#I got attached to the evil purple weirdo
rayvern-sheep · 7 months
Oh Keevan ;-;
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11, 13, 14, 25!
11. Hmm... I’d love to see the 1.0 versions of Smoky Quartz and Sunstone! Or a Steven/Lars fusion, just to see how pink it would be. I’m not sure about voices though? If Terry Farrell does voicework I can maybe see her as Smoky.
13. Ooh boy!
Pearl- When she was newly made on homeworld she looked up to Yellow and Blue Pearls a lot. They were the older, wiser, (comparatively) more experienced ones and she hung onto every word they said. In Blue’s case, it wasn’t much, but Yellow was really into the attention and would tell her stuff like “I went to a colony with Yellow Diamond and it wasn’t completely terraformed and it rained, which is when liquids fall out of the sky, it was terrifying” and our Pearl is quaking in her boots like wow, omg, you’re so brave for facing that. And in the present the tables have turned and she loves it.
All the Pearls get together and complain about stuff to blow off steam every so often and it usually stays lighthearted but occasionally they’ll get serious and then you maybe don’t wanna be in the room because there’s throwing things and crying and screaming all those great curse words they learned at Little Homeschool. It’s very cathartic.
She’s got some kind of impostor syndrome because of being the *Terrifying Renegade* and the kinda poster girl for the rebellion, despite not technically actually running away or anything. By the time the fake shattering happened, she’s mostly accepted that she’s really a rebel even if she’s doing it with Rose but even to the present day it’s one the things that really fucks her up. I dunno if there were other Pearls in the rebellion but she’d probably be half admiring/ half awkward around the real runaways.
Oof these are all sad... let’s say that she uses her holograms to learn stuff! When she sees someone doing something and she decides she wants to do that too then she records and plays it back later and tries to imitate what happens on the recording. Which leads to little idiosyncrasies, like she plays the violin in a particular way (I don’t know anything about violins so I can’t get specific) because the musician she copied 300 years ago or something played it just a little bit off.
Garnet- It took her too long to figure out how her future vision worked when she first started using it. Like, she’d know how to activate it and tell the difference between visions and reality, but at first didn’t actually understand that she could change the outcomes. She would see the visions and think “Hmm, there are twelve different outcomes but which one will happen? No idea, just got to wait and see.” When she realized that her actions would affect the futures she saw she was so excited. Like, wow, the coolest thing!
She only realized Rose was the reason she couldn’t ask questions after the Pink Diamond reveal. Until then, she thought it was a weird fusion thing that wasn’t anyone’s fault. It’s not that she never put it together with “No more questions, you already are the answer,” but she assumed it was some kind of subliminal thing because she was so new and confused that it just got lodged in her subconscious and stuck. Which doesn’t make much sense but hey, what else was she supposed to guess?
It is canon that her shades are prescription, but my headcanon is that Bismuth made them! Ruby was always nearsighted but never knew it until after she and Sapphire fused because Sapph brought it up once like, “Hey, why is Garnet’s eyesight so blurry?” and Ruby was like “That’s just how eyes are.” They didn’t unfuse enough for it to be worth getting Ruby her own glasses, but since it looks like they’re unfusing regularly in SUF she might get some now! Also, all three eyes have different prescriptions, with the purple (middle) one having the best vision and the blue one the weakest.
Amethyst- Her poofing most often isn’t just because she takes the most risks, it’s because of her shapeshifting skill. Her form is more ‘elastic’ than average, which may or may not be because she was overcooked, but it means she has more control over her shapeshifted form with the downside that it’s a little more fragile. She probably gets checked out by the gem equivalent of a doctor at some point and is officially told this.
Her Little Homeschool classes (other than doing whatever you want 101 and 201) are Eating Food, Advanced Eating Food, one about human socializing, one about sleeping, and one about being rude (why, when, how, and the textbook is a very long list of curse words, some of which people don’t even use anymore until gems start bringing them back) (oops)
Gems in general don’t have a sense of taste but Amethyst is so good at shapeshifting that she can make taste buds that are actually pretty functional. She doesn’t do it often, though, because the stuff she likes to eat doesn’t taste very good. It’s all about the texture for her. Like motor oil (smooth), a whole watermelon (crunchy, wet inside), charcoal (crumbles and dust gets everywhere).
