epiphxnyxx · 4 years
Just letting everyone know that I haven't left, I've just been going through a lot of shit, plus I've been distracted with making a story about Comet on the new BTSU app. It's called The Man in the Paintings, please check it out, thank 💖
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
open to: m/f/nb (friends or acquaintances only if female bc Comet hella gay) plot: your muse buys Comet flowers uwu
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It’s painstakingly obvious just how badly Comet wants the bouquet of gladiolus flowers tauntingly staring back at him. He feels awkward just idly standing there, occasionally sparing glances at the flourish of bright, vivid colors so closely resembling the ones that he splashes across thousands upon thousands of blank canvases everyday. The desire to buy them so as to add a dash of color — a different form of color than that of his paintings — to liven up his apartment dwells deep within his heart and the pit of his stomach. It’s something so simple, yet so beautiful, and Comet is always one to gravitate towards things that are aesthetically pleasing. It’s the emptiness of his pockets that deceive him when he reaches into them, only to pull out a combination of nothingness and disappointment as a small pout graces his full lips. Leave it to him to forget his wallet at home...
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
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Moving was always weird. It probably was for anyone but for Micha it was… just that bit extra weird. It meant he had to get used to new neighbors, new sounds, and the fact said neighbors who made annoying sounds probably thought he was an asshole. They’d nod, say hello in the elevator, but he’d never respond back. He couldn’t even if he wanted to, and Micha didn’t exactly fancy giving everyone that bothered saying hello a note saying he wasn’t being rude he was just mute. So he just… left it. It was awkward, stressful, annoying, but he was used to it. So why was one of his neighbors standing in front of him after a full month presenting him with a… pie? Micha found himself just staring as Taemoon made it threw his sentence, barely managing to keep up with what was actually being said in the process. He’d seen the guy around a few times but had expected, just like the others, that the coldness was a result of Micha’s apparent own. Yet - he was - Micha blinks. Well. Slowly he holds out his hands as if to tell Taemoon to pass it here, nodding in thanks. What else was he supposed to do? If he’d been expecting someone he’d have his note pad on him, but he’d been so caught off guard he didn’t even have his phone to type a ‘thanks’ out to the neighbor. Just… nodding and holding his hands out was his best bet to get the message across.
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It would be a lie to say that Taemoon isn’t just a little confused by his neighbor’s silence. At first, he thinks that maybe he’s said or done something to upset the other. He tries his best to recall everything that’s occurred in the past month since his neighbor had moved in, but nothing came to mind aside from lack of external acknowledgment of the other. Maybe that’s enough to make his new neighbor feel a little miffed towards him? If it were him, he’d probably feel that way towards himself too, so he would understand completely. That doesn’t exactly appear to be the case when the other suddenly seems to be stretching his hands out for the pie. He’s a bit taken aback at first, so he hesitates, but then he realizes that he probably looks odd just standing there with a dumbfounded expression on his face, so he quickly hands over the dessert and offers another sweet smile. Despite the slight awkwardness due to the lack of conversation, he can’t help but to take note of just how much cuter his neighbor is up close. “I’m-m sorry, did I scare you? I didn-n’t m-mean-n to in-nterrupt if you were busy...” he claims as he attempts to make his smile a tad bit kinder, if only to make the other feel more at ease.
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
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Gwen had finally settled into her apartment, while it wasn’t exactly fancy by any means it was definitely a step up from when she had been renting a room in an older woman’s house. So she was pretty proud of herself for that. Her neighbors weren’t too bad either, no loud music or obnoxious stomping at odd hours of the night. She definitely could make herself comfortable here. Gwen perks up at hearing the knock on her door, opening the door to see it was one of her neighbors. She’d caught the occasional glance at him but they really hadn’t had time to talk. A smile comes to her lips as she nods. “That’s alright, I didn’t think you were rude, I promise.” Sure it’s a surprise to see him but not exactly a bad one. “I’m Gwen, by the way and thank you, I appreciate it.” She holds the dessert in her hands, chancing a glance over her shoulder into her apartment. It wasn’t covered with papers from work like it usually would, guest friendly. Her gaze turns back to him as she takes a small step back. “Do you want to come in?”
