#I want hir to stay as Golden but I need to decide if that's right for hir
underagoldenmoon · 6 months
Under a Golden Moon short story: The Thief
The tortoiseshell glances over hir shoulder. Nobody's there, ze thinks, but ze can't convince hirself it's true - if ze's wrong, it's hir death that will be the result. Ze's risking so much for this. It'll be worth it, though. It has to be. Ze takes a last deep breath before striding forward, steadying hir shivering as much as ze can. The building is tall, blocky, built of hard stone. It stretches up to the sky like a message. The door is unlocked. This can't be right, it can't be this easy. But the cat reaches out a white paw, scarred with the marks of a slip-up when ze first started whittling. Ze never made that mistake again: ze has learned by now that ze must be cautious. That lesson will stand hir in good stead. Ze hopes. A glance around. Everything here is brightly-coloured. To the tortoiseshell's left, the stairs stretch upwards, and ze runs up them, taking them two at a time, then three, no longer cautious of the risk. Ze's almost there. Almost there. "There it is!" Ze can't stop hirself from exclaiming hir excitement. Immediately ze regrets it. There's nobody else here, but the sound of hir voice makes hir feel sick. As it always does. Ze grabs the rectangular object, clad in every shade of the rainbow, and tucks it into the bag hung over hir shoulder. A brief smile. And now ze runs. But the door is closed now, and didn't ze leave it open? Ze places a paw onto the inner handle, tries to push it down and open the door. Locked. Panicking now, ze spins around. Hir breath is shallow. Ze can't think. Can't breathe now. Except ze could if ze just pulled hirself together. What's even the point of this? Ze's lying to hirself. Might as well leave hir precious prize behind, because it won't change who ze is. No. Ze's come too far, risked too much, to surrender this hope, hopeless though it may be. Ze looks around for a key. If ze can't find one, ze doubts hir small amount of strength will be enough to force the door open - in which case ze's trapped. Nobody knows ze's here. Nobody can know, because nobody will understand. "Could have sworn I'd closed that door," a voice mutters from the next room. "Can't let the books get damaged. N' if Yew's Guard get to it they're gonna burn 'em all, probably." The thief - because that is what ze is, not a simple scavenger as ze had thought - starts. Ze isn't the only one who knows about this place. Ze isn't the only one who knows about the danger if it is discovered. Ze makes sure that the book is secure, and tightens hir grip on the handle of hir bag, painted with the colours that allegedly symbolise hir identity: two shades of orange, white, two shades of blue. Nobody else in Yew's Guard knows the meaning. If they did, ze would have been exiled by now - hence the need for secrecy. But ze had to indulge this one childish hope. The door to the other room opens, and the thief ducks behind a shelf. A short, scarred tabby walks through the door. They glance at the door, then to the shelf where the thief hides. "Who's there?" they ask. Well. Ze's caught now. "Just me," ze says, stepping out from behind the shelf, clutching the bag in the same manner that a drowning cat might clutch a rope connecting them to the shore. "And who're you?" "I'm…my name is…" ze stops. Ze's not ready for that. "I'm just here to look, I…I swear! I'm not stealing or anything, but it's dangerous at home and -" The tabby sighs. "You took a book. Didn't you." It's not even a question. "Yes, but I'll - I'll return it - just -" "No. Keep it. You need it. I'm Autumn, by the way. She/her." She unlocks the door The thief nods. "My pronouns are… are ze/hir." There's a freedom in admitting it. "And… I mean, my parents called me Golden… and I like the name… but I'm… I don't know, you're meant to change it, aren't you?" "Don't let anyone force ya to do that. 's your name, not theirs." The thief nods again. And makes hir escape.
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #365
"EAlex, Baby Presents and Antiquities”
[Flux] Is sitting inside watching CP build through the window. A small smile flickers across her lips as she watches the effort he's putting into making a room for his daughter-
[Notch] Slips up behind her and hugs around her, putting his chin on her shoulder- Bring proud of our son?
[Flux] - He is doing a wonderful job, but I wonder...  Where will the baby sleep?  Surely a bed will be too large for her...|
[Notch] My bet is that Cp will will make a fancy room for the baby, but the baby will sleep with Lie for quite some time, because mom's worry.
[Flux] - But surely there must be other things they will need?
[Notch] Yes.... this is true... we should probably go out and buy her stuff like everyone did with Aven actually...
[Flux] - You bought stuff for Aven?
[Notch] Well, yeah! It's kind of a tradition for friends to buy a new mom a bunch of baby stuff. The closer they get to having the baby the less able they are to get around and do stuff. So it usually means they aren't working and could use a hand. And babies are incredibly expensive.
[Flux] - I see.  Then don't you think it's time we did that?  Lie is getting rather large...
[Notch] Rubs his chin- You're right. You feel like going shopping? It might be a bit of sensory overload.
[Flux] - If you are there, then I'm sure I will be fine
[Notch] Smiles- So do we drag Cp along and make him carry stuff or no? There's always the razor thin chance he'll get slightly emotional.
[Flux] - No, let's surprise them.  We could say your coworkers want your help with a small problem they've found as an excuse
[Notch] Well we need at least one person who can make portals. And I don't think BEN would be interested. So I'll call Doc for a ride. - He starts walking outside as he types-
[HG] -has just come by to water some of lies plants when he sees notch and waves- hi
[Flux] Follows him out-
[Notch] Oh hey Hg. Hey, you haven't learned how to make irl portals yet, have you?
[HG] no not yet but I should
[Notch] Doc should be along shortly, you should ask them to help you at some point.
[Doc] Comes galloping across the yard with Deerheart on hir back-
[Yaunfen] Is racing alongside them with a big smile-
[Flux] Sidles up next to Notch and takes his hand-
[HG] -Waves- hello doc, deer, yaunfen
[Doc] Hey guys. I take it we're making a party of this?
[Yaunfen] bounces around a little- I wanna go out!
[Deer] - Hey HG- She slides down off of Doc
[Yaunfen] Shifts into their kid form and plops a beret on their head. - I'm ready!
[Doc] Tuck your tail in kiddo.
[HG] oh are you going out to the real world can I come?
[Notch] Oh, yeah. I think I need a different shirt. - Goes back inside and comes out wearing a hoodie.
[Doc] If you want too. We're just going shopping.
[Deer] - Love?  Do you have my shoes?
[Doc] Yeah, I grabbed them when Notch messaged me. - They shapeshift and hold them out. They've already begrudgingly changed to some plain street clothes.
[HG] -puts on his sunglasses-
[Deer] Huffs but does take the shoes-
[Notch] I'm ready when you guys are, but... not everyone will fit in my teeny little car.
[Doc] Well... we could always come out in Dawn's shop. I doubt she'd care. You've still got that occult passport right?
[HG] -puts on his plain clothes- oh doc do you think at one point you will be able to teach me how to use portals?
[Notch] Oh, yeah! Right here. Got my cards too.
[Doc] I can try. I kinda suck at it.
[Flux] Makes certain the flash drive containing her seed is safely tucked away against her skin-
[Doc] Is texting on hir carrot phone-
[Notch] At least we won't have to worry about Licht if we're in a different country...
[Deer] - Now Yaunfen, you know you have to stay close, right?
[Doc] Okay, we're golden. She put up her closed for lunch sign.
[Yaunfen] Yes mama. - reaches for her hand-
[Deer] Smiles a little as she takes it-
[Doc] Swings back and jams forward in a violent headbang and the portal cracks open reality in front of hir-
[Notch] Peeks out-
-The opening is in front of a very old TV in a small room a few steps away is a balcony overlooking the rest of the antique shop-
[Mort] Waves from the steps- Hey Notch.
[Doc] Holds the way for the others to pass through onto the rather threadbare carpet.
[Mort] So what kind of mischief are you guys all up to today?
[HG] -goes though looking at all the different things-
-As the servers pass through, they take a moment to shift into more human like appearances-
[Mort] Nice transformation! You guys make it look so effortless.
[Dawn] Also comes up and releases the tiny chain that blocks the stairs-
[Deer] - It always feels so weird
[Doc] Yeah I know. It pays to stay away from mirrors and not look at your hands too much.
-The shop is a little dusty as usual, but the scent is a comforting mix of wood polish, books, elderly dried herbs and attic smell.
-The tv makes an awful crackly static noise behind them all.-
[Doc] Jumps in a little bit of fear- Please don't be Polybius...
[Yaunfen] Stays close to Doc-
[HG] -covers his ears not liking the sound of static-
[Glitchy] -There's an awful crackling as he pulls himself out of the same electronic device, looking like something decidedly eldritch. Neat. ...Also slightly horrifying.- Huh. -The Tv stops crackling.-
[Yaunfen] Eeek!
[Dawn] Defensive stance-
[Doc] Oh geeze Glitchy you scared me....
[Notch] Same!
[Glitchy] -Looks at Dawn and his eyes narrow behind his glasses a bit, before he looks back at Doc- Didn' mean to. Felt someone going. Decided I'd tag along. I need the exercise.
[Dawn] Who is this? I don't think we've met...
[Doc] Ah, okay. You know our friend Lie is pregnant right?
[Glitchy] Since Strangled isn't here, I'm just Red. And yes, I figured as much.
[Mort] Hey Hg, wanna give the plants a boost while Dawn isn't looking? - Indicates a windowsill full of sad little shoots in pots-
[Dawn] Red? I'm Dawn.
[Doc] Dawn's a witch Glitchy.
[HG] -Sees the plant and waters them while also fixing their soil-
-The little sprouts explode and throw a few creeping vines up the windowsill and down to the carpet. -
[Mort] Glad to see someone loves doing that as much as I do.
[Glitchy] A pleasure to meet you. -He doesn't offer his hand to shake, but does nod aknowledgingly-
[Dawn] Likewise. What's your area of expertise?
[Doc] How are you eyes doing anyway Glitchy, you haven't checked in with me in awhile.
[Yaunfen] Regards the overflowing plants. - Aww... no candy. I like the sweet plants better. How are the pumpkins Hg?
[Glitchy] Glitches, Dreams.. Pokémon. Oh! And they're a lot better! I mostly need my glasses to read on good days. -He taps his glasses and it's obvious today isn't a "just for reading" day-
[HG] they are growing great they are already starting to combine not as big as the others though
[Yaunfen] Let me know when they're ready! We can make a big fun mess!
[Dawn] Dreams... -she shakes her head a bit- Never was one for sleeping very soundly.
[Mort] Wait! Someone said Pokemon!
[Dawn] Oh gods....
[Mort] Has already whipped out a DS, - I'm playing Leaf green!
[Glitchy] I could help with your sleep, if you want. And really? -He moves over to Mort to look- I don't remember much about that generation.
[HG] -Is looking around at the different thing in the shop-
[Mort] I'm not very far but my Beedrill is pretty cool. I started with the Bulbasaur.
[Glitchy] I could hook you up with a mew, if you want. Or any of your favorite legendaries. -It's a tempting, half thought offer, more habit than anything.-
-There are a lot of books, no real order to anything. The shelves are crammed with knicknacks too. There's a small rack of clothes but it looks mostly like oddball coats. Someones cosplay closet but more authentic.