General gem headcanon- Homeworld was never laidback and lovey-dovey but it was way more accepting of off-colors and other weirdos before Era 2. After the rebellion, there was a huge crackdown and things got way stricter and worse. This was part of Lapis’s culture shock when she went back briefly.
Lars’s crew (Flourite, Rhodonite, Padparascha, the Rutiles) are all Era 2. Rutiles are supposed to be painters, like wall painters, not like artist painters. They have to work with Bismuths a lot. (That last comes partially from a discussion in a discord I’m in but I really like it)
Sort of running off what I said about Ruby, it’s depressingly common for gems to have vision problems and not know about it. There’s technically a system where gems can apply to get corrective lenses issued to them but it barely gets used because there’s no vision testing otherwise so everyone goes around thinking the world is naturally blurred. 
Oh yeah, and Onion is just a normal kid. He’s not evil or scary or secretly a living plant. He’s nonverbal and has food issues and okay, he tried to bury the city in toy capsules once but like, I would have done that in elementary school if I had the chance. I just want people to stop being like “oooh what a scary terrifying nonhuman kid!!1!”
14. I love the Zoo arc because it’s the first real glimpse of non CG gem society and because I find the Zumans incredibly fascinating. Obviously, their whole thing couldn’t be more different from the Crystal Gems but like... a small group of humans living surrounded by gems, with a culture completely different than humans on Earth vs a small group of gems living surrounded by humans, with a culture completely different than gems on Homeworld. Makes you think. Or not.
Honorable mentions go to the Sardonyx arc and the Pink Diamond murder mystery.
25. I’m honestly not that big a fan of AUs. I’ve found a few I’m into (b-sides, and this one fic which you mightve written?? I’m gonna check. yep, that one 90s appalachian au where Pearl’s a wanted criminal and Rose has no boundaries) but generally not my thing. I guess I get attached to characters as they are, so it’s hard for me to keep that connection when all of a sudden they’re horse breeders in the 1200s or whatever. Sorry that sounded harsh but unfortunately it’s the truth.
Aaaaaand this makes me a huge hypocrite but I have created an AU! It began when I started listening to this song, got annoyed that I couldn’t properly daydream about Pearl to it, and starting constructing an elaborate series of events that has mutated to the point where it has nothing to do with the song anymore. The short version is that at some point after the flashback portion of We Need To Talk, Pearl gives Rose an “Either Greg Leaves Or I Do” ultimatum. Rose thinks she’s joking. She’s not. Pearl then walks out of the temple, does her damnedest to make herself absolutely uncontactable, and spends the next two decades hitchhiking, fighting gem monsters, and generally screwing around (not literally). Eventually, she returns and things are more or less “Hey guys, I’m back! Where’s Rose? What’s this kid doing in the temple?” and I don’t even know what happens after that. Chaos, probably, Crying, yelling, confused baby Steven who has no idea who Pearl is. Who knows!
There’s also a Flight Rising AU but that has no plot: it is solely an excuse to draw gems as dragons, and I have barely even done that. I’ve only created mental images of gems as dragons and then not drawn them. I should get around to that
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coldcomputersoul · 3 years
Marco vs. the Forces of Love Episode 14: Go with the Flow
Summary: It’s a hoot and a holler when Ludo’s partner in crime finally reveals his true identity. Meanwhile, Marco makes a drastic decision that will change everything forever.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil belongs to:
© Daron Nefcy
© Disney Television Animation
[theme song]
[The episode starts with the final scene from the previous episode]
[holding the crystal] At last, the ultimate source of power lying in my hands... and it’s all MINE!!!
[distorted voice] Wow, wow, wow, hang on Ludo… we had a deal. The crystal is mine, remember?
Uhm, yeah I think I change my mind. After all, I’m the one holding the ultimate power. Also, you were very mean to me, so… suck it up pal.
[distorted voice] Good point, but… I’m curious: How are you gonna use the crystal if you don’t even know how to make it work?
Ah goddammit, you’re right. Okay Blutfleck, you win… but: before I give you the crystal, I want you to do something for me: reveal your identity.
[distorted voice] YOU SON OF A…!!! fine, you wanna know who I am? I’ll show you.
