#I swear I was trying to go for a more Vacuo design-
bonez-yard · 2 years
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So.. so originally this was supposed to be the Vacuo design for Robyn but I may have just.. redesigned them in general-
Maybe it could still work- maybe.. ok wait no this wouldn’t be great for the desert-
Some headcanons that no one asked for but getting anyways:
Robyn is two-spirited! He goes by any pronouns ^^
Robyn has natural brown hair, but they dyed it blonde bc.. idk why actually-
Robyn is Native American cause I make the rules here
if you really think about it, every relationship Robyn is in is gay-
I wanted to go for a more Robin Hood look since I didn’t exactly get much of that from her original design-
Please do not STEAL/COPY/REPOST my art!!!
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zero-rider · 4 years
A grim knight in the world
He didn't know why that new wolf-knight themed Grimm scared him, but at the same time it gave him a sense of familiarity. It was concerning for him, he was surprised by the hound when it took Oscar in Atlas, but this new Grimm scared him more than the first beowulf he saw when he was still untrained and on his way for his forged transcrips for Beacon. It didn't help the fact that he made him retreat from Atlas before he could enact the plan were he had fight Salem and endure so his friends could escape Atlas alive, maybe it was a bad idea, since he was talking about a freaking magical and inmortal old hag with probably TOO MUCH free time and an enormous grudge against his husband, who was in the body of a prepubertal boy... yep, normal as eff
But he was rambling right now
After they leaved Atlas, he, his team, RWBY, Qrow and Penny fought with the Grimm wolf knight him more than once, he always retreated with just a wound and followed them to everywhere, it was almost like he knew where they would go. It was curious that the knight Grimm always aimed for him only and occasionally Yang and Oscar, but in the end, he was always the target. Not Nora, not Ren, not Ruby, not Oscar or any other in his group, him. It was even curious that the Grimm knight tried to cut Cinder's head when she was about to kill Ruby and Penny in their way to Vacuo and he could only watch from afar, he and Ruby could swear that his topaz eyes changed to a deep saphire when he helped her to stand up. He was also skeptical about the identity of the humanoid Grimm, he called himself Alexandrine Arc, whose name was of his great-great grandfather, man whose history was as lost as Blake in a mall with only blond people and whose weapon was a sword and shield combo, not a great sword similar to his own after the upgrade in that village in anima
But again, he was rambling thanks to the nerves
it didn't took him too much to put two and two together and reveal the mystery of that humanoid grimm after some fights and some small chat with him when they crossed swords, it was clear to him who the masked man was, but he needed to be sure before jumping that bridge. That's why he made a plan for that in three simple steps, Step 1; wait for his ambush and made him bring Grimm or Salem's henchmen to distract the group. Step 2; find and make him follow him to a far away place to talk freely without breaking the mind of his friends. And lastly, Step 3; confront him. This plan was also a failure, the grimm knight sure as hell knew partially what he planned but followed his lead just to humor him. And when he finally got him alone to talk in a vast death forest in the frontier between Vacuo and Vale? Well, that was complicated
"... Alexandrine, that's not your name, Isn't it?" aske Jaune, whose sword was being sheathed on his shield, the grim knight only watched "i know your name... your true name..." that got an angry reaction of the grimm
"SILENCE!" he raised his sword and dashed to the blonde, who didn't move an inch, and when the name was said, he stopped, took a deep breath and cleaved his sword on the ground
"Jaune Arc... that is your name" the Grimm knight growled, his long sword changed to how it looked before, gold guard and a shining silver blade took the place of the stylish design on the blade and the bat wing looking guard. It was Crocea Mors again, looking as new as the day he got it from that blacksmith time ago "what happennd to you to leave you like this?"
