I had make-up on and didn’t want to ruin it for that perfect person. He was literally so relaxed and so sweet to us. I honestly couldn’t find a better day to be alive. After his little intro, he got us hype for the “Cells at Work” episode. It was so funny and every time White Cell came on the screen, the audience would lose it. That included myself, which I think was the loudest of all. After the episode ended, Maeno was invited back and 3 different producers were also invited on the stage. They talked about the show and how much effort they put on it and wanted to bring as much authenticity to the series. I’m so glad I understood a lot of it or else I would’ve cheered at the wrong time. Now, most of the time I was super distracted cuz I was staring at Maeno the whole time. I just didn’t want to take my eyes of him for a single second. He’s just so beautiful in person.
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Towards the end of the panel, 3 lucky people would receive a huge posted SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY MAENO HIMSELF!!!! I was a little hopeful that they would call my number, but considering my super bad luck in any raffle of any kind, I didn’t win. I was happy though that Maeno came close every time. Which just seeing him made me happy. When the panel finished, I sped out of there to the signing because 1, my friend dropped her gloves to her Cardia cosplay (not Aria, she was Lupin) and 2, I needed a good spot for Maeno’s signing. We waited there less than 40 minutes. In that time, Aria tried again to go to the post office to get her things, though I kept telling her it was no use since Aniplex had given us posters to have signed. She left either way. While in line, I was talking to the people around me and made some really good friends and got to see some old friends. BEFORE I FORGET TO MENTION!!!!!! So, in order to get a ticket to Maeno’s signing, you would’ve had to attend the talk show at the Aniplex booth in the Exhibition Hall. When I attended, they briefly talked about what we were expecting and how to get the tickets. I was near the stage and I was lucky enough to be one of the first to get that ticket.
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BACK TO DAY 2 So we’re waiting in line and we’re going on and on about Maeno and all of a sudden, the girls I was talking to say “Look!!” and I turn around and there he is. Majestic as Camus was Tomoaki Maeno himself on his way to the table. I let out a little scream and waved at him. No one else but us turned around to see him. I let Aria know that Maeno was now at the tables and that he would be signing soon. No more than 3 minutes later, Aria arrived to meet us in line and prepare herself for Maeno. There’s a friend I met back in 2016 that had her 5th Stage book with Suwabe’s signature from when he came. She was WAITING for the right moment to get another UtaPri seiyuu to get it signed. Sadly, they only let us have the Cells at Work posters signed. To me, it was okay because I didn’t care what he signed, as long as I had a memoir of meeting him. The line was moving fast as some didn’t have much to say to Maeno. As it was coming to my turn, I had girls tell me to calm down and breathe cuz I was almost in tears. Then it was my turn. I gathered all my courage from my fat little self and went up to Maeno. He gave me a little chuckle cuz I think he enjoyed my little Camus cos that I put together. I told him hello and he replied with the cutest voice ever. I REMEMBER IT SO WELL!!!! I gave him my poster and he went to sign it. He told me that the ink was still wet, to be careful if I touch it. I told him okay and thank you. He told me thank you and I gathered more courage to tell him that I loved him very much. BLESS ME MORE THAT DAY BECAUSE HE TOLD ME THAT HE LOVED ME TOO!!!!!! I know that’s something he would only tell a fan, but it made me so happy inside that when Aria came back, I cried on her shoulder, I wad that happy. I am feeling emotional now as I’m writing this. Aria stayed in line to talk to a few others that had awesome UtaPri merch, who I got to interact with as well. There was one girl who had the whole Prince Team itabag and parka. She literally traveled to Los Angeles that day just to meet Maeno. Kudos to her. I got to hug her Aqua (she let me) because before the signing, I could not calm down. We left the signing and stayed at the premier lounge the whole night. This is my autograph from Maeno.
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Aria went to the Sword Art Online that night and I didn’t want to go because I was so exhausted. We made jokes that day that Maeno took all my positive energy to go about his day. Tbh, if that was true, I wouldn’t mind it at all because he needed that energy to feel all the love we fans have for him. So, according to Aria, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka was very nice and cute to. **This photo was apparently okay to take since they never specified the “No Photo/Video” rule according to Aria.
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I don’t know the details on that panel so please ask her (@sweetaria98) for those details for that panel. After that panel, we went outside and bOI WAS IT A MISTAKE!!!!! It was 94 outside and I was DYING of the heat. Aria had a few things to do with a friend (which i never really understood why) but I was sweating from the heat and I personally thought it was the parking garage since I felt it cooler walking away from there BUT NO!! While waiting for the Lyft to come, I WAS DYING!!!! We got back to the AirBnB and Aria went for food a little after that and we ate dinner around midnight. I was sweaty.
Day 3: Loosen Up
So we weren’t really worried too much that day since all I had to do that day was shop for the remaining items from the orders. I did, however, also happen to buy an afternoon Butler Cafe with the $50 discount code that I never used since Anime Expo never sent me that information. Aria cosplayed Otoya from Legend Star that day.
