#I hope it’s not too complicated theres. a lot . to bioshock
siofra-river · 2 years
Anakin, can you explain Bioshock to me like I am 5 years old?
I can! So, most of bioshock takes place in an underwater city called Rapture. The whole idea behind Rapture was that you basically could do whatever the fuck you wanted without interference from any kind of government or religious bodies, and surprisingly, it does not end well.
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Bioshock is the story of a city doomed to fail from the start. The creator, Andrew Ryan, follows what’s essentially extreme individualism and libertarianism, Objectivism, so basically he doesn’t stop people trying to manipulate the system. And so, a right asshole named Frank Fontaine takes advantage of that, he hires two people, Brigid Tenenbaum and Yi Suchong to create and refine what is called Splicing, which is basically modifying your genetics and changing yourself, and the explanation behind the powers you get in the games, but Fontiane uses the Splicers (people who are addicted to Splicing) to start a civil war with Ryan, who also resorts to manipulating Splicers and his security systems and it just sends the whole city to shit. When you’re running through it as Jack (first game protag) or Delta (second game protag) it’s got like lots of damage and decay, whole areas will be closed off or have water up your characters knees. In the second game you can actually go through areas completely underwater and you see a lot of the damage and rust that’s been caused by the neglect.
To explain the enemies more, you have: Splicers, Little Sisters, and Big Daddies. The main enemies of Bioshock 1 & 2. They’re basically all people who have been changed some way by ADAM, and in-game you get ADAM from Little Sisters.
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They’re children taken from the orphanages run by Fontaine . And have the slugs that produce ADAM implanted within them, they’re also like brainwashed conditioned to basically just see everything as a wonderland so they keep gathering/producing ADAM. And little Sisters are always followed around by people known as Big Daddies, who were people who have been experimenting on with the ADAM and have been surgically implanted within Giant Diving suits and have also been brainwashed and essentially turned into attack dogs, they follow around Little Sisters and protect them if they’re attacked by Splicers or You. They’re pretty tragic since you learn a lot of the time they didn’t have a choice or were like blackmailed into getting these experiments done on them. The protagonist of the second game, Subject Delta, is also a Big Daddy, the one on the left of the pic below
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Also I guess I forgot to explain Splicers but they’re essentially the main enemies you’re fighting 95% of the time, average joes and janes who essentially went insane from Splicing too much. And yeah I’ll also say this, I think it’s pretty tasteless for your main enemies in this game to essentially just be drug addicts :-/ who are based off like WW1-2 veteran photos of those who’ve been like. Disfigured during the wars.
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There’s also Bioshock Infinite but it is so far removed from Bioshock 1-2 it’s kinda wacky. It basically takes place in like the 1800s in a city that’s basically a flying white supremacist wet dream. And you play as a guy named Booker trying to get to the daughter of the Racism land leader, and to all goes to shit and there’s like a lot of dimension travel and it gets confusing very quickly and it’s very goofy and doesn’t get the spirit of Bioshock which I’d say is like Isolation, the ambiance and fear of a whole city against you. It just feels like a shoot-fest with lamer powers than bioshock 1 or 2, and also it’s messaging is that if you’re a black person fighting racists with violence you’re just as bad as systemic racism.
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