#I still have other jumbled thoughts about Kataang and Linzin parallels with children
yell0wsalt · 3 months
Linzin canon or Linzin second chances?
As long as they’d be endgame, that’d be my life blood.
HOWEVER, when deciding between the two, I would have to vote for Linzin canon.
There were years when she was getting screwed over by her relationships with her family and her romantic relationship slowly crumbling. She needed a break!
Let’s think more on her relationship with Tenzin. Try to stay with me bc I know this will likely have raggedy flow, but anyways—
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I am one of the biggest fans of child-free Linzin. Childless is a deeper subject that one can roll with, but them feeling like they can be free in a relationship without kids in general I thoroughly enjoy. That you don’t need children to have a fulfilling life. Being able to spend your life with your partner is what matters most.
With them specifically, it’s their own struggles and pressures when it comes to a legacy I think about a lot when it comes to their relationship. Lin being the daughter of one of, if not the greatest Earth benders alive. And Tenzin, him being a son of the Avatar and the sole Air bender of Aang and Katara’s kids.
Tenzin, not only had to cope with the stress of carrying a whole culture’s history and practices when his father died, but then there’s the question:
What’s going to happen when Tenzin dies?
Cue the looming thought of kids getting darker and heavier over the two.
He was at the time in a long term relationship with Lin, and surely she had similar thoughts running through her mind.
In general with the Avatar verse, the passing on of “bending genes” isn’t so clear, so with Linzin it’s hard to stay what kind of benders their kids would be, if any.
That’s a lot of stress and anxiety for a couple going through the grieving process and one member of the relationship not wanting children (something I want to respect and keep in mind with this argument) and the other likely worried about air bender children.
If they were canon, that would mean amidst everything, Tenzin was able to face his struggles with asserting his own identity and not necessarily giving into societal expectations.
He chose her.
Over everything.
That’s an incredibly serious and powerful gesture.
Taking a step back to go to the show when Lin destroyed ATI, it was more than blind rage of being cast aside for a “younger model who’d want to have his kids.” But also a destruction of the institution that contributed to forcing her and Tenzin apart.
That’s awful. Them being canon would be an answer to those expectations.
There may or may not be issues with the events of Harmonic Convergence and Jinora being a key element in how it turned out, but let’s not talk about that 💀 Butterfly effect so who knows what would happen.
Now let’s look at post canon Linzin. I am a sucker for second chance love stories and people getting together later in life. Tenzin would have gotten the children he wanted and eventually be with the person he loves. And Lin had the time and space to heal from her own issues and be with the one she loves. Plus, she’s done well as a mother-figure to a lot of the kids/young adults. Whether she cares to admit it or not, so props to her.
It would be interesting to see how their lives would meld together after the years apart and taking on a more maternal role to Tenzin’s bio-kids.
In short, post canon Linzin is cute and intriguing, but them being canon all the way will have me sobbing in a grocery store parking lot.
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