[Blutfleck lifts up his cloak and reveals his true identity. It turns out Blutfleck is actually Ruberiot]
[gasps] Ruberiot?!!! But how? I don’t believe it.
Wait, so the official songstrel of the royal family is behind this? I don’t believe it either.
[shocked] You mean this whole time I’ve been taking orders from a MEWMAN?!!! I feel so dirty.
Okay, so now you know it was me this whole time, big deal. Now give me the Espercrystal.
[holding the crystal] What? no way. I’m not gonna give it to you.
You slimy little bastard... We had a deal!!!
Well, the deal is over. I went through a lot of problems to get my hands on this thing to give it to some weirdo wearing a cloak while pretending to be a monster, so… go f*** yourself.
[getting nervous] Look, I don’t think you understand the situation here. If I don’t get the crystal, things will get very VERY ugly, so I suggest you to do as I say and: Give me. That. Crystal.
Get a life you stupid mewman, at this point you sound like a broken record.
[sweating] Please, just... give me the crystal before...
[o.s] It’s no use Ruberiot, we won’t give it to you.
Wait a minute: I’ve heard that voice before...
[panicking] No, no no, no... just give another chance please, I’ll get the crystal this time, I promise...
[o.s] It’s too late, they already know who you are.
Can anybody tell me what’s going on here?!!!
[o.s] Just let me talk to them face to face.
But… you’re still too weak to...
[o.s] Just do as I say before I rip your guts out.
[gulps] Okay, I’ll do what you want...
[Ruberiot takes off the cloak and reveals that Toffee is attached to his chest like a conjoined twin. Everyone get shocked by this]
What the hell am I watching now?
Yuck! That is SO disgusting...
Toffee?!!! B-But I thought you were...
Dead? No princess Butterfly, even though you managed to destroy my body using the royal wand, there is one thing you didn’t count on: I’m a member of the brotherhood.
[Cut to a flashback of the Brotherhood making rituals around the Espercrystal]
You see: one of the reasons my people could survive for so long was because we knew how to control the minds of our enemies. When mewmans took over the land and built their kingdom, one of the first things they did was to stole the Espercrystal from us as they realized that our magic was too powerful, so they tricked us by making a false peace treaty and took it away at the first moment we were caught off guard. Once they got their hands on the crystal, they start a witch hunt to all of us so we couldn’t pose a threat to their power... [cut back to present] Since then, we’ve been keeping a low profile waiting for the right moment.
Of course, it all makes sense now: The mind is so complex and unpredictable that not even magic can’t affect it. You people knew it all along, didn’t you?
That’s right, but sadly because my body melted away after princess Butterfly used her full power on me I became unable to take over people’s minds, so I was forced to live like a parasite inside this guy’s chest as you can see...
So that’s why you sent me to steal the Espercrystal instead of doing it yourself.
Exactly, and now that you brought the crystal back to me you’re gonna hand-deliver it so I can use its power to return to physical form.
Oh, and what makes you think I’m gonna do that?
[pointing at them with a crossbow] You guys are nuts if you think I’m gonna let you get your hands on that crystal. [points at Ludo] Now put it on the ground before I rip you a new one in your empty head.
[Toffee silently analyzes the situation for a brief moment]
[sigh] Well, I guess I have no choice. I’m sorry Ruberiot.
[panicking] Wait, no, no, no!!! there has to be another way...
[Toffee jumps out of Ruberiot’s chest killing him instantly and eats the Espercrystal before Ludo could react to it. Mina shoots at Toffee, but the arrows get through his body without hurting him]
[returning to physical form] YES!!! I can already feel its psychic emanations flowing through my body!!! At last, the ultimate power it’s all MIIIINEEEE!!!!
[Toffee mutates into a gigantic mass with spikes, tentacles and a purple diamond attached to his chest. He keeps expanding all over the place until he reaches the height of a 10-floor building]
What happened to him?!!!
The Espercrystal is adapting to its new host. First, it expands like a balloon until it reaches the right size, and waits until the magic energy stabilizes itself, and then… and then...
And then what? What happens when it stabilizes itself?!!!
I have no idea, this is completely new for me…
Look!!! It’s moving!!!
[The gigantic mass starts heading towards Mewni]
Mina, don’t let him get away!!!
Right… [speaks through a walkie talkie] release the harpoons!!!