"it was my fault... i made a dangerous wager and i lost, everyone died!" in that moment, the wolf mouth of his helmet open wide and leaved his head to reveal his face. Ashen white and long hair with only one blond fringe, tired red eyes with black sclera and veins popping out from his eyes and standing out on his bone white skin.The face and those words were enough to make him sheathed his sword on his shield sheath for an explanation
"plan?... then, that mean-" before his mind could go to think the consequences of his plan, his Grimm twin confirmed his suspicious
"yes, our plan failed, Salem won" he avoided his gaze, anger was found in his voice while he clenched his fists "they died... by Salem's word and by my own hand" this time his eyes moistened
"you... what..." tears came from him too, first was Pyrrha, now he had to lose all his friends too? and the worst of all, he was their executioner? "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!? DID YOU LOSE YOUR MIND!?" Jaune clenched his hands and even readied to fight with his fists, but the other Jaune didn't flinch
"lose my mind? how could i not?... all our life seems to be cursed by the twin gods, our family is tied with Salem and Ozpin, Remnant killed my family with reasons based in fear for the hypothetical power they could have. And after killing all my friends while i was not in control of my body, while she made me the general of her Grimm... my sanity, it died with them" he looked how his Grimm twin took his version of Crocea and give it back his dark form, only to be sheathed in a black, red and white sheath he generated with some weird looking black liquid
"did...did you also killed Ruby?" he knew very well the answer, and wondered if he was secretly a masochist for wanting to feel that wound in his heart, more tears hanged from his eyes as he downed his gaze to the dirt. As for the Ozpin and Salem being his many great grandparents, he just shoved it in the most deeper part of his mind, right now he needed his mind clear to try to understand his evil twin and his motivation, as dumb or inconsistent as they could be
"... i did, she said that she was glad to meet me at Beacon, that i was the best friend she could ask along with Penny... that she loved me... and then, she died with a smile on her face" that moment got a sad smile on his ivory face, even in her dead she looked so radiant and brave, not scared from him after their second meeting as huntress and Grimm. He only lamented the outcome and cursed that gift from his ancestor
"so?... you want my place don't you?" he asked, Jaune thought it was obvious. Both of them were family of a pair who didn't knew about couple therapy and killed possibly one, two or three of their daughters (not four, since his existence proved that one survived), so he wanted to kill him or made him take his place as the Grimm wolf knight
"in that your wrong, i came here with a task and a choice to do, those are, your world or mine?" Grimm Jaune circled him while he looked warily at his actions, how he calmed and was confused by his words
"mine or yours?" he was confused, but with the more information he had from his twin, the more he was lost at his reason to be there
"Salem stole the brother gods magic and gave me the choice to throw away everything in order to bring a dead world back to life i must sacrifice another self... That's the task i have. When someone of another world die, someone from this world is saved, in those terms, i must decimate your world to save MY world"
"... " he was lost of words, was he really that bad when his partner died or that only applied to his twin? either way, he was bound to stop him "you truly lost your mind"
"if it bring back my family, my friends... and Ruby. Then it's a price i'm willing to pay" Jaune knew he was serious, he was him after all, and that meaned that it would be a pain in the ass to fight against himself
"then i will not let you" he unsheathed his sword and pointed it to his twin, who was not amused by his answer
"just think about it for a moment, you can bring back Pyrrha, Clover and all the people who died by Cinder and Salem's hands. All this sorrow and pain can be avoided!" he opened his arms and looked around the dead grey forest they were
"if by destroying this word means that many more can be saved... then i will have to pass"
"let me say this again, you can save RUBY by doing that!" now his patience was giving up, how dared him to let his team die like that!? to let Ruby die on his arms!!? even his hands were shaking from pure anger at himself
"i know, but i would be saving your Ruby, not mine" that sounded as he didn't care about them, he did care, but those were the dead ones, the ones who were alive were fighting and succeeding to beat the small battalion of Grimm his twin brought with him
"so that's your answer? didn't we said that if our dead bringed time for RWBY's victory, then so be it!? why change that now!?" it was ironic, he disliked Salem, but right now he saw the resemble with her in his twisted version of him. it made him shiver just thinking about the process to make him look like the crazy inmortal ex-wife of Ozpin
"because that would make MY team and MY Ruby very sad, and that is something i can't allow" he did ready this time, he took his stance and prepared for the inminent fight with himself. That took the ‘you are your own sworn enemy’ thing to a next level on his mind
"and here i thought that you would understand since i am you" the Grimm looked at himself with a betrayed expresion, one that later passed to be an angered one "you will regret this!"
"i'm already regreting being me, being an idiot who didn't thought better" he ran at himself, semblance activated, shield up and sword ready for a strike
"what's done cannot be undone" his twin did the same, not before covering his face with his wolf helmet and unsheated his sword mid way to his human version
with the great sword on his right hand, he swinged his sword at Jaune, who got the cover with his shield and later did two opposite slashes at his Grimm version, the wolf knight dodged without moving to much and later crossed his sword with himself. After couple of seconds later, both of them took distance and ran at each other again
"HAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!/HOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!!" their part concluded with Grimm Jaune’s sword hitting Jaune's shield while the human one was preparing to parry his attack
Far away from the border of Vacuo and Vale
"so in the end i win despite Ozma's silver eyed pawn and my family on his side... this war has become more interesting" Salem laughed, watching the battle of his two descendants(one more perfect than other, in her opinion) from a seer Grimm in the comfort of her castle and surrowded of her minions, with mixed reactions from all of them
Watts was amazed from a scientific point view, and wondered if the process was the same as Cinder. Tyriand laughed and watched amazed the little huntsman he was interested, along with Neo. Mercury and Emerald while amazed too, they were actually a little scared about the Grimm twin of Arc. Hazel was wondering what to do about him, he was his queen child, so he was probably untouchable, but he was also Ozpin’s child, se he wanted to repay him with the same coin... what to do, what to do. And lastly, Cinder, she was pissed and hoped for both to die in a draw. It was understandable on her words, the guy not only give her a scar on her left eye in Heaven, but also tried to cut her head to save that damn red child
"watch carefully everyone, since he is my successor, the future general of my army and the key of my victory along with the maiden powers" everyone nodded, and waited for the end of the fight, if there was an end to this battle
To be continue
Part 1
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