#I have two aesthetics: flowery red and Celtic forests
sanhatipal · 2 years
My Rozen Maiden -Shadows House-Letter Bee display is complete!! Or as I think I'd like to call it,the gothic crimson shelf!
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I made the Shinku scale figure over the past week,and I'll make a full post and video about her later,since she took a HELL LOT of effort,but for now, please look!!
Thank you so much @k-amui for helping me get Suigintou, she's the most gorgeous scale I have now!! And I HAD TO make some spider lilies for her! And I dug out some of the prettiest netting scraps that I had to make the curtains,and made her a platform from scrap clear acrylic plexiglass sheets!
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I'm just... really really happy with how it all looks now,and the left side of my display fits well with the cdntre now, finally! Aah I'm just so happy >~<
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P.s.: for those who don't know,ths Shadows House and Letter Bee figures are handmade too. Also the blue flower below Suigintou is to train my eyes because the next figure I intend to make (Mika from Majo no Shinzou) will be blue and I'll place her there
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