#I know they annoy alexia and that's so fun to watch lol
magdasabs · 2 years
Sandra Riquelme (the commentarist) used to play, she played against virginia and others when she was growing up. She and two other have a Youtube channel called el patio which is dedícated to woso and there are A LOT of good interviews with players. The other i don't know very well but i don't think so
@ anon
also thx from me too, that's cool video and el patio is very cool even if I don't understand anything
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hellswolfie · 3 years
I saw there were going to be 3 new remakes (crossed fingers it really happens). So, in honnor of that, I decided to make my list of the remake characters (I find it fascinating how each characters is derived from the same character but still manage to be different somehow). Begining with Eva's. Feel free to discuss in the comments (respectfully of course, and if anyone actually reads this lol)
(also, since I never watched Skam Italia, I obviously won't include it)
Ok let's go!
Edit :
Here is the Jonas ranking
Here is the Noora ranking
Here is the William ranking
Here is the Isak ranking
Here is the Even ranking
Here is the Sana ranking
1- Isa (skam nl)
I have a mixed feelings about her season but damn I LOVE HER SO MUCH. She's a real ray of sunshine! I loved witnessing her chaotic energy, how she was allowed to be weird and a real disaster while still being written as a human being with real flaws and serious issues (something that does not happen often with female characters). And like yeah, there are so many girls like that and we should see it more in media, not to mention it made her friendships with the girl squad more realistic because they were just having fun being weirdos together and that is friendship goal ^^ She's also probably the most relatable Eva of the remakes, which is one of this character's main purpose imo, without making her too much "hEy LoOK aT mE, i'M sO qUirKy aNd RelAtABle lOLiLoL". Her evolution was very well handled, although she really deserved to gave the Eva speech to Kes :( All in all, she's defintely the one I enjoyed the most following, she was just so endearing and fun!!
2- Megan (skam austin)
It's apparently a controversial opinion, but I REALLY like her. I could really relate to her feelings of being pressured by the school system, and how she wasn't really expressive because of her isolation (and probably depression). Like she wasn't over-the-top, she felt real. She could be so nice but also snarky when she needed to be, way more than Eva ever was, and I liked seeing that. Plus, I really appreciated how they actually talked about her issues regarding alcohol in season 2. It was nice they still continued to work with her character after her season, to still show her as this flawed human being who still had things to deal with and not just the main's BFF. I really loved her plot with Shay, I found it so different and interesting because the betrayal felt...So much worst. And then we could see the consequences of it in season 2 (also she totally should have end up with her like wtf is she doing with Marlon at the end of season 2 we needed a season 3 if only to fix this fuckery!!!). Also like...i'm weak for girls with colored hair dont judge me ^^
3- Emma (skam france)
I have to admit, she was kind of boring at times, and she could annoy me a lot too. But also she's so sweet and cute, and it's definitely the kind of girl that I met in real life. I love that they showed her being an amazing friend to Manon in season 3. And then...season 4 happened. And not only did she treat Alex like shit but she treated IMANE like shit, and that was....extremely hard to watch. At least Manon and Alexia had some semblance of a reason to be mad at Imane (even though it still doesn't excuse anything!!) but she didn't even have any, and when Imane tried to call out Ingrid for her racism, she made it all about her!!! But anyway season 5 kind of reconciled me with her, showing her once again as the girl who is a really lost in her life and doesn't really know what she wants (something really relatable, not everyone has their life figured out at that age, I should know lol), but still being there to listen to her friends and very emotionally intelligent (because grades don't define whether you're smart or stupid, and I'm glad they showed us that). Plus, the fact that she chose to remain single simply because she realized she actually liked it was a great thing to do with her character! But like why was she always shown being there to listen to her friends and noticing when they were feeling bad except with Imane??? (well we know why but still)
4- Eva (skam espana)
I have my issues with Skam espana, but I have to admit that their Eva season was probably the best one of the remakes. The way they handled her character was amazing! She was allowed to have flaws and fucks up numerous times even though we can still understand where she's coming from, and most importantly she actually owns up to it! Her transformation to being all alone and having low self-esteem to being this confident woman with great friends was SO great to see. But then, with the other seasons, she really annoyed me. I really appreciate that her relationship with Ingrid and Lucas were not forgotten, and, like with Emma, I like how her character showed that one can be happy and getting their life together without having to be in a romantic relationship. but other than that it felt like she was only there to say the woke things or be the quirky, super confident friend, and so she just ended up being a caricature of herself. That was a shame because her character defintely had potential...