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I just love how she looked that day and I’m VERY proud on how the make up and wig turned out. I bought the wig 2 months ago while I was still living in LA and I styled it once I got here. Though I couldn’t do much to the wig since the power in our room didn’t work that night or day. ANYWAYS So after buying 3 orders from tumblr, it was time to head to the Cafe. The plan was for me and Aria to go since it was the only time we could since Day 4 we had the AoT panel with Yuki Kaji. Aria was sadly late to buy her ticket and blamed me for not telling her but I also blamed her for not getting it while she could ONLINE. So I went to that Cafe alone (remember this for later). I actually had a blast that day. I went in with a bunch of people who were young and old alike and it was their first time. For me, it was my second time going in the afternoon, but if y’all remember last year, it was a shit year the first time. So it was good that I went alone and in the afternoon. I was punished like 2 or 3 times because of I forget what game. The guys at my table REALLY made it enjoyable and I had fun with their company. My first punishment that I got was that I had to do a Dragonball scream to the crowd and the second punishment was that I had to give a candle to another butler and tell him “You are the light in my life.” and the actor in me tried to make it so believable that everyone could enjoy that little show. Best part of that afternoon was when the emcee was asking for those who would like to be taken onstage for a special performance. Now, I silently (but made sure some heard) said that it’s been 3 years since I’ve been to their show and was never invited onstage. THAT COMMENT ALONE BEAT OUT A BIRTHDAY GIRL AND I FELT TERRIBLE!!!!!! In fact, I still feel terrible. After their little performance I came off the stage and they finished their act with I forget which songs. At the end of the Cafe, I took pictures with the guys at my table which were Shinomiya and Ryoga. Now, Ryoga left me with a little bug since he kept saying he remembered me from somewhere. I said that it’s my 3rd year at the cafe and if that’s where he knew me. For some reason, I got the impression that we might’ve known each other from somewhere else. I let it slide since I didn’t want to ask more details. Here’s my picture.
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Wee. MOVING ON!! So after the Cafe, we go shopping for a little more at the Exhibition Hall and I went to this booth by KLab that had ALL the UtaPri games for Vita and PSP. I only bought Amazing Aria/Sweet Serenade and Music 3 with a Camus towel and charm. That there was about $150 and I didn’t want to buy Repeat Love since I was running out of money and I needed to buy the last order. So, Exhibition Hall closes and we head to the premier lounge to literally rest because we’ve been walking almost everywhere. Before I forget, so before we headed to the premier lounge, Aria ALMOST lost her premier badge. It is a $125 replacement if she actually did lose it. She didn’t really go anywhere except for one booth with I7 stuff and the Cybird booth. She was lucky enough that someone had put it on the edge of the stage at the booth and it was confirmed that it was actually her badge. Back to the story. So Aria changed out of her cosplay into something a little more comfy for her while I put on a sweater since I was FREEZING in that lounge. We waited until 8:30 so she can accompany me to the 18+ one where I was going alone. Now, remember how I said to pay attention tho those “alone” in bold, here’s why. So our friend Sally is a volunteer at Anime Expo. She pretty much has access to ANY panel she wants as long as it fits her schedule. She had just finished that day and I asked if she could hold this HUGE bag of things from the orders I got. She said she would put it in HQ in West Hall, which was in front of the Premier Lounge. I thank her so much for that favor because it was a HUGE bag and I couldn’t bring it with me to the Cafe. Alright. As I’m in line for the cafe, I’m getting nervous because it was the last night of the cafe and I thought I was alone. BOI WAS I WRONG!!!! Now, I’m not gonna say what happened that night because of how crazy it got (ask me for details later) but right before the performances, I see Sally out of the corner of my eye. My thoughts went from “YAS BEST NIGHT EVER” to “WTF HOW DID SHE GET IN?!?!?!?!” in 3 seconds. I ignored that little bit because I thought “Alright, it’s just sally, how bad can it get.” HOHOHOHOHOHOHO WAS I WRONG!!!!! At the end of the Cafe when I’m going for my 2018 worthy Cafe picture, ARIANNA WAS AT THE DAMN TABLE TOO AND I LOST MY TEMPER!!!!! I WAS LIVID BECAUSE I SPECIFICALLY TOLD HER THAT I NEEDED THAT NIGHT ALONE TO SEE IF I COULD FIND CLOSURE TO MY CURSE THAT’S BEEN AT ME FOR 368 DAYS AND IT WOULD NOT LEAVE ME ALONE AND SHE DECIDED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SALLY’S PASS AND LET HER LITTLE ASS IN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y’know, I’m still livid with it. I calmed myself down, took my picture, and left.
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Yes, I was that shook at the moment of my picture. Not from Ari, but the performance in general. Anyways, as we’re getting out, I tell Sally to give me my stuff back please so we could leave. We left the convention center and I did not want to speak to Ari for not respecting my space when I SPECIFICALLY TOLD HER to please leave me alone that night. We just said small talk and she got the Uber for us to go home that night. It was midnight.
