#I have now hit the point where I just need Puen to survive
kennyomegasweave ยท 2 months
Oh the rape scene between Jump, Soong, and Teena was very hard to watch. I second First's WHAT IN THE FUCKING SERBIAN FILM IS THIS SHIT. Because what in the fucking Serbian film was that shit.
Also, he just left his man after he had to rape his homie and being held at gun point by what looked like the straights from the football team? Alright First, really felt the love you have for Soong there my guy. And Zouey left Teena too right? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” Like even Captain tried to wake up Puen to drag him out cause he realized he was not down for any of that shit. Light maiming and torture of his one sided romantic rival? Sure. Full on murder? Hard pass.
They're all just stupid little mean boys in way over their heads. I'm scared to see how many people are gonna die in the last two episodes because I just don't see everyone making it out. But I'm still very excited of it all.
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