#I have a terrible habit of turning songs on repeat for hours. or an artist on repeat for hours. hence why there’s not a lot of diversity…
toxicrevolver · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @onlyoneofsideblogtrashheep
Rules: Shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks &  List 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and then tag 10 people to do the same.
10 from my “on repeat” playlist
1. Dope - BTS
2. Intro - j-hope
3. Attack on Bangtan - BTS
4. Strawberry Cake - Xdinary Heroes
5. Angry - Pavari
6. CHILL - Stray Kids
7. Zzz.. - Xdinary Heroes
8. CASE 143 - Stray Kids
9. Left and Right (featuring Jung Kook of BTS) - Charlie Puth
10. Give Me Your TMI - Stray Kids
10 songs I really like
1. Happy Death Day - Xdinary Heroes
2. Be Free - KB
3. Darkness At The Heart Of My Love - Ghost
5. 3AM - Dopamine
6. Come Over (Again) - Crawlers
7. FUNERAL GREY - Waterparks
8. The Astronaut - Jin (from BTS)
9. Intoxicated I Love You - SayWeCanFly
10. Teenage Heartbreak Queen - Palaye Royale
Trying to think of 10 different songs/artists was so difficult. I have been listening to the Maxident album by Stray Kids for the last like 2 months straight, and for the last two weeks it’s been nothing but Xdinary Heroes discography.
Also. I’m not tagging anyone. I don’t know 10 people and I’m nervous tagging people so. Play along if you’d like.
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kittlesandbugs · 7 years
Tagged by @ellstersmash
​Let’s Begin
Name: Hannah                                                                                     
Starsign: Cancer
Height: 5′5″ with shoes on
Time Right Now: 7:41 a.m.
Last thing you googled: "ishinomaki to yakushima” lol look at me plotting possible vacations before i have any inclination of what i’m doing
Last book you read: Honestly, I can’t remember.  I read a lot, but lbr it’s like 90% fanfiction and 10% news.
Favorite music artists: Schiller, Imagine Dragons, Wolfsheim, One Republic, Bon Jovi, Superfly
Last TV show watched: 30 Rock
What are you wearing right now: Terrible desert camo flannel pants and a blue Siegfried and Roy shirt with a white tiger because those are my jammies right now
When did you create this blog: fuck man idk like 2012?  2013?
What kind of stuff do you post: REBLOGS of whatever I’m currently playing and/or have played, landscape photography, cute animals, and occasional rambles.
Do you have instagram: Nuh.
Do you have snapchat: Nope.
Do u get asks regularly: I wish I did, I like talking.
How did you choose your url: WELL Kitbug is my usual M.O. but that was taken, so I thought really hard and for some reason my mind went to that old commercial for Kibbles and Bits that played on TV back in the early 90s, please don’t ask me why because I literally can’t answer, so... Hot Diggity Dog, it’s kittlesandbugs.
Gender: Female
Favorite color: Dark blue
Average hours of sleep: 7-8, I enjoy sleeping
Favorite characters: If they’ve shown their face on here in more than one post, I probably like them a lot.
How many blankets do you sleep with: Like one and a quilt, usually.  I sleep best when it’s cold and I’m buried under a mountain of blankies.
Dream job: I don’t fucking know anymore.
Random: My head still hurts, the weather needs to stop.
This thing, I like it. ANOTHER! *smash*
1. How tall are you? Boooooo, repeat. 2. What colour and style is your hair? Dirty blonde, short and fluffy pixie 3. What colour are your eyes? Grey/blue/green hazel mix, my eyes are super pretty, yo. 4. Do you wear glasses? Only if I don’t plan on leaving the house.  Then I’ll wear contacts. 5. Do you wear braces? I spent 10 years in orthodontic hell that has long since ended.  But I do have wires glued to the back of my teeth. 6. What is your fashion sense? Carpenter jeans, t-shirt, hoodie.  Cargo shorts if it’s warm out.  Occasional bouts of flannels. 7. Do you have any siblings? Twin brother, bb sister. 8. What kinda student were/are you? Absolutely terrible, banked way too hard on natural talent to float by and thus never learned proper study habits. 9. What is your favourite subject? Animal science 10. Favourite TV shows? Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, The Blacklist, Boston Legal 11. Favourite books? IDK ANYMORE :D 12. Favourite pastime? Gaming, sewing, drawing, sculpting, hiking, fishing 13. Any regrets? Mostly that narrow down to wishing I was bold enough to speak my mind and stand up for myself more. 14. What is your dream job? STILL DON’T FUCKING KNOW ANYMORE 15. Do you want to get married? No, but I want a platonic life partner I can puppy pile on while I play video games. 16. Do you want kids? How many? Eeeeeeh.  Maybe adopt some day.  I do love kids.  But I love other peoples’ kids.  Because they don’t come home with me at the end of the day. 17. How many countries have you visited? 3, not counting airport layovers.  Italy, Sweden, Japan. 18. What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had? IDK man, I have weird scaryass dreams all the time.  I usually can’t remember them after I wake up.