Day 4: Last Day and Kaji
This day, I wanted to arrive at the hour that the Exhibition Hall opened because I needed to pick up my wristband for the AoT panel and also to buy that last order of merch that I needed to get. We headed straight to the premier lounge and then headed straight for the exhibition hall so I could buy that stuff. It was around 10 that we got there so I was in a hurry. This is when I realized something that worried me Voltage charged me almost 30% tax in every purchase. When I wanted to buy that last bit of things, I had less than $200 on my bank account. The total for something that was only supposed to be $150? They charged me $195. The person payed I think $160 (I don’t have my notebook at the moment to clarify) for the stuff and my service and HOHOHO BOI WAS I LIVID!!!! I realized that I didn’t have money now for my Lyft to the hotel for Aria and Sally and for my ride to the airport. What ended up happening is that I used what was my last $100 in cash to pay half of that payment and the rest on my card and didn’t buy anything else for the rest of the con. That also included food since it’s SUPER expensive at the convention center. I only bought some chips that morning with $2 in cash that I had from previous food purchases. Aria got them for me from a vending machine. So, we lined up for the AoT panel around 10. I was again playing Shining Live to catch up on the event to stay top 100. I hadn’t spent a single dime on the event during AX which was great. I only purchased $20 in prisms and that was at the beginning of the event. Aria went to this auction where they were selling things up to $2k probably. We don’t know cuz we didn’t stay there. We started going in around 11:30 I think since the panel started at 12. We go in and had a good seat at the front. As we were going in, they were giving out Levi and Eren pins to us. I got Levi, Aria got Eren. The panel was great, season 3 is gonna be quite a thriller for fans and I bet y’all that the OP is gonna be AMAZING if X-Japan is involved. Btw, the thing that’s pissing me off so much is that someone had the downright NERVE to take a picture of the panel when it was STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND THEY EVEN TOLD US THAT IT WAS TO BE THAT WAY!!!!!!!! Luckily they respected the BnHA but not with Yuki Kaji in that room. Anyways, Kaji was so cute and he seemed to really get along with Bryce and they both have a lot in common which is great. So after the panel, we realize that we have time to make it to the very last butler cafe show. Aria didn’t want to go since she thought it was too late and I also wanted to see if just in case that booth still had Repeat Love, which they didn’t. So at the Exhibition Hall, I wandered around a lot since I needed a new portable charger and saw that NO BODY had any to sell and the Cheero place wasn’t there this year. TTnTT So, I got bored and then decided to meet up with Aria at the Cybird booth to see what they were doing. At the booth, they were saying so many announcements and Hiroto was really nice to the fans, however time was running out. Most of you know the announcements so I’m not gonna say, but congrats to those girls who won the cut-outs of the boys from their Ikemen series. One more giveaway was done and that was to get a special picture of Hiroto as Isaac Newton (?) from Ikemen Vampire, which I’m VERY excited for because I have a thing for Vampire stories (thanks a lot DiaLovers). We played a huge group round of Rock Paper Scissors and a lot of us beat Hiroto. It was less than 50 which was great. Because time was running out, I didn’t get my photo with him this year. I mean, it’s okay since like, it was about 5 minutes from closing. After i got my prize signed by Hiroto, we left the exhibition hall and headed to the closing ceremony. We waited there for a little bit. I bought some chicken strips with my last little bit of cash and me and aria shared the tater tots. The closing ceremony was great, but I liked last years better. This one I felt too brief and just wasn’t enough. It was still fun though. After the closing ceremony, we left to the AriBnB and called it yet another year in the books.
SO THAT WAS MY ANIME EXPO 2018 STORY!!! I hope you all enjoyed it!! I tried to make it as interesting as possible with as much memory as I have from it because I felt it all go so fast. Honestly, this year was such a blessing that I don’t think any year will top this. VIDEOS BY ARIA WILL BE POSTED IN A FEW WEEKS/MONTHS!! :D I’ll be contacting the people who ordered from me soon... :’D
21 notes · View notes
[Angel of Miracle; Finale] 310 - Ad Infinitum
“It’s… Daisuke’s crest?!” -  Vee was amazed with it. Shocked yet astonished. So that was Daisuke’s power, crest, core… It didn’t matter the term, that strength was filling him as well. His eyes were glowing in crimson, and he felt unstoppable.
“V-mon, are you ready?” - Daisuke sounded more serious than before.
“W-wait, what are you two doing?!” - Asked both Miyako and Warlock in unisson. 
“I have a plan, trust me… I won’t die. Just try to find a solution for the core of Purity, please.”
“But, Daisuke-kun--” - Hikari approached from him - “You shouldn’t fight alone…!!”
“Who said I’m fighting alone?” - he smiled - “You five come with me.”
“Only us??” - Iori gasped.
“Wait a second,” - Ken interrupted them - “Warlock-san… What if we use someone from our world’s core? We know who may have the core of Purity.”