[Mort] Really? I love Mew! They're so cute.
[Glitchy] Of course. Even register it as a legit one. -Holds his hands out for the ds-
[Yaunfen] Wanders over by HG and pokes a finger in a little table fountain - I like the noise.
[Mort] Holds it out excitedly-
[HG] it's pretty too
[Yaunfen] Is pulling books and looking at them. They're holding a book on faries with some lavish illustrations-
[Glitchy] -Takes it and gets to work, there's a few concerning DS noises before the encounter music starts. Onscreen is a mew!-
[Mort] Catch it!
[Dawn] Good grief....
[Doc] Is leaning over to see-
[HG] -looks for a book on plants-
[Yaunfen] Hey HG? I got something from the sifter that says it's supposed to be a plant but it's not?
[HG] what is it?
-The screen is clearly different from a normal encounter, but only slightly so. Every item is maxed out, the PP is as well, and the HP bar is leading off the screen-
[Glitchy] -Bleps a small amount as a pokeball is used. It shakes once, twice, a third, and with some glitch motivation, clicks.-
[Yaunfen] Holds up what appears to be a chunk of pink rock candy, it looks vaguely like a little pink butt.
[Mort] Holy crap that's off the charts!
[HG] candy plant?
[Glitchy] Huh? -Looks up as it offers the naming screen- Oh, yeah. That happens when I do it. Strangled's HP bar will wrap around the screen, actually. Do you want to name the mew?
[Mort] Lets name him Skittles!
[Dawn] I'm going to go do the books...
[Notch] snickers-
[Yaunfen] I dunno. But it looks like a butt. - grins.
[Glitchy] Nice name. -He inputs that and saves the game before returning the DS to Mort. The next encounter everything would be back to normal, unfortunately. Seems if you want great stats you have to have Glitchy keep touching the device.-
[HG] I mean it does I wonder if water it, it might help it yaunfen
[Mort] Thanks man! - chuckles- I hope they get along with the rest of my team. Don't make my poor Oddish feel self-concious or anything. Haha.
[Yaunfen] You can try? - Holds it out a bit in it's little pot.
[HG] -waters the plant-
[Glitchy] Oh, they'll love Skittles. -There's a bit of darkness in his eyes as he mutters under his breath- Or they'll die a swift death.
[Mort] As much eyebrows up as a slightly pliable skull can muster.
[Glitchy] -Raises an eyebrow back- What?
[Mort] I guess it's more intense if it's a game you regularly go into...
[Doc] Please don't break my friends DS or spirit Glitchy.
[Glitchy] Oh you have no idea. And I won't! -He crosses his arms a bit- I'm not Strangled. That's his thing.
[Yaunfen] Watches the little plant as it shivers a bit and them plumps up slightly bigger. - It didn't do much, that's weird....
[Mort] Okay. Dawn's not too excited about playing games. She's a bit old fashioned. She gave me a few eye-rolls over getting this.
[Doc] Snorts. - Old fashioned? From what she's told me, she's so old when she was a kid pottery was considered innovative.
[Dawn] From downstairs- I heard that Doc....
[Doc] Sorry! But it's true isn't it?
[Dawn] Grumpy noises-
[Flux] Has been wandering the store, there are a lot of things that she's never seen before and she has a number of questions building. She's already shifted hey clothes to be more appropriate for out in the real world-
[Deer] Has gone to the window to look outside-
[Dawn] At Flux- See anything you like?
[Flux] - I'm not certain, there's so much here that I've never seen before...  I don't even know what most items in here are...  She runs fingers along a piece of an old loom
[Notch] I think I know what that is?
[Dawn] It's for weaving fabric. It makes smaller loops then knitting.
[Flux] Glancing at Notch- Isn't that what Steve does?
[Notch] Yes, he has his own name for it, but it's a thing people do out here too.
[Doc] He chose that name because it had something to do with the sounds his canes make when he clicks them together.
[Deer] - He's made so many things too!  Did you see the baby socks he made for Lie?
[Doc] I heard he was doing it, but I didn't see them.
[Yaunfen] From behind a bookcase - I saw! They were super tiny!
[Flux] Notices some jewelry and looks at the shiny pieces inside the case- Humans make such interesting things...
[Yaunfen] Is turning a little crank and it's making a slight grinding noise-
[Mort] You need a pencil to make that one work.
[Dawn] Smiles- I'm not much for wearing jewelry, but it is a feast for the eyes.
[Doc] I just like shiny things. And it's a good thing too because my little one has tracked a fair amount of glitter all over the castle.
[Flux] - Well you did see why I could not in the past, it would have become tainted
[Deer] - There is an over abundance of glitter in the castle...
[Notch] Takes her hand- See anything you like?
[Flux] - I am not certain...
[HG] -found a book on plants and is siting on the floor reading it-
[Mort] Peeks over his shoulder a bit-
[HG] -doesn't notice he is to engulfed in the book-
[Notch] Casts around and then makes a little noise - how about this?
-The necklace is three strands of purple beads grading from light to dark.-
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[Doc] I think that would translate well into a lower resolution too....
[Flux] Flushes a little in her cheeks- I...  I...
[Notch] Gives her an uncertain look, his own assertion of her tastes being tested- Is that... okay?
[Flux] - I suppose...
[Notch] Then I'll take it. Please.
[Dawn] Unhooks the strands with a smile and passes them to him.
[Notch] Delicately hooks them around her neck and arranges them in a graceful drape over her shoulders and chest.
[Flux] Her fingers rise up to brush against the cool beads against her skin-
[Doc] Are we trading today, or just cash?
[Dawn] I can do either. Or both.
[Notch] Is just mooning over Flux.
[Yaunfen] Slides up behind Doc and scoots a small pile of books along the glass counter and closer to them-
[Flux] - Ah, Dawn, there is actually a slight problem you could help with
[Dawn] And that would be?
[Flux] - There is a problem with my energy whenever Notch and I...  Finish, our more intimate moments
[Dawn] Oh? Are you having some kind of surge?
[Notch] Not exactly...
[Flux] - I end up being unable to hold my form...
[Dawn] So it's a concentration issue?
[Flux] - Yes
[Dawn] Drumming her fingers. - Hmm. You guys have to come back here to go out again right? Let me think about it for a bit.
[Flux] - Alright, thank you
[Yaunfen] And this? Please. It reminds me of mom when you annoy her-
[Doc] Is suddenly trying not to laugh-
-The piece is a brown and white pitcher with a moose head as part of the top and spout. The face of the moose has rolled upward eyes and it looks pretty done with everything.
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[Deer] - Yaunfen!
[Yaunfen] What? It's doing the eyeball thing!
[Deer] - Sighs- Dawn, would it be alright to leave some of this stuff here while we go shopping?
[Dawn] Of course.
[Notch] Just start a tab. I've got this.
[Doc] Cradles the pitcher- We'll treasure it always.
[Flux] - Is there anything you would like us to get you while we are out Dawn?
[Dawn] Nah, I'm good.
[Mort] Wait... will the candy plants grow out here?
[Yaunfen] Shrugs-
[HG] huh plants?
[Deer] - Well if Lie's plants can grow out here...
[Doc] Yaunfen do you have any on you?
[Yaunfen] I have some of the candy cane cattails, the popsicle grass, and some of the chocolate pumpkins.
[Doc] I'd try the cattails.
[Mort] I'll grab some dirt, there's a little under the sink from when I topped off the windowbox-
[Dawn] There's a bucket in the bathroom closet.
[Flux] - Do you know where the closest shop with baby stuff is Dawn?
[Mort] Fills the bucket and comes back with it.
[Yaunfen] Sticks a cattail in the dirt and makes a gracious gesture for Hg-
[HG] -gets up still holding the book he was reading and walks over ready to water it-
[Dawn] Mmmm, this is a historical district. There's all kinds of crazy shops if you just walk that way. - points- If you go the other way, there's nothign but fast food but you'll reach a mall with a ton of stuff and I'm pretty sure there's a baby store.
[Mort] Ok Hg show us what you've got.
[HG] -waters the plants-
-There's a bit of an organic groan and the cattails multiply, filling the bucket and making a very sharp peppermint smell-
[Yaunfen] Holds up the rock, again- more please?
[HG] sure -Waters the rock again-
-It wiggles a little bit, but that's all. -
[Yaunfen] Squints suspiciously at it.
[Flux] - May I see it Yaunfen?
[Yaunfen] Passes the hard chunk to her.
[Flux] Uses her magic to investigate it a  little-
-It is organic, but sloooooooow. Worse then an olive tree. -
[Flux] - It's almost like it's sleeping...
[HG] maybe it is
[Yaunfen] Nose wiggle, [because they have no whiskers at the moment] -
[Doc] Well it was a fossil, kiddo. Maybe it wasn't something well-adapted. Just don't eat it, okay? Just in case.
[Yaunfen] Okay, I won't. Probably tastes like butt anyway....
[Licht] Curses as she's once again exploded by a creeper-
-There's a bit of a flicker on the screen as if something is gliching. The summoner is still burning near the small house Licht has build at the spawn. For a moment the chat fills with garbage as the seed tries to resolve an obvious error. -
[Licht] - Are you back?
-There's a lightning strike and a groan of pain from where it hit.
[Licht] Turns her character around- You've been strangely absent
-On the ground is a woman with long orange hair, she moves a hand and makes a pained noise.
[Licht] - What the hell?
-The figure slumps and lays still, barely breathing-
[Licht] Moves closer- Hello?
-The character is unmoving and there's the smallest trickle of blood from under her hair. -
[Licht] Swats at the air over the figure-
-She flinches as if hit and painfully rolls over, blinking a bit. Her eyes are white and glowing and there's a bit of blood on her lips-
- /System generation error 652522-89832-68321211 Alternate pathway used/ -
[Licht] - Can you hear me?
[???] Yesss....
[Licht] - How the hell did you get here?
[???] I don't know? But I'm not supposed to be... - She looks at her hands- an Alex?
[Licht] - What do you mean your not supposed to be?
[EAlex] Sits up and coughs. She looks down at herself- This isn't right... I should be... a Herobrine? How do I know that?
[Licht] - There's already a Herobrine...
[EAlex] There... there is? Then that's why. - she holds her head in her hands- Just my luck to manifest on a taken seed...
[Licht] - I, don't understand what you're talking about...
[EAlex] Yeah... well you're a player. I can tell by the stiff way you stand and move. You don't have to know.
[Licht] Scowls- That's what the other one said too...
[EAlex] Hey, you don't live here. Our troubles are nothing to you.
[Licht] - Maybe, but this is somehow connected to a case I am working on
[???] Appears out of a shadow- You're pathetic. Did you really think a summoner seed would be empty?
[EAlex] Makes a slight hiss of fear, but is still too weak to stand and fight.
[Licht] - There you are, will somebody please explain what's going on here?
[???] It's a war going on under your nose.
[EAlex] Is obviously afraid of him-
[Licht] - Now there's a war?  You are making no sense
[EAlex] Unless you intend to help, I'm not telling you anything.
[???] Your quarry has all the answers anyway.
[Licht] - Mr. Persson
[EAlex] The creator...
