#I need a cool ask tag hmm... the only Muse song I can think of that has ask in it is 'keep us apart; it's too much to ask'
sunburnacoustic · 1 year
Muse ask! 17, 29, 41
Hii @exalteranima you're this blog's first ask!! Thanks for sending it, I love each of these questions, they're spot on!
17: How many Muse shirts do you own?
I live in band tees like 3 days a week anyway, and yeah naturally some of them are Muse shirts!
I have either 3 or 4, I'll explain... I got a Will of the People tour shirt at my gig this March, excitedly got one on the October club tour, got one at their 2019 Simulation Theory gig, but I think I've lost it in moving back to uni, which is devastating :( It was the tour shirt with the dates and the Simulation Theory artwork on it! It might still be in some suitcase, so who knows?
The ST tour was also my first big gig ever, and first Muse gig (!!), so going in I had no idea that merch was inside the venue, so I bought a knockoff shirt from someone outside the venue. It's a little loose for me to be honest, but it's what's I have left from the ST tour now so I don't regret having bought it. It has my tour date!
On a sidenote, Muse are the only band at whose gigs you will regularly find small-sized shirts that fit, they always have good stock of them. At other bands' gigs, I've always found the smaller shirts sell out really quickly and you're left with having to choose between getting a shirt that's too large to practically wear, or not have a shirt at all if you're a size S/M. I kinda suspect that's because Matt's definitely a S/M himself :)
29: Favourite hair colour on Matt?
:) This question made me laugh out loud for a full minute. The answer is the jet-black he had dyed his hair circa 2006-2008. It was a really smart look. (If someone who knows me in real life finds this blog, I hope they obliterate me before they find some of the tags I've left on BHAR-era Matt pictures.)
41: If you were interviewing Muse, what would you ask?
This one's relevant since this is what I do anyway 😅I probably won't be interviewing Muse anytime soon, but haven't we all dreamed about it at some point anyway?
I'd love to ask him about his thematic inspirations, how he sort of looks at the world around him, finds ideas and inspiration in books (every single album has had the influence of some book or other on it on at least a song, except maybe Will Of The People. I can't recall any for this album yet?), film, etc. and expands them into not just song ideas, but albums, the live show, stage props and sets; into immersive experiences as he would like fans to also experience them. How does he do that? Is there anything that's too far-fetched for Muse? Can they turn anything into the Muse Experience? It's the single most interesting thing about Muse's themes compared to any other band!
On a personal note I would really like to ask him about motivation... especially in fields like music, I just can't imagine there aren't times when people lose motivation, get temporarily bored, or just get frozen in fear of the unknown. How do they keep pushing forward, keep making brilliant albums without self-doubt? How do you keep trusting yourself? They're quite the band to know!
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Hey, I love your writing! Could you maybe do like Marlene makes Sirius and Remus do the boyfriend tag for the lions media page and the questions are just a mix of cute, normal things and then really really not so cute normal things 👀
I may have gotten a little carried away with this ideas, whoops! There isn’t much ~spicy~ stuff here, but if you guys liked it I’ll do a part 2! Writing this was easily the best part of my day. Credit for Coops and Sweater Weather goes to @lumosinlove!
“Hello, everyone, I’m Dorcas Meadowes, and welcome back to Lion Pride!” Dorcas smiled at the camera and waved. “Today I’m here with team captain Sirius Black and our newest player, Remus Lupin, for the boyfriend tag. They’ll be asking each other a series of questions and they are legally obligated to answer honestly!”
“Wait, really?” Remus asked, his eyes wide.
“No, but it’s a good idea anyway.” Dorcas shuffled the small stack of notecards in her hands and passed half to each of them. “I’m here to supervise and clarify if you need it.”
“Alright, first question: how did we meet?” Sirius grinned. “Take your time on this one.”
“We met in the PT room before I was formally introduced to the team because Pots unscrewed the lids of the Gatorade bottles and the spout hit you in the eye.”
“Oh my god, I forgot about that!” Sirius turned to the camera. “Watch out, Pots, vengeance is coming.”
“Question number two,” Remus laughed. “If we’re going out to eat, where are we going?”
“Sid’s.” They said in unison.
“Number three: What’s one food I don’t like?”
Remus paused and bit his lip. “That’s a tough one. You’re kind of like a black hole for food. Uh, maybe pickles?”
“Yeah, I hate pickles.” Sirius shuddered dramatically. “Leave the poor zucchini alone.”
“Pickles are made from cucumbers.”
“Same difference.”
“No, it’s not!”
“Moving on!” Dorcas interrupted. “Remus, you’re up.”
“This is why we need a supervisor,” he said to the camera. “Okay, question four. How many siblings do I have?”
Sirius lit up and beamed at him. “One! Jules!”
“Your number-one fan,” Remus teased.
Sirius glanced down at the next card and barked out a laugh. “Oh, I’m going to get roasted so hard here. Am I a morning person or a night person?”
“You are the earliest early bird of all time and it’s terrible,” Remus groaned. “Six a.m. rolls around and he’s wide awake while I’m barely a person until eight, and that’s assuming I’ve had coffee.”
“You’re the cutest zombie I’ve ever seen at seven in the morning,” Sirius said.
“Aw, babe. Question six: what’s our song?”
Sirius thought for a moment. “Hmm, I don’t know.”
“I was going to say, I don’t think we have one yet.”
“We’re taking suggestions if anyone has ideas,” Sirius said to the camera. “What’s my best friend’s name.”
“Harry Potter,” Remus answered without hesitating. “You only like Pots for his baby.”
Remus started to read the next card, then looked to Dorcas. “Do I have to ask this one?”
“Cover your ears, everyone. What’s my nickname?”
“LOOPS!” Sirius shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth. “But to me it’s mon loup. What’s my weirdest habit?”
Remus dropped his face into his hands. “Your order of operations. To anyone out there who still thinks Sirius Black is cool—stop kicking me!—last night he got stuck in his t-shirt because he was brushing his teeth at the same time.”
“It’s efficient!” Sirius protested, poking him in the calf one more time. “You don’t appreciate me.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Remus kissed him on the cheek. “Okay, what’s one of my special talents?”
“That doesn’t count,” Dorcas said.
“Bummer. You can sing really well.”
Remus’ ears went pink. “I don’t know about really well.”
“You do it all the time!”
“That doesn’t mean I’m good at it!” They both laughed until Dorcas cleared her throat.
“Sorry, sorry. Question number…something. If you were baking me a birthday cake, what flavor would it be?”
Remus snorted. “Bold of you to assume I can bake. But if I could, I’d do a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting.”
“You’d steal all the frosting off it, wouldn’t you.”
“Oh, definitely. Next question! Where was I born?”
Sirius was quiet for a solid ten seconds. “…Wisconsin?”
“What, the entire state?”
“I know you were born in a hospital.”
“Do you have any idea how many Wisconsin hospitals there are?”
“Well, you were only born in one of them.” Sirius shrugged. “I give up, what city?”
“I’m not telling you. You can call my mom and ask when we’re done here.”
“She’d tease me for days. I’ll get it out of you eventually.” Sirius shook his head and turned back to the cards. “Oh, here’s a good one: could you tell I liked you?”
Remus burst out laughing. “Are you kidding me? No!”
Sirius turned to face the camera. “If anyone out there doesn’t know the whole situation, we basically just stared at each other for, like, a year before anything happened.”
“I think the first time I started picking up on it was when I came back from vacation and got a fifteen-second hug from this one,” Remus said, pointing his thumb toward Sirius. “At that point I kind of went ‘…wait a minute’.”
“Let’s do the next question before you spill any more embarrassing stories.” Remus’ smile turned sharp. “Oh, no.”
“What was your first impression of me?”
“Hot.” Sirius’ eyebrows shot up. “Woah, I said that way too fast, didn’t I?”
“A little bit, but I appreciate it.”
“Are you comfortable with PDA?” Sirius looked over at Dorcas. In lieu of an answer, Remus scooted over on their shared couch and settled down in Sirius’ lap. “Hello.”
“Hi. As you can see, I can’t stand it if you even breathe on me in public.”
“God forbid we make eye contact.”