“A-are you crazy summoning Mimi-san here?!” - the other Chosen Babbled.
“I see… You want to use this person’s core for it” - Warlock mused - “May work.”
“Do you think I will let you do that?!” - Pandora shouted, then grabbed Daisuke - “You’re coming with me, and you won’t get this last piece mwhahaha!!”
“D-Daisuke!!” - Vee shouted.
“H-Hey let me g-go!!”
She flew away, dragging Daisuke to the skies. The Chosen glanced at their partners and evolved them directly to Aquilamon, Digmon, Stingmon, Pegasmon and Nefertimon. The kids flew after them, with V-mon going on Aquilamon’s back alongside Miyako.
“They wouldn’t like to have another friend summoned here” - Lia protested - “Let’s try find another solution! I thought bringing Hikari could solve it, but now I see it was a bad idea.”
“I know, but… If we don’t do something, Lance-- No, sir Daisuke will be beaten. Him and those kids.”
“Allow me help you,” - said a voice that made Warlock stare for a few seconds.
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“GET OVER IT, PANDORA!” - Daisuke shouted - “You can’t win! A-and I have no f-fear!!”
“We will see, Lance Duskstella” - she smirked.
“My name’s Daisuke now! Motomiya Daisuke, the Chosen Child of Courage and Friendship!” - he bit her arm in this desperate attempt to free from her arm.
“Oh how cute, you think you can use your teeth to hurt me?” - she laughed - “Try again. Try again.”
“Ma’am, you’re tough! Literally.”
“LEAVE DAISUKE ALONE YOU FREAK!!” - Miyako shouted - “Aquilamon, get them!” “But what if I hit Daisuke-san?!” “You won’t! Also it’s impossible to kill Motomiya Daisuke!” “But--” “Aquilamon you NEED to do something!” - Vee pulled the bird’s feather lightly - “Or at least get closer so I can jump and evolve!”
“Oh? Your friends are here…”
They all landed. Pandora kept using Daisuke as hostage, making impossible to attack her. This wasn’t helping Daisuke and his anxiety. He was trying to escape, but no success. She was stronger than him. Also now everyone was able to see her: Her skin was white, her eyes were purple and liveless, she had brown hair and long as Archnemon’s. Basically, she looked like Archnemon in appearance, but she was human and a witch.
“Whatever you’re doing, don’t shoot on me!” - Daisuke screamed - “But don’t stay looking at, do something… N-NOW!!”
“Wait!” - Ken stood in front of them - “We have to have an strategy first.”
“B-But Ken-kun!” - Miyako was panicked. “Ken, this is no time for that!!” - V-mon protested.
“W-what are you doing?!” - Daisuke couldn’t believe it - “H-help me…!!”
“Let him go, Pandora” - Ken ordered - “Or else…”
“Or else what?” - she mocked him - “Do you think I will be frightened by a bunch of kids? Hah, I’m a WITCH. I can curse upon you all if I want!”
“Look, the enemies in our world underestimated those kids” - Daisuke smirked - “You have no idea who are you fighting against”
“You’re a damsel in distress, Lance. You shouldn’t--”
Vee took her off guard and knocked her down. Stingmon flew and grabbed them, returning directly to the group. Pandora then got irritated with those outsiders and their monsters… She wanted to eliminate them. But how??
“Ack, my neck hurts” - Daisuke complained - “She’s really strong and feels no pain…!”
“We need to find some way to beat her!” - Takeru was watching her staring at them.
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“Yosh, time to go!” - Taichi and the other five were at the camp. They had told Jun, Momoe and Chizuru to give them total support in the human world. Taichi’s plan was to open the gate to the Digital World and then try to find a way to go to this mysterious world the young Chosen were at the moment.
“Are you sure we can use the Digital World as gateway to this other world?” - Sora was still acting like a concerned mother - “What if we get… stuck in somewhere unknown and with no chances of returning?”
“Sora-san you’re just contradicting yourself a lot” - Mimi teased her - “First you told us one thing, then you said another, and now you’re changing your mind?” - she chuckled like an anime princess - “Oh hohoho! I see… You’re obviously scared!”
“And aren’t you…?” - Sora kept polite and calm, despising Mimi being all fired up for some adventure - “Mimi-chan, aren’t you worried with them?”
“Me?” - Mimi blinked, then she dropped all the sass - “... I’m worried with Hikari-chan and Miyako-chan… No, I’m worried with ALL of them too! But… I thought I had to get spirits up for this mission.”
“She means no harm” - Taichi added - “Mimi-chan is just trying to lighten up everyone’s mood.”
“She doesn’t need to be like that either” - Yamato growled.
“... I’m sorry” - and the Chosen of Purity felt bad for all the tease and snarky attitude.
“It’s not your fault, Mimi-chan” - Sora tried to cheer her up - “I appreciate you’re trying to keep us motivated, but I think not everyone here is in the mood for it.”
“The gate will be opened soon” - Koushiro announced, after a long silence.
