#I love this movie I love andrew paris I love the alien queen I love jeffrey combs I love sybil danning OH MY GAWD
dollgall · 2 years
brain empty only jeffrey combs and sybil danning-
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blairglitchproject · 4 years
Mademoizelle Movies Challenge 2020
Un film dont le titre est issu d’une chanson - Going to Brasil
Un film avec un(e) journaliste - The girl in the spider’s web
Un film réalisé par une femme - Lady Bird 
Un film ayant gagnĂ© un ours d’or - Sen to Chihiro no Kamikashuki (Le voyage de Chihiro)
Un film avec une voix off - Cinderella (live action - 2017)
Un film qui se déroule à la campagne - 3 Billboards, les panneaux de la vengeance
Un buddy movie -  Dumb and Dumber
Un film avec un personnage atteint d’un handicap - Inside I’m dancing / Rory O’Shea was here
Un court-métrage - What did Jack do ?
Un film qui n’est pas sorti en salles en France - L'ultime sacrifice
Un film choral - Reservoir Dogs
Un premier film - The cabin in the woods 
Un film sur le monde du travail
Un film réalisé par un(e) acteur/trice qui joue dedans - Jojo Rabbit 
Un film tourné dans la région de mon enfance - Taxi
Un survival - Instinct de survie
Un film sorti l’annĂ©e de ton bac - X-Men: First Class
Un film qui se déroule avant le XXe siÚcle - La favorite 
Un film avec un caméo de réalisateur/trice - Clueless
Un film d’animation europĂ©en - The Queen's Corgi (film d’animation belge en langue anglaise)
Un film qui n’est ni en anglais ni en français - Millenium 1 ( SuĂ©dois VOSTFR )
Un film dont l’affiche est esthĂ©tique - Knives out
Un film français d’avant 1980 - Les Quatre Cents Coups (1959)
Un film avec un titre en un mot - Venom
Un film qui aurait dĂ» avoir un Oscar - The Stranger (1946)
Un film adaptĂ© d’une piĂšce de thĂ©Ăątre - L’étudiante et Monsieur Henry
Un film qui m’a fait dĂ©couvrir un(e) acteur/trice
Un film avec un meurtre - Millenium 2 
Un film avec un jeu - Rollerball (1975)
Un film sorti l’annĂ©e de naissance d’un de mes parents
Un film avec une scÚne chantée ou dansée - Pan 
Un film avec un(e) acteur/trice que j’adore - Assasination Nation 
Un film avec un anti héro - Hancock
Un film muet - The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
Un film qui se passe à l’hîpital - The Killing of a Sacred Deer
Un film avec un titre contenant un aliment comestible
Un western - The lone ranger
Un film adaptĂ© d’un livre que j’ai lu - After : chapitre 1
Un film autour d’une grossesse
Un film d’un(e) rĂ©alisateur/trice asiatique - Parasite
Un film de guerre - Dunkerque
Un film avec des personnages principaux queer - Portrait de la jeune fille en feu 
Un film se dĂ©roulant pendant les fĂȘtes de NoĂ«l ou pendant la Saint-Sylvestre - Taxi 3
Un film dont l’actrice principale est racisĂ©e
Un film que tu n’avais pas envie de voir - Kingsman : the golden circle
un film qui t'a fait pleurer de rire - Mr Popper’s penguins 
un film avec de la magie - The Covenant
un film vu au cinĂ©ma (transformĂ© en : que j’aurais dĂ» voir au cinema , vu le contexte ... Merci le Covid ...) - Sound of Metal
un film exclusif netflix  - You get Me 
une comédie musicale - DrÎle de Frimousse (Funny Face)
un film dans lequel un objet est important - Le Seigneur des anneaux : le retour du roi 
Un film avec un scÚne en hélicoptÚre - Kong : Skull Island 
Le film prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© d'un.e ami - Mortal Kombat (film prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© d’ Eric lorsqu’il Ă©tait petit et qu’il m’a recommandĂ© Ă  la base pour la catĂ©gorie “un film avec des ninjas” , mais le film est hors thĂšme...)
Un film oĂč l'eau / la mer est important - A cure for wellness
Un film que tu as trouvĂ© nul - Ocean’s thirteen
Un Disney - Aladdin
Un film en huit-clos - Crawl
Un film avec des ninjas
Un film considéré comme un classique - Halloween 
Un film oĂč le personnage est coincĂ© dans une histoire en boucle - Edge of Tomorrow
Un film en noir et blanc - L’homme qui en savait trop (1ùre version)
Un film avec une scĂšne improbable - Alien Resurrection (AprĂšs avoir dĂ©gommĂ© un alien particuliĂšrement coriace à l’envers sur une Ă©chelle , le personnage de Ron Perlman en se redressant se retrouve nez Ă  nez avec une petite araignĂ©e !)
