#I realized I probs should've mentioned his speech impediment in his info
epiphxnyxx · 4 years
open to: m/f/nb plot: your muse moved into the apartment next door and Taemoon has a crush on them and has finally built up the courage to introduce himself.
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Ever since Taemoon’s neighbor moved in a month ago, he’s been using every excuse he can to catch a glimpse of them, whether it be to grab the mail, take out the trash, or take the same elevator ride down to the ground floor. Taemoon isn’t shy by any means, but he wants to make a good first impression on this new neighbor that he can’t seem to take his eyes off of, and good first impressions have never really been his forte. Eventually, he comes to the conclusion that he can’t keep dancing around it any longer for fear of making himself look like a rude asshole, so he forces himself to make a homemade apple pie and knock on their door. His heart is racing so fast that he’s sure it’ll explode out of his chest at any given second, but he wills himself to calm down by taking a deep breath, and plastering a warm smile on his face when the door swings open. “Hi,” he says as sweetly as he possibly can, “I realized th-that I n-never properly in-ntroduced m-myself, an-nd I didn-n’t wan-nt you to th-think I was bein-ng rude. I’m-m just kin-nda cautious because of m-my speech im-mpedim-men-nt.” Taemoon sighs, knowing he likely caught the other completely off guard. “I m-made th-this for you. I kn-now it’s lon-ng overdue,” he adds as he hands over the dessert with careful hands.
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