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A sense of relief washes over Taemoon when his new neighbor assures him that she didn’t think his behavior was rude. It’s a breath of fresh air, considering most people wouldn’t have been so understanding, nor would they have been as welcoming. Taemoon lets out a small sigh as a result, feeling as though a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders, despite it being such a menial thing to worry about in the first place. “Good, I’m-m glad I didn-n’t m-make you th-think I was bein-ng a douchebag,” he says with a small nod of his head, his smile growing relaxed and slightly warmer. “N-Nice to m-meet you, Gwen-n. I’m-m Taem-moon-n, but you can-n just call m-me M-Moon-n.” If possible, the faint blush that had been slowly creeping up to his nose and cheeks grows even deeper when she invites him in. He had expected a quick, friendly chat at most, and to be sent on his way, but to be invited in? He hadn’t exactly prepared himself for that possibility. He’d be a fool to deny the offer, however, so he immediately jumps on the opportunity. “Uh, sure, th-thanks,” he mutters before slowly and cautiously stepping into Gwen’s apartment. “You’ve decorated th-the place n-nicely...” he adds as he does a quick glance over his surroundings before turning his attention back to her.
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
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Hyunbae grinned at the other male, shaking his head a bit at Comet’s words. “I work all day at the restaurant cooking food for others, excuse me if I feel like I should be pampered a bit.” He laughed. In all honesty Hyunbae didn’t mind coming home and cooking some more, he enjoyed cooking a lot, he just also liked when others did things for him because then he got to tease them about it. Plus, Hyunbae looooooved watching Comet, literally he could be wiping his ass and Hyunbae would find it amazing and entertaining and just downright adorable. “My my my Comet, are you flirting with me?” He teased, leaning closer to the male as he inspected himself in the mirror. “I could have blended a bit better but you look great either way handsome.” Without any warning Hyunbae wrapped his arms around the other male and gave him a tight hug, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek before getting up from the couch. “You know what, I think there’s one more thing that could go with this look, hang on.” Hyunbae rushed off to his room and came back with a tube in his hand. “I have a clear lipgloss that would look great with my work.” He crawled over the male again and leaned closely to his lips. “Don’t move, just give me a moment.” He whispered softly.
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“Alright, I guess you’ve got a point. I won’t complain again.” He admits his defeat with an exaggerated sigh and a small giggle. Okay, Hyunbae is just casually sitting on his lap and all up in his space, but is accusing him of flirting. Nothing totally out of the ordinary, right? Maybe, maybe not, but regardless, Comet’s heart is beating fiercely against his rib cage, like a vicious beast thrashing against the steel bars of its entrapment. He does his best to remain calm and collected despite such, because the last thing he needs is to make things awkward. “N-No!” he replies just a little too quickly, flinching at his own ill-timed response before he’s quick to change his answer. “Yes...maybe? W-Would it make a difference if I was...?” he asks, only half-joking as his cheeks flush a faint red. Comet isn’t sure if he wants to know that answer, because what if Hyunbae really is just doing it for shits and giggles? He would be lying if he said he didn’t, at the very least, feel his heartstrings being pulled whenever Hyunbae smiled at him, or pressed a kiss to his cheek just as he was doing now. That being said, he isn’t quite sure how he’d take the rejection. Comet purses his lips into a thin smile when the other leaves, only to come back with a tube of lip gloss in hand. Comet’s eyes absolutely sparkle at the idea, and he doesn’t waste a moment to lean forward and pucker his lips slightly in preparation for the addition to his makeup.
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
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sergio didn’t think that he’d make the other blush so easily , it was just clear on his face. which only made sergio grin a bit more before chuckling at the pout he was given. it was definitely cute. “ got nothin’ to be sorry about ..” sergio kept his hands lingering on comet’s waist, making sure the other didn’t scurry away from embarrassment. quite frankly, he didn’t mind that they weren’t the best dancer – half the fun was teaching him how to dance, afterall. sergio finally caught the other’s eyes before they darted away again. “ i mean typically you would be looking at me – but i get it, i’m that handsome that it’s hard to look at me… that or i’m just really that ugly, huh ? ” he joked, chuckling.       