[Licht] - Yeah, I still can't figure out what he's doing or where he is
[EAlex] He made a gateway, so we could exist.
[???] You're more right then you know...
[Licht] - A gateway?
[???] Yes... he let the monsters in. - He laughs rather wickedly-
[EAlex] Is chilled to the bone and gives Licht the rather pleading look of a vulnerable woman who's realizing that a psychopath just bought her a drink.
[Licht] Sighs, she isn't sure what she should do- Look, I still have some work to do, if you need a place to stay, I've got a shelter, but not much else- She leaves the game playing in the corner of the screen and pulls up photo's of the outside of Notch's apartment, including the one involving Jeb, Yster, and CP
[???] Gives EAlex a rather vicious look and she shakes a little in fear-
[EAlex] Very quietly- Why are you doing this?
[???] Walks closer to her menacingly-  We have similar goals, you want out, I want in.
[EAlex] I just want to exist...
[???] If you're lucky, I'll let you live when I'm done...
[EAlex] Focuses in her sheer terror and the whole screen tazes sideways, she vanishes and the Herobrine looks around in confusion- Coward....
-In the very corner of Licht's screen a small head with orange hair  pops up from behind her windows bar-
[Licht] Jumps a little- What are you doing?
[EAlex] Climbs up onto the bar and smacks the windows icon- bringing up the start menu-
[Licht] Watches in confusion-
[EAlex] Opens a notepad file and starts typing- Thanks for leaving me alone with the psycho. This is why I say players don't need to know. You can just retreat and be safe.
[Licht] Types back- There's nothing I could do, I don't think I can get rid of him
[EAlex] Makes a pouting face - he is physically there.
[Licht] - So?
[EAlex] He can be hurt. I can too...
[Licht] - Look, the only reason I have this game is because it was given to me as a clue, I have no intention of continuing to play once I've solved this case
[EAlex] Blanches in fear- please don't delete that seed...
[Licht] - Why would I keep it?
[EAlex] Because then I won't be... anymore.
[Licht] - We'll see- She turns her attention back towards the photo's
[EAlex] Kicks her feet on the top of the notepad window for a few mintures and looks around at the pictures. - Wait... is that a Herobrine??? IN THE OUTSIDE???
[Licht] - What are you talking about?
[EAlex] Climbs down the side of the window, and takes a better look at the picture with Cp before pointing a shaking finger at him- That's a Herobrine....!!! A REAL one!
[Licht] Zooms in on the photo- Markus' old coworkers said that he was of familial relation to Markus...
[EAlex] No... that one isn't human....
[Licht] - Always more questions, never any answers
[EAlex] Makes a frustrated noise- But if he can get out... I have to meet him. Even if he tries to kill me...
[Licht] - I wouldn't even know how to lure him in...
[EAlex] Do you have any portable devices?
[Licht] - My phone...
[EAlex] Can you plug it into the computer please? -She shoots a look at the open minecraft window where the obviously seething brine is killing the local wildlife with abandon-
[Licht] - Sure...- It takes her a moment to find and untangle the proper cords and plug her phone into the computer- There
[EAlex] Makes a running jump at the control panel again and brings up 'my computer'. The window pops up and she vanishes into the icon for the phone. After a moment it rings-
[Licht] Picks it up-
[EAlex] Close the game! Just turn it off for now! Hurry!
[Licht] Does so- What is this about?
[EAlex] I don't know what he told you, but it was probably a lie. I can see your phone has wi-fi, so I'm just going to stay here for a while. Just please don't delete the game.
[Licht] - For now I wont
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toxoplasmajuice · 7 years
Episode 3: Replies
+ some episode 2 replies
@avtvmnsalad​ replied to your photoset “Wallace-Hensley BCx2: Episode 2 - Perfectly-Golden-Brown Desire...”
this looks like kindergarten and they're all about to be cookies
i don’t remember this part of kindergarten
avtvmnsalad replied to your photo “Abbie’s marshmallows are burnt, so she earns no points for Team B....”
i'm so proud
burnt marshmallows are better, anyway
avtvmnsalad replied to your photoset
this is such a depressing picture omfg
it reminds me of every time i’ve fucked up and just stared blankly at my failures
@futurecarrie​ replied to your photoset “[January]: Alright, alright… one, two, three, four, five, six… Angelo,...”
my bb has a v revealing top compared to everyone else, I guess that's the angle she's playing xD
LMAO youre right (tho heraklea would come second in this regard)
@jackssims​ replied to your photoset “[January]: That’s all of you!! And nobody’s– er, only one of you is...”
I feel like "only one of you is dead" is a slight jab to Blake
i mean, it’s TRUE,
jackssims replied to your photoset
*lonely idle* *doesn’t talk to the bachelorette to be less lonely*
jackssims replied to your photoset “[Penelope]: Estelle! How’s your day going? [Estelle]: It… just...”
Penelope don't be awkward like your brother was
runs in the family, doesn’t it
jackssims replied to your photoset “[Estelle]: So, what, why are you talking to me? Is it to keep me away...”
time for some BC Drama
@tosimornottosim​ replied to your photoset “[Blake]: –so being naturally cold actually makes the heat worse. And...”
Meredith feels your pain Blake, Bubble's been using her as a live-in air conditioning for nearly two years
HGLKSHGLKG not like merry minds too much when it’s bubble ;)
jackssims replied to your photo “[Marisa]: ……”
Marisa: :)
marisa, externally: :l marisa, internally: :) marisa, even more internally: :’(
jackssims replied to your photoset “[Penelope]: Though, I gotta admit, I do worry about competing with you...”
Penelope interact with your bacheloret and don't give into the fear tactics ffs
but that Inter-Contestant Romance (that was not a thing here)
jackssims replied to your photoset “[Blake]: So, how much sleep did you get last night? [Vanilla]: Uh…...”
Meanwhile these two are having a civil conversation
u gotta befriend your competitors
borderlinedub replied to your photoset “[Jez]: January, behind you! [January]: Whatever you’re doing, I’m not...”
you're meant to be a coward, vanilla, not a ghost. bad vanilla. no biscuit
maybe the ghost in the room was a Negative Influence
(or maybe it was just the Childish trait)
jackssims replied to your photo “[Marisa]: … [Penelope]: … [Marisa]: … [Penelope]: … [Marisa]: …...”
time flies when you’re staring at your bachelorette for 2 hours
jackssims replied to your photoset “Soon… [Estelle]: Oh, this is much better! No more distraction....”
@ Penelope next time Estelle
im mad because i know i had a good response to this reply this morning but its gone now
@tosimornottosim​ replied to your photoset “[Zeinaba]: So, I’ll explain again. I’m guessin’ most of you have...”
Zeinaba is so cute I'm gay
i need to pay more attention to her in this bc honestly.....
jackssims replied to your photoset “[January]: Well, you knew you were safe anyway, but… take these roses?...”
Smooth Honeydew, smooth
subtle flirting hir way to the top
@cafesimming​ replied to your photoset “[Marisa]: I– you– immune– safe– Flowers!!! [Heraklea]: [gasp] They’re...”
marisa right here is Big Mood
jackssims replied to your photoset “[Marisa]: I– you– immune– safe– Flowers!!! [Heraklea]: [gasp] They’re...”
I feel like I'm the most like Marisa tbh
Tumblr media
tosimornottosim replied to your photo “[January]: Saturday? Could you come up next? [Saturday]: Sure can.”
okay I have no idea why but seeing Saturday in a suit made my mind go "GASP! ITS A VILLAIN"
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “[Marisa]: I– you– immune– safe– Flowers!!! [Heraklea]: [gasp] They’re...”
marisa is Trying Her Best
tosimornottosim replied to your photo “[Marisa]: H-Heraklea? C-Could you… [Heraklea]: …[smiles]”
*kris jenner voice* you're doing great sweetie
they’re currently 2nd in LTR ranks they are Doing Well
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “[January]: Will you accept these roses, too? [Saturday]: [small...”
I'm replying way too much to this but I do remember a BC where a contestant was eliminated because she alone rejected the roses. IIRC she was fairly high up relationship wise but it had to do with a conflicting trait or smthing
(also nooo yr never replying too much i love replies)
jackssims replied to your photoset “[January]: Now that I’ve established why I need to ask, will you...”
January: Has omnipresent knowledge of the numerical values they have with each contestant
they can talk (uh. think) to islander cat who knows what else they’re capable of
futurecarrie replied to your photoset “[January]: Well… we’re down to just the Team B folks, now....”
pls not my child pls ;~;
spoiler alert: im so sorry
jackssims replied to your photoset “[Marisa]: ………Penelope……… [Penelope]: [gasp] I’ve been seeing them, but...”
i keep reading this reply out of context and thinking you’re accusing penelope of being the murderer, who does not exist
cafesimming replied to your photoset “¦ [January]: …Alright, there will be further ado, I guess!”
honestly? this is also me dealing with confrontation.
same tho
cafesimming replied to your photoset “¦ [January]: Hey, Marisa… [Marisa]: I-I-I can’t do it! I wanted to and...”
marisa's earring and january's hand in the first shot is stressing me out Big Time
GOD it was too late to account for that earring by the time i recorded this and i am so sorry
borderlinedub replied to your photoset “[January]: Will you take these flowers and stay in this BC?...”
I can: Vanilla decided to act OOC and Do a Jump Scare
well, i mean, yes that is what caused the relationship drop, BUT,
borderlinedub replied to your photoset “[Vanilla]: Oh… that means… [January]: …Yeah, Vanilla, could you come...”
futurecarrie replied to your photo “[Marisa]: …Abbie…”
Nooooooo ;~; I mean like yay for Abbie but no for my bb ;~;
two very different reactions to having a sim be kicked out first
cafesimming replied to your photoset “[Blake]: …Sorry, Vanilla. [Vanilla]: … [Abbie]: Wait–!! I’m sorry,...”
rocking out, that's what
belle and beatrice start a band
cafesimming replied to your photo “The Menacing 3rd Episode… FOR YOUR reassurance, no, our island’s BC...”
belle you are Concerning Me
git gud, belle
jackssims replied to your photo “The Menacing 3rd Episode… FOR YOUR reassurance, no, our island’s BC...”
I know it affected Esme's "Ask About Day" interaction in Hart because Dean is childish and Esme disliked children
see if it was just rejecting interactions from sims w/ certain traits (like childish like you mentioned, or in missy’s case w/ fae and carmen, even family-oriented) it’d almost make sense? but no it seems to be with everyone?? like marisa has no child-related traits, and estelle also rejected penelope’s Ask About Day, and for fae and carmen they’d reject missy’s interactions even when she mistakenly was not family-oriented (whoops) and they’d reject others’ asks about day too... it just makes 0 sense man
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #323
“In From the Cold, Toys for Pinwheel, Pinwheel vs Crim”
[Doc] Queues up the file and plugs in the drive before bursting into laughter-
[Deer] - Love?
[Doc] Just points at the drive while laughing. It looks like a little person doing a sit up, and now that it's plugged in it's hip-thrusting vigorously as if fucking the USB port while the file downloads into it. .
[Deer] - Oh dear...
