#I literally gasped awake from a LoP dream and went ‘BUT WAIT—‘ this game is consuming my life…. I’m too far gone
xbraveheartx · 8 months
Wakes up in a cold sweat— So wait, but if Ergo is believed to be only formed in victims of the Petrificarion Disease, then why do human enemies without PD drop ergo?
This is why I call bull on that loading screen saying both Carlo and Romeo died of PD with everything else in the game pointing otherwise… Specifically in regards to the discussion of “Well it must be true because otherwise they could never have become puppets without their ergo!” The Stalkers you fight, The Black Rabbit Brotherhood— they all give you ergo. The BRB even give you a solid ergo chunk.
Geppetto started the puppet frenzy specifically to farm ergo from people in the massacre. The entirety of Krat can’t just conveniently have PD, especially not so early on, right? Sophia is also a special person who can use ergo in ways prior not thought possible (time manipulation— Our “Lie or Die” screen of the clock ticking backwards to “revive” us back to a time we were okay), so ergo is definitely something less… solid and tangible like we all want to define it, and more so an… essence… energy… soul of sorts?? Magic?
… I need to sleep again, but when I run my NG++ I’ll definitely try to pay more attention to what she says when explaining ergo, because I feel when she does, she becomes our most reliable narrator since there’s nothing left to hide.
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