#I hate everything: transexpire edition
two-bit-socrates · 1 year
Found out one of the issues I've been struggling with in the last few weeks that got progressively worse since I got my Steamed Dick is a type of neuropathy called cubital tunnel syndrome and I got called the fuck out when I learned the more laymen term is, now, called 'Cell Phone Elbow.' Apparently no matter what I do to help myself recuperate from some ailment I'm going to be afflicted with another one, yay!
I at least learned some stretches that have helped a lot but I still need to go in for an assessment to make sure it's only cell phone elbow and not three neuropathies in a trench coat. Also to ask about sleep braces.
Anyway, trying to figure out what to play on my desktop while I'm trying not to bend my elbow for a week since I can't play with my Steamed Dick for the time being until we can get a dock and two or three other things as well as further treatment that I'm willing to do to help my arm.
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two-bit-socrates · 1 year
Me, the comic relief of the universe: These last six weeks have been really rough on me. Thankfully we were able to get a Steam Deck and we were able to get some games on our wish list during the winter sale and now I can spend some time recuperating and playing a new game with a better system to run it on in the comfort of my bed.
Me: *Downloads and installs Fall Out: New Vegas* *Proceeds to develop stabbing pain in hand within 2 minutes of playing*
Me: Yea that tracks.
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two-bit-socrates · 1 year
I feel like I'm going to shit acid
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two-bit-socrates · 1 year
Can my health issues calm down for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES!!
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two-bit-socrates · 1 year
thank fucking fortune my therapist leans towards anarchist ideas. the 13th can not get here soon enough.
every single time im with my best friend i feel like i failed her even though how she lives her life is waaaaaaaaaay beyond my realm of influence growing up but now that i have more clarity in my brain im becoming more aware of how this impacts her kid and i need to figure out something to help if not her than her kid.
also i fucked up looking for specific info to share with her cause i found what i was looking for in a book so i bought said book to give her in hopes something will pierce her brain and she starts to process but i forgot that she avoids reading because she says its 'too stressful' and i know what she means by that but thats not my place to put on the internet. also it would have been better if i had gotten it in audio form so i could give her the file so she can listen in her car.
Im going to try giving her the book anyways or maybe ill keep it to read and see if i can talk about said info in a way that she'll think about without it being 'too stressful' but also it'll have to be when she's not driving because should she get 'stressed' her ability to drive becomes impaired and neither of us need anymore disabilities.
Edit: actually now that I read my post it's better I didn't get the audio book for her to listen in her car.
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two-bit-socrates · 1 year
You ever just do your thing, vibin' along while you're listening to something and you hear a 🚩in what you're listening to so you do a little research and once again you're reminded of the horrors of reality and how not enough people are getting [REDACTED]?
I'm keeping it vague cause I don't want people's opinions on things right now but by god is my brain full of hatred rn.
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