“In all honesty, I think we’ve already crossed the PDA bridge,” Remus said. “Once pictures of you and your boyfriend making out go viral, there’s really no incentive to tone it down. My turn: who’s my favorite musician?”
“Fucking ABBA.” Sirius let his head fall on the back of the couch. “Sorry, I mean ABBA.” Remus started whistling the intro to ‘Gimme, Gimme, Gimme’ and Sirius scrambled for his notecards. “What’s my favorite time of the year?”
It took Remus a minute to catch his breath from laughing. “Uh, fall. Autumn. We have the same favorite, actually.”
“It’s a great season. You get hockey, big sweaters, and there’s still a little bit of sunshine.”
“Halloween, too,” Remus added. “Oh, shit, you’re going to have a field day with this one. What word do I use the most?”
“Jeez.” Sirius gave him a big smooch on the cheek. “Such a Midwesterner. Where was our first kiss?”
“Pascal Dumais’ guest room, on a dark and stormy night,’ Remus said. “We got snowed in for Sirius’ birthday party.”
“It was really romantic though.”
“Yeah.” Remus planted a quick kiss on his lips before grabbing the next card. “Who would win in an argument?”
“What’s the argument about?” Sirius asked. “Dorcas, is there a specification?”
“I think we trade off,” Remus mused. “We don’t fight much.”
“Nah. Kissing or cuddling?”
“What about it?”
“Which one do each of you prefer?” Dorcas clarified. She hadn’t stopped smiling since the interview started.
“Ohhhhh.” Remus readjusted himself in Sirius’ lap so he was leaning against the armrest more. “I mean, both are great.”
“Last question for me!” Remus waved his final notecard in Sirius’ face. “How would you describe my style? Tread carefully, Cap.”
Sirius thought hard for a moment. “This is a dangerous question, Dorcas. Um, you’re going to hate me for this.”
“Spit it out, Black.”
“Sexy librarian?”
“Fuck off.”
“See! I told you!”
“Sexy librarian? Really? At least I own clothing other than monochrome t-shirts!”
“I have my game day suit, too.”
“…the suit is nice.”
Dorcas was laughing too hard to get them back on track, so Marlene had to motion at them from behind the camera. “Sorry, Marlene, we’ll finish up. Okay, Fruit Loop, am I a dog or a cat person?”
“I think you love dogs more than you love me,” Remus said. “You don’t hate cats, though.”
“First of all, that’s not true, I love you most.” Sirius kissed him soundly on the lips. “Second of all, Regulus is enough of a cat person for both of us.”
“I was genuinely afraid we’d come home and find out he’d adopted eight kittens while he was still living with us. Dorcas, is that it?”
“That’s it,” she confirmed, still dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. “Great job, you guys killed it. Thanks for watching everyone, and make sure to stay updated with Lion Pride social media!”
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damatris · 4 years
There's Harshness In Your Voice And Softness In Your Hands
May I offer you a very soft and hopefully funny concussed!Jaskier geraskier fic in these trying times? Also tagging @jaskierswolf since you’re an awesome writer and I super appreciated your kind words and encouragement! <3 This was the third fic I wrote after a 8 year break in writing prose. :’D
Pre-Geraskier, concussed!Jaskier, protective!Geralt, Fluff, And Humor wc:  2,638 Also on AO3 with The Mud Wolf song!
"Are we there yet?" Jaskier asked with a grin, knowing perfectly well the town was only ten minute walk away. Exasperated sigh was his only response, just as he predicted.
"I do hope I have enough time to turn your newest valiant fight into an epic tale. Spinning a song out of a mud covered Witcher and his battle with an overgrown worm might be impossible for a lesser bard but I'm sure I can manage." he continued, taking maybe slightly too much joy out of having stayed spotless while Geralt looked like he had rolled on wet ground for a good while. Which wasn't too far from the truth.
For once the hunt had been more of an annoyance than life threatening. Geralt had been hired to take care of an unidentified monster wreaking havoc on the soft soil of nearby fields, threatening the crops.
Turned out the monster was a sizable worm like creature with thick ridged skin and countless teeth similar to sharp picks in a gaping maw. Which could have been deadly if its anatomy didn't require one to stick an arm inside the mouth to be bitten. But it had been strong, squirmy and eager to burrow away forcing Geralt to drag it out of the ground with both hands more than once. It ended up more of a wrestling match than a fight before he had been able to skewer the monster with his sword.
Jaskier had been happy to offer gleeful advice and encouragement from a safe distance where flying muck couldn't reach his silk doublet.
"Really, it would make for a good ditty, something to hum while working the fields" the bard continued, demonstrating a bright tune.
"Don't." Geralt said blankly, dragging the monster's corpse. Mud was starting to flake off his face and armor leaving dusty residue. He would have to give it a throughout cleaning later. Having caked mud in armor joints could only lead to discomfort and possibility of something jamming.
"We'll see." Jaskier said and kept humming until they reached their destination.
Calling it a town might be slightly generous but it was a lively place. During the day there had been a sizable crowd of customers and sellers in the town square, children playing and general bustle of people hurrying on their errands. Even now in the twilight hours there were people walking around giving them looks ranging from disgust to fear to bafflement. Which Jaskier thought was fair enough considering a bloody carcass was being dragged by an extremely filthy Witcher down their streets.
He too would have stopped to stare at such a spectacle once upon a time. Nowadays he just witnessed the hunting of the dangerous creatures instead.
Few minutes later they separated. Geralt was off to present the proof of the completed mission to the magistrate and collect his fee while Jaskier continued to the inn they were staying at. He had a promise to keep to the owner. Not that it was any sort of a hardship. He would have performed anyway but getting free meals for both of them was a very welcome bonus.
The inn's tavern with its warmth and amiable atmosphere was a welcome change from the cooling evening. Conversations and laughter, clinking of drinks being drank and dinners being eaten filled the space with familiar sounds. It had been far too long since the last time they had stayed somewhere nice Jaskier decided. Adjusting his lute he headed toward the bar to talk with the owner.
"Hello again!" Jaskier greeted placing a coin on the counter. "Could you draw a bath in about thirty minutes or so? Not for me, don't worry. I'm ready to sing until everyone here is full of good cheer and good ale!" he ended with a wink.
"That might take quite the while knowing these folks." Oscar, a tall broad man chuckled. Noticing the lack of a looming presence he asked "Bath's for the Witcher then?"
"Absolutely! You should and will see the state he landed himself. So easy to mistake for something that crawled out of a swamp and rolled in dirt for good measure. If you hadn't already seen him, you'd swear his hair is black and skin grey. Thankfully the same fate didn't befall me." Jaskier gestured to his clothes. "Now that would have been a tragedy."
"Plenty of water needed then." Oscar nodded to himself, moving toward a patron looking for a drink. "I'll have it ready for him."
Jaskier gave a small playful bow and twirled around to spot a good place to stash his lute case.
This evening had blessed him with an appreciative audience, Jaskier mused happily. He had begun with true crowd pleasers, jaunty songs that each and everyone knew, to draw the attention and set a jovial mood before moving to his original pieces bridging the change with Toss A Coin. It truly was a great trademark and transition song with addition of people usually complying with the lyrics and handing out money. Sure, there always were some grumblers who would prefer anything over having to hear about the White Wolf in a positive light but you never could please everyone. No matter how much he would like to.
Jaskier had started on the third song detailing a hunt he had witnessed when the Witcher of the tale entered the tavern drawing all eyes and causing murmur.
"Your bard really wasn't exaggerating much." Oscar noted behind the bar with a wry smile. "There's a warm bath waiting for you upstairs. I'd make haste if I were you."
Geralt nodded his acknowledgment while taking a sweeping look at the tavern. Spotting Jaskier near the stairs leading up to the second floor he locked eyes with him for a moment before starting in that direction. While Jaskier's performance hadn't faltered even for a second it was clear he was laughing internally at Geralt's appearance. His blue eyes were sparkling with mirth as he took stock of the stiff hair and dust falling with every step.
Walking past him to the stairs Geralt grunted something that was both a thank you and a warning. Jaskier felt quite proud of how well he had learned the meanings of the various hmms and wordless grunts Geralt seemed so overly fond of.