[Yaunfen] Laughs at it- That's silly!
[Doc] I love it! Where did you get that? It's hilarious!
[Deer] - One of Notch's coworkers
[Doc] Pffft. It's great! - Xe checks the download and unplugs the drive before giving it to her. - One brine server save file. Just remind me to update it now and again.
[Deer] - Oh I won't forget- She kisses Doc's cheek
[Doc] Happy purrring- I missed you so much... I didn't sleep worth a damn either.... Especially when Yaunfen was hurting. We both missed you, and our home.
[Deer] - Then let's go take a nice long nap
[Doc] Shall we have a dragon nap since me and our little one have been staying compressed for space and humans not seeing us reasons.
[Deer] - Absolutely- She shifts to her other form
[Doc] Lets go out in the desert though, so there's no chance of getting rained on if we sleep a long time. Warm sand sounds nice.
[Deer] - Lead the way my love
[Doc] Flops out into hir larger form and looks down at Yaunfen with a smile- Your turn kiddo.
[Yaunfen] Grins and changes to their dragon shape, ready to go-
[Doc] Prances, and leads, happy as a lark-
[Deer] Humms happily as they walk-
[Yaunfen] Stumbles a little as they go-
[Doc] Falls back a little. - If you're super tired, you can ride on me. It's not far.
[Yaunfen] - Okay- As they climb onto Doc, they stumble again, their body suddenly stretching out even longer- Oof!
[Doc] Wobbles for a moment and then flumps onto the ground- Whoah!
[Deer] - Are you two okay?
[Yaunfen] Looks themselves over- I got bigger... Oh.. sorry mada...
[Doc] I'm fine!
[Yaunfen] But still! Wow! - They jump around a little in pure happiness and then let loose with the tiniest yawn.
[Doc] I still say we nap....
[Deer] Laughs a little- Indeed, let's go my lovely ones
[Yaunfen] Yes please. - Their whiskers are floating artfully around their face-
[Doc] Flumps onto the sand, utterly squished and exhausted-
[Deer] Curls up against them-
[Yaunfen] Picks up Doc's fluffy tail and moves it so it's curled and then snuggles against Deerheart with their face in the fluff. - Goodnight mama, goodnight mada. I love you.
[Doc] Little happy sniffle-
[Deer] - We love you too
[Lie] While CP's been gone, she's decided to do an overhaul on the chests in the house and reorganize them.  She's had to make several new chests and has been trying to distract herself from the feel of her red stone heart calling out for it's other half, not realizing that it's glow is visible-
[TLOT] Taps on her door with Steve in tow.
[Lie] Looks up and heads for the door RVulpix staying close on her heels.  She smiles a little as she see's her friends- Hey, decided to come over for a visit?
[Steve] We brought soup!
[TLOT] Yes and I think you could be in desperate need of other company as well...
[Lie] - Oh, thank you Steve, and what do you mean TLOT?
[TLOT] Points at her chest-
[Steve] Takes out several bowls of chowder and stows them in the nearest trunk.
[Lie] Looks down- Oh, that...  I mean, I felt the tug, didn't realize I was glowing...
[RVulpix] Sniffs at the trunk that Steve put the chowder in-
[TLOT] Takes her hand and pats it. - You're lonely. I can feel it so strongly.
[Lie] - Stevie needs CP more at this point, I can deal with it.  It's given me a chance to reorganize my trunks too
[TLOT] If you're missing him, I'm pretty sure he's aching for you.
[Steve] Alexis went to visit Stevie. You deserve the same at least.
[Lie] - I stopped by briefly a couple of times, but it's too cold over there for me
[TLOT] Then I'll go get him.
[Steve] I can help you tidy up!
[Lie] - TLOT that's not necessary
[TLOT] Psychic, remember?
[Lie] Huffs a little in annoyance-
[Steve] Smiles at her cute little pout.
[TLOT] I won't be long.
[Hope] Comes barreling into the room-
[Lie] - Alright, alright.  And some help would be appreciated Steve
[Steve] Tries to pet Hope.
[TLOT] Goes out- Play nice.
[Hope] Purrs intensly-
[Lie] Goes to the next trunk that needs to be done- I only have a couple of trunks left, that one over by the door still needs to be gone through
[Steve] Okay. - He squeaks it open- There's a lot of random stuff in here. I guess this one is the one by the front door where you empty your pockets when you come in?
[Lie] - Unfortunately, it's supposed to be a spare food trunk
[Steve] Doc's are way worse if it makes you feel any better. The ones in the kitchen are the only trunks in the castle with any consistency. - Is moving things around
[Hope] Finds a bit of spider string and starts playing with it-
[Lie] - Oh I know, I usually just let them look for things in their own trunks
[Steve] Hey, this is neat. I've never seen this before. - He pulls out a bottle of golden colored alcohol, The bottle itself is in the shape of a hugely pregnant woman with copious naked breasts.
[Lie] - Oh, that was a belated wedding present from Sam
[Steve] Well that was nice. Oh! I get it! It's a wedding present because she's pregnant right? Some kind of fertility thing?
[Lie] - I think so?  I'm not entirely positive.  We haven't tried it yet though...  Or rather, CP hasn't tried it yet
[Steve] But it was from Sam. I doubt xe'd give something super strong if it was for both of you.
[Lie] - Good point...
[RVulpix] Shies away from Hope's frantic playing-
[Steve] Sneaky face- We could have a teeny little taste... it's not like it has a complex seal or anything.
[Lie] - Steve!
[Steve] Innocent look- What? I'm just curious!
[Lie] Sighs- Oh alright...
[Steve] Wiggles the cork out with a little pop and sniffs it -
[Lie] Digs around for a couple of cups-
[Steve] Pours just a little in each and tries his - Oh that's not strong, it's kinda warm and spicy though. Herbal too.
[Lie] Tries a sip herself- Hmm, your right
[Steve] Little blush- Maybe I'll bug Sam for some for me and my lovey.
[Lie] - As a super belated wedding gift?
[Steve] Anniversary maybe? It's so easy to lose track of time. Us old fogeys get confused.
[TLOT] Mentally - I heard that.
[Lie] Laughs a little and drinks a bit more-
[Steve] Listens for a moment - They're heading back. We should finish up so they don't catch us slacking.
[Lie] - Right- She puts her cup down and grabs some things which need to go downstairs into the storage room
[Steve] bustles around helping her out.
[CP] His voice is the first thing to reach the house- This isn't necessary TLOT!
[TLOT] But it is kind and you need it.
[CP] - Fuck you!
[Stevie] - Brother calm down
[TLOT] She's so bored she's having an afternoon tipple with my husband. That should tell you something.
[CP] Growls-
[Steve] All done!
[TLOT] Opens the door-
[Lie] Thanks Steve- She smiles at her husband, the glow of his heart visible through the shirt
[TLOT] Gives Cp a gentle push towards her.
[Steve] Anytime!
[Lie] Takes her husbands hand and draws him closer, brushing against his mind in a grateful manner-
[CP] At his wife's touch does relax a little-
[Steve] At Stevie- So hows the ice stuff going?
[Stevie] - Weeeellll
[CP] - Still some problems
[TLOT] He'll figure it out. - chuckles- And if he doesn't... well I'll just have to take his eyes.  - He gives Stevie a playful poke and a smile to show he's kidding.
[Stevie] Still pales a little- I'd rather not get confused for my brother
[Steve] He's playing with you. You'll get it under control. I believe in you!
[Stevie] - Thanks
[Lie] Goes for her glass again-
[CP] What are you drinking?
[Lie] - Sam's wedding gift to us
[Steve] It's some kind of herbal liquior.
[CP] - Eh, booze is booze
[TLOT] Takes the cup from Steve and drinks the last tiny swallow. - That is unusual though, and I taste cinnamon.
[Lie] - Have some CP, we'll have a quiet night
[TLOT] We'll walk Stevie home, you two have fun.
[CP] - Just fuck off already
[Steve] Fucking off engaged.  - Heads out and pulls Stevie out as well.
[TLOT] Good night both of you. - Closes the door behind them.
[CP] Scowls at their retreating forms before focusing on his wife.  Lie smiles at him and pours both of them more of the alcohol, letting both of them drink-
[Lie] Brings both them and the bottle to their bedroom where they cuddle up on the bed, Lie is grateful for the returned warmth of her husband-
[CP] After a few hours he is barely buzzed, but Lie is most certainly drunk and giggling.  He's always amused seeing his wife like this as he runs his fingers through her hair.  Deciding to test his luck he begins nuzzling her and running his hands along her body.  He knows she feels warm and starts tugging at her clothes.  He's rewarded with a slight moan from her lips.  He shifts himself around, drawing her into a kiss as he presses her down onto the bed-
[Lie] - CP...
[CP] - Shhh, it's been a bit too long since we last had any fun
[Lie] Moans as CP's lips begin traveling along her body and his hands pull her clothes off.  Her own hands grip at his shirt, wanting it removed as well-
[CP] Pull back to remove his own clothes, he's eager to start as he dives back in, manipulating her most sensitive places and pressing his fingers inside of her- You're always so beautiful..
[Lie] - Please CP...  I want it...
[CP] - As you wish- He removes his fingers as lines himself up before pressing in and relishing his wife's gasp of pleasure.  The two are soon lost in a haze of pleasure as they participate in the loveliest of activities
[Yaunfen] Streches and gives a little yawn, xe opens hir eyes to find Doc watching them quietly. - Mada? Are you okay?
[Doc] Just thinking sweetheart. Are you still going to want to play with me?  
[Yaunfen] Well yeah! - They start up a happy purr, wiggling a little against Deerheart.
[Doc] Good. Do you want to come with me to give little Pinwheel her gift?
[Yaunfen] Mada... does Pinwheel have toys?
[Doc] I'm not sure... Splender is used to entertaining kids so I'd hope so. But perhaps we should ask.
[Yaunfen] I want to give her some of mine.
[Doc] You're got good hearts kiddo.
[Yaunfen] Beams.
[Deer] Rolls over a little- Must you leave now?  Everything is so comfy...
[Doc] Haha, Aww. You are comfy as well. But aren't you getting hungry? I know I am.
[Deer] - Since I didn't know when you'd be coming home, I already ate
[Yaunfen] But mama we're gonna go do nice stuff!
[Deer] - And that's very nice of you and is something you should always strive to do...  But Mama feels like having a lazy day, I have been running around taking care of things while you were gone, had to help the male server out of a ravine too...
[Doc] A ravine? Dingus. Where is he now?
[Deer] Concentrates briefly and then sighs- Heading straight back towards that ravine...
[Doc] Oh for....
[Yaunfen] He's silly.
[Deer] - You two go do what you were gonna do, I'll go take care of him
[Doc] Are you sure you don't want to just leave him too it? He's on respawn.
[Deer] - No, he's seems to be really distracted lately
[Doc] Hopefully it's not hormonal...
[Yaunfen] Whats a hormone?
[Deer] - Stuff that helps Mada and Mama love each other
[Yaunfen] Oh! I bet I have lots of those, cause I love you both.
[Doc] Chuckles. - Well you are young and healthy..
