#I hope it's not too controversal a response
masquenoire · 1 year
So Roman wouldn't be happy having a biological child. What would he do if he did end up having one?
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(Warning: Sensitive topic! Slipped more under the cut ~)
To say that Roman wouldn’t be happy having a biological child is an understatement. He would be distraught, especially if he were the one carrying the baby. He’d still be upset if he wasn’t (unless it was planned, greatly desired by his partner) but there’s a possibility he’d come round to the idea, getting to play daddy were he in a good relationship. Barring magic or alien biology, it’s almost certain this will NEVER happen. It’s more likely he’ll end up as the birth parent and that’s where the issues come in. It shouldn’t have happened. Normally he’s so careful, doubling up on protection even though the odds are against him conceiving. It still happened, so now he’s fucked in more ways than one. Roman’s immediate thought is to get rid of it. He can’t risk anybody knowing he’s pregnant, people finding out what he is so he’ll hide away, have his men spread rumors of an attempted assassination gone wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time somebody’s tried killing him on his own turf and would explain his lengthy absence away from the criminal limelight, needing time to recover when the truth is so much worse than any rumor could ever be. Afterwards is a different story. Roman would be a tortured soul throughout the whole experience, his dysphoria screaming as loudly as the memories of his mother’s voice, back when she’d rage at him for hours that he’d ruined her figure, ruined her life and all she got out of it was a disgusting little freak she’d never even wanted in the first place. Feeling the same way towards his own offspring would make him the most miserable he’d ever been in his life and would only cement Roman’s decision to get rid of the child as soon as it arrives. He’d ask the only man he trusts, tasking Horsehead with finding a suitable caretaker to take the little one on as their adoptive charge, to ensure he never has to be in their life and that the consequences of being related to him won’t affect them someday. God willing they never find out the awful truth, merely that they were the result of a drunken fling he had no interest keeping. There’d be money set aside in a trust fund for them and plenty of it too, to ensure they’re able to live comfortably with access to good education. Roman can only hope they never come tracking him down some day far off into the future, and if they do, they’ll buy the act he’s an uncaring father, too callous and cold to ever want a child around. As far as Roman Sionis is concerned, an absent parent is better than an abusive one and it’s best for all parties involved he plays no part in parenthood.
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
As someone that likes japanese bl, i didn't think your comments were bad, it was clear you were trying to be measured and honest with your response. I happen to hold a different opinion than you, but there is nothing wrong with having a preference for types of media! After all, we're all watching bl which already shows a preference in itself. Also, you even praised other Japanese shows you liked and said you hadn't watched a lot of jp shows anyway. Nothing inherently wrong with that. It's just the pratfalls of being a popular blog and tagging a negative opinion of a popular drama where many people can see it. People are gonna disagree and have kneejerk reactions, but i hope you don't let it get to you too much because as someone who does disagree with you fairly often, you do try to be careful and open to other interpretations even with your "controversial" opinions (they're not controversal, they're just not always 100% positive, which is normal and human. people who don't get that and react negatively themselves need to step back and chill for a sec before attacking). Regardless, i hope you find your mental health break well and can find your joy again. ✌💙
thank you very much anon 💜
I wasn't gonna answer this as I don't want to go into this topic again but I really appreciate your words 🥺
Obviously there is absolutely nothing wrong with having different opinions as long as they're respectful, which is something I'm always giving a lot of thought to whenever I publish an opinion on a topic. So yeah it was frustrating lol. But it's okay. it's not like it was the first time.
so again thank you for being respectful and honest! 💙
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bunnys-lil-hideout · 3 years
Thank you so much! Feel free to ignore or skip if anything makes you uncomfortable!!
Is there a specific reason you got into self shipping? How close do you feel with your F/O's? Do you imagine scenarios with them? Do you have any advice for someone interested in the self shipping community? Is there any discourse I should avoid?
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me!!
This response got pretty long, so I'll have it under the cut. I hope this helps!
So when I first started self-shipping when I was a lot younger, I mainly did it because I would just find the character attractive and had a strong intimate feeling towards them. I can only think of like, 1 character that I self-shipped with when I was a kid where it was romantic.
Obviously, now I'm into self-shipping because I actually have full on romantic attractions to the characters I've listed as my F/Os. Some of them I actually didn't even realize I might've had romantic feelings for when I was younger because I just didn't understand most emotions.
The closeness I feel for them really depends on the F/O and how much sentimental value they have to me. Like, Boozoo I'm not too close with, because he isn't that much of a sentimental character to me personally, and he hasn't been in my life long enough. Now, for characters like The Mask, who have been in my life a lot longer because I was a kid when I watched the movie and cartoon, he means a lot to me as he impacted me in various ways that I didn't even realize. But overall, I do feel a closeness to them.
I imagine scenarios with them all the fucking time. I've occasionally had days where those scenarios would be the only things I think about. Like meeting them for the first time, going out to do fun things together, even just hugging and kissing. It's always in my brain. And I never really use a self-inset, I just use my ACTUAL self.
Advice wise, do not feel ashamed of any character you fall in love with. If the character is 'ugly' or evil or poorly written or even just a blank slate, that's fine! Because the good thing about them not being real is that your brain will shape them how YOU think they should be, and sometimes, that won't even change much! Don't bother with people who don't like your F/Os, because to you, unlike the people who disagree, that character is lovely in every way.
Biggest thing, do not get involved with pro-shippers/anti-antis. Like, even if they're minors and they just don't know better. And try to help in the cause of not letting that ideology spread. Don't make adults think it's okay to self-ship with minors, or self-ship with characters they consider 'biological family'. None of that. Stay away from that waste land, and don't even try to convince them they're wrong, cause they won't listen.
Also, if a F/O is from a controversal piece of media, please make sure to be critical of it! Try to separate them from the media as best as you can, make versions of them that gets rid of any offensive material they may have in their personality or appearance.
Also, it's okay to have F/Os that aren't lovers! They can be your friend, or family, or even a rival. So don't feel like you're stuck in a single category.
Finally, for the most part, just make sure you're happy while you do it. Seriously. Please make sure you're making yourself smile when you do self-ship related stuff. It's meant to be loving and fun. And that's how it always should be.
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