#I see a lot of Garrus poor little meow meow Vakarian on this site
Garrus "The rules at C-Sec annoyed me so I joined the first human Spectre on her mission to hunt down and murder my fellow Turian Saren" Vakarian. Garrus "if the dalatress had offered me the same genocidal deal for the safety of Palavan I probably would have taken it" Vakarian. Garrus "I'm gonna hunt this organ-stealer down and murder him in cold blood. You coming?" Vakarian. Garrus "calibrating weapons of mass destruction is my hobby" Vakarian. Garrus "I was so good at killing mercenaries I accidentally united them into a single, bigger mercenary group, then killed them too" Vakarian. Garrus "the Turians planting a secret bomb on Tuchanka was ingenious" Vakarian. Garrus "the collectors used this base to liquify hundreds of thousands of innocent people into a reaper, but waste not want not" Vakarian. Garrus "You've been hanging out with an anti-alien terrorist group after being dead for two years? Let me just sign up" Vakarian. Garrus "this guy is responsible for the death of my squad. Lure him into a crowded area so I can gun him down in the middle of the Citadel" Vakarian. Garrus -
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