5- Hanna (Druck)
I...honestly don't have much to say about her. I liked her season fine, and I really felt for her sometimes. But I honestly don't have any attachment to her. I don't really know why, she's just really "meh" for me. Maybe it's because I feel like her relationship with other characters were not given enough depth, altho I liked seeing her friendship with Matteo in season 3, but it's more for the idea of it than anything else. And I know it's not her fault, but the fact she was given a whole episode in season 4, taking it from Amira even though she already had her own season...It really made me resent her, ngl...But I honestly just don't care about her. Sorry.
6-Jana (WTFock)
I'm not gonna make friends with this one lmao, but I'm at a point where I just can't stand her. I really liked her season, her issues were portrayed in a very realistic and understanble way, and the scene where she breaks up with Jonas is my favorite Joneva break up scene of the skam remakes. But then, in season 2, she did the whole "I'm gonna flirt with Robbe and if he rejects me, his best friend's ex, that totally means he's gay !!!", which is so stupid and unapropriate (to put it mildly) in so many ways, but no she just found it so funny haha even after what she did made him very obvioulsy uncomfortable. I mean yes, if I remember well, Eva mentionned doing that to Isak, but she wasn't serious!! And she only ended flirting with him because she was miserable and completely drunk!!! At this point I already hated her, but, anyway, at least she appologized in season 3. Well, she didn't really seem to understand that it still would have been hella wrong to do that had Robbe been straight (lol), but still, she was at least aknwoledging that it was wrong and I was ready to forgive her. But then, she blindly believed Britt about Sander's mental illness, thought that because the girl had dated him for like 6 months that made her an expert, talked to Robbe about it as if she knew better than him without thinking twice about how SANDER might think or feel, and had this whole speech about how Britt is oh so strong to allow someone with a bipolar disorder to date her (like seriously fuck you), and when Sander went to the mental hospital she apparently spoke about it to everyone around her. And after that, she was still made out to be this great person and friend and it was so irritating!!! So yeah, not a fan. WTFock season 3 didn't spare many characters honestly lol. I have to say, thought, their season 4 made me appreciate her more (yeah it was that bad).
I really want to add that those are MY opinions, no one has to agree with me. My dislike for some characters are only directed to the characters, and definitely not for those who do like them.
Like I said, feel free to discuss in the comments ^^
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k-tarot · 4 years
Hii! My name is Alexia. May I request a reading from admin jk , #2 for exo? Thank you!!
Hi Alexia, thank you so so much for requesting and for your patients ❤️❤️
As usual, I pulled some cards to tell me a little bit more about you so that I can understand why Exo would see you the way they do.
Goddess: Freya - Radical Acceptance. Wow. Just so much power from this card. You just accept things as they are—no questions asked. You’re ready to work against or with it. You are powerful and head strong. As for the animal spirit cards. They say that you’re also a deep thinker, someone who’s mind is a complete mystery to others. You’re a hard worker and you work really well with others. And even though it’s clear that you are intelligent, you are SO much more than what people actually expect. You weave the scenes from behind and set things to happen without others realizing, but like not in a negative way. More of in a way you do things to help you and your friends. And you may also be a really clean or minimalistic person.
Okay so before I dive into what Exo thinks of you, I’m not sure if you’re an earth sign... but there’s just SO much earth energy in your reading. But is hard because you have a lot of air energy too but I also get water—like earth with a flowing energy that is fluid like wind or water??? (Lmk if im completely off btw haha. Sorry if I am but maybe you have a lot of one of the elements above in your star chart.) Anywayyyyys moving on lol.
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What does Exo think of you?
Xiumin: okay before I start, I just gotta mention that when I was shuffling, BEFORE I even got half way through shuffling—the 7 of cups flew out and landed face up. I usually keep the cards that fall down facing up lol but I put it back in bc I was like “nahhh can’t be xiumin’s representation card yet bc I haven’t even shuffled properly! So we’ll see if it’s meant to be!” And then I shuffled the deck like 5 times before laying all the cards out and I was SHOOK when I flipped xiumin’s card to see THE 7 OF CUPS. Lmao okay but side story over, Xiumin really likes you. It’s like a mini crush, but more out of admiration tbh. To him, you are just such a hard worker that never stops and metaphorically it’s like you have a huge beautiful garden and you’re just reaping the fruits of all your hard work constantly. Like I just this image of xiumin daydreaming about you and all these flowers around you!
Suho: on the other hand, I think Suho is a bit upset at you LOL sorry for laughing hahaha but not in a bad way! Omg it feels like he’s sulking haha. He thinks you’re a bit too defensive and honestly I think it’s because he might always be hovering over you and you’re kinda just like “excuse me! I can do this on my own!” And he’s just upset that you won’t rely on him more haha. I think he worries about you a lot and is butthurt that you’re kinda stubborn and bratty to him all because you refuse to let him help you whenever you’re struggling.