[Deer] Nudges them- Go on, go give Pinwheel her toy
[Yaunfen] I'm gonna get more stuff! Meet me in the kitchen?
[Doc] Of course. I'm going to get a snack anyway. - starts to get up-
[Deer] - Be safe
[Doc] Happy sigh- We did good. - Xe busks on Deerheart a little. - Sorry to leave you running the show alone for so many days.
[Deer] - It's alright, but once you and Yaunfen are done, then I want some fun with you
[Doc] Swishes hir tail around a little happily- rowr! Yes mamn. - Xe hops up. - Till our paths cross again my sweet. - Xe snakes out hir tongue and gives Deerheart a tiny lick on the cheek-
[Deer] Humms happily and stands up so she can go round up the wild server-
[Doc] Slides down into the sand and coils up in the kitchen, shifting back to human. Xe putters around for a few mintues and eats a bit of beef and some carrots before Yaunfen comes rushing in.
[Yaunfen] I've got stuff in my inventory!
[Doc] Perfect. Lets go visiting.
-The two head upstairs and back outside, down the hill towards Splenders house-
[Splender] Is replacing some vines that Pinwheel had torn down-
[Yaunfen] In their humanish form- Splender!
[Doc] Hey Splender.
[Splender] - Oh hello!  It's a lovely day isn't it?
[Yaunfen] I got to go to an aquari- aquaram- a place with fish!
[Doc] smiles- Yaunfen got their irl legs.
[Splender] - Really?  You went to an aquarium too?  How exciting!
[Doc] We had a lot of fun. Ashe is real now too. Markus got to literally take the grandkids on an outing.
[Splender] - Awwwww!  How sweet!
[Yuanfen] And I have stuff for Pinwheel!
[Doc] We wanted to ask if she... has any toys... We came to give her some either way.
[Splender] - I keep trying to give her toys, but they end up torn apart
[Doc] Awww.... Have you asked her why?
[Splender] - She says for fun...
[Doc] I think she's bored. Can we talk to her?
[Splender] - Sure, if she hasn't snuck off to play with Crim that is
[Doc] Well at least she's made a friend on her own, that's something...
[Splender] Stands aside- Come on in and I'll see if she's in her room
[Yaunfen] Yeah! - rushes in- Your place is so neat!
[Doc] Follows at a more measured pace.
[Pinwheel] Is jumping on her bed-
[Splender] - Pinwheel?  You have some visitors
[Pinwheel] - No
[Yuanfen] Calls from down stairs-  Pinwheel!
[Pinwheel] - No!
[Splender] Sighs and picks Pinwheel up- Come now, that's not polite- He carries her downstairs
[Doc] Hi Pinwheel. How are you doing today?
[Pinwheel] - Is bored, couldn't find Crim
[Doc] Splender tells me you've been tearing up your toys. Do you want to talk about it?
[Pinwheel] - Is fun, like tearing up flying things
[Yaunfen] But you don't like having toys?
[Doc] Wait, what do you mean flying things?
[Splender] - I think she means the flitters
[Pinwheel] - Don't care
[Yaunfen] Looks sad - But I wanted to give you stuff. Make you happy...
[Doc] Well that's naughty.
[Pinwheel] Flicks tail in annoyance-
[Splender] - I'm sure she'll still enjoy the toy Yaunfen
[Yaunfen] Pulls out several things and holds them out hopefully - There's some hard resin dinosaurs, a soft [cloth] ball, a colorful stuffed bird, a toy teapot and two cups and a stuffed shark.
[Pinwheel] - No need
[Splender] - Pinwheel that's rude
[Yaunfen] sad little - oh.
[Doc] I brought you a plushie too, if that's more appealing. - Xe pulls the long snake out of hir inventory. It's head looks very much like Pinwheels.
[Pinwheel] Hisses at it before trying to lunge at it-
[Splender] - Pinwheel!
[Doc] Drops it in suprise. - It's just a toy!
[Pinwheel] Tears into it, using her tail to start ripping it up-
[Doc] Sheesh... Pinwheel chill out!
[Yuanfen] Leaps back as well and hides behind Doc. Some of the toys scatter on the floor-
[Splender] - I'm sorry, you know she's a bit...  Volatile...  But she's much calmer around Crim!
[Doc] Well it might be an instinct thing? Do vipers get along with other vipers? I have no idea.
[Splender] - I don't know!
[Pinwheel] There is now stuffing everywhere and she's fighting with a bit in her mouth-
[Doc] Pinwheel... I'm not mad but I am curious. Why did you do that?
[Pinwheel] - I dunno
[Yaunfen] Why are you so mean?
[Pinwheel] - I dunno
[Doc] Is there anything we can do to help?
[Pinwheel] - No need help, I is fine
[Yaunfen] But you're scary. Don't you want to have friends?
[Pinwheel] - I has Cri
[Doc] But we'd like to be your friends too. Do you not like us?
[Pinwheel] - I like Cri
[Splender] - Oh Pinwheel...
[Doc] It's not healthy to hang everything on one other person Pinwheel...
[Pinwheel] - Don't care
[Yaunfen] Little pout- Well you can have the toys anyway. And if you wanna be mean, that's you. I'm gonna be nice like mada taught me.
[Pinwheel] Sticks her tongue out at Yaunfen-
[Yaunfen] No! I'm nice! - Smiles at her anyway -
[Doc] pats them- It's okay Yaunfen.
[Splender] - Sorry about her attitude...
[Pinwheel] Huffs and goes back up to her room-
[Doc] It's not your fault Splender. Raising kids can be difficult.
[Yaunfen] Sniffles- Meanie.
[Splender] - And I apologize to you too Yaunfen, is there anything you want?  After all, what you did was very nice
[Yaunfen] Can I have a hug?
[Doc] Of course. - Holds them and motions for Splender-
[Splender] Scoops both of them up into a hug-
[Doc] Little eep. - Things will get better. It's like Cp and BEN, it just takes time.
[Yaunfen] But Pinwheel doesn't have a girlfriend?
[Doc] Yeah, that did make it easier...
[Splender] - We just have to wait and see what the future has in store
[Pinwheel] In a matter of a couple of hours she has managed to destroy just about every toy given to her, whether by fang or by her tail-
[Crim] - comes loping across the bridge near Splender & Pinwheel's house, heading toward the door -
[Splender] Spots Crim- Why hello there Crim!
[Crim] Hello Tall Happy! Is Pinwheel here?
[Splender] - Yes, she's upstairs in her room
[Crim] - nods and scuttles up the stairs - Pinwheels!
[Pinwheel] Her head pops up out of a huge pile of stuffing she's pulled out of the toys brought for her- Cri!
[Crim] - comes to sudden stop, staring at the mess - What happen?
[Pinwheel] - I got toys
[Crim] - comes in and nudges the stuffing - But.. They are all broke! Who broke?
[Pinwheel] - I did, is fun
[Crim] - frowns, using a middle paw poke some of the mess - Pinwheel... this not good.
[Pinwheel] Jumps around in stuffing- Why not? Is like cold fluffy stuff but no hurt
[Crim] - sits, holding something in his front paws - Where you gets toys from, Tall Happy?
[Pinwheel] - Sometimes, these come from candy one and their keeper
[Crim] Docs & Yaunfen? But they give gifts... And you break? - looks shocked and holds what he is holding to chest -
[Pinwheel] - Because that what fun... What Cri have?
[Crim] - looks at paws - Has pretty I found.
[Pinwheel] - A pretty?
[Crim] - nods and lowers paws, holding them toward her - I found while digging, it sparkly.
[Pinwheel] Looks at them curiously before trying to lick them-
[Crim] - slowly opens paws, reveling a large deep green gem. The edges of it catch what light is in the room, reflecting little green motes all around them -
[Pinwheel] Is transfixed by the green gem-
[Crim] - tips it and the motes dance around - See, sparkly.
[Pinwheel] Tries catching the bits of light while giggling-
[Crim] - slowly keeps tipping it, making all the lights dance - I... thought you might like.
[Pinwheel] - Is fun!
[Crim] Was going to see if Docs or someone could put on string, so you hang in rooms. Have dancing lights all the time.
[Pinwheel] - Yeah?
[Crim] - nods - But, must not breaks. You must promise.
[Pinwheel] Makes uncertain noise- But pulling stuff apart is fun...
[Crim] - frowns - Do you remember little flapping thing? What I tells you?
[Pinwheel] - Ummmm...
[Crim] - sighs - Friends give you things, to make you & them happy. If you break them, you make them sad, not happy. Not happy friends go away, leave all alone.
[Pinwheel] - But they not my friends, you are
[Crim] They are mine, I want them to be yours too. Even, if you no want. I do.
[Pinwheel] Grumbles-
[Crim] - looks sadly at the gem and drops it to the floor - Then, go ahead. Break it now.
[Pinwheel] Makes unsure noises-
[Crim] - doesn't say anything, just crosses his paws and waits -
[Pinwheel] Unsure noises intensify, she does like breaking stuff, but she knows it will hurt Crim if she does-
[Crim] - watches, the tip of his tail twitching in anxiety - Well? Do you breaks or keeps?
[Pinwheel] Flops over- I don't knows!
[Crim] - looks down at her - Yes, you do. You just not want to.
[Pinwheel] - No I don'ts!
[Crim] - snorts, getting up. He turns away, heading toward the door - Fine. When you do, then come talks to Crim.
[Pinwheel] A bit surprised and quietly- Cri...
[Crim] - ignores and scurries down the stairs, trying not to sniffle -
[Splender] - Crim? Is everything alright?
[Crim] - sniffling hard - Not knows, but no worries. Bye Tall Happy. - dashes toward the door -
[Splender] - Crim!- He can taste the sadness coming from Crim and the confused emotions coming from Pinwheel upstairs and he's worried about what's going on
[Crim] - once outside he looks toward the castle, rubbing his face, still sniffling. He snorts, turning around and heading back toward the long bridge he came from -
[Pinwheel] Once Crim is gone she starts feeling bad. She gathers the stuffing she's pulled out and uses it to block off under her bed before crawling under there herself and hiding herself away, the gem left right where Crim had put it-
[Alan] -Wandering around with their ring of materials in their mouth. They're poking things at random and scooting back if the texture is undesirable-
[Endrea] Is taking a break from the children and happens to spot him- Alan?
[Alan] -Looks up and chirps before scampering to Endrea- Ndd!
[Endrea] Laughs a little- I can't understand you with that ring in your mouth little one
[Alan] -Shifts weight to sit on their haunches and pop the ring out to their paws- Hi Endrea!
[Endrea] - Hello, are we having a fun day?
[Alan] Nope! Not fun... Nice? Not fun. -rests a paw on Endrea-
[Endrea] - Why isn't it fun?
[Alan] All confusing, confusing not fun. But can talk and walk today so it's nice. Looking around.
[Endrea] - I see, is there anything in particular you are confused about?
[Alan] -Flips materials on ring around a bit- All different feelings. Too much. Why different?