“Right!” - Their leader nodded
“But are we sure we can do this?” - here goes Jou ask the same questions Sora did.
“100 percent sure!” - Taichi replied with enthusiasm.
The gate was about to open, but… It wasn’t a Digital Gate. The gate that opened had a man in front of it, someone similar to…
“G-Gennai-san?!” - everyone were in shock.
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“Gold Rush!” “Curse of Queen!” “Silver Blaze!” “Blast Laser!” “Moon Shooter!”
Digmon’s drills and Stingmon’s spikes were combined with Nefertimon’s, Pegasmon’s laser beams and Aquilamon’s stream ring-shaped beams against Pandora, but she repelled them with her forcefield. They kept attacking, while V-mon and Daisuke were planning something. They needed time, they needed strategy. Ken was thinking and analyzing the battle, the digimon were dodging magic shots released from their enemy. It was hard to tell how to beat Pandora, especially when they didn’t want to risk approaching from her.
“Didn’t Lance use magic?” - Vee glanced at Daisuke - “Like, I think I heard something about that before.”
“M-Me?” - Daisuke blinked - “A-ah, I used to learn spells and to use my aether for that. Magic is not an unusual thing in this world, all creatures have it… I had it.”
“This means Daisuke-kun has powers?” - Hikari asked.
“Not anymore… Since this is a new body, a new life… I can’t actually use the same magic from before. However, I can use the same weapon I used to have in my training.”
“W-we don’t have too much time anymore!!” - Iori called them - “There’s must have a way to stop her!!”
“A way…” - Dai mused... - “T-that’s it! If we use the core’s power, the CREST power… We might stop her!”
“What?!” - Miyako blinked - “You mean… Do that again? Summon the power inside of us? But you have the cores of everyone from this world’s inside the pendant!”
“I can’t use it without Fiorella’s core” - he explained - “But we can use the left ones here, right now… At least to stop her until Warlock discover something about the sealing spell!!”
“... We should at least try” - Ken agreed. “Yes, we should” - Takeru nodded.
They held each other’s hands and focused on gathering all the power inside themselves. Six lights appeared in front of them -- Determination, Energy, Fairness, Hope, Light and Kindness. It also powered their partners up. But V-mon kept in his child form for an unknown reason.
Then, they pointed their digivices at Pandora, shooting a rainbow light against her. She has been purified… Until Iori realize something coming from her body. A dark shadow formed over her, a monster they wished to not known. A monster with seven legs and eight eyes. It was grotesque, it caused the kids fear and despair.
“W-what is this feeling? Suddenly everything is cold and terrifying...” - Miyako commented.
“Darkness is swallowing us…” - Hikari hugged herself - “This is the end…”
“That’s… Ogudomon” - V-mon told the kids, while watching his digicomrades step back and return to the group - “We’re doomed…”
“Ogudomon?” - the boys repeated.
“That’s the embodiment of all deadly sins of the Digital World” - Pegasmon said. “We’re unable to beat it” - added Nefertimon.
“W-what the… I know you’re scared, but we need to fight it or we won’t go home!” - Daisuke told them - “... I’m afraid too, but if we let the fear control us, there won’t exist a new tomorrow for everyone here!!”
“But--” - they weren’t sure about that.
“Stop saying ‘but’, the world needs us! Time to fight or be eaten by this darkness!”
“Daisuke…” - V-mon glanced at him - “I’m scared…!”
Darkness was his enemy. Not the good shadow used to escape from the heat of the summer, or the cold and dark nights of the winter. It was the evil, the seven sins aprisioned in that box. The evil he had released as Lance, the same maleficent force which is scaring his new friends. Inside, Daisuke was divided between himself… And Lance.
Ah man, I can’t do it. No you can! If I had heard Lia that time… And you’re here right now to solve this, have confidence! But… What if I’m not strong enough to fight it? You’re me, and I’m you. We’re two sides of the same coin. But… What if I fail? There’s no reason to fear. We saved the world before, we can do that again! I’m… Not sure this time… You have to trust yourself. It’s hard…!! We can make it… You have them!! Taichi-san… I want to be like him, I always wanted to be like him. Since I got this new life, I’ve been admired by a person who was the embodiment of courage. Taichi-san is strong, so do you. Here, take my hand and let’s save the world. You’re me, I’m you. Together we form Motomiya Daisuke.
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“DAISUKE, HIKARI!!” - a familiar voice came. and everyone looked behind them to see Taichi, Sora, Yamato, Mimi, Koushiro and Jou. With them, there were their other-selves from that world.
“Taichi-senpai!” - Daisuke smiled, it was a miracle. He was there…! He was… Wait, what was he doing there?! - “W-watch out, this digimon is stronger than all of us…!!”
“It’s okay, Lance” - a familiar voice said and the younger Chosen Children saw a man on their side. He looked like Gennai, but more like a mage-Gennai - “Or should I call you by Daisuke now?”
“Gennai-san?” - All six kids and six digimons blinked.