[Mina’s army use harpoons to tie Toffee to the ground and prevent him from moving, but he’s too strong to be  captured so everyone get dragged away]
[holding a rope] It’s no use, he keeps moving!!! We need a new plan!!!
[using binoculars] Just keep going, it’s almost there...
[The soldiers keep throwing harpoons at Toffee until they finally stop him. Meanwhile, Ludo uses the opportunity to sneak out by hiding in the woods]
We did it!!! The monster was captured!!!
Yeah, but it’s only a matter of time before he finishes his transformation.
Well, at least we can be sure he won’t go anywhere until that happens.
So, what’s the next course of action?
I don’t know, I need to do more research to...
But there’s no time for that!!! We have to stop Toffee before he completes his transformation, don’t you understand?!!!
OKAY, OKAY, I GET IT!!! I just… [sigh] Mina, call for an emergency meeting at the Magic High Commision. Meanwhile, I’ll go back to my dimension to find information regarding the Espercrystal. I’ll be there in 5 minutes, so don’t do anything until then… got it?
Got it...
[Hekapoo opens a portal and go back to her dimension]
It’s okay. Hekapoo will find the solution and everything will be fine, right? Right?
I wish it was that easy. The only thing we can do now is hope for the best.
[Cut to Ludo wandering in the woods while looking for other monsters]
Hello? Anybody here? Buffrog? Boo-Fly? Two-Headed Monster? [keeps looking around] Where’s everybody?
[He keeps walking until he finds his parents’ house]
[thinking to himself] Wait a minute, I know that house: That’s where my parents moved out after I kicked them out of the castle. I wonder if they would let me me in… Oh my God, what am I thinking? Ask my parents for help? preposterous… [takes another look around and reconsiders it] On second thought: Maybe if I take a quick look at the window, just to see if Dennis is still living with them. After all: I’ve always been like a hero to him, being his older brother and all that stuff...
[Ludo takes a look at the window, but there’s nobody home]
What? They’re gone? [knocks at the door and find out is open, so he enters the house] Mom? Dad? Dennis? Anybody? [he keeps wandering around the house, but it’s empty] What’s going on? What happened to everybody?!!! [Bald eagle and Giant spider show up] Oh girls, I’m so glad to see you. For a moment I thought I was the only monster left. Where’d everybody go? [giant spider whispers in his ear] What? you’re telling me that because Toffee absorbed the Espercrystal both mewmans AND monsters are leaving this dimension in a massive exodus? [giants spider nods in affirmation] Great Scott... You know what that means? [both eagle and spider shake their heads] It means that we can TAKE OVER THE BUTTERFLY CASTLE!!! [laughs] okay, that’s enough. Come on girls, let’s go...
[Ludo gets on top of Giant spider and leave the house. Cut back to Marco and the girls at the royal castle where everybody is leaving via dimensional portal]
[holding a checklist] Okay people calm down, remember:  Just one person at a time please.
[Cut to Queen Moon talks to her husband King River about the current situation]
Queen Moon:
...so that’s why I need you to go into that portal. Please, try to understand...
King River:
But you always do this to me: Everytime there’s a major crisis you tell me to go away so you can fix it yourself. I wanna get involved this time.
Queen Moon:
I know you want to help and I appreciate it, but… this is different: The entire universe as we know it could be utterly destroyed if we take a bad decision.
King River:
Wait… what are you implying? Are you saying that I’m incompetent as a ruler? Is that what you’re trying to say?
Queen Moon:
No, no, you’re getting the wrong idea. It’s just that… a situation like this requires patience and careful strategic planning and...
King River:
...and I’m just a silly old man who acts like a child. Okay, I get it now. [walks away]
Queen Moon:
But dear...
King River:
Don’t “but dear” me Moon, I’m tired of you treating me like a sidekick rather than a person with an opinion. It’s so condescending and I’m sick of it. Admit it: For you I’m nothing but an ornament.
[Meanwhile, Marco watches the couple fight]
Queen Moon:
Could we have this conversation later? This isn’t the right time to...
King River:
You know what? Forget it, I’ll go into the portal if that what makes you happy, but expect me to come back because I probably won’t. Good luck “dear”  [walks away and gets into the portal]
Everything’s ready for the meeting your majesty.