Un film considĂ©rĂ© comme l’un des meilleurs de la dĂ©cennie selon PremiĂšre - Gravity
Un film sensuel ou Ă©rotique - The Love Witch
Un film d’horreur psychologique - Get out
Un film qui te rassure - The jungle book ( dessin animé - 1967 )
Un film d’AmĂ©rique du Sud
Un film ayant reçu un oscar de la photographie - The Revenant 
Un film dont les personnages principaux sont des personnes ùgées - Youth
Un biopic historique - Unbroken 
Un film avec un monstre surnaturel - Aliens : le retour 
Un film sur les enfants - Artemis Fowl
Un documentaire - Miss representative
Un film avec une saison dans le titre - Captain America : the Winter Soldier
Un film qui se passe en prison - Hunger
Un film avec des effets spéciaux qui ont mal vieilli - Silent Hill 2
Un film ayant passé le test de Bechdel - Captain Marvel
Un film ayant gagnĂ© l’oscar du meilleur dĂ©cor - Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Un film dont un personnage a le mĂȘme prĂ©nom que toi - Delicatessen
Un remake ou film ayant été objet de remake - Flubber 
Un film basé sur des faits réels - I,Tonya 
un film faisant partie d’une trilogie - Millenium 3
un film avec un(e) prof - Freedom Writers
un film ayant lieu dans un pays que j’aimerais visiter - The secret Scripture 
un film d’espionnage - Burn After Reading
un film avec un(e) psy - Sibyl
un film qui m’a mis en colùre - The Miseducation of Cameron Post
un film se déroulant dans le futur - Aeon Flux
un film dont le titre commence par la premiÚre lettre de ton prénom - Joker
un film que j’ai aimĂ© contre toute attente - Skin
un film avec un animal qui parle - Avengers : Endgame 
un film avec un couple de cinĂ©ma que j’adore
Un film sorti cette année - Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)
Un film dirigé par un.e réalisateur.trice de moins de 30 ans - Tom à la ferme
Un film dont le personnage principal n’est pas humain - Cats and Dogs
Un film avec une couleur dans le titre - Green book
Un film dont tu aimes la BO -  Le seigneur des anneaux : Les deux tours
Un film avec un mariage - Wedding nightmare
Un film que ta mĂšre/ton pĂšre/ta soeur*aime (* petit joker je n’ai pas trouvĂ© les films que mon pĂšre m’a recommandĂ©...) - Le loup de Wall Street
Un film dont je voudrais changer la fin - Mrs Doubtfire
EDIT 28/12 : 91/100 (dont un documentaire)
Films vus qui ne rentrent pas ( ou plus ) dans les catégories ci dessus :
- Spider man : Far From Home 
- Dark Shadows
- Peter Pan (dessin animé)
- Les 101 dalmatiens (film)
- Marvel Studios : Assembling a universe (documentaire)
- X-men 1
- L'Âge de glace : Les Lois de l'univers
- The talented Mr Ripley
- Kubrick par Kubrick (documentaire)
- Les Aristochats 
- Mulan (dessin animé)
- Who framed Roger Rabbit
- Marvel Studios : Expanding the universe (documentaire - présentation des series MCU à venir)
- Rogue One : A Star Wars Story
- X-men : the last stand
- Yes man
- X-men origins : Wolverine
- Atonement
- The lion king (dessin animé)
- The ruins
- The lucky one
- 21 Years : Quentin Tarantino (documentaire sur les oeuvres du réalisateur)
- The losers 
- Billy Elliot
- Julie Andrews , la mĂ©lodie d’une vie (documentaire sur la carriĂšre de la chanteuse et actrice)
- Chef
- Push 
- Alice au pays des merveilles (dessin animé)
- Coming to America
- Robin des bois (dessin animé)
- Underwater
- 2 Fast 2 Furious ( volume 2 de la saga Fast and Furious)
- The Cell
- Captain America : Civil War (VOST)
- Ève ( court métrage)
- It
- I am Legend
- Triple frontier
- Busanhaeng (Train to Busan) (Sud coréen - VOSTFR)
- Destroyer
- Arrival
- The old guard
- Valkyrie
- Le Mans 66
- Peter Pan (film)
- Hook
- In Darkness
- Ingrid goes West
- The Wolverine
- The devil all the time
- Ex Machina
- X men : Days of Future past
- This is Paris Hilton ( documentaire sur la femme d’affaire )
- X men : Apocalypse
- Chadwick Boseman : a tribute for a King (documentaire en hommage Ă  l’acteur - non rĂ©fĂ©rencĂ© sur Senscritique )
- Trixie Mattel : moving parts ( documentaire sur la drag queen)
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- Disclorsure: Trans Lives on screen ( documentaire sur la transexualité et sa représentation dans les médias)
- Lights out
- The Conjuring
- Annabelle 
- The Witches (1990)
- La Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano
- Girl with a pearl earring 
- The Conjuring 2
- Edward Scissorhands
- Logan lucky
- A couteaux tirés (deja vu cette année en version original sous titré - Knives out)
- Il a déjà tes yeux
- The Sound of Music
- 102 Dalmatians
- Alien vs Predator
- Mulan (live action)
- Logan
- The King 
- Doctor Dolittle (1998)
- Dr Dolittle 2
- Star Wars : The Last Jedi
- After We Collided
- Bronson (titre original , vu en VOSTFR)
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spencerthorpe · 7 years
Elephants, rollercoasters and rockets: The Idealist visits Andrew Martin
Today’s Modern Hero is Martin Waller, founder of Andrew Martin International. We caught up with him at their very distinctive store in Walton Street, Kensington, to talk design, travel and inspiration and learn more about the eclectic and highly original Andrew Martin look.