"Filthy fucking mutant!"
Jaskier was used to being pelted with various objects by dissatisfied audiences so he didn't think anything about stepping between something flying and the Witcher's retreating back.
Until blinding pain hit him.
On a reflex Jaskier threw his arms in front of himself trying to ensure the safety of his lute as he was knocked down on his back. Trying to draw air back into his deflated lungs and focus on anything outside of the ringing in his ears, he vaguely registered a dark shape jumping over him with a curse.
It might have been a year or it might have been a second before a large hand shook his shoulder.
"Damn it Jaskier, breath!"
Ah, yes. He knew that voice. He should probably answer.
"...G'r'lt..." not the most eloquent but passable. It was kind of hard to force words out when you had to think about breathing. Maybe he should go back to practicing basics if saying one word clearly took that much air. How had he ever sang possessing such a horrendous breathing technique?
"Look at me."
But he already was? Oh, wait. That darkness wasn't Geralt's black armor. He just had his eyes closed. But who was he to deny the chance of looking at Geralt's eyes? They were so beautiful after all. With herculean task he blinked and, behold, those molten yellow eyes were intensely staring at his. Such perfection surrounded by dancing stars.
"Can you sit up?"
Should be simple enough but he would need his hands. And they were...
"M' lute...?"
"Of fucking course you would worry about your lute. You're clutching it."
Ah. Good. Everything was fine in that case. Case. Where was his lute case? No, he had put it down before performing. Should be safe. Even if he couldn't recall where it was. Maybe he could ask Geralt. He could just-
"Sniff 'nd find" it with his strange strange Witcher senses. Seemed like a good plan. Geralt would know the scent.
"What the everlasting fuck Jaskier? How hard did that tankard hit your head?"
But tankards weren't for hitting? Why would he have…? Ah. Yes. He must have stepped in front of it now that he thought about it. Still, who would throw one? If you wanted to throw something at a person then-
"Coins ar' good, bre'd okay."
"That's it. I'm taking him to our room."
Jaskier had never realized he could levitate but suddenly he wasn't on the floor anymore. It felt much more safe and warm than he would have thought. And weirdly dusty. Also, Geralt's face was very close. Very, very close. So very close. It was distracting him from the experience. It was unfair how-
"Handsome." Geralt was. Robbing him the chance of experiencing flight. The bastard.
"If you mumble nonsense then you can just shut up."
Shit, Jaskier thought. He wasn't levitating anymore. He had missed his chance of enjoying it. Suddenly also the warmth and Geralt's face were gone. No, there was Geralt again. But why wasn't his hair white? It was even in the name. The White Wolf. Not-
"The Mud Wolf."
"Really Jaskier? Not even coherent and you make insults?"
Geralt was an insult. With his pretty eyes and pretty lips and strong arms. Arms…? Maybe Jaskier didn't know how to levitate after all. Maybe Geralt-
"Carried me?" Huh. That would have been even better to register than levitating. If he asked would Geralt do it again while hiding his stupid good looking face? No, probably not.
He would? Wait, no. It was an affirmation for being carried, Jaskier realized with disappointment. He was prevented from brooding by something wet and stinging touching his forehead. He wanted it to-
"Stop. Hurts."
"Stay still. I need to clean this."
Geralt was the one who had wrestled a worm, not him. Heh, that's why he was The Mud Wolf! Didn't explain why his forehead needed cleaning though. Jaskier took a deep breath and tried to focus. Worm, tavern, performing, Geralt coming in. Then it got fuzzy. But hadn't there been a mention of a-
"Tankard. I got hit by a tankard?"
"Finally. Yes Jaskier, you were an absolute idiot and stepped in its path." a relieved sigh passed Geralt's lips.
"You were already in its path." Jaskier accused him wincing against a new stab of pain. Geralt should be thankful. Who knew that an overglorified cup could hurt this much?
"I was the target. It would have hit my back. While wearing an armor. If I hadn't caught it first."
"..." Jaskier blamed his lack of a comeback on concussion. Having one would explain everything. "Please don't say a child threw it and managed to knock me out."
There was an amused huff. "No, it was an adult. One that has a far worse headache."
"They managed this while concus-? You gave them one!" Jaskier crowed pleased with his returning mental skills. "Ooh, I wish I could have seen it. I hope they lost a lot of teeth! And have a broken nose."
"Probably, didn't check. I had more important things to do." Geralt answered prodding Jaskier's head. It didn't look too bad now that the blood was gone. An ugly bruise was quickly forming on a sizeable bump but the cut wasn't long or deep. Shouldn't even leave a scar. Head wounds just bled like a bitch as Geralt knew from personal experience.
"I'm important?" Jaskier breathed with wide eyes and hanging mouth.
Of course. That would be his take away, Geralt thought. Not that he was wrong but…
"Dear Melitele, am I hallucinating?" Jaskier whispered lifting his arm to cup Geralt's cheek. And would have promptly poked him in the eye if Geralt hadn't snatched his hand.
"Geralt of Rivia admitting to care about someone? This must be a first!" a familiar sparkle was returning to Jaskier's pinched eyes. He moved their interlocked hands to take a better look. It wasn't particularly romantic with Geralt holding his wrist but Jaskier would take it.
Just as the thought crossed his mind Geralt let go and his arm flopped bonelessly back on the bed. He didn't remember his hands weighting that much. Weird. Combined with his lute he must have far more strength than he had guessed to be able to play for whole nights with no problem.
"Geralt, where's my lute?" Jaskier suddenly panicked trying to get up to look for it. He was screwed if someone had stolen or, god forbid, broken it. All he got for his attempt was splitting pain.
"Your priorities are fucked up." Geralt stated picking a potion and bandage out of his bag. "It's in the corner. Oscar brought it with the case."
"Excuse me! It's my tool of trade, my life line and…" Jaskier trailed off frowning.
"I'll finish that after I've slept." he sniffed radiating offense.
"You do that. Now, stay still." Geralt drawled. Swiping the cut one last time he covered it with gauze.
It might not be strictly necessary but he was quite sure Jaskier would tear it open at least few times with his animated expressions. And, it made him feel slightly better if he was honest. Realizing the bard had purposefully stepped in front of him and crumpled down like a sack of potatoes had been shocking. Just thinking about it made him want to tear the culprit apart piece by piece.
What in the world had driven Jaskier to do it was a mystery. He should be perfectly aware a flying mug was no danger for a Witcher.
"Drink." Geralt ordered shoving the potion toward Jaskier.
Jaskier did make a valiant effort to take the potion but kept missing the mark until Geralt placed it in his hand with an exasperated sigh. Shakily he drank the concoction without hesitation until the bottle was empty, Geralt helping him lift his head enough not to choke.
"Wait. What was that? You always go on and on how your strange Witcher potions are not for us weak fragile humans. You wouldn't poison me after all this time, right? Geralt?" Jaskier suddenly worried.
"If I wanted you dead I'd have killed you long ago. And not with poison." Geralt answered blankly.
"It's just painkiller. You can sleep now. I'll keep waking you up to make sure last of your brain cells didn't rattle loose." he continued lifting the blanket for Jaskier to wrap it around himself.
"That's offensive. I'll let you know I have plenty of commonsense…" Jaskier protested weakly eyelids fluttering.
"Sure. As much as a toddler." Geralt granted. Softer, he prompted Jaskier to close his eyes. "Sleep. You'll feel better after."
"... Uh-huh…" came the eloquent answer. Just before he succumbed to his exhaustion, Jaskier could have sworn he felt gentle hand carding through his hair.
Also on AO3 with The Mud Wolf song!
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austenholls · 4 years
Purple-Hued Night
LOCATION → huntington beach, ca
TIME FRAME → friday night, june 18th, 2027 | 11:00 - 11:47 PM 
NOTES →  written on discord.  winnie & austen chat in the hot tub while sharing a bottle of lukewarm Jameson - about austen’s muse, winnie’s dancing, and caring about what people think. 