“My Name’s Dragon Who. I’m the one who sealed Ogudomon a long time ago” - he began - “Pandora was one of my apprentices, and she got taunted by the power of that box and its seal. I tried to stop her but… I had no choice but seal her and the box together.”
“I-Is there some way to save everyone’s lives?” - Hikari asked - “Please, tell us!”
“I’ve been debating it since I saw you in the Labyrinth. I felt it since you helped me to escape from there.”
“F-Funbeemon?!” - Vee gasped - “Y-you were Funbeemon?!”
“There’s no time to waste. Lance, use the power of the cores from this world and from your new life’s world.”
“B-But Fiorella--” - Dai tried to argue but…
“Fiorella just like you has reborn. She came before you because she was a pure person of light. You, however, had to be judged by your crimes and get your redemption first. Fiorella now is Tachikawa Mimi, but she has no traces of her past life. You only had those because of your spell, separating a fragment of your soul and sealing it in your star-shaped crystal.”
“M-Mimi-san is... Fiorella??” - the group was confused.
“This means… Having her in this world completes the requirements for the sealing spell. You have power, Lance and outsider children. Now you have to use it to seal the Darkness itself and save this world.”
“We have it…” - Daisuke seemed refreshed, his body had been revitalized by those words. Suddenly, all the cores from the people of that world, and from the twelve Chosen Children were together, surrounding the group - “Guys… We’re going to end this NOW.”
Ogudomon attacked them, but their digimon protected them. all cores also caused a barrier preventing them to get hurt. Unlike the previous time, their partner digimon were consumed by a strong and pure energy, strengthening them. To complete it, a miraculous object appeared in front Daisuke, something he recognized as…
“The Golden Digimental!”
With the crest of Miracles carved on it, Daisuke grabbed it and said the magical words: Digimental Up!! and V-mon immediately evolved directly to Golden Magnamon. Vee’s energy was purifying everything around, giving more power to the digimon group.
“It’s beautiful” - Lia commented. “So this must be the power of all cores together” - mused Warlock.
“Is that… Our power given to the kids?” - Taichi wondered. “Impressive…” - Koushiro was amazed with it.
“Magnamon!” - Daisuke yelled - “Keep your attacks focused on that thing! Nefertimon, Pegasmon, tie it with the holy string. Aquilamon, Stingmon, Digmon, you stay on stand by and wait for the signal. Attack directly the head with long-ranged attacks! Magnamon will finish it with a giant beam… And I-- No, we will seal Ogudomon again…!”
The digimon nodded, and the battle has resumed. Ogudomon kept trying to attack them with its giant legs, but it couldn’t compete with the smaller digimon ones and their speed. The kids also noticed strange colored auras coming from their partners.
Some of them were familiar to Takeru and Hikari. They saw in those auras Seraphimon and Holydramon. However, the auras of the other three digimon weren’t recognized by Miyako, Iori and Ken. Magnamon’s aura was different, it was pure light and energy. He was attacking Ogudomon with physical attacks, giving not so much damage on the enemy.
“We can’t win…” Hikari was afraid again. “We don’t need to beat it” - Daisuke told her - “All we need is to seal it!”
After tying the legs, Nefertimon and Pegasmon used laser beams against the ‘head’ of the enemy digimon. Stingmon, Digmon and Aquilamon used the same attacks they previously used against Pandora. The monster stepped back, falling since it had its legs unable to move. Magnamon gathered all the energy he had and released it in form of a giant explosion of light, illuminating the place.
“Now, Chosen Children!” - Said Dragon Who to them.
All the cores surrounded them, Daisuke used that power and pointed his hands at the grotesque monster, with the other five putting their hands in the magical circle summoned by the sealing spell.
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“This is where it ends” - Dai muttered, his eyes shining in orange - “FINAL UNION BLASTER!!”
But surprisingly, the cores released a beam and started to dissolve Ogudomon. Not sure if it was what they expected, but… It was something caused by all twelve Chosen, the six digimon, and the nine people from that world.
“... Final Union Blaster?” - the kids frowned.
“C-Come on, I had to c-come up with a cool name for a finishing attack!” - Daisuke blushed, then they all laughed - “O-Oi… I H-have creativity!!”
“That was so Daisuke” - Magnamon rolled his eyes.
“Look, it’s Pandora…” - Hikari gasped, looking at the poor woman dissolving either - “What… What’s happening?!”
“She had been consumed by Ogudomon for a long time” - Dagon Who explained - “her body couldn’t survive it. You, outsiders, saved this world and I thank you for your efforts. Darkness must be balanced with Light, and this world had been unbalanced for a long time ago. Ogudomon is gone, but this does not mean it won’t return. Since this is the embodiment of all seven demon lords who represents each deadly sin, if those sins take control over the world again, it might reappear.”
“So… It’s not dead, just… temporary dead?” - Daisuke asked.
“That makes no sense to me!” - he shouted. “Neither to me, but knowing you and Mimi-san came from this world confuses my head more often” - Miyako sighed.