Musical Me!
DIRECTIONS: You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to! Put your MP3 player, itunes, spotify, etc. on shuffle & list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people everybody, no skipping ( aka the drag yourself with your own music, savvy? )
Shadows of Valhalla - Final Fantasy XIII-2 OST
The Turning - Oasis
Monochrome Rainbow - Himuro Kyosuke
Skye Waulking Song - Capercaillie
Try - P!nk
The Ghost Woman and the Hunter - Lacuna Coil
Far Away - Troy Baker
The Other Side - Scissor Sisters
Into My Arms - Deine Lakaien
Swanheart - Nightwish
... wow that playlist is a trip.
RULES: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
Coke or Pepsi: PEPSIIIIIIIIIIIII oh god japan is going to hurt
Disney or Dreamworks: Disney!
Coffee or tea: COFFEE.
Books or movies: I guess I watch more movies now???
Windows or Mac: WINDOWS.  FUCK MACS. 
DC or Marvel: Marvel
Xbox or PlayStation: PlayStation
Night owl or early riser: /spent 9 months getting up at 4:30 every morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.  TAKE A GUESS.
Cards or chess: cards
Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLAAAAAAAAAAAATE
Manga or comics: can i just watch it on tv
um idk man i’m not tagging anyone, do it if you want.
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baumguy · 7 years
RWBY GM Ramblings Part 1: Soundscaping
So for the last few months I've been GM'ing a RWBY Tabletop Adventure, and it's been quite a wild ride. I'm gonna start posting my "previously on RWBY Tabletop..." recaps and some random GM thoughts I've been having, just because I actually need to get back in the habit of posting stuff I write, because if I post it, I'll actually put in effort and get better at it, and I'll be able to look back at it for future reference, yadda yadda, etc. In the meantime, you're stuck with my latest experimentation: Finding believable soundscapes, and (most importantly) actually remembering to use them! So far, my relation with soundscapes has been rocky at best. For example, my original idea of combat music was originally just putting an instrumental version of "Caffeine" from the RWBY Soundtrack on repeat for the duration. For those of you who know, please forgive me, it was my first GM session ever. For those of you who don't, let me tell you why that's a TERRIBLE idea. First off, it's a three minute song. Second off, combats can last, like, multiple hours. After hearing the same song thirty times in one combat, no matter how badass the song is (and trust me, Caffeine is THAT badass), it gets on everyone's nerves. Not only that, but Caffeine isn't MADE for Tabletop gaming. This is the essence of what I'm really just starting to wrap my head around now. Good tabletop soundscapes can't just be any music; most music produced today has hooks, attention grabbers. It wants you to pay attention to it. But in a tabletop game, you don't want your players to be paying attention to your music choice; yoi want them to be focusing on their character and the world we've created around them, not the music itself. Tabletop audio needs to be supplementive, it needs to work on a subconcious level to help settle the characters into their surroundings. Caffeine doesn't fit that at all. Not only that, but when I first started out playing with soundscapes (Disclaimer, I'm doing all of this via Roll20.net's Jukebox now), I'd have a relatively good one picked out for the first area... And then the party would move on, and I'd totally forget to update it, and usually just turn it off and forget about soundscapes for rest of the game. I've had eight sessions now, and I'm still struggling to remember to add in my now slightly better tham before soundscapes when we change areas. Actually, I just realized I can write GM Notes on each map, and I'm totally gonna write myself remimders to do that! Huzzah, I had a productive thought just now! So, how am I gonna do better this next session? A combo of three things: Getting better at picking out music from Roll20's Jukebox, picking out music specifically made for Tabletop gaming from independent artists (Kevin Macleod of Incompetech.com, and Jeremiah George and his incredible orchestral RWBY battle remixes on Youtube, seriously, check him out right now: https://youtu.be/UAAGe0OogjI), and straight up stealing some of the stuff Matt Mercer uses for Critical Role. That dude is a better GM than I will ever be, so copying ideas from him while I'm still a newb is an A+ strategy. Also, I found an INCREDIBLE app called Syrinscape (syrinscape.com) which uses computer generation to create realistic and intuitive soundscapes based off of moods and essences. I cannot explain it to it's full glory, and I've only just now started playing with it myself, but I'm really looking forward to spending more time with it moving forward. Anyways, these have been my random ramblings and the first of what I hope to be many posts detailing my journey as a GM. I've also got a lot of thoughts on the "On the rails vs. Flying by the seat of your pants" spectrum (basically how linear vs. open world the campaign is) and finding that sweet spot between combat and world building (hint: all combat all the time is a bad idea, mmmkay). And a lot of this might be super basic, but I've played like two sessions of DND in my whole life, and I'm suddenly GM'ing for six people. There's a learning curve, and these posts will be my attempt at staying on top of it. Anyways, you made it this far through this wild audio adventure, so you know what? Here's a cookie for you: (::) And, shhhh, don't tell anyone, but you're my favorite. Yeah, really. Thanks for reading (and sorry again, I've already gotten China's call, they'll have their wall back soon enough)!
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