TAGGING → @austenholls & @songwheein
[ Austen, bottle of Jameson in her hand, shimmies out of her shorts to reveal her red swimsuit bottoms. This night feels weird, it isn't how she wanted it to go, but by now she's somewhere between tipsy and drunk and her barely there high from earlier has dissipated. She slips into the hot tub, eyes attempting to avoid the view of the bonfire. She reaches out to snatch her phone that has spilled from the pockets of her discarded shorts and quickly plays a playlist - the first song being How Will I Know by Whitney Houston ] "There's a boy I know, he's the one I dream of, looks into my eyes, takes me to the clouds above, mmm-hmm," [ She sings softly before pressing the Jameson bottle to her lips, bobbing her head to the music. Eyes peer to her left and spot Winnie, her free hand lifts in beckoning wave. ]
[ Clearly the first half hour or so of the bonfire had lured her into a false sense of security that they could all suck it up and get along. She herself hadn’t been involved in any of the drama, but there had been plenty. It had been easy enough to slip away to the deck when she was ready for her exit, but the night had been too perfect to abandon just yet. Cool, ocean breeze, purply black skies. When music breaks the din, she turns to look and finds Austen looking back at her, she can’t help but smile. It’s been nice spending a little time with her as adults. ] There’s nothing sadder than drinking alone, y’know.
[ She can't tell if there's pity or if it's just the truth. She nods for Winnie to come join, bottom lip worried between her teeth ] Then make me less sad.
[ She crosses the deck to the edge of the hot tub, peering down at Austen. The music makes her bare feet tap almost unconsciously. ] Are you sad? [ It only takes her a second or two to fully accept the invite, slipping out of her shorts and cropped tee until she’s stepping and then sitting into the water in her underwear. She reaches out for the bottle. ] Hand it over, sad bitch.
[ Eyes dart to the slight foot tap and then back to the blonde's eyes. ] A little. Maybe. [ She's too drunk to deny it. Also too drunk to deny herself the joy of watching the thing dancer gracefully step out of her clothes. A sloppy drink is taken before handing over the handle. ] Tell me the secret, happy bitch. Ice blue aura. How are you always so collected?
[ She snorts softly before taking a quick swig. God, that’s rank straight. ] I’ve always been conflict-avoidant. [ Eyes roll a little. ] I also care a lot less these days. But I’m not always zen, contrary to what you might think. Clearly I’m a very good actress in addition to being a very good dancer. I’m one singing voice away from being a triple threat, damn.
[ There's no shame in the fact that she doesn't care how gross the alcohol is. ] Wait -  [ a pause as she points at Winnie. ] Are you saying you /can't/ sing?
[ Blonde head turns to meet Austen’s eyes with a raised brow. ] Why do you think I /can/ sing?
[ Tilts her head, both brows raised ] You were like so good at literally everything in high school. Am I supposed to think otherwise? [ asks with a laugh, holding her hand out and making a grabbing motion at the bottle of liquor ]
[ Gladly hands it over, then finally ducks under the water to wet her hair, using both hands to slick it back after she resurfaces. Leans back against the wall of the hot tub. ] I’m a passable singer, I guess. Enough for me to lay something on a track until I can get one of my much better friends to sing it for me.
[ slips a hand around the bottle, opting to set it aside rather than cloud her mind anymore ] So maybe you are a triple threat. Dancing, Acting, Music ability in some way. Not everyone is so lucky. [ shrugs, looking to the blonde ] You say you care a lot less these days. What's that mean?
[ Thin shoulders rise and fall. ] It sounds so douchey, but I just don’t care. If someone doesn’t like me, I’ll find someone else that will. If someone doesn’t believe in me, I believe in myself. [ She’s quiet for a second or two, thoughtful. ] I guess it’s easy to not care as much about other people if I sacrificed what my parents think of me to be happy. If I’m not going to let them stop me, why would I let anyone else? [ Another pause. ] Music helps. A lot. [ She turns her head, looking at Austen curiously. ] Art’s always helped you, right?
[ Blinks at the other girl - was that real? She's met people who feel that way, but is it ever actually true that you just don't care what people thing? Seems farfetched. ] I.. [ She wonders if she left behind what her mother - Hannah - thought of her, then maybe she'd be freer to care less, too. ] Seems like you've got it all figured out. I can't imagine not caring. [ A dry, possibly bitter, laugh leaves her lips ] Used to. Haven't been able to get much out recently.
[ She can’t help but laugh. ] I’m not enough of an asshole to think I’ve got anything figured out— let alone all of it. But I promised myself after... Kennedy— everything— that I was going to stop being happy the way other people wanted me to. I was sick of meeting those expectations. [ She’s quiet after Austen’s explanation about her art slump. Visual art’s never been her strong suit, but she knows how much it hurts to be creatively frustrated. After a moment or two— ] Have you done anything new lately?
I mean, you seem like you've got it all down. Happy in LA, new look, new you. I feel like the only thing that I've figured out is that I look terrible as a brunette and I am still a child at heart. [ shrugs, looking up at the sky as she leaned back into the hot tub's jets ]  That's what high school was about for you then? Pleasing the parents and fitting into their mold? [ she asks, though she sort of always knew that. there's part of her that can't help but cling to who they all were back then ] Like in general or a new medium? I've been doodling a lot, but nothing that makes me want to finish... I.. [ pauses, looking over at Winnie ] Maybe I'm kind of scared that I'm not good at it anymore.
You can’t be ‘not good’ at it anymore. That’s not how it works. [ Art is art is art is art. ] I mean I could break both my legs tomorrow and be objectively ruined, but what you do? That doesn’t just get lost unless /you/ forget it. [ She tips her head to one side, thinking. ] I mean in general. Go somewhere new. Listen to something new. Watch something new. Fuck someone new. Eat something new. Sometimes routine smothers our art, y’know? [ She sinks down into the water a bit. ] Maybe you should do something new, even if you’re bad at it.
[ She knows Winnie is right - that's why the laugh that escapes her is somewhat exasperated. ] I went to Portland. I fucked a bunch of new people there. Ate a lot of weird new Asian foods... But yeah. I think... there's something stuck inside of me and I'm... [ Talking this much about herself felt weird. This felt weird. ] Maybe I should do something new. [ Caves and agrees, smiling a little before laughing again ] Do you ever get blocked dance or music wise?
Sure, yeah. It happens, and it sucks. [ She flicks a little bit of water at Austen— just enough to skim off the surface. ] Here. We’ll have an example. Doesn’t have to work, but it’s worth a shot. Close your eyes.
[ Flinches when the water comes her direction, furrowing her brow ] Oh, god. This feels like some weird ass hippie bullshit is about to happen. [ Laughs, closing her eyes and settling in - the alcohol is pushing her to trust Winnie a little more than she usually would ]
[ Laughing. ] I’m definitely not the hippie of this group. [ She leans out of the water to wipe her hand on her shorts and retrieve her phone. Scrolling through it, she finds the song she wants to play and sets it on the deck between their heads. ] You’re not going to understand what she’s saying, but that’s not important, right? Just trying something new. See if it even gets half a wheel turning in that ginger head. [ She plays 보라빛 밤 on her phone and sits back. It’s a song she’s vibed to for a long time. It makes her think of colors and feelings and she, personally, finds it really emotive— inspiring. She doubts Austen will take nearly anything as much from it as she does. But maybe the language barrier will actually help. Maybe she’s thinking too damn much. ]
[ smirks ] Now I'm curious who you think /is/ the hippie. [ lets the silence settle, eyebrow raising over closed eyes as she hears the song begin. it's clearly Korean - she can tell that much, but shes never been into K-Pop. She's assuming that's what this is, at least. The music has a strong beat, an identity that's bouncy and she can tell that this is definitely something people can dance to. Austen listens to sad music, slow music when she paints - so Winnie isn't wrong. This is new. She gently moves her hips beneath the water, her head bobbing to the chorus. When it ends, she opens her eyes, looking to Winnie. ] Can you play it again?
[ If she tried to pretend she hadn’t been running the entire choreo to herself while the song played, she’d be lyyyyyying. Sunmi is a queen, and Winnie will worship. The grin that splits her face when Austen asks her to play it again is straight devilish. Shit eating. ] You wanna know what it’s called?