“I will… read more about it when we’re at home” - Ken seemed curious. “We can read together” - Iori suggested.
“Now it’s time for you six and your six outsider friends go home” - the ancient mage said - “I suggest you to say your goodbyes now, I’ll be send you and your partner monsters back to your world.”
“Right…” - Daisuke nodded and then looked directly at the people from that place. He felt sad inside - “... So, this means my job is done here. I fixed my mistake. You won’t be mad if I never come here again, right? Sienna, Lia, Helios, Warlock…”
“We will miss you, but we will protect this world for you, my brother” - Lia replied with a smile, but she couldn’t hold the tears… She hugged him back, and then Sienna and Helios joined it. Warlock was just watching it.
“Great Grandfather” - he was much more interested on the ‘Gennai-like’ man - “How can you be here?”
“Just like Lance, before I died I used the same spell to leave a shard of my soul in this world. I believe your friend read about it and used at his favor.”
“I see… So Lance was definitely a mastermind after all. You impressed me,” - he said directly to Dai when this had been free from the hugs - “You finished your task, now you’re free from this fate. It was nice to see you again… And I apologize for not being a good friend.”
“What the heck are you talking about, Warlock?” - the other chuckled - “You were the best of the best friends I had! You, Sienna and Helios were important to me. Lia was special, she was my sis” - and then returned the star pendant back to him - “I guess you will want to have it. At least to remember about me.”
Taichi and the other older Chosen were trying to interact with their other-selves. Something in them made them perplexed and curious. But they had no time for a long talk to discover more about them.
Actually… They were sent back home after those goodbyes.
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“Waah, I gotta do my homework” - Daisuke, now three months later of that bizarre adventure, was focused on his studies - “Hikari-chan take it easy…!!”
“You have to study more” - she pouted - “I’m disappointed with you, Daisuke-kun.”
“C-come on…!!”
“Daisuke-kun is always goofing around at the classes” - Takeru commented with Iori - “It’s our last year of Elementary and he’s still…”
“I will be lonely next year” - Iori confessed - “Because I used to have a noisy life around you three. Miyako-san is already in the Junior High and I miss her.
“We will come to visit you, don’t worry about it!!” - Daisuke gave Iori a noogie - “Don’t sweat it, kiddo!”
“We will miss you too, Iori-kun” - Hikari was just watching the boys interacting - “But the school year is not over yet. We will still be here.”
“She’s right” - Takeru and Daisuke agreed.
“I’m… I’m glad to have you three with me” - Iori blushed.
“Aww, isn’t he cute?!” - Daisuke teased him - “Adorable baby face! He loves us!!”
Hikari giggled.
“Then, we should go home” - Takeru was turning the computer off - “We can’t let be late for dinner.”
They agreed and left the room, but Daisuke was still giving a look at their hideout. Suddenly, the image of Miyako, Iori, Takeru, Hikari and him gathered in front the computer with their partners popped in his mind when he looked at their ‘usual spot’.
“Hurry or Jun will eat all the food today!!” - Chibimon gave him a light bite on the shoulder.
“A-ah, that’s right! Mom’s going to make yakisoba today.”
When he was walking home, Daisuke noticed a strange van following him. At first he thought it was just a mere coincidence, but they stopped right when he reached his apartment complex.
He ignored it, but he couldn’t avoid…
“Are you… Motomiya Daisuke? I know you’re holding a digimon.”
… That woman in black.
“H-How do you know my name?!” - he looked behind, seeing a woman with short brown hair, olive green eyes, mysterious aura… - “What’s a digimon?”
“Don’t play dumb with me,” - she said, then smiled - “Can we talk for a while, in particular?”
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Hi~ You probably know who I am lol, but I'm curious, what do you think of ShadowXMaria? I personally adore it as much as SonAmy. Also, would you ever write something cute with Shadow and Maria? :3 Fics revolving around them are super rare lol
Oh, yeah! I’ve seen those shades before! ;Db pretty epic!
My opinion? I love their bond they have, but as for romantic, I don’t support animals and humans :( I barely do out of species lol! But that being said, I do see the big influence she’s been in helping Shadow choose good, I just don’t see it as a ‘lover’ but more as a ‘Guardian Angel’ in a sense.
I could write a respectful and cute ‘motherly’ type of prompt? No problem! And hey, you might see it different than that, but that’s up to you and your enjoyment purposes ;)
Shadow skated down the Space Colony Ark, and skid around a corner. He didn’t seem to need to be moving urgently, but he was.
Suddenly, as he passed by a closet, he heard something tussle and looked back.
Skidding around, he walked casually up to the closet, and folded his arms.
“…Ehem.” he cleared his throat.
“Oh! Oh, dear! I-I’ve been found!”
Maria stumbled out of the closet, hopping on one foot as she did so with her hands out to catch her if she fell. She had lab coats all over her from her grandfather, and even some gentlemen’s hats on.
She looked embarrassed and smiled cutely to Shadow, though slightly curling inward in her nervousness.