Lay: wow this is so interesting lol. Because it seems like Lay is close to you in such a nurturing way—he’s the one you go to when ever you’re feeling lost and unsure. Which is so funny because I think that’s why Suho is so sulky and jealous. You’d rely on Lay openly in front of Suho I bet haha. But yes I get a brotherly feel tho, like he really cares about your well being and is always quietly watching out for you.
Baekhyun: I don’t get the vibe that you guys are super close, but I do see that he’s watching you from afar. Kind of in a brotherly way like Lay, but just much more distant. He sees that you’re a hard working and always working on finding new ways to approach things or new ways to create things. Like you just always have a goal and he’ll some time just casually drop a hint or a tip when he sees you struggling—like in such a nonchalant way and it’ll completely blow your mind away and when you’re about to thank him, he’s already gone with a small smile on his face knowing that he was able to help you.
Chen: his vibe is similar to Baekhyun and Lay, but he’s kinda in between. He’s not your go-to like Lay but he’s not as ninja-like like Baekhyun lol. He’s the brother that will always catch you just when you’re about to burn out from all the stress and work you put yourself through. And he’ll like casually be like “hey, I’m about to go grab coffee, wanna join?” Or be like “hey, that’s the millionth time I heard you sighing and it’s annoying so TEA TIME!” He’s the sweet one that will somehow manage to convince you into taking a nap and then waking you up on time to do your work again.
Chanyeol: feels like this kid is a bit full of himself in this spread lol. Like he’s pretty focus on himself and his own work currently in this reading. BUT, he does notice when you’re feeling down. So he doesn’t comfort you and he is really friendly with you! He has a small soft spot for you, but he’s mainly busy so he doesn’t see you too often. He thinks you’re too stressed out too often, so he’ll always slip a joke or two in to get a laugh out of you.
D.O.: oh boyyyy, he is wow—really in love with you. BUT I DONT THINK YOU KNOW! Lol we’ll NOW you know haha but he has a really big one sided crush on you like Holy cow you would not believe. He thinks you’re THE one, his destined one. But it’s like your kinda oblivious haha. But omg he’s so sweet because he’s willing to wait and take his time so that he doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable. He’s really considerate of you. To him, you understand him so deeply and he’s just so so fond of you.
Kai: Ooou, you two are really good friends! Like there’s a lot of chemistry! You two could talk for hourssss. And you two would have a lot of playful banter! Like he might totally roast you and you immediately snap a witty comeback right back at him lol! You two also probably people watch together and sometimes gossip for fun. You’re like his best friend!
Sehun: wow, another mini crush?? I think Sehun is a bit awkward around you LOL mainly because you’re like just so beautiful to him and you’re just shining. And also because you’re really comforting to him!! It’s like you run into him during his lowest of low moments and always manage to cheer him up without even trying to. And he’s definitely feeling like he needs to take a break from you lol. Probably because you somehow always catch him at the times when he feels least cool and he wants you to see the cool side of him haha.
This reading made me laugh a lot and was super fun for me!! I hope that it resonates and I hope that you like it! Once again, thank you so much for your patience! Please feel free to lmk what you think!
Much love~
Admin jk
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flying-elliska · 5 years
S3 Rewatch - Episode 3 - Vendredi 21h36 - “Pas forcément une meuf”
And we are dropped right in the middle of the action, sound like a bass drop after the buildup of the previous clip, after a brief shot of the lit up foyer from outside (lol so not discrete guys) with a little powerpoint zoom effect on the timestamp. It works to immediately immerse us in the wild feeling of the party - everyone dancing, the angles askew, the lights flashing and swirling. Three things. First, Arthur looks hella fly in his James Bond tux, class act, hope we see that side of him again in his season. Second, how good must it have felt for Imane to be able to wear her headscarf in school like she wants but can’t do bc of messed up laws ? Also - the girl dressed as a whole ass shower with curtain and ring is a f*cking Legend she should pop up in fics more. Like the level of extra - why a shower ? Who even does that ? did she ever think about how complicated it would be for her to get away if they got caught ? Nope, she did it all for the Drama. She heard ‘Infiltration’ theme (so like, being discrete and shit) and she went and got the most out there costume she could find. Respect. Also I saw someone in a penguin onesie lmaoooo. 
