#I like to think Benoit was so enamoured by Phillips willingness to Commit To The Bit for the rest of time that he had to put a ring on it
they totally strike me as that kind of couple who have been together for so long they just call each other by bizarre pet names, but my personal explanation to why Phillip calls Blanc by his last name is that when they first met they had no idea it would turn romantic so they would of course call each other by their last names but then when things did turn romantic Phillip kind of missed the right moment to switch from “Blanc” to “Benoit”. Maybe they were flirting and Blanc said something charming and called him “Phillip” for the first time and Phillip kind of fumbled, as Hugh Grant characters tend to do, and then he tried to be cool about it like "Anyways Blanc would you like to get out of here for some. Drinks? Gay drinks? Perhaps even gay dinner?” And he had to keep doing that to save face and now he’s stuck calling his husband by his last name forever to avoid loving mockery
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