[Endrea] - Well it helps make things unique.  Plus different things come from other things.  Those really fuzzy swatches?  Those come from sheep
[Alan] -Rubs the swatches and nods a bit- Sheep? Don't like the soft much, different, hard is better. -Swaps the swatches around to one of the rock swatches-
[Endrea] - Well those particular ones are from rocks, and they are part of what makes up a majority of the world
[Alan] Feels better. -Scoots closer to Endrea and plunks, only to yelp as they hit their own growth spurt- Am bigger now!
[Endrea] - Yes you are!  Congratulations!
[Alan] -Sits up to look at themself, they have buds of another set of horns under their first, and they're longer.- I get even bigger soon?
[Endrea] - Quite possibly, should we go let your dad know?
[Alan] Ya! Dad will be happy! ... But can we sit for a bit longer? Is nice and calm here.
[Endrea] - Absolutely
[CN] Is just talking to Firebird about random things- And that's why the sun goes around us!
[Firebird] Oh really?  What if I told you we go around the sun?
[Alan] -Lays beside Endrea, touching different things on the ring-
[CN] - Prove it
[Firebird] Can't. Not right now, at least. -Vague hand wave- But it does, trust me.
[CN] Gives firebird a critical eye- I think your lying
[Firebird] Not like you can prove it either. -Smug grin-
[CN] - The earth isn't moving but the sun is!  It means the sun moves around us!
[Endrea] Is watching the NOTCH's with a bit of amusement-
[Firebird] How sure are you that the earth isn't moving? We're on it, CN. We're going at the same speed as it.
[Alan] -Bleps and rolls over-
[CN] Huffs and folds his arms- Because we'd feel it!
[Endrea] Nuzzles Alan's belly a little-
[Firebird] No we wouldn't!
[CN] - Uh huh!
[Alan] They're loud.
[Endrea] - They can be, but it's nothing harmful
[Alan] Annoys me. Ready to go now...
[Endrea] - Would you like me to carry you?
[Alan] Hmm.... Yeah. -Rolls to their paws-
[Endrea] Gets herself as low to the ground as possible-
[Alan] -Struggles a bit but manages to scramble up onto Endrea, they settle down once comfortable- Dad should still be sun bathing over by the bridge thing!
[Endrea] - Then we'll head that direction- She stands and begins walking
[Alan] -Looking around from Endrea's back as they walk-
[Alan] Thank you.
[Endrea] - You're very welcome
[Gambet] -Laying just at the start of the bridge, dozing softly-
[Endrea] Approaches cautiously- Gambet?
[Gambet] Hmmm? -Opens one eye to look at Endrea- ... Yessss?
[Endrea] - Your child wanted to return and it has a surprise for you
[Gambet] -Shifts his weight an sits up partially- Oh?
[Alan] I grew dad!! Am bigger now! -Rolls off Endrea's back and bounds to their father- Look! Look!
[Gambet] -Scoops Alan up and gives them a little spin- Oh that's wonderful!
[Gambet] Thank you for bringing it back, Endrea. -Small nod-
[Endrea] - You're welcome, I see it's been getting a fair amount of use out of it's ring too
[Gambet] Yes, Alan does play with it's ring often, usually when it's not in the mood to move around. I think it will be a long time before it's comfortable with so much different things going on.
[Alan] -Has snuggled themselves up under one of Gambet's arms-
[Endrea] - But they are working on it, and that's the important part.  I remember how long it took for Ashe to get used to being able to see
[Gambet] My little trooper... Do you want to sunbathe with us?
[Alan] -Blepping in comfort-
[Endrea] - I suppose I could spare some time for that, Ashe is old enough to watch his siblings
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #211
“Infinite Flux, Cp Cleansing”
[Notch] Quietly as they walk away - how long were you hovering around listening to us anyway?
[Flux] - Not too terribly long, I was beginning to wonder where you were
[Notch] You can't pinpoint people on the server? I know Doc can do that, I thought it was an admin thing?
[Flux] - I have my own way I suppose, when I take my mist form I can see everything, everyone, wverywhere
[Notch] Laughs lightly- That sounds both amazing and headache inducing.
[Flux] - I am used to it.  It was a bit disorienting coming here because this server is bigger than the one I originate from
[Notch] But it also means more interesting things to look at, and more people to check in on.
[Flux] - I could show you
[Notch] Really? Is it because I can see code now? Or could you have done this all along to anyone?
[Flux] - Not before, but I might be able to now that my energy has been fixed
[Notch] I trust you Flux. I'm up for anything you want to show me.
[Flux] Reaches over and takes his hands as she brings them to a halt.  She shuts her eyes and a bubbly feeling overcomes Notch as the two of them dissolve into mist, as Flux said, Notch can now see everything on the server and everywhere-
[Notch] Gasps in shock, it's too much to take in at once and his mind is overwhelmed with tears that have no way to manifest. He clings to her with all his energy and there's a sudden swelling as the powers comingle, the server shoots away below them, beyond the ceiling of the skybox and there it is....
All the seeds streching forever into a gray misty horizon in every direction, little glowing doorways to an untold number of worlds, Notch hesitates for a moment before reaching out to the nearest node, his unformed hand passing through the sparkling star of a world-
[Flux] Brings their forms back to a more physical state- Notch?
[Notch] Wobbles around for a moment and then falls down. His face is green with motion sickness and he's panting a bit from the sheer pressure of everything that was just lifted from him.
[Flux] Kneels down next to him- Notch?  What was that?
[Notch] I... I don't know... I just reached out for you... and we went so much higher... I feel dizzy.
[Flux] Pushes some hair away from Notch's face- Breathe, it will help.  The first time doing that is always overwhelming...  But that place...  Where was it?  I've never seen it before...
[Notch] It was everything... the web of seed nodes spread out over the void. Just one little corner of the Internet itself.
[Flux] - Your creation?
[Notch] I had help... but yes...
[Flux] - It's appropriate
[Notch] Was that what you wanted to show me?
[Flux] - No, my intention was just to show you this server...
[Notch] Then why....?
[Flux] - I cannot say, but perhaps TLOT or Doc may be able to shed some light on this?
[Notch] Not... not right now... I need to think about this. Just, walk me home, okay? We'll have some tea, maybe some of the lobsters Stevie gave me.
[Doc] Was dozing lightly and feels a small vibration from the golden carrot that's phone coded - xe pulls it out and reads the display slightly above it. With hir forked tounge just poking out xe twiddles hir claws and waits. The reply comes back immediately and there's some spirited back and forth. The exeggutor wanders over and watches hir blithely. - after a few minutes xe closes it satisfied and types out a message to Cp over the chat- Turns out Dawn already had what you needed, she made one for herself a long time ago and then didn't use it. She says she'll put it in a container near the tv and you can just grab it. Just give her a few minutes to get to the beach.
[Doc] It's for your nightmares! Just take it. You don't have to talk to anyone.-
[CP] - Slender already gave me protection!
[Doc] Why the fuck didn't you tell me?
[Doc] whiny and trying to make Splender laugh- Splender.... Cp is being rude... blarg. - Xe rolls over in a dramatic way-
[Splender] - Should I go get him?
[Doc] No... he's with Lie. It makes more sense for me to go to him. He's still at my house anyway. Splender... I don't expect you to do anything. I was just bitching to make myself feel better. Thank you though.
[Splender]- Oh, alright!
[Doc] I guess I'll head home. Though you're always welcome to tag along if you're bored. - Lifts up and shakes off a bit. - Snake? Are you still around?
[Splender] - No, I should be going home as well
[snake] snake is not here only a donut
[Doc] Safe journey then. Huh?
[Exeggutor] Waves it's fronds at Splender
[snake] I am a donut but don't eat me
[Splender] Waves his tendrils, the bells jingling softly before he teleports away-
[Doc] Okay. Well then. Donuts belong in my kitchen, so I guess I'll just take you along. - Xe picks up Snake with two claws and balances him on hir snout like a dog with a treat before trotting back towards the castle with the pokemon stumping along behind-
[Alexis] Passes them on her way home-
[Doc] Hi Alexis. - Waves hir tail by way of greeting-
[Alexis] - Hello Doc, everything okay?
[Doc] Just the usual nonsense. Got my butt kicked by a wild animal while Cp stood around watching. He's determined to be on my shit list today.
[Alexis] - I see, well I hope your day gets better, I'm heading home now
[Doc] Good enough. Stevie could probably use some comforting anyway.
[Alexis] - Got it- Heads towards her house
[Doc] Puts up a paw as xe gets to the front door and changes under Snake so they're laying in hir open palm.
[Exeggutor] Has decided to stay outside and settles down in a patch of sun near the water.
[Doc] Heads down to the kitchen.
[CP] Is keeping himself between MB and Lie-
[Mb] Is just sitting against the wall with the pea-shooter concealed and his arms folded. He's focused entirely on the baby dragons playing and ignoring Cp.
-The baby dragons are starting to wear out a little-
[Mb] Oh look who's back....
[Doc] Comes down the steps, hoping theres no mess
[snake] donut say eat more cookies
[CP] Growls at Doc a little-
[Doc] Puts Snake on the table and gives Cp a calculating look- well?
[CP] - Go get it yourself!  You're the one who keeps wanting the practice!
[Doc] If I get it myself, will you take the item?
[CP] - No, because I don't need it!
[Doc] Why are you so against this?
[snake] donut say take the item
[CP] - I don't need it, Slender has already given me their protection and I trust in that
[Doc But it could come in handy later. From what Dawn said, a lot of work went into it.
[snake] donut says you should always have a plan b
[CP] Is just being stubborn now as he folds his arms and turns away-
[Flux] - Notch, I really do believe that you should go speak to someone now, before you forget anything
[Notch] Holds himself nervously- Are you sure? I mean... nobody here really seems to know what's happening to me....
[Flux] - Yes but it would be best to keep them up to date on what is happening, do you not think so?
[Notch] slumps, defeated, he makes a weak gesture for Flux to lead-
[Flux]  Takes his hand again- We'll walk this time
[Deer] - Snake?  Why are you curled up like that?
[snake] I am not snake I am a donut
[+Deer] - Oh...  Um, okay?
[snake] but really I just don't want to be serious right now
[Deer] - Alright, there's nothing wrong with that
[Doc] Is just staring angrilly at Cp
[Mb] Has perked up and is watching to see if a fight will happen-
[Notch] Comes down the stairs - Doc, I need to tell you something-
[Flux] Is following behind Notch-
[Doc] What is it Markus?
[Flux] - I was showing him how I saw the server when something went odd, we saw all the seeds...
[Notch] It was amazing... and scary as all hell-
[Doc] So maybe the mingling of your energies caused a reaction?
[Flux] - Perhaps, I'd never tried showing someone else before...
[Notch] I wasn't trying to do anything.
[Doc] I understand, but there's a chance that you did something anyway without meaning too.
[Lie] - Maybe it's one of Notch's powers?
[Doc] So you think he might be able to see all the codes with a nudge in the right direction?
[Notch]  It didn't feel like that. I wanted to.. help.. I guess?
[CP] - Who cares!  Something weird happened, big deal
[Lie] - CP what is wrong with you right now?
[Doc] Snorts - maybe you should help me next. All I want is for Cp to grab a thing that's just outside our usual portal and he won't do it.
[Notch] I guess?