“I… I suppose I’m not the greatest at this game, am I?” she giggled, a tiny sweat drop dripping down her face.
“…I never understood the purpose of.. hiding and seeking… what fun is there in wandering around aimlessly when the other could be by your side, enjoying your company?” he gestured his hand out, before she bent down and giggled, holding a hand up to her mouth.
“Oh, Shadow. Don’t you see?” she kindly look to him. “As you miss the person you’re searching for, you long for them. And while you look, that feeling of wanting to find them, and see them again, simply grows and grows! Then you just get so excited! It makes finding them all the more worth it.”
“…I’d rather remain by your side always… Maria.” Shadow looked up, still not smiling as we usually knew him to be, but there was more genuine innocence in his eyes.
“Oh, Shadow!” Maria bent down and hugged him, making him unfold his arms and blink a moment, not sure how to react to this. “That made me very happy!”
“…What… are you doing?” he looked back to her.
She pulled away, and put a hand up to her mouth, holding in another giggle at how little he knew about the world and it’s customs.
“That’s called a ‘hug’, Shadow.” she loved playing teacher, and got down on her knees, placing her hands on them, and then holding them out for him. “You start with your hands.”
He looked at the action, before back to her and seeing her smile, as if to encourage him to participate.
He held out his hands.
“Now what?”
She beamed.
“Now, we spread them out, like this.” she held them out.
He mimicked her.
“Then, we do what I just did. And we embrace!” she leaned forward and hugged him, placing her head on his forehead.
She giggled, “Not so confusing now?”
He lowered his hands to her shoulders, and ducked his head. “No… it’s nice.”
She pulled away and rubbed his head. “It is nice… isn’t it?”
Later, Gerald had prepared a lunch break, and Maria commented that she would of liked to cook for everyone, but Gerald insisted.
They had a small talk at the table, before Gerald mentioned something about the future, and Maria held a sorrowful smile.
Later that day, Shadow was walking down a long row of neverending window screens, where Maria could watch the universe unfold before her.
She had her hands behind her back, that same pained look in her eyes, but gentle smile.
She was so strong, dying from such a powerfully consuming disease, and yet… she could smile through it all.
Shadow looked up at her, growing concerned in her silence. “Maria?”
“Hmm?” She closed her eyes, the windows of her soul, and smiled down to him. The last thing she would allow Shadow to see was pain and suffering inside her.
“..What troubles you?” He stopped walking, looking more serious. “You barely ate. And your silence is disturbing. Is something wrong?”
His care made her happy, after all, he was meant to be her miracle. The very lifeform that would save her from this curse.
She never saw it as a curse though, she always considered it another adventure to take with a stride.
She bent down, “I’m alright, Shadow. But as grandfather mentioned… my family… I… I suppose I started playing hide and seek within my memories.” she didn’t know how else to describe it other than that.
She leaned up and turned back, angelically, towards the long windows.
“You see, Shadow… I’ll never be able to get married.”
He seemed confused by the jargon, looking up at her, and folding his arms.
He looked down to earth.
“I’ll never be able to have a family… or be a mother… or go to school… I can’t see my family anymore… besides of course, my dear grandfather.” she smiled to Shadow.
“And of course, you Shadow. You’re my family as well.” she bent down to hug him, and he fidgeted a moment, but allowed her to do so.
She sat down and began to stroke his head, leaning her own against it as he listened to her further.
She closed her eyes, relaxing… “You are to be a great help to the world, Shadow… I feel selfish.. thinking that perhaps… you are my miracle and mine alone! I would never allow myself to keep you like that, but I would like to be someone very special to you.” she leaned up, and grinned down to him again.
“Would you like that, Shadow? After everything is completed… would you like to live with me down on Earth? We could be a family! Me, you, Grandfather… it would be like a dream.” she placed her hands together as if saying a prayer, ducking her head down.
“…Maria..” Shadow lifted a hand gently to her face, and pulled her chin up with a few of his fingers.
He smiled.
“I would like that very much.”
She beamed, and hugged him again.
Later that night, the two sat in the hallway, up against the wall, as Shadow was fast asleep in Maria’s arms.
The experimentation were done for that day, so Gerald Robotnik started walking along the Ark, admiring the cosmos, before looking to see his granddaughter and Shadow.
He blinked in surprise, before smiling like a proud father.
Maria was stroking his head, humming to Shadow as she leaned her weary head against his.
Gerald walked over, and placed a hand on her head.
She blinked her eyes open slightly and looked up to him, smiling.
Gerald carried Shadow to his containment pod, and Maria watched as he lowered him in, and hooked him up.
“He’ll need to recharge for some time.” Gerald stated, and looked back to Maria’s worried expression.
“Don’t worry my dear. Hohoho!” Gerald placed a hand under her chin, trying to cheer her up. “He’ll be up and running around before you know it!”
“Yes… and we’ll play hide and seek again.” she nodded, as he looked down one final time… before closing the lid, and turning the mist on to keep him preserved.
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