[ Eyes blink a few times as she sees Winnie's grin, her own smile growing ] Sure... I can't say I won't butcher it. But I was just starting to feel something. I need to hear it again. [ She motions quickly with a hand, water flicking off of it ]
Purple-hued night. [ That’s her favorite part. Everything about the song /feels/ purple. It’s such good production. She presses play again. ]
[ There's a shiver that hits her spine - her mind paints an entire piece in her mind before she gets it onto a canvas or paper. Varied hues of purple would mesh perfectly with what she was seeing the first time she listened. As the song plays again, this time the piece lights up in her head in color, the smile on her face unavoidable. Maybe Winnie was right. Maybe new things would spark her muse... just like this. ] [ The music stops again and a drunken Austen finds Winnie's hand underneath the water ] Will you send this to me? I... thanks, Win. [ her voice is soft in a whisper ]
[ Again it's like muscle memory to thread their fingers together. Austen's hands are bigger than her own, but they're thin and slight. Winnie squeezes gently. She's still smiling, but it's a little softer now. She nods. ] Don't thank me. Thank Sunmi. [ She winks. ] But yeah of course I'll send it to you.
[ Austen returns the squeezed hand, an easy laugh escaping her ] Would it be your dream to dance with her? [ Keeps her hand comfortably in Winnie's. It feels like this past week has bonded them in some way. Maybe because they're both some sort of artist ] I don't listen to K-Pop usually.
[ She reaches for the bottle of liquor and takes a sip, coughing quietly. ] I'd love to dance with a lot of kpop artists, to be honest. A lot of artists in general. The few times I've done tours or even one-off gigs with people in LA have been so fucking fun.
[ Releases Winnie's hand in favor of running it through her hair ] I feel like you're going to have to show me some of your tik toks or something because as much as I know you're good at everything... Like... bitch, prove it.
[ Winnie scoffs, loudly, and pads her way across the hot tub to sit directly opposite Austen. She drapes her arms along the outer edge and leans back, languidly extending her legs, one reaching out of the water in a pose before she brings it down to splash the water the other girl's way. ] My tiktok isn't hard to find, ass.
[ She watches the other girl, a brow raising as the other girl's graceful limbs very particularly moved through the air. She's about to speak again when water comes flooding her way - there's just a loud, joyful laugh that leaves her as she wipes off her eyes ] Oh, sorry, I don't go scrounging tik tok for my super smart, always had a booked schedule friend from high school. [ Easily shoves some water Winnie's way, hoping to get her back just a bit ]
[ She blows a raspberry, rolling her eyes in response. ] You must've had some other friend back then because I was never super smart. Sure you don't mean Shiloh? [ A beat. ] Maybe she does have a tiktok. [ Leaning forward more into the water. ] I promise you, I'm that good. Whether you find my account or not.
I mean... like comparing anyone to me - they're super smart. It's not like I fucking read your report card, my man. [ she laughs ] I'm gonna find the account and you're probably like allstar level good. Don't reduce your talent. [ leans forward, matching Winnie's stance ] Or is this an LA thing? Where people pretend like they're not good just to get more praise?
[ That gets a loud bark of laughter. ] The last thing /anyone/ gets in LA is praise. [ This time when she splashes Austen with water, it's much gentler. Half-hearted. ] Let me know when you find it. And let me know when you paint something. I wanna see it. First, even.
[ It feels nice to be around Winnie - like she's less pressure than the rest of the group for some reason. Which is odd considering they'd just talked about the thing that felt the most full of pressure - her art. ] First? [ A soft hum vibrates against her lips. ] Will do. I can make that promise. I can also promise I will be up until all hours of the night finding Winnie Song on tiktok.
[ She lifts two fingers to her brow, saluting. ] There are worse ways to go to sleep than knowing there's another girl out there watching my videos all night long. [ A grin. ]
I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one. [ Austen smirks, her buzz beginning to fade a little and the idea of warm Jameson makes her shudder. She stands, clumsily stepping out of the hot tub - if there are ever two opposites in movement, it's these two - except on skates ] Hey. [ she turns to Winnie after grabbing a towel from a nearby chair ] Could you help me set up a tiktok? I feel like my roller skating could at least get some sort of attention on there...
[ She holds up a hand, thumb up. ] You got it, dude. [ Head tips to one side, appraisingly. ]
[ She nods, though tiktok seems like a heavy investment of time. The redhead gently dries off her legs and torso before wrapping the towel around her waist. ] I'm gonna grab something new to drink, maybe change. Don't have too much fun without me. [ She chuckles, picking up the Jameson and her clothes before waving a quick had to Winnie. She tiptoes toward the back entrance, humming the song from before. Maybe she'd get something out onto canvas or paper soon. ]
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1dfangirls35 · 5 years
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Voir Dire (N.H.): A fake dating OU about contracts, soulmates, and risking it all for love
Kelsey and Niall's friendship had blossomed quickly over the course of a week. The two found themselves texting constantly and Kelsey was surprised at the way they seemed to never quite run out of things to talk about.
Becca had noticed too, commenting on how attached Kelsey seemed to be to her phone of late. Kelsey knew it was just a "honeymoon" phase of their friendship. Soon Niall would be busy with his album promo and Kelsey would need to spend more time focusing on studying for her LSAT. But for the time-being Kelsey was choosing to enjoy the fact that she had someone to talk to that seemingly understood her so well. 
"Are you ready?" Kelsey called out to her roommate, who had spent the better portion of an hour trying to figure out what to wear to Niall's party.
Niall had told Kelsey over and over that it was casual. Just a simple hangout with some of his friends, however, she couldn't shake the feeling of pressure that this was a big deal. It was the first time she and her new found friend would be hanging out in person. Well, the first time they would be hanging out in person strictly as friends anyways.
"Does this look okay?" Becca questioned, stepping out of her bathroom in a tight black v-neck bodysuit and high waisted skinny jeans.
"For the millionth time Becca, yes," Kelsey rolled her eyes at her friend.
"Okay Kels, but you can't tell me you aren't freaking out a little too. Like there are going to be celebrities there. Like people whose literal job is to look good day and night, and can't look like I just rolled out of bed."
"Of course I'm freaking out Becca. But they're just people, and honestly if they are anything like Niall, we've got nothing to worry about."  Kelsey tried her best to remain optimistic. But a part of her wondered what Niall's friends would think of a bartender and her friend showing up at his party. They'd surely wonder how they got invited to the party in the first place.
But those were Kelsey's insecurities talking, and she had vowed to not let her insecurities get to her any longer. So for tonight, she was going to be someone that deserved to be at Niall's party. And she and Becca were going to have the time of their lives.
Niall had felt a feeling of nervousness all day. He'd tried to push it off, but even Mully could tell when he arrived at Niall's house that something had gotten his friend nervous. Niall blamed it on the upcoming release of his new single. But he knew that releasing new music wasn't the reason he had meticulously shaved this afternoon or ironed his dress shirt three times to make sure there were no wrinkles in it. And his new music was most definitely not the reason his heart began to race when his doorbell rang and a certain brunette and her friend were standing on his doorstep.
"Kelsey, so glad you could make it," Niall greeted Kelsey with a hug, hoping she couldn't feel his heart beating through his chest.
Kelsey smiled "Me too." Becca cleared her throat from her place next to Kelsey, as if to remind her that she was still standing there. "Oh and Niall, this is my friend Becca, I think you've met before?"
"Yes, nice to meet you again Becca," Niall said, extending a hand out to give Becca, a firm handshake.
"Thanks for letting me tag along to this party of yours," Becca grinned. Kelsey gave her friend a quick nudge in the chest before she could say anything that would embarrass either of them.
"Well ladies, we've got drinks on the patio, food in the kitchen, and plenty of seating. Make yourselves comfortable."
Kelsey smiled at Niall, before Becca grabbed her arm and dragged her onto the patio for a drink.
Niall took a seat on one of his barstools and took another sip of his beer. He watched as Kelsey and Becca ordered their drinks from the bartender, laughing and chatting with such enthusiasm. He couldn't help but gaze at the way Kelsey's smile lit up her face even from this distance. He knew he shouldn't think like that, but there was just something about her that was absolutely electrifying.