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If Comet’s breath seems shaky and short, it’s totally not because he’s hyper-aware of Sergio’s firm grip on his hips...except that it totally is. He does his best to smile through it, however, because he needs to be cool, not awkward and dumb and crushing hard on a stranger like an idiot. This is Comet we’re talking about here though, so all hope is lost in that regard. “Yeah, intimidatingly handsome is more like it...” Comet states with a small scoff. The second the words tumble forth, he gasps and slaps a hand over his mouth, his dark eyes growing wide once he realizes that he let all the stupid out. Just grabbed that bucket of stupid and dumped it all over the floor to wet his shoes and soak all the way up from his socks to the collar of his shirt and absorb into his very soul. Stupid, stupid, stupid! “I, um...I-I-I, uh...” he mutters, his hands almost flailing as he tries to come up with something — anything — to say in his defense. “S-So like, th-that was, um...uh...” Say something, damn it! “I-I...oops?” Yeah...nice save.
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
𝙸𝚃   𝙷𝙰𝚂𝙽'𝚃   𝙱𝙴𝙴𝙽   that   long   since   she   &   dimitri   moved   into   the   apartment,   considering   that   it   has   only   been   a   few   weeks   since   uni   started.   while   they   were   browsing   through   their   choices,   it   seemed   like   the   best   option   ———   it   was   spacious,   with   a   balcony   &   soundproof   walls.   it   was   also   dog   friendly,   &   they   were   more   than   happy   to   bring   tripod   along   in   their   impending   move.   since   they’re   quite   new   to   the   neighborhood,   sophie   has   yet   to   get   to   know   the   other   residents   in   the   building.   she’s   lucky   enough   to   greet   them   when   they   pass   each   other   in   the   hallways   or   catch   them   on   the   way   down   the   elevator.   after   all,   sophie   loves   making   friends   with   strangers.   who   knows   when   she’ll   have   to   borrow   a   jug   of   milk   ? 
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when   she   hears   a   knock,   she   raises   her   head   from   the   television   screen   &   walk   towards   the   door   to   spring   it   wide   open.   she’s   surprised   to   see   a   familiar   face   on   the   other   side   ———   someone   she’s   seen   from   time   to   time   when   she   has   to   get   the   mail   or   go   to   school.   sophie   smiles   at   him   &   inevitably   lights   up   at   the   sight   of   the   dessert.   ❛   it’s   okay.   i   should’ve   introduced   myself   earlier,   too.   i’m   sophie.   &   you   ?   ❜   she   mindfully   takes   the   pie   &   holds   it   against   her   ribs.   ❛   this   looks   amazing,   &   it   smells   really   good,   too   !   it’s   been   a   while   since   we’ve   had   some   pie.   ❜   glancing   up,   sophie   smiles   at   him   brightly.   ❛   thank   you   !   i   would   bake   you   something   in   exchange   but   .   .   .   i’m   not   really   that   much   of   a   cook.   i   can   get   you   something   else,   instead.   ❜
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Taemoon is pleasantly surprised that his new neighbor doesn’t take his previous silence and off-putting presence to heart. Similar past encounters had resulted in a scoff in his face, or, at the very least, a misunderstanding due to his stutter. It makes him slightly more hopeful for a possible friendship with the beautiful young woman in the future...maybe more, if he’s lucky. Her friendly and welcoming aura is contagious, and he feels his smile become less forced, and more like it was meant to be there in the first place. “N-Nice to m-meet you, Sophie,” he says warmly with a nod, reaching his hand out to her for a shake. Handshakes always make him feel awkward, but it’s the neighborly thing to do, so he goes for it anyways. “I’m-m Taem-moon-n, but m-most people just call m-me M-Moon-n.” A faint blush tints his cheeks as Sophie — wow, Sophie... — um! Sophie compliments the smell of his pie, hoping that it tastes just as good. “Th-thank you, it’s m-my dad’s recipe.” His adoptive dad, of course. He doesn’t know his real dad, but if he had to guess, he’s sure he wouldn’t have been able to bake a pie to save his life. “Oh, it’s n-no problem-m, I don-n’t n-need an-nyth-thin-ng. I wouldn-n’t wann-na im-mpose.”
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
I’m finally back and got my dashboard to load up properly again! I’ll be working on replies the rest of the night, and then I’ll mass post them.
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
So I haven't disappeared!! Things have just been crazy this past week. My best friend that's lived with me for five years just moved back home over the weekend, and it's three hours away so I can barely see her now, and trying to cope has been.. a process, to say the least. Not to mention, my dashboard won't load for me so I can't even do replies until this issue is sorted 🙃
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
It's been an odd couple of days as far as my sleep schedule goes, so I'll be on to do replies and such tomorrow.
