#I think it captures childhood and child-like sensibilities really well idk
blueish-bird · 1 year
Unimportant CSM Headcanon 12.a
Before Denji and Power moved in, Aki owned approximately 0 movies (he considered them a waste of time and space). When the two of them complained about it, Aki bought a few VHS’s that he watched as a kid — including E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
Unimportant CSM Headcanon 12.b
The Hayakawa Household has an unspoken ban on E.T. for movie nights because it made everyone cry when they first watched it together. Denji felt a lot of sympathy based on his relationship with/loss of Pochita, Power was freaked by the practical effects and imagery, and Aki was reminded of his childhood/brother.
Unimportant CSM Headcanon 12.c
Power’s strong fear of the movie, especially of the spacemen, informed the form that the Darkness Devil took in Vol 8.
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