Basile wants to vomit and we really needed to know that, I guess. Alexia has such BDE casually dropping the whole ‘oh yeah that cute girl that looked at me flirtily is my ex, paws off and yeah i have much more game than you also bye’ at Basile. And the way she casually comes out to her boyfriend and orders him to get her a drink as soon as he gets weird. Because she acts as if she is entitled to a normal reaction (and she is!!!) and anything else is annoying. I love her. Her boyfriend doesn’t deserve her. The painted wall behind them looks so cool. Then another hilarious instance of Daphy freaking out over rules even if she’s basically the biggest rule breaker since she started this, Imane protecting Daphy from Basile being yikes, again being the friend who does the Most, and we cut to Chloé dissing the music. Lucas asks her if she listens to Jul (an extremely lame white French rapper) which is hilarious - it’s a ‘as if you’re any better’ covert dig. And then it turns out that she does listen to music Lucas likes and the best part ? He doesn’t even care. He wants nothing in common with her. He listens to dubstep now and he’s gonna like it even if it’s atrocious. He’d rather be with Eliott and listen to annoying music than to be without him (foreshadowing!!!!). He doesn’t give a shit about Chloé and her snobbish ways. Also there is a sun projected on the wall behind Lucas (symbolism !!!) Meanwhile Mika in his metallic silver suit and rainbow shirt is being super extra and kissing boys without a care in the world, and the way Chloé talks about him is dripping with condescension - ‘did he get the wrong party’ as if everyone is not being over the top anyway, or talking abt gay men as if they’re party accessories. Alexia correcting her feels fitting - Eliott in this clip is all about being mysterious and witholding so it’s okay he’s not the one doing that even if him correcting prejudice would have been awesome. I just don’t quite see Eliott standing up for himself in the way Even did. He’s always so much more nervous when it comes to talking. 
The music then goes “oh oh” as Eliott arrives, as if on cue. Like hiding-in-plain-sight camo for Lucas, the fact that the mask is actually blocking out his face physically is very fitting (beyond looking hot as fuck) - like Eliott’s tendency to actually disappear and hide when shit gets rough. Also sorry but Lucille looks gorgeous right there - they both do. The petty “salut, mec” - l e g e n d a r y. I remember how we all thought that Eliott was going to be super sad and down after Lucas shooting him down and there he is, all smoldering ! I love that he’s never doing the expected thing. He’s sensitive, yeah, but he can be hella bold too. Eliott doesn’t even respond to Chloé and challenges Lucas with his super expressive downright bedroom-y eyes. Lucas looks so pissed off and overwhelmed and done and turned on at the same time. Like how did Chloé not notice anything, she really is next-level oblivious. Bubbles are floating around them, I love that, works with the ‘brief bubble’ they find themselves in later. 
I think we wrote entire dissertations about their remake of the ‘Call Your Girlfriend” moment - how much longer it was and felt like an entire conversation. It left me so wired and breathless after I saw it. Eliott’s little “okay we can play that game” smug smirk, open mouthed kiss, jumping in sync with Lucille, both of them looking so cool together like college kids do to high schoolers, all easy grace and racy confidence, and those neon rings around their necks like fallen haloes - whereas Lucas looks like he’s just bumbling around and smashing his face on Chloé’s clumsily out of sheer nerves and annoyance and jealousy. Lucas staring angrily at Eliott who seems absorbed in kissing Lucille and having fun without him for a moment. And then. And then. We can see Eliott pivot and the white of his eyes as they open towards Lucas. He’s staring back ! This is the first moment that we, and Lucas, unequivocally know he wants him back. It’s a culmination of three frustrating weeks of them running after and dancing around each other. But finally, there is absolutely zero misinterpretation possible. And after that, the kissing slows down, it feels like they’re both floating, and as they close their eyes - Lucas especially - we just know that they’re picturing kissing each other instead. Like for a moment, they’re caught in a trance together, in this moment of confirmation, of stolen bliss, of revelation. And bam ! Lights back on and it’s extra brutal compared to OG because it’s not just a random cut, it’s the janitor and they’re in actual danger of being found out, it adds to the ‘caught in the act’ tension. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
 And then they run, and they find each other. Eliott just grinning and thriving in the general chaos is so funny. Another reason why the forbidden party thing is awesome - in the panic, their first reflex is to look for each other, and that is very revelatory of their priorities, but it also gives them the freedom to leave together unnoticed. Eliott walking Lucas home gives us those romcom sweetheart vibes. and it’s so. obvious. subtletly whomst ? Lucas keeps having to make the choice of following Eliott - and I love that Eliott is giving him these choices, it’s a way for him to progressively ease into choosing Eliott entirely. 
