#I just have bajillions of feelings about that beautiful tragic magic man
martianbugsbunny · 7 months
"it's not your place" "enough of this" I don't doubt that Thor loves Loki. That's his mostly companion, his brother, his closest friend. But I also don't doubt that he's spoken to Loki like that most of his life, not just at the time Thor is set, because Thor is obsessed with his right to be king. He's shown to be obsessed with the throne before Loki is, in fact; it's only when Loki's entire life cracks and splinters in a matter of hours that he starts to express any desire to be in charge—and honestly who could blame him for grasping for control after the floor of his existence is jerked out from under his feet. He still says, when fighting Thor at the end of the movie, that he just wanted to be Thor's equal. Thor's obsession with ruling is where Loki's obsession stems from, because Thor has always been the bigger, stronger, warrior heir and as much as he views Loki as his brother he also views him as a subject and doesn't hesitate to remind of it, even before he's actually king. Loki feels like he's constantly being put down, reminded of his inferiority, and it smarts, and learning that he's not even the Asgardian that his brother is, is just the straw that breaks his back. Being a frost giant in a land of Asgardians is just the final way he can't measure up to his brother, can't be loved like his brother, can't be equal to his brother, but the seeds of those feelings were planted by what seems to be an entire lifetime of his lesser status being reinforced to him.
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