Queen Moon:
Okay, I’ll be there in a minute just... let me go check a quick thing in my office. [walks away]
[Cut to Star having an argument with Hekapoo]
Oh, come on...
I’m sorry princess, but the answer is no, you can’t attend the meeting. It’s confidential.
But we already know about the Espercrystal and its powers, don’t you think we have the right to be there considering all the things we’ve already been through?
It’s against the rules!!!
Who cares about the freaking rules?!!! The universe as we know it could be gone by tomorrow. The least you can do is let us be part of this one meeting. Come on Marco, help me with this...
[crossing his arms] Oh, so now all of a sudden my opinion matters. Right...
Marco please, don’t be like that.
[to Hekapoo] Is there a problem?
It’s okay Mina, I got this.
Mina, please tell Hekapoo to let us attend the meeting.
I’m sorry princess Butterfly, but only Queen Moon is authorized to allow civilians into the Magic High Commision meetings.
Queen Moon:
[showing up] Don’t worry Mina, you can let them come with us.
What?!!! But what about the rules?
Queen Moon:
They already know too much Hekapoo, there’s no point in keeping this a secret, just open the portal and takes us all.
[sigh] Okay, if you say so...
Your majesty: I’m glad to inform that we successfully evacuate every civilian on Mewni.
Queen Moon:
Good. Now let’s go, there’s no time to lose.
[Cut to the Magic High Commission's boardroom. Hekapoo uses a slideshow to show her research]
Okay, here’s the situation: Right now we have less than 8 hours before Toffee completes his transformation and become the most powerful entity in the universe. Now, according to my research, the main source of his power is on that diamond-shaped thing on his chest. If we can remove it before he can finish, we might have a chance to stop him before it’s too late.
So, the only thing we need to do to stop Toffee is make a deep cut into his skin and take the crystal out. That doesn’t sound hard.
It’s not that simple. Toffee’s skin is way too thick to be cut by even the sharpest sword. The only thing strong enough to cut it is a pair of dimensional scissors, but...
Is that it? just a pair of dimensional scissors? So, what are we waiting for? let’s go.
Could you please let me finish? Even if we use the scissors to make a cut into his skin, it has to be VERY precise cut around the area. If the scissors touch the crystal… BANG! the whole universe gets wiped out and everyone dies.
It will be very difficult to make a perfect cut considering the angle and the height.
On top of that, Toffee is perfectly capable of defending himself against any attack, if only there was some way to keep him from moving.
Don’t worry, I can use my wand to freeze time so we can...
That’s not gonna work, the Espercrystal is WAY too powerful for the royal wand.
Mmmm… [snap her fingers] I know, how about a sleeping spell? If we can’t use magic against the crystal, we can use it against Toffee himself, right?
There’s only one problem: The sleep cycle of a Lizard only lasts 80 seconds.
Queen Moon:
[getting desperate] There’s gotta be something, I mean: Is there any device that we could use or…? I don’t know, some entity we could invoke… come on...
I’ve already told you: This is a whole new area for me. In all my years working at the commision I’ve never had to face something like this.
And are you sure there’s nothing in the archives we could use?
[sigh] No. Like I said,  I’ve read every single book regarding the Brotherhood and guess what: I couldn’t find anything, not even a single footnote. This is all YOUR fault Rhombulus.
Me?!!! What did I do?!!!
You’re the one who decided to burn all the books we confiscated from that crazy cult you dumbass!!!
Queen Moon:
Wait… YOU DID WHAT?!!!
Well excuse me, but if memory serves me right: You’re the one who said that there wasn’t enough space to store all the books, so you left me in charge to get rid of them.
I left you in charge to find a new place for the books, when I said: “get rid of them” I wasn’t being literal you stupid sack of shit!!!
[standing up] Okay, that’s it: I’m out of here. I don’t have to take this verbal abuse from you, I quit... [walks away] jerk...
Hey, where the hell do you think you’re going? get your ass back here, we’re not done yet!!!
Queen Moon:
[facepalm] That’s enough Hekapoo, just… let him go.
But your majesty...
Queen Moon:
Do as I say Hekapoo, don’t make me repeat myself.
So, what are we gonna do now? Time’s running out.
Queen Moon:
[looking disappointed] I don’