Canal St-Martin ! I’ve been there ! It’s very cute and romantic ! Then we have the conversation of absolutely Unsubtle Fishing.  I love that they keep giving each other outs -  to protect each other and their own hearts, to make it easy so they can deny if they need to (so it’s serious with this gf ? so you it’s really hot between you and this Chloé - lol Eliott you know it’s not - ? so you don’t want to be in a couple ? ) and just. NOT. TAKING. THEM. And being like no Chloé is too much it’s annoying, no my couple with Lucille is coming to an end, no bitch it’s you I want !!!!! It’s that reciprocal dance they do, Lucas tentatively coming out of his shell, Eliott giving him time but also making it easier for him (and more enthralling lol). But I did NOT expect Eliott to come out like that. Like ! I was in the tram when I watched this lol (I was still not aware of the importance of Vendredis back then) and. i. just yelped out loud like a moron lmaooo. I wanted to cheer him on like he was a football player that just scored. It’s just such bi/pan goals in particular to come out like that, so nonchalantly, because you’re so easily assumed to be straight and it’s kind of a pleasure to turn ppl’s expectations around, but it demands a certain level of confidence. I love how the music rises and it goes in a second from ‘friends hanging together all casual like’ to ‘yeah they want to jump each other’s bones’. Daaaaamn Manon. 
This clip is just so thrilling. Last Vendredi was the wonder of discovery but all very uncertain - this is confirmation that the special someone likes you back, and it’s such a high, they transcribe it so wellllllll. 
Previous clip. 
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studioweus · 2 years
ooh 'lost boy' is actually the first song of hers i ever heard! and i only know those two, i need to hear more of her discography too! nice, i'd love to hear 'outnumbered' on the radio here! luckily they do play dermot kennedy songs (which is a nice break from some other songs that play on the radio :/) and no problem! glad you liked my recommendations :D
yess i'd love to see your world! i'll have to see if i have screenshots saved somewhere! (exactly, the name is fitting, they're creepy and annoying 😭)
yeah i wouldn't count 25% as a sale either (i guess it depends on what the original price is) but with the kinds of sales steam does, 25% isn't really that much haha. luckily i've been able to play a few games here and there! i played some of the newest uncharted game, i started red dead redemption, and i'll probably end up playing watch dogs at some point! i also got a new video game as a christmas present which i'm excited to play :p what other games were you thinking of playing?
yess i refuse to watch or read anything that's not happy now! that's for when school starts again 😂 yeah i'm actually so curious about lord of the flies haha, i'll probably end up reading that at some point in january and we'll see how it goes? haha thank you for taking one for the team!
exactly like i rarely get competitive so sports that are violent with everyone getting mad at you when you make one mistake...not really my thing haha
luckily my family really liked my gifts to them! i'm just glad i don't have to worry about it again 'til next year (except there's also birthdays 😭) aww those sound like good gifts, glad they liked them!
thank youu 💙 yeah she's doing better now and is almost fully recovered, and luckily i think me and the rest of my family managed to not get it but we'll have to keep checking 😬
we did enjoy christmas, thanks! i hope you were also able to enjoy christmas and this holiday season 😊
- alexia 🎄
i listened to some of her songs and they gave me 'lost boy' vibes because they were pretty soft! haha we usually get the same loop of pop songs on the radio here too so hearing a dermot kennedy song was honestly a surprise 😭
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here are some screenshots i was able to take from my world! some of the buildings are unfinished because i got lazy LOL i haven't been playing here since some of the most recent updates so they look pretty basic 😩 if you have screenshots of your world, i would love to see them as well! :D
haha honestly! sometimes 25% off is just $2 off 😢 ooh! i'm glad you got to play some games :D you deserve to get some downtime and just game. ooh red dead redemption 👀 i've seen some gameplays and it reminds me of an older era of GTA but then again they're both under rockstar so that sorta makes sense. ooh what video game did you get! i was actually thinking of playing 'before your eyes' back when i answered your q and i ended up playing it in one sitting yesterday and man, i was big sad :<
LOL let me know what you think! i might start lord of the flies after my current book (which is just a re-read of no longer human) because i'm getting curious
birthdays, you're absolutely right 😩 gahh gift-giving is hard LOL but maybe you can ask for their wishlists! 👀
i'm glad to hear your sister is doing better! fingers crossed the rest of the family will be okay 😭
i also had a very relaxing christmas! :D also thank you again for the secret carat gift ;-; it really evoked a plethora of emotions LOL i was just sobbing and laughing 😭 plus that little greeting at the end was so cute!!
i hope we get to chat more even tho the event is over! it was honestly very fun :D and ngl, i've had awful luck with secret santa events in the past but this one really changed my perspective with these kinds of events, so thank you for that, alexia!! 🥰
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