"Careful, mate," Louis slid onto the barstool beside Niall, following Niall's eyes to Kelsey laughing with her friend by the edge of the pool.
"We're just friends, Lou," Niall said defensively, although he knew that Louis could see right through the fact that even if they are only friends it's not due to any lack of desire for romance on Niall's part.
"Oh right I forgot, because the girl you fancy isn't the one the label picked for you."
Niall's face revealed his surprise. "Oh c'mon lad you can't think you taking a girl to a red carpet premiere and showing off to the world is believable. You're far too private for that. Also, you've never had too much of a thing for blondes."
Niall rolled his eyes at his friend. He hoped it wasn't this obvious to people who didn't know him quite as well as Louis.
He gazed over at Kelsey again, her smile visible from across the room. As if she could feel his stare, Kelsey turned her head and caught Niall's gaze. She waved slightly as Niall grinned.
"See just friends," Niall protested.
"Keep telling yourself that lad, and maybe you'll believe it," Louis prodded and Niall rolled his eyes.
The pair watched as Kelsey and Becca made their way over to their perch.
"Louis, this is my friend Kelsey and her roommate Becca," Niall introduced as they approached, as if he and Louis hadn't been talking about them the entire time.
"Louis Tomlinson, nice to meet you," Louis offered his hand out to shake. Niall watched as Kelsey and Becca's eyes both widened. He smiled to himself, entertained by the bit of celebrity shock overcoming his guests.
"Can I give you the tour?" Niall asked, trying his best to play it off casually, by desperately wanting to spend some time with Kelsey.
"Sure," Kelsey replied excitedly. She glanced over at Becca, sure that her friend was also eager to explore Niall's house.
"I think I'll stay here for a bit," she smirked.
"Okay," Kelsey replied. She wondered if this was a bit of a bad idea, her and Niall roaming around his house together unaccompanied. But then she remembered that the two had agreed they were just friends. There wouldn't be any moves being made.
Kelsey grabbed her drink and followed Niall's movement down the hallway. "You know I've seen your place before," she laughed.
"I know," Niall replied, "But I figured I'd give you an official tour, one where you weren't so eager to get out the door."
Kelsey laughed. "Hey, I stayed for breakfast, don't know if I'd call that running out the door."
"Well, in any case this is my office," he gestured, opening a white wooden room to reveal a small room with a desk in the corner. "And over here," he continued going a few feet further down the hallway, "Is what I call my in-home studio."
"Is this where all the musical genius happens?" Kelsey asked, observing the black piano in the corner of the room and several rather expensive looking guitars hanging from the walls.
"Some of it, yes. Although, the song that's going to be released in the next few weeks came from ride on the tube in London."
"The tube?" Kelsey raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, the 'subway' for you Americans," Niall grinned.
"Can't imagine a subway is very conducive for writing love songs," Kelsey teased, running her hand over the framed platinum records collection hanging on Niall's far wall. There were so many, and she wondered how it felt to be so successful at such a young age.
"You'd be surprised where the inspiration hits you," Niall said softly.
"And these," Kelsey asked, gesturing to a shelf in the corner rattled with various trophies and plaques, "Are these all your awards?"
"That would be correct."
"Which one's your favorite?" Kelsey asked.
"Hmm, that's a hard one," Niall scanned the shelf. "I'd say this one means a lot." He picked up a red, white and blue shaped figure with the English flag on the bottom. "It's the first Brit One Direction won back in 2012."
"That's just so crazy."
"What is?" Niall questioned, before setting the award neatly back in its place on the shelf.I'
"Just how young you were. And how much you've accomplished."
"I've been quite lucky," Niall admitted, before leaving the studio area and continuing down the hallway. "But there's still more I want to achieve."
Kelsey nodded, following Niall down the hallway. She admired how ambitious he continued to be, even after he had easily had the success thousands of musicians could only dream of.
"Here is one of my guest bedrooms," Niall pointed out before heading up the staircase to the second level. They continued the tour past another guest bedroom before Kelsey saw a familiar portion of the house.  
"And this is.."
"Your master suite," Kelsey said softly, trying to push the memories of her last time in the room to the back of her mind. Not because she didn't want to think of them, but because she knew if she did, this whole friendship thing with Niall wouldn't go as planned.
"You remember," Niall acted surprised.
"Wouldn't forget it," Kelsey replied.
"And now I've got one more place to show you," Niall said, pointing to another set of stairs.
"And what's this?" Kelsey mused as they began to climb. She is surprised when she feels the cool breeze of outdoor air as they step out onto a rooftop deck. From the perch, she can see the duration of Niall's estate, and the rolling hills of Hollywood in the distance.
"It's beautiful out here," she stated, then noticing some seating she gestured to Niall.
"Make yourself at home," he nodded, before following behind her and taking a seat next to her on the white bench. Kelsey took a sip of her wine as Niall swigged another chug of beer.
"So if I don't make it into law school can I move into one of your guest rooms?" Kelsey joked.
"They're always open for guests. But you won't need that, you'll get in," Niall reassured. Kelsey looked at his face, warm and kind, and found herself captivated again by the blue of his eyes.
"Maybe if I finally get my life together."
"You'll get in Kelsey. You are smart, ambitious, strong. I can't imagine someone I'd want more to be my lawyer some day," Niall smiled, watching Kelsey's face as the sunlight hit it. He couldn't help but think about how beautiful she looked, and how he could imagine spending evenings on this deck sipping wine with her at his side.
"You're too kind, Niall."
"And you, Kelsey, are too hard on yourself."
Kelsey shrugged her shoulders, knowing that Niall was exactly right. "Guess when life knocks you down a few times, you develop a bit of self-doubt."
"If I can ask," Niall said slowly, "what was his name?" his eyes looking into Kelsey's soul. She wondered if it was possible that someone could read her thoughts as accurately as Niall seemed to be able to read her own.
"His name," Kelsey paused for a moment taking a deep breath. "His name was Sam." Usually getting Kelsey to say his name out loud was like trying to pull teeth, but somehow sitting next to Niall on the rooftop of his million dollar mansion, Kelsey didn't hesitate.
For a moment, Kelsey thought that the distance between her and Niall was narrowing, and she wondered if she could possibly resist the thought of his lips on her own again. But then, as if realizing what he was doing, he pulled back.
"Well then," Niall raised his bottle up in the air as if giving a toast. Kelsey raised her glass to meet his. "Fuck Sam." He clinked his glass against Kelsey's as she nearly died in a fit of laughter.
"Fuck Sam," she laughed, wondering how on earth the man next to her could go from serious to hilarious in a matter of minutes. "But actually don't."
Kelsey's comment sends Niall into his own fit of laughter. A loud, deep gutted chuckle that Kelsey couldn't help but smile more at.
When the laughing subsides, Niall let out a long exasperated sigh. "I suppose we should go check on the guests for a while." He stood, offering a hand to pull Kelsey up from her spot. She flinched as she felt electricity shoot up her arm from his touch, reminding her of all the things his hands could do. She reluctantly dropped his grasp as they headed back down the stairs, trying to honor the pact that the two had made.
Kelsey made her way down the staircase behind Niall, but as she reached the bottom her foot skipped the final step. It happened in slow motion, her feet tripping over the staircase sending her flying towards the wall across from the staircase. Niall's arm reaching to try and catch her fall, but instead pulling him towards the wall instead. The two now inches from each other as Niall's hands pushed against the wall to try and avoid smashing into Kelsey.
Kelsey felt her heart flutter as the distance between her and Niall narrowed. His eyes met hers, pulling her in even though every ounce of her mind was screaming that this was a friendship, and friends didn't look at each other this way.
But there was the chemistry. An undeniable attraction drawing them together. And no matter how hard either of them tried to deny it, both of them were just on the edge of giving in.
"We could never just be friends could we," Niall whispered, his breath forming goosebumps on Kelsey's skin. He watched as she took a deep breath, her inner turmoil racing across her eyes.
"No," she let out before letting desire overtake her and pulling Niall's lips down to meet her own.