[CP] - Will the both of you just fuck off already?
[Doc] Bristles and shoots him an incredulous look-
[Notch] Hey... if you want me to try and help I will.
[Doc] Throws up hir hands- Fine! What's the worst that can happen right?
[Lie] Sighs and motions for them to go ahead, she won't stop them-
[Doc] Tries to make a portal, there a lot of crackling and statick and it falls apart quickly. Xe grits hir teeth and tries again-
[CP] Snickers-
[snake] donut say your being mean cp
[Doc] Gets it semi-stable, but it's clear they're using everything to maintain it and there's nothing visible but digital snow on the opposite side-
[Notch] Approaches tenatively, trying to focus his mind on helping somehow-
[Deer] - CP really, do you want to be turned into a cat again?
[Mb] What the fuck are you doing anyway?
[CP] - Not helping
[Lie] - Doc is trying to make a portal to the outside world
[Mb] Outside? Like another seed or game or something?
[snake] lie make sure to eat more cookies
[Lie] - It's the world Notch and I come from, it's where Minecraft was created
[Doc] Tries harder and suddenly feels Markus touch hir shoulder. There's a sudden whoosh as the pressure vanishes entirely, and the beach outside the old TV can be clearly seen through the little hole. The smell of the surf and sand, and the rushing noise of the ocean  fills the room.
[Lie] Smiles a little-
[Mb] Is on his feet and moving towards the hole, his eyes are as blank as ever but his mouth is hanging slightly agape. - What... It's so... the pieces are so small...!
[CP] - Because it's not pixilated dumbass
[Doc] Sticks hir hand through quickly without losing contact with Markus, and drags in a beach bag. There's the tiniest digital crackle as the resolution on the bag falls dramatically to match the server.
[Notch] That's home...
[Mb] Reaches out for the hole and jerks his hand back as if burned-
[Lie] - It used to be
[CP] - Yeah the first time out there is super painful
[Notch] You're right Lie. But I'm trying to help Mb understand what he's seeing. This is where non-digital humans come from. Everything is much more detailed.
[CP] Is considering setting the beach bag on fire-
[Doc] Looks at Notch and moves his hand gently off hir shoulder. As they break contact, the portal falls apart entirely. - Markus...
[Flux] - Such an interesting reaction...
[Doc] I think we should do some more tests but.... at first blush, that's an amazing power... Lie? Could you give it a shot? Let Markus help you spawn a flower, nothing new, just see what happens.
[Lie] - Alright- She holds her hand out for Notch, focused on creating a love blossom
[Notch] Takes her hand gently and thinks about helping her as well-
[Lie] The blossom forms quickly, growing much larger than usual and a few petals fall off while a scent fill it's room.  Everyone there being reminded of those they love the most-
[Notch] Turns instinctively to Flux, his eyes are wide and hopeful
[Mb] Bends down and reaches out for Celine
[Doc] Takes a step back to lean against Deerheart and reach down for Yaunfen. - It's so beautiful Lie....
[CP] Purrs as he looks at Lie-
[Lie] - It's so much bigger
[Flux] Has a light blush across her face, she's a bit confused as to what she's feeling, but she knows it's aimed at Notch-
[snake] -flops out of being a donut-
[Doc] I think we have confirmation... Too bad you're ashamed of your father Cp, having your own powers amplified could come in super handy...
[CP] Scowls- Still not introducing him to my mobs Doc
[Lie] - What brought that suggestion about?
[Doc] I had a fleeting thought about Cp introducing Markus as a super powerful Notch to impress his mobs and keep them in line.
[CP] Tenses as he picks up on the thought- No!  Besides, even if we did that my mobs would still initially challenge him, and I don't think he can protect himself yet
[Notch] Swallows-
[Doc] Bah, they're just mobs. All I'd need to do is put him in creative.
[CP] - You have no say as to what happens on my seed Doc
[Doc] Did I say I did? And that's a good question, can you put people in creative on your seed? Are you an admin, or just an invader?
[CP] - I don't know, never had a reason to, and Stevie always preferred to be in survival
[Doc] Then you basically put your greatest weapon aside because... you can't be bothered to hack into the admin functions?
[Mb] dumbass...
[CP] - No, because I'm naturally in a mixture of survival and creative, and I never put one of my victims in creative
[Doc] And... it never occured to you to flip your own modes before fighting your NOTCH?
[CP] - I've tried, it's part of my glitch that I can't completely enter creative
[Doc] Okay, that I understand. But you not using every weapon at your disposal makes me suspicious.
[CP] - What do you mean?
[Notch] Cp... you usually use anything that can give you an advantage in a fight...
[CP] - And I still do! I just can't fully enter creative!  I've tried Nether knows how many times!
[Doc] Ah, that's a shame, but... you don't want my help,so.....
[Mb] Mean laugh-
[CP] Growls- I don't need it, I'll figure out a way eventually
[Lie] - CP no, you've tried your way long enough now
[Flux] - And you are not the only one with a vendetta...
[Doc] Pretends to ignore them and opens the bag. There are a couple of items inside, but the charm is on the top. Xe pulls it out. It's a scroll made of animal hide and it's been wrapped over it's entire length with red string knotted at intervals and then sealed with a complex sigil pressed into wax. It seems to pulse weirdly in hir hand-
[Deer] - That feels so weird...
[Flux] - There is definetly magic in that...
[Doc] It's made of skin and obviously not meant to be read.
[Notch] Hovers a hand over it. - It feels really different from what Flux uses...
[Flux] - Well it is a real world magic, not digital
[Doc] I guess it will come in handy if someone else needs protection at least.
[Lie] Goes over to CP and runs her fingers through his hair-
[Doc] Rustles around in the bag and pulls out a brown cube, it seems to be slightly hairy. - What the...?
[Deer] - What is that?
[Notch] Is that a coconut?
[Doc] Shakes it - why is it full of liquid?
[Lie] - It's edible
[snake] -flops off the table to get a closer look at what doc has-
[Doc] Makes a second one and puts it away before fussing with the original. Xe taps it on the table like an egg- How are you supposed to get it open?
[Lie] - You have to break it open, not only can you drink the "milk" inside, but you can eat the flesh to
[Doc] Oh... Um... - Xe sits down at the table and picks at the coconut a bit, pinching pixels off of it like someone removing lint.
[snake] get a machete and cut it in half
[Lie] - Doc?  Do you know if TLOT has figured out a time for some of villagers to meet Notch?  I'd like to be there to support Notch
[Doc] But Snake, if it has liquid in it, and I hit it with something, it'll go everywhere.  I don't know? I'm not entirely sure where he is. But I presume he'd want to be there himself.
[Lie] - We should ask him then
[snake] normally they are round so just some would get out while the two half's flopped to the side containing the rest gem saw it in a video once
[Doc] Squeaks a finger into a small hole xe's made and feels liquid - It's okay, I think I've got it. Anyone have a bucket? -at Lie- Oh? Right.
[CP] Tosses one full of lava at Doc-
[Doc] Fumbles the bucket and gets it on hir lap, xe leaps up and breaks the chair to keep it from catching fire-
[Mb] Grabs Celine and tps into the kitchen proper-
[Notch] Jumps away in alarm-
[Lie] - CP!
[CP] Doesn't care-
[snake] -gets as fast away from the lava as he can-
[Doc] Cleans up the lava and stalks over to him before kicking him hard in the shin-
[CP] Leaps up to attack only to find himself quickly shrinking as Lie flicks the collar onto him-
[Lie] - ENOUGH!
[Doc] Grabs him roughly and plunks him on the table- What the hell is wrong with you?!
[CP] Growls and hisses at Doc-
[Doc] Scowls- I don't get it... he was doing so well... why is this happening now?
[Lie] - Could it be an affect of the protection Slender's given him?
[Doc] Fuuuuuuck. You might be right.... I think... I need BEN just in case. One of my carriers to make contact with him.
[Lie] - Do you think it's Her again?
[Doc] Growls- I don't know, but I'm not giving her one fucking pixel in the battle between us. - types- BEN? Can I borrow you for a minute?
[Flux] Reaches out with her magic- I feel her aura, but not her
[BEN] - What do you need?
[Doc] Just your purging ability. It will only take a minute. Is there anything you need from me? Just to make the trip more worthwild?
[BEN] - Not really, I mean we're getting a bit scratched up by Hyrule's nails, we don't exactly have anything to trim them
[Doc] I can fix that. Do you want to bring him over too?
[BEN] - Sure, I'll be over soon
[Doc] Thank you.
[Notch] Found a bucket in the kitchen and is draining the coconut.
[Flux] Takes a seat at the table-
[CP] Bites at Doc-
[snake] doc do you still have the cookie I gave you? maybe you can make more so everyone can have one.
[Doc] Swats the top of Cp's head lightly- No! Oh, Snake? Yeah, I do. - Fusses around and makes a small stack before setting them on the table away from Cp-
[CP] Glares at the cookies, considering barfing on them-
[snake] yay cookies for everyone
[Notch] Gives Cp a little pat and sighs unhappily. - I thought we were done with this...
[Lie] Gathers CP's clothes- This happens every once in a while
[Notch] What, like some kind of male pms?
[Lie] Pauses- Kinda?  But not as regular
[CP] Makes a beeline for the cookies-
[Notch] Puts the bucket down in his way and leans on it so he can only bang into it -
[CP] Stumbles back a little and hisses-
[Notch] Anyone who wants a cookie should grab it now...
[Doc] Maybe later, I still have some.
[Lie] Takes one as CP tries to get around the bucket-
[Yaunfen] Lunges for the cookies, grabbing several-
[Mb] Slips quietly out the kitchen door. He has a lot on his mind now and his dragon is sleepy.
[Notch] Moves the bucket a bit too quickly and sloshes a bit of coconut water on Cp.
[Celine] Suckles a little on MB's shirt-
[CP] Unhappy noises as he tries to shake the liquid off-
[Doc] That's what you get for being a dick.
[BEN] Enters carrying Hyrule- Hey
[snake] hi ben
[BEN] Nods in acknowledgment before looking at CP- So he's a cat again?
[Doc] There you are. Yeah... he's been really bad today... Oh, I meant to ask, hows the fairy working out?
[Nia] Comes out of the folds of BEN's clothes-
[Notch] Aww, Hyrule's a cutie - notices Nia- What the? You have a fairy? She's so tiny!
[BEN] - Standard for our game
[Flux] - It has a little bit of magic
[Notch] Makes a silly face- Hey Hyrule, listen!
[Doc] Hello Nia.
[snake] -falls over laughing-
[Notch] Chuckles- Just playing around.
[BEN] Scowls- Anyways, what do you need me to do?
[Doc] We think Markus may be developing some powers of his own as a newly digital entity-
[BEN] - And that involves me how?
[Doc] I just need you to hold his hand and let him try and help you while you lay your other on Cp.
[BEN] - You want me to touch the hissing ball of piss over there?
[Doc] Only for a moment, Lie can you keep him still?
