#I remember someone bringing up whether the public callout would result in more mess
artsycooky13 · 1 year
To those who remember a reblog regarding a post about user harassment back in Sept last year on my blog (I have since deleted this, but I know there are reblogs of it else where)
I wanted to let yall know that I (and only I) have reconciled with the user.
So just in case you see smth somewhere and are concerned for me, thanks, though I should have things sorted out for the most part, at least as far as I am aware of from my end. This was a very personal decision. Saying this for the record, there were multiple people affected by the situation, just because I resolved something with someone doesnt mean others have- this was a complicated situation. I can say that things have improved overall and hopefully, all that is left is to recover from it all.
(if you have no idea what im talking about- dont worry, tl;dr i resolved some stuff with someone s'all)
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