#I just hate the incel trope a lot man. like there are plenty of reasons to dislike him
khalixvitae · 7 months
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@katabaesis No but you’re right. Like granted Idia does have a pretty broad stroke hatred/dislike for the world at large but that’s more of a personal issue than something he takes out on others. While I would argue that he can be petty and bitchy and vindictive, he’s not innately cruel. when he does do cruel things (because he has an impressive capacity to do so, let’s be real) it’s not a demographically targeted thing nor is it driven by a particular ideology. He may be a very calculated and deliberate person who people should take more seriously, but hes the one who undermines himself socially and does so with the intent of being alone.
Also I don’t think he’d gain anything from the incel “community” anyway, mostly because his personal philosophy is fundamentally different. Incels blame their perceived loneliness on others (primarily women), but Idia’s adversary is something way more personal. Idia’s isolationism is insular- he doesn’t blame any particular demographic for his condition, but instead blames something in his literal blood. I mean he also pins his fate on his ancestors, but again that’s way more internal than the outward projecting incel think pieces rely on. Idia doesn’t think anyone besides Ortho is capable of understanding him anyway (both the original and the android, but for different reasons). Idia is the one who believes he can’t/shouldn’t make personal connections and that he is ultimately the root of the issue. He’s sparing himself the trouble and inevitable pain of cutting social ties when he returns to STYX, and he’s sparing the people around him. He doesn’t want to drag anyone else into the mess he was born to inherit. In short, Idia’s personal philosophy is diametrically opposed to incel behavior. He’s the one that has decided he must be alone, and he doesn’t pin that on his peers. He’s lost enough already, so in his mind there’s no point in subjecting himself to the awkwardness of socializing with anyone face to face. Not to mention the ABYSMAL socialization he received growing up at STYX, like holy shit. Being offputting to people by nature doesn’t help his situation and definitely contributes to his built in self loathing. Also it’s insinuated at multiple points that his physical appearances are picked at in the twst universe, so like. He’s got several complexes going on there that he ultimately blames himself for.
Anyway yes I hate the incel Idia trope because it totally washes out the layers of nuance built into his character. It obliterates his self awareness and his open distaste at his ancestors, as well as his fear of being let down. Idia is his own worst enemy, and frankly his isolationist tendencies are what reflect his worst traits back at the audience ten fold. His lack of socialization during his upbringing only makes it worse- I mean he was literally born and bred for a life of secrecy and scheming in the shadows. There are plenty of things wrong with him as a person, but misogyny isn’t one of them???
And on a personal note, I think he’s too intelligent to pin the blame on anyone else. I think the incel trope dumbs him down to an almost unrecognizable point. Idia is way smarter than that.
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