[Lie] - Sure- She goes over to her mate and places a bit of pressure on CP with her hands to keep him still
[Deer] -Here, BEN?  I'll hold Hyrule for you
[Notch] Offers a hand to BEN-
[BEN] Hands Hyrule over to Deer before awkwardly taking Notch's hand and reaching for the hissing CP-
[CP] Growls the entire time-
[Notch] Tries to reach out to BEN mentally, focused on amplifying his anti-insanity wave-length.
[CP] Shudders as he hunkers down-
[BEN] Soon pulls his hand away- Well, if he was infected, he's not now
[Doc] Thank you BEN. He's been being horrible the last couple of days and it's a really abrupt change. And then Slender offered him some protection from the thing in his nightmares and... I'm just worried he's being influenced.
[BEN] - Wait Slender gave him protection?  That would explain it.  It's like a subdued version of what he does with his proxies usually.  A proxy can have two completely different personalities depending on the terms of their contract.  Some aren't even aware they're proxies
[Doc] Grinds hir teeth - Dammit... then I know what we need and Cp, you're taking that fucking scroll if I have to shove it up your ass. Notch, I need you to help one more time. Lie? I need the purifying flame Xophiel gave you.
[Lie] - I can try?
[BEN] - Woah woah woah!  On other pasta's it's temporary!  I don't think we have anything to worry about!
[Doc] Not if he's going to pull the bullshit he tried a few minutes ago! He threw a bucket of lava at me in a room with wooden furniture and two baby dragons playing under the table!
[BEN] - Well at least he threw it in a bucket?
[snake] and I was almost next to doc
[Doc] A bucket that I couldn't catch cause my hands were full.
[BEN] - Um...
[Doc] How would you like it if he tried that in your house? You have a little one to protect as well.
[CP] Has been silent this whole time-
[snake] I am pretty sure that would burn the tree down and gem would get pissed
[Doc] Exactly. And maybe I'm just paranoid, but I suspect this may be deliberate.
[Lie] Finally manages to conjure her purifying flame-
[Doc] Some nasty little ploy to turn us all against him now that he has friends and family and isn't always availble to be Slenders right hand.
[BEN] - I highly doubt that it's deliberate, other than trying to defend a member of his household that is
[Notch] Is watching Lie's fire. He puts a hand near the light to see if there's any warmpth.
[Doc] Then it's convenient for him at least... I don't trust Slender at all.
[BEN] - We do
[Doc] Then that's up to you BEN. Slender would like to convert or kill me. I'm just as entitled to my opinion as you are.
[BEN] - He's the best option out there for our kind...
[Doc] Out there, perhaps. In here? I disagree.
[BEN] Just looks down-
[Doc] I'm not trying to turn you against him BEN. I told you you're free to come and go and I meant it. But I. I cannot afford to trust him.
[BEN] - Whatever
[Lie] - It's alright to touch Notch- The flame is almost cool to touch
[Notch] Puts his fingertips into, it hesitantly allowing the flow to touch him in return. It's cool and clean and lifts his spirts immensely, not even understanding how he turns it back on her doubly strong and even brighter.
[Lie] Yelps in surprise and accidentally puts the flame out-
[Notch] I'm sorry Lie! Did I hurt you?
[Lie] - No, no not at all, just surprised me
[Notch] Try again? For Cp?
[Lie] - Yeah- She concentrates and brings the flame back again
[Notch] Reaches for the flames that are dancing in his flat black eyes. He puts his hand on the back of Lie's and the flames grow brighter and higher, until she seems to be holding a radiant star with five dim lines where her fingers wrap the shimmering surface.
[Lie] Glances at CP- So how are we doing this?
[Notch] I guess, just touch him?
[Lie] Takes a bit of the flame into her other hand and touches CP with it-
[CP] Grumbles before purring a little-
[Doc] That sounds promising...
[Notch] Is still staring at the fire. - It's so pretty Lie....
[Lie] - It was a gift
[Doc] From a very interesting angel with the face of a bird.
[CP] - An asshole angel is more like it
[Lie] - Just because they dropped your pick on your head does not make them an asshole CP
[Doc] At least they brought it to you instead of leaving it out there...
[CP] - Plus they interfered when I was looking into a dream...
[Doc] That's odd, who's dream was it?
[CP] - Weirdo kid's mom
[Doc] Dolly? Well I guess that makes sense. Xophiel seems to have a particular interest in them.
[Notch] Takes his hand away from Lie's - Cp... are you feeling any different?
[CP] - ...  Kinda?
[Doc] Better then nothing. Here, take this just in case- Xe slides the scroll across the table so it sucks into his inventory.
[CP] Immediately tosses it back out- I'm fine!  I can feel that Slender's protection is still there!
[Doc] Puts hir hand on the roll- But you said you felt different?
[Notch] Is this really just a chemical thing? Mid-life crisis or something?
[CP] - It kinda does?
[Flux] - I can no longer feel Her aura, but there is another one...  One which would normally elicit a fear response...
[Doc] So maybe she's using Slenders protection as a conduit to get to Cp?
[BEN] - See!?  I told you Slender wasn't doing anything backhanded!
[Doc] I think I can be forgiven for my suspicions. He's delt with me dishonestly before.
[BEN] Hmph's-
[Lie] Dismisses the flame and picks her mate up-
[CP] Rubs against his mate-
[Doc] I think it's silverfish time again. Cp? Can I have that egg back?
[CP] - Whyyyyyyyyyyy?
[Doc] I'm going to recode it, so it will go off if you're being influenced from outside. I think I know what I'm looking for now.
[CP] Grumbles but kicks the egg out-
[Doc] Fusses with the egg, redoing it's frequency - I'm changing this so it makes a noise too. It's for our safety and so you know that you're losing control and need to fight it. Or at least go the bathroom and compose yourself until it passes.
[CP] - Oh fuck you
[Doc] What? It's no good as an alarm if only you can hear it. What's a good noise?
[Deer] - How about him just yelling?
[Notch] Thunder would be appropo....
[CP] - I hate all of you
[Notch] Don't say that...
[Doc] Well I don't hate you! Otherwise I wouldn't spend so much time trying to help you!
[Lie] - He's just being grumpy right now
[Doc] Grumbles. Seriously. Pick a noise.
[Notch] What about the Blaze sound? It's not loud enough to be super startling, but it is unnerving enough to catch your attention.
[Lie] - Good point
[Deer] - That would certainly work, so long as one of us isn't near the blaze in the lab at the time it goes off
[Bianca] -yells for deer-
[Deer] - Oh, Doc?  Would you mind coming with me?  Bianca would like to speak
[Doc] Is startled, xe breaks the egg accidently and the coded silverfish goes scuttling across the table. - Dammit!
[CP] Snickers-
[Notch] Scrabbles at the silverfish-
[Deer] Lunges for the silverfish-
[Notch] Bonks into Deer and gets poked in the eye with one of the points on her antlers- OW!
[Deer] - Sorry!  Sorry!  Sorry!
[Silverfish] Changes directions and heads towards Lie-
[Lie] - Ummmm...
[CP] Leaps out of Lie's arms and kills the silverfish- Ha
[Silverfish] Busts into pixels that vanish into Cp's fur-
[Doc] Well then... that's going to be really hard to code if I need to change it later. Way to find a more permenant solution Cp.
[CP] Sticks tongue out-
[Deer] - Love, Bianca?
[Doc] Blep.
[Deer] Takes Doc's hand- Come now, let's go- She hands Hyrule back to BEN
[Doc] Just go go talk to them for a minute. I need to take care of Hyrule real quick. - Xe leans over the baby and uses the tiniest bit of statick to begin to pare off the childs sharp little nails.
[Deer] - Alright- She heads down to the lab and the recovery room- Bianca?
[BEN] - Be careful!
[Doc] I am, I am.. - Starts on the little toenails-
[BEN] Watches worriedly-
[Doc] Finishes up with a little tickle on the babies belly- There you go. All better now.
[BEN] Cradles Hyrule and looks at him happily- My son...
[Doc] Do you mind of I give him a little code check up while you're here? Just a scan.
[BEN] - Okay...
[Doc] Holds hir command block in one hand and scans over the other digital entity. - There you go. That was easy. Looks good. No errors at all. He's a perfectly healthy boy.
[BEN] - Good, we think he's almost ready to start crawling...
[Doc] Gently- some of your fellow pastas are apparently quite interested in his progress.
[BEN] Growls- Who....
[Doc] It's okay! Apparently someone called Judge Angels and another called Bloody Painter have been trying to concieve. I think that if your child with Aven is normal and healthy, they might willingly trade their Insanity so they can have a baby of their own.
[BEN] - Those two...
[Doc] I don't actually know them, what are they like?
[BEN] - Judge Angel, she was abused because her eyes were different, they look like the void.  Her sense of "Justice" is because her father was a judge.  Only person she ever really liked was her mom, ended up carrying her mom's body around in a suitcase for a few weeks before the police caught up to her I think...  She beheads her victims with this sword...  We're not sure but we think the sword is supernatural.  Bloody Painter on the other hand, well they were bullied and figured out a way to keep blood's natural red color once out of the body.  Everything they paint usually is with blood now and the two will sometimes work together.  Judge beheading, Painter gathering and using the blood.
[Bianca] oh sorry i was in the bathroom deer
[Deer] - Why did you call for me?
[Bianca] i wanted to meet everyone
[Doc] Well fuck... I guess it's safe to assume they'll both be protective parents at least? Since they know how it is to be ostracized and bullied?
[BEN] Shrugs- That's pretty much how all of the pasta's are when it comes to things they view as theirs...
[Doc] Ah well, -Xe gives Yaunfen  a soft smile - we're all learning as we go aren't we?
[Yaunfen] - Burp!
[Doc] Leans down to give Yaunfen a kiss on the snout- love you.
[Yaunfen] - Fuck!
[BEN] Snorts in amusement-
[snake] -giggles at the what yaunfen say-
[Doc] Sighs- I'm looking forward to you learning some more words kiddo.
[hyrule] -is pulling at ben's shirt just because he can-
[BEN] - Hm?  What is it kiddo?
[hyrule] dada
[BEN] - Yes?
[hyrule] -points to ben- dada
[Notch] is idly flicking his fingers and runs a thumb over Cp's tail tip. ( just like you would with a normal cat)
[BEN] - Yeah, I'm dada
[CP] If Lie weren't holding him, he'd turn and try to attack-
[hyrule] -smiles-
[Notch] Notices what he's doing- ah sorry Cp. I've spent so much time around cats it's just second nature to touch. Speaking of such... How's Grinny?
[CP] - The fuck should I know?
[Notch] Haven't seen him around lately.
[Doc] I think he just likes to sulk and hide. He's around here somewhere. Probably avoiding LH.
[Lie] - Well, I think I'll take CP home now so I can change him back
[Doc] Okay. Can I have him for a minute?
[Lie] Okay- CP is already growling at the thought as Lie puts him on the table
[CP] - Why the fuck do you want me!?
[Doc] Because I'm going to hug your ass you mean little fucker. -Doc encircles him with hir arms and gives the red cat a bit of a squeeze - don't you dare go and sulk. I'm your friend whether you like it or not. - lets go-
[CP] Bolts for the stairs-
[Lie] Sighs and follows-
-There's the sound of a fire ball hitting a door before Lie can get there-
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