Kelsey woke up in Niall's bed-again. It was the third time this week and Kelsey had a feeling it wouldn't be the last. It had been a week since Niall and Kelsey had fatefully decided that being just friends wasn't something they could manage, and if Kelsey was being honest, it had been a week of pure bliss.
They hadn't defined anything. Neither Niall nor Kelsey was sure what this meant or what their relationship was. But they were sure of one thing- that they couldn't get enough of each other. Their physical chemistry was there, and the attraction they had felt in that fateful night in the club hadn't faded. But it was their emotional connection that kept the two wanting more.
It was their conversations in the mornings that were Kelsey and Niall's favorite. The words spoken as Kelsey lay against Niall's bare chest, the light from the morning sun illuminating his blue eyes in just a way that seemed to make them sparkle. It was those words that almost convinced Kelsey that maybe she could put her heart on the line again. That maybe all the destruction and heartbreak of her past were behind her. Maybe. 
But every so often, Kelsey's fears would creep back in. She'd be in the middle of kissing Niall and wonder if maybe all this was a mistake. And then she'd hesitate, because she wasn't ready for her heart to be broken. Not again.
Niall had become infatuated with Kelsey. He knew this would complicate things, he knew that whatever this was, was going to lead to problems down the road. But for the time being he didn't care. He just wanted to enjoy the feeling of being with someone that made him feel so alive. He was trying to take things slow, because he knew that Kelsey was hesitant to jump into something again. And maybe the hesitancy he sensed from her is the reason why he'd neglected to tell her what was probably the most key piece of information about his life right now. That in the eyes of the public and his record label, he was dating Krystal. 
Niall ran his fingers through Kelsey's chestnut hair, eliciting a soft moan from her lips.
"This is becoming quite a habit isn't it," she said softly, turning her head to look up at Niall.
"Not a bad one though?" Niall replied with a smile. He wouldn't mind if all of his mornings started like this one.
"I suppose not," Kelsey laughed slightly. "Getting a little spoiled though in this king sized bed."
"Just using me for my bed are you?" he teased.
"I mean, I suppose the man in it isn't too bad either," Kelsey laughed. 
"Let me go get us some breakfast," Niall regretfully moved from his position next to Kelsey, standing up on the side of the bed and pulling on a pair of loose fitting grey joggers.
Kelsey moved to follow him to the kitchen when Niall held up a hand to stop her. "Let me bring breakfast to you."
Kelsey nodded, feeling her heart beat a little faster from Niall's gesture. He really was a bit of a romantic, and Kelsey hoped that it wasn't just because he was trying to woo her. She sat up in the bed, looking out the window at the early morning light. 
Ten minutes later Niall returned carrying a silver tray with two cups of steamy coffee and a plate of breakfast pastries laid upon it. 
"It looks delicious," she smiled, grabbing a cup of coffee from the tray as Niall slid onto the bed next to her. 
"Fresh from the Horan bakery," Niall joked, holding up one of the pastries. Kelsey rolled her eyes at Niall's attempt at a joke.
"Oh right, because a baker is just one of your many talents."
"Maybe it is," Niall raised his eyebrow. "Or maybe Tara's just a really great assistant who picked me up some fresh ones from an actual bakery this morning."
"My parents used to do this," Kelsey suddenly said. "Have breakfast in bed."
"They did?" Niall asked. Kelsey hadn't told Niall much about her parents, in fact, she wasn't even sure if she'd mentioned them once. Niall never asked. He knew that family relationships could be complicated and he figured Kelsey would open up about them in due time.
Kelsey nodded, her mind flashing back to Saturday mornings long ago, when she was young and naïve and believed that everything in life was a bit of a fairytale. "Every Saturday morning, my dad would get up and make my mom breakfast. Two strips of bacon, a scrambled egg and a piece of toast. And then he'd bring it up to her, on this crystal glass tray that used to be my grandma's and they'd sit and eat breakfast together."
Kelsey looked at Niall, his eyes fixated on hers. He slid his hand to rest on Kelsey's thigh, and for some reason that's all the encouragement Kelsey needs to speak her mind.
"They did that every Saturday morning, until my dad found out about the affair. Like everything was alright until it wasn't." Kelsey felt her words harshen at the thought of it. Maybe that's why she's never quite understood her parents' divorce. Because she'd never seen them fight, she'd never seen them show any signs of not being hopelessly in love. So then why had her mother cheated on her father? Had it all been a façade? 
"I think I'd understand it more, I think I'd accept it if I saw they were awful to each other, you know," Kelsey's voice grew a little weaker, on the cusp of breaking down. "People's parents get divorced all the time and they say what a relief it is, because for the first time in their life, everything's not a fight. But with my parents, it just seemed like everything was perfect. Everything was perfect and she ruined it."
Niall stayed quiet, not because he didn't want to comfort Kelsey, but because he knew this was her processing out loud. He'd been there before, with his own parents. Not quite in this way, but he knew how it felt to have the world as you knew it torn apart. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your breakfast," Kelsey apologized, trying to read Niall's face to see if he thought she was totally crazy. 
"Don't apologize Kelsey, divorces are messy. There's nothing wrong with having a little resentment about it." Niall wrapped an arm around Kelsey and she let her head fall to rest on his shoulder. "I was only five when my parents called it quits, but I remember it well. I don't think we can ever fully understand it unless we are in the situation."
Niall felt like this was as good as time as any to get his own demon in the closet off of his chest. He worried that Kelsey might react poorly, but he also knew that he would much rather her hear the news from her than from some piece of media. 
"Kelsey, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about.." Niall began, just as his phone began vibrating on the bedside table. He leaned over it, seeing the name of his agent flash across the screen. What was he doing calling so early in the morning?
"Sorry, it's my agent," Niall said, picking up the phone and placing it to his ear. "Hello?"
"Niall where are you? The shoot was supposed to start 15 minutes ago."
Niall scanned his mind for any recollection of a shoot. What shoot? Then he remembers- the shoot for his new music video. 
"Oh, shit, I totally forgot!" he exclaimed, jumping out of bed and rushing to his closet to find a T-shirt. "I'm headed that way." Niall hung up the phone abruptly, leaving Kelsey with a confused look.
"Apparently the music video shoot was this morning. I totally forgot," Niall explained as he ran around the bedroom flustered , hoping that Kelsey would forgive him for cutting their morning short. 
"Are you in trouble?" Kelsey asked, hoping that she wouldn't be the reason that Niall would make his agent mad. She hadn't really intended to spend the night at Niall's last night, but as seemed to be their routine, one thing led to another...
"They'll get over it," Niall laughed. "You can stay as long as you want though, no rush." He leaned over to Kelsey's perch on the bed, planting a warm kiss on her forehead.
"I'll see you later then?" Kelsey asked.
"I'll text you," he responded with a smile before rushing out the door, leaving Kelsey to wonder just what he wanted to talk to her about. 
Tags: @awomanindeniall @ihearthemcallingforyou @niall-is-my-dream
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8 people I’d like to know better!
H’okay, @jenserr tagged me here, which is kinda out of the blue, but “hi!”. I’m not going to tag anyone because I don’t like to wonder if I’ve made anyone feel any undue pressure to do something they’re not inclined to. Rest assured, however, that I’m immune to such considerations myself (on tumblr at least), so no-one ever need worry about that.
I’ll stick the rest of this under a cut, so folks don’t have to wade through my rambling to get to a puppy video.
Well I genuinely haven’t noticed this doing the rounds, so I’m going to assume the questions are as you answered them.
Name/Alias: Kat. Feel free to use it if you wish.
Birthday: Early September. I’m not being coy, I’m just wary of releasing too much personal info out into the wild.
Zodiac: Virgo. Am I “typical”? No idea. I guess you’d have to ask someone who knows me and is interested in astrology.
Height: 5′4″ 
Hobbies: Currently reading and writing fanfic, Watching movies, though not as much as back when I wrote “weird movie” reviews. Playing video games, mainly RPGs but I like a puzzle game now and again. My son bought me a selection of indie horror games and puzzlers recently and I’m currently playing Baba Is You, which is awesome if you’re looking for something really original and pleasantly challenging.
Favorite colors: Depends on my mood really. Yeah, I’m fascinating so far eh?