your home tells a story of your life
One Stop Shop
Martin Waller, Founder of Andrew Martin International
IDEALIST: Martin — thanks so much for finding time to talk to us today. You’ve worked all over the world and have a number of stores and high profile clients. As fans of Walton Street, it strikes us that there’s nothing quite like shopping in London. Our shopping guides to other cities feature some great places, but our experience of Paris, say, or Madrid is that you don’t get such a concentration of designers in one street. Why do you think that is?
Martin: I think that’s true in a lot of places in the world. I actually think London is this– we have this kind of quirky, individual attitude to life and I think which is why our music industry is so successful and we’re good at those things. It’s because we hate to be told what to do.
IDEALIST: In The Idealist we feature quite a lot of interior designers and people renovating their own properties. Professional designers tell me that their buyers all want a unique look but that also they want something that tells a story about themselves. Typically people want a mix and match approach that tells a story, so they’ve got antique prints from when they got married in Italy, or let’s say they’ve got a dining table inherited from their parents. People want that kind of connection. Do you agree?
Martin: I absolutely agree. I mean your home tells a story of your life. The curious thing about fashion is people say they want individuality but everybody buys an Hermùs Birkin bag. Or they all buy exactly the same Louis Vuitton thing. But in their home, that’s where they express who they are and I absolutely believe that is what being in the trade is all about. All designers are facilitators to help people tell their story.
Starting the Business
IDEALIST: So how did you get into the business?
Martin: Oh my God the question really is how do I get out! So I started in 1978 that’s a long while ago! When you’re 22 you really know everything there is to know. It’s only as you get older you find you know less and less and less and want to know more and more! So we started in Richmond and then we came here about 30 years ago.
IDEALIST: And what were you selling first?
Martin: There were always things for the home: lighting, cushions, textiles, interior designs stuff.
IDEALIST: And did you have a certain kind of customer in mind or a certain look initially or was it things that you loved?
Martin: No, things have evolved terrifically. In fact I was just writing the introduction– you know we publish this book every year called Interior Design so I was just writing the Foreword for this year and I was trying to find a word to describe our design era. We’ve had everything from midcentury to 1960s to Pop, but actually I’ve realised what we’ve been doing for the last 20 years didn’t have a label.
random shards of glass come into focus and create the overall pattern
Kaleidoscopic Designs
IDEALIST: Did you find something? Have you come up with a name?
Martin: Well the word I’d come up with is kaleidoscope. I’m sure when you did ancient Greek you’ll know the derivation of the kaleidoscope, you know about observation and beauty and shape and so on. And this idea that these random shards of glass come into focus and create the overall pattern.
Martin walks us through his latest International Design Review book which features interiors of the rich and famous from all over the world, including outstanding designers from Holland, China, South Africa, Poland and elsewhere and with spreads including Tommy Hilfiger’s New York pad on top of the old Plaza Building, the New York Yankees hospitality suite, and some amazing commercial and domestic interiors.
Martin is a tremendous history buff and reminds us that there’s nothing new about palatial interiors and awe-inspiring designs. At the peak of ancient Rome, there were something like 1.2 million people in Rome which fell to fewer than 40,000 and has only in the 20th century recovered to its Roman Empire heights. And the Dark Ages lasted for so long! A thousand years of pillaging hoards before the Renaissance!
Alongside the modern design pieces and some amazing original prints – for example of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis – the Walton Street store is to our eyes pretty unique in also selling original historical artefacts and antiquary from Roman and Egyptian times. They really are a site to behold and make a change from the midcentury design classics you see being hallowed elsewhere.