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
open to: m/f/nb plot: your muse moved into the apartment next door and Taemoon has a crush on them and has finally built up the courage to introduce himself.
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Ever since Taemoon’s neighbor moved in a month ago, he’s been using every excuse he can to catch a glimpse of them, whether it be to grab the mail, take out the trash, or take the same elevator ride down to the ground floor. Taemoon isn’t shy by any means, but he wants to make a good first impression on this new neighbor that he can’t seem to take his eyes off of, and good first impressions have never really been his forte. Eventually, he comes to the conclusion that he can’t keep dancing around it any longer for fear of making himself look like a rude asshole, so he forces himself to make a homemade apple pie and knock on their door. His heart is racing so fast that he’s sure it’ll explode out of his chest at any given second, but he wills himself to calm down by taking a deep breath, and plastering a warm smile on his face when the door swings open. “Hi,” he says as sweetly as he possibly can, “I realized th-that I n-never properly in-ntroduced m-myself, an-nd I didn-n’t wan-nt you to th-think I was bein-ng rude. I’m-m just kin-nda cautious because of m-my speech im-mpedim-men-nt.” Taemoon sighs, knowing he likely caught the other completely off guard. “I m-made th-this for you. I kn-now it’s lon-ng overdue,” he adds as he hands over the dessert with careful hands.
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
open to: m/f/nb
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Jungwon’s eyes are oh-so-very-obviously lingering on the stranger, accompanied by a tantalizing bite of his lip. Yes, he’s trying to be seductive, and yes, he knows the other is fully aware of his gawking. It isn’t enough to make him look away in shame when their gazes meet, however. If anything, it only drives his determination to get the stranger’s attention, and before he can stop himself, he’s closing the gap between them with slow strides. “So...I couldn’t help but notice you were staring at me back there...” No, Jun, it was the other way around, but no one would be able to convince you otherwise. “Is there something wrong with my hair, or am I just that pretty?”
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
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   it’s been a while since sergio came into a club. trying to steal clear for a bit to avoid.. unwanted eyes. however, his own eyes were rather locked on something who was sticking to the walls. he was persistent to get him to dance because what was the point of coming to the club if you weren’t gonna dance, huh ? he laughed as he kept the other moving, keeping his hands on the stranger’s waist. “ awkward ? wouldn’t have guessed.” he lightly teased. “ nah, you’re doing great – though i would suggest not looking at your feet too much. ” sergio was grinning as he tried to look at him. course, he figured it was still too awkward.  
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A bright red flushes Comet’s cheeks as the other teases him, and he internally scolds himself for being so blatantly obvious about being flustered. Comet has long since came out of his shell, but sometimes, in situations where a close proximity is required, he almost reverts back to that shy, timid boy. “S-Sorry...” he mumbles out again through a small pout, feeling terrible for putting the poor guy in such a predicament. This was why he had tried to obscure himself, to save everyone else from the embarrassment of dancing with him, but it’s a little too late to keep reflecting on that now. “Um, I’m sorry, I just...truth be told, this is my first time dancing...” He hesitates, briefly meeting the other’s eyes, but looks back down again once the pressure he puts on himself to not be so weird rears its ugly head. “Well...dancing with someone else, anyways. I’m not quite sure where to look...”
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
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🦄  —    ‘ s p a r k l e
                                             wherever you
                                                                            GO ‘
independent, multi-muse, multi-ship                                                                                                                                                                                                     FOLLOW | ABOUT
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
my brother and sister-in-law ended up staying waaaay later than I expected and now a bitch be tired, so I’ll respond to messages and be interactive tomorrow. I did manage to put up Moon’s and Jun’s info, however, so if people wanna check them out, have at it.
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
that said, I’m hopping off for the night to do shit. I’ll go ahead and add Moon and Jun to this blog tomorrow and maybe post an opener or a starter call or something if anyone is interested.
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epiphxnyxx · 4 years
tentaculi said: yes hi hello!!! i have missed you too!! (Enter answer my text or else voice here)
ksfdjbg I haven’t received a text tho??? but yes ma’am, I’ll answer once I get one lmao
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