#I have a lot of complaints overall abt how fandom seems to think viktors only career paths in zaun are Prostitution or (More) Prostitution
hexhomos · 2 years
LoL Jayce with the Gioparas. LoR Jayce with the Ferros. LoL Viktor with Stanwick and Renata. Both of their Arcane versions with the Council, specially Medarda and the Kiramman.
Hmmmm.... having thoughts about how their common enemy is always their own investors
HAHAHA part of vikjayce's built-in charm to me is that their position in society is that of the working man under the gears of capitalism and rapidly advancing industry. They are *employees*, doesn't matter how brilliant or how groundbreaking their work is, the results will always be co-opted by those with the most money and power in the society they inhabit. The average man can't win capitalism by "pulling themself up by their bootstraps," -- when they try to, the result will often be them being swiftly outplayed and a quick economic demise.
Investors are landlords of ideas. Ask anyone trying to break into industry how they feel about that relationship and you're going to end up collecting a whole album's worth of doompilled stories, worst case scenario always being The Money Guys Get All Your Work (Including Credits For Work They Didn't Do!) By the End.
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