IDEALIST: Returning to the 21st Century, why do you think certain historical styles, such as High Victorian, or Georgian persist? I can see why someone with a Jacobean mansion would want to decorate it faithfully, but why are there certain looks that we seem to return to? Are there trendsetters that tell us how we should live?
Martin: Yes. I mean that’s such an interesting idea where trends emerge from and how trends become universal. They pop up in Japan and they pop up in America and Europe kind of all simultaneously. There is partly movies and magazines but trends were always there. You’re talking about Victorian houses and you can tell the difference between a Queen Anne house and a Georgian house. Even in things as big as that, you know the decade the house was built by looking at it, or likewise on the domestic scale with a teapot by its handle or its lid and its spout. There has always been this incredible fashion for the styling of things in everything.
Martin: The interesting thing is that some things haven’t changed at all like. Men still want to look like Cary Grant and girls want to look like Audrey Hepburn. These are figures from the 1950’s. This is 70 years ago. If you go 70 years back before then people dressed completely differently. But James Dean, jeans, t-shirt that’s the look people wear still wear today. Back in the 1970s, we all thought by now we would be wearing white jumpsuits and our food would come in pills. There was this TV programme: Tomorrow’s World. None of it happened, none of it happened. Even cars, what has happened to car design?
Distinctive Aesthetics
IDEALIST: I know. There’s nothing now like the Citroen DS, or Aston Martin is there. I can just about get excited if you’ve got a retro looking sports car, but in the main, once you’re getting into the bigger cars they’re all very samey. Even the new VW Beetle.
So give me a feel for your kind of customers. When they come here are they looking for single pieces or are they looking to renovate a whole home?
Martin: Well of course you can’t generalise. There are lots of people who just want to wander in and find some strange thing or just buy an unusual Guatemalan textile, cushions or retro poster. Naturally because we do lots of homes and major projects, we see people who have an empathy with our aesthetic or think we have an empathy with their aesthetic.
IDEALIST: So what would you say has been your most unusual thing that you’ve found that you wanted to sell, or your most unusual request?
Martin: Of things we’ve sold I have to show you
 we built this rollercoaster with all these old vintage cars that I got from Blackpool Pleasure Beach that were made in the 20’s and 30’s 
 so that was a random thing to sell. I bought this elephant sculpture too — you need to see how big it was.
Explorers are the real superheroes of the planet and I share their passion for finding new experiences and meeting new people.
IDEALIST: You’ve got a thing for elephants haven’t you?
Martin: Yeah we have. I made it for a place in India and was placed half way across a swimming pool and half on the shore as it were so you could swim underneath it. Aeroplanes
I’ve sold plenty of aeroplanes over the years. Space, I built this thing we do a lot of work with movie studios and this was from Alien. We rebuilt the spaceship and everything.This is when I was going through the Porn and Peep Show phase with neon signs saying All You Can Eat and Five Cents An Hour. And this, with these machines you press a button and it told you whether you were a love machine or grumpy

Martin shows us some other installations with ropes hanging from the ceiling, some rockets for a restaurant in Paris and some huge Atomic Age and Russian-style pieces.
 these were divers we sold these figures. This was a football table but it was for giants, here are the humans. So we sold those. They were amazing actually. They’re beautiful aren’t they? Absolutely beautiful. So we’ve sold plenty of strange things over the years. This was an amazing thing. This was the architect’s model for a rollercoaster that was actually meant to be built in New Zealand. I think it was built in the 1930’s. You put a ball up here and it just follows the track of the rollercoaster. It was such a beautiful thing.
IDEALIST: You’ve done so much and it’s so eclectic. Do you have an ambition that’s not yet been realized? 
Martin: Well next month I’m going to space conference in Norway and there are going to be three moonwalkers there including Buzz Aldrin. Exploration is a passion really so I think Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong are the two greatest explorers of all time. Explorers are the real superheroes of the planet and I share their passion for finding new experiences and meeting new people.
To see a small selection of the Andrew Martin range, you can shop online at andrewmartin.co.uk. For the full experience, we recommend a trip to their store on London’s Walton Street where they have everything from neon-enhanced posters of Che Guevara to Egyptian and Roman artefacts to rockets, cockpits, sofas, cushions and accessories. It’s a real treasure trove.
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The post Elephants, rollercoasters and rockets: The Idealist visits Andrew Martin appeared first on The Idealist.
from The Idealist https://www.theidealist.com/elephants-rollercoasters-rockets-idealist-andrew-martin/ from The Idealist Magazine https://theidealistmagazine.tumblr.com/post/162424846043
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