Favorite books: Too many to list. But if I just go by number of times re-read then probably Cold Comfort Farm, and Out by Natsuo Kirino. The latter is a breathtakingly great thriller. I’m astonished that no-one has tried to make a film based on it, honestly. Four great female protagonists of various ages and backgrounds. Really compelling and well worth your time. Though TW for sexual violence.
Last song listened to: Ohne Diche by Rammstein.
Last movie watched: Hmm, arguably Silent Hill. No hear me out <G> I was having trouble sleeping a couple of nights ago and this is my go to film for falling asleep to. But I don’t really watch it, I just doze off listening to the audio. So I guess it wasn’t the last that I “watched”. That would have been The Favourite.
Inspiration for muse: Not really sure how to answer that one so let’s move on.
Dream job: I actually had my dream job for about twelve years. It was teaching art and CDT to Key Stage 2 kids (that’s 7 to 12 years old and I think they’re great at that age) They say it’s not work if you’re enjoying it, and I can vouch for that. No matter how much my personal life was descending into chaos at the time, there was never a day when I wasn’t at least a little bit excited to go to work. I had to quit when real life problems made it impossible to continue in a job where I was only paid for half my time. Currently I’m not in paid work because my wife’s health took a dramatic downturn that required someone to be with her all the time, but damn that was a cool job.
Meaning behind my URL: Okay. You know, no-one has ever asked. But I was setting up an AO3 account, mainly to make it easier to comment on folk’s stories, but also to dip my toe in posting stuff myself and I wanted a new “name” that was totally unconnected to anything I’d ever posted before. And with the usual careful consideration that I give to such things I looked around where I was sitting and there was a copy of The Infernal Desire Machines Of Doctor Hoffman by Angela Carter sitting on the table, so I was like “That’ll do”. Then I figured, “bit arrogant to cast yourself as the Doctor, Kat.” So I settled on Mechanic. And oddly it seems like very few people actually register the “mechanic” part anyway <G>
I realise that there may be some confusing info littered through those answers, so just to clarify. I’m a lesbian, with a son from an early, horrifically misjudged marriage to a man. Husband was dreadful. Son is awesome.
I live in Cheshire in the UK. In one of the not particularly nice parts that’s surrounded by charming bits. I’m married to a Mexican-American woman who is originally from Seattle, but who emigrated over here to be with me.
And I’m one of the older generation on here. In my early 50s as of last birthday and whilst I don’t generally feel like it, I've got to say I do sometimes feel even older when I amble through tumblr.
Anyway, I’m pretty laid back and affable most of the time so no-one should ever be afraid to drop by and say “hi”.
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lesbianphan · 7 years
I don’t normally do these anymore but my gf tagged me and y’all know I can’t deny her anything so here we GO lol some info no one asked about me
tagged by: @flippin-phantastic​
name: Amanda nicknames: mandy, manda, dinha.... none of those are used very frequently cause nicknaming my name sucks y’all lol zodiac: Pisces
height: 5′5” (I think???? I DON’T KNOW OKAY I guess it’s 1,65 m for you who use decent measurement systems lol)
age: 24 orientation: lesbian ethnicity: Brazilian so... Latina? favorite fruit: I like bananas a lot. Strawberries are gr8 too! favorite season: probs winter cause it’s the only time I’m released from the hell I live in favorite flowers: I never thought about it ahha Roses are pretty favorite scent: idk I like sweet scents a lot... Maybe vanilla? favorite book series: Series would have to be harry potter but I need to reread it cause it’s been too long coffee, tea, or cocoa: cocoa cats or dogs? BOTH!! But I always had cats ahah average hours of sleep: 7 or 8 unless I go crazy and sleep twelve hours and die favorite fictional character: what a hard question! Well atm I really like Baz from Carry on so I’m gonna go with that for now lol otp: panda ehehe  🌝 dream trip: going anywhere to meet the bae tbh blogs: my main is @cherryonsimon
tagged by @wyrneck
Rules: Answer the 30 questions then tag 20 blogs u would like to get to know better (I’ll skip the ones I already answered)
2. Gender: female
5. Time: 6:11 pm
6. Birthday: February 19th
7. Favourite bands: evanescence, muse... I’m sure there’s more but I forget lol
8. Favourite solo artists: I’m bad at this... hmm... I mean I like lady gaga, halsey, kesha, some brazilian singers like Sandy, pablo vittar, etc... I’m sure there’s more lol
9. Song stuck in my head: evanescence’s new song imperfection
10. Last movie watched: oh fuck idk lol I think it was rewatching zootopia with my parents? or maybe rewatching the way he looks with my girlfriend. My memory is bad x.x
11. Last show watched: also the first episode of the fosters with Poonam... it wasn’t great so we stopped (sorry if anyone likes it x.x)
12. When did i create my blog: this one was january 2015 if I’m not mistaken. But I’ve been on tumblr since forever, my main blog was created in 2011 (march 9th actually.... did u know my main blog has 3275 pages cause I just figured that out by trying to find my first post HAHAH)
13. What do i post: Here I tried to post more stuff that isn’t just youtuber related like it used to be so I post youtuber stuff that I like but also aesthetic pics and things that make me happy. Plus my monthly selfies go here as well ^^
14. Last thing i googled: moon face emoji to add up top lol before that was the damn conversor for meters to feet lmao
16. Do you get asks: not anymore ahah a moment of silence for the old times when anyone cared about this blogs besides me loool
17. Why did you choose your url: cause panda is my new branding and I couldn’t do the whole youtuber url thing anymore after I pulled away from phan
18. Following: 279
19. Followers: idk how cause I’ve been steadily losing followers since I stopped being a phan blog but I stiLL have 4.2k followers
20. Favourite colours: purple, some blues... reds are cool too and pinks. Idk I like many colors.
22. Lucky number: I don’t think I have one
23. Instruments: we have a guitar here I tried to learn but I sucked at it lol
24. What am i wearing: brown bermuda shorts and a workout shirt that I bought to go to the gym and then never went to the gym lmao
25. How many blankets do i sleep with: 1 when I can. Usually none cause it’s hell here.
26. Dream job: hard question omg. Hm I’d like to learn programming well and design stuff? maybe games?? idk. I’ll probs end up in a miserable job let’s face it. At least I won’t be teaching NEVER AGAIN LADS.
28. Favourite food: I like lasagna a lot... But really I’ll eat anything. I have an unhealthy obsession with ice cream too lol. anything sweet. Just gimme food!!
29: Nationality: Brazilian, born and raised.
30: Favourite song right now: I’m a little obsessed with something just like this by chainsmokers and coldplay and I blame katie for that one.
I won’t tag anyone cause I’m lazy but feel free to do it if you want and tag me so I can see it :D
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addictiondrop · 7 years
TAG UR IT.. fuck
tagged by: the cool @timeto-explode (omg they semi know who i am. all my effort is paying off but not really)
rules: tag 20 followers you want to get to know better
name/nickname: Addict, Adie
height: 5ft
hogwarts house: Gryffindor
last thing I googled: “define debacle”
fictional character you’d like as a sibling: hmm this is a bit hard considering the manga I’m usually into isn’t very loving oriented. So, maybe Mei Tachibana from “Say I Love You”? Bc she’s a very down to earth no bullshit kinda person. And I think I’d need that kind of person in my life.
number of blankets I sleep with: Three and I’m still cold..
favorite bands/artists: natewantstobattle, alex clare, muse, red jumpsuit apparatus, and others maybe but I usually like music if it’s good to me. I don’t usually base it on who makes it. So, if an artist I like makes a shitty song that song is still shitty.
when did I make this blog: a year ago??
how many blogs do I follow: 375
what do I post about: Usually just what I’m into. So, right now would be Boku no Hero Academia, Mystic Messenger, YOI, and random shit that’s either depressing as hell or really sweet motivation shit. I used to be really into Sherlock and Hetalia.
do you get asks on a regular basis: No. And when I do it’s usually people I initiated a conversation with first and their replying back. I also never post them so their still sitting in my inbox.
aesthetics: don’t really have any.. minimalism I guess?? Am I even using the right word?? Clutter too.
tagging: I don’t think I can tag people who follow me. Only people I follow..
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