#I spend like 15 minutes skipping around the mcfly home in 2015 bit because I knew that old marty said that at one point
pine-killer55 · 2 years
while looking through all the features, my bttf blue-ray had to offer, in the hopes of finding something interesting, I stumbled across a thing called "setups and payoffs" (or something like that), which is supposed to show a little bit of text, each time that something, that will be important later shows up, or that something calls back to an earlier part of the movie.
Even though it seemed useless to someone, who has watched this movie as often as I had, I decided to turn it on.
Most things were pretty boring like: "marty will end up playing guitar at a school dance later, just not the one he auditions for", but one bit,in particular, caught my attention:
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It being almost only a dark shadow and dave covering it up most of the time that we get a shot of the tv, make it hard to see, but
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there is indeed a second tv.
I don't think however that when marty tells his family in 1955 that they have two tvs, he would count the broken one. So either the mcflys have a third tv somewhere or this one is not broken.
In a deleted scene of bttf 2 old marty, tells his son that, when he was young and wanted to watch two shows at the same time, he had to put two tvs next to each other.
What if this was just a thing that the mcflys do?
I don't see how watching two different things at the same time, would benefit anything, it would probably just get really annoying and maybe confusing, but apparently watching multiple channels at once is a completely normal thing in 2015, so I don't think it would be too far fetched to theorize that the mcflys did it thirty years earlier.
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