#I think we could all just use some Loboier rn
anonymous-dentist · 29 days
POV: Loboier
His body hurts, but He is used to it by now.
He whines his way out of His House, shakes His fur out, stretches, and cries. He cries a lot. (But not loudly, because His Bobby is doing Human Work inside, and He doesn’t want to disturb him.)
Craning His neck back, he says hello to the Moon(!) with a howl.
“Salut, Loboier!” the Moon says back. “Bonne nuit!”
His tail wags. But His body hurts, so He lays down in the grass and closes His eyes. If He pretends hard enough, he can pretend that He is in the Woods with his Pack.
The breeze ruffles His fur. Maybe it’s actually His Spreen saying hi, but without his knife this time.
He growls at the thought. His Spreen… how evil!!
His eyes snap open as the Big House’s door opens.
His Jaiden doesn’t even get a chance to say hello before she has Him on top of her licking her face and saying hello.
“Hey!” she smiles. She pets between His ears, juuuust right.
‘Hi!’ He says, barking loudly so she can hear him. ‘I love you!!’
His Jaiden is his favorite Jaiden. She built His House and she buys His Bones and she plays Ball with Him. She gives the BEST belly rubs!!
He bites her forearm gently. There! Wolf Jaiden!
But his Jaiden just laughs and says, “Nice try, but I’m already taken.”
Pain! Heartbreak!! Agony!!!
(Jaiden is a Jaiden. Not human, but Jaiden. So she can’t be a Wolf, but He still tries every Moon, anyway.)
Dejected, He lets His Jaiden down the stairs and into the yard. She goes to get a Ball, which is fine. It’s whatever. It’s fine.
His body hurts.
With a whine, He settles on His stomach and rests His head on His paws. He closes His eyes. Maybe His Spreen should’ve just finished the job. Letting Him go might have been crueler than letting Him die.
The door to the Big House opens again. He smells who comes out, and His tail wags a little in response- thump-thumping against the grass. But He doesn’t get up. He Hurts.
A cold, calloused hand settles in the fur on His back.
“Is he okay?” His Cellbit asks His Jaiden.
“Yeah, I think so,” she answers. “Sometimes this happens. It’s… complicated.”
His Cellbit hums in response. Grass crinkles as His Cellbit settles into it. He pets Him softly- so, so softly.
He cracks an eye open and looks up at His Cellbit.
Wow, He thinks. He’s beautiful.
The Moon casts His Cellbit’s hair silver. His Cellbit’s eyes almost seem to glow in the dark. Shadows make him look almost like a statue.
He shuffles in the grass until His head is resting on His Cellbit’s lap. His Cellbit’s other hand is also on his lap; He kisses it and wishes he could do that when he’s Human, too.
Quietly, He says, ‘I love you.’
He asks, ‘Do you love me?’
He says, ‘Because I love you. I love you a lot. CellbitCellbitCellboCellbit.’
His Cellbit laughs quietly and says, “I don’t speak wolf, guapito.”
That’s Him! His Cellbit’s Guapito!!
Suddenly much happier, He rolls onto His back and shows His belly to His Cellbit. And His Cellbit is sooooo smart! He starts rubbing His belly, and he’s soooooo cute!!
Smiling, He declares to the world, ‘I love My Cellbit!!’
The world disagrees, because the world doesn’t like His Cellbit, and because His Cellbit doesn’t like the world. But He doesn’t need the world’s approval. So long as He and His Cellbit like each other, that’s all He needs.
And one day when He turns His Cellbit into Wolf Cellbit, He’ll be able to tell His Cellbit EVERYTHING!!
But, for now, He settles for some more kisses and a smile. (He’s sure that His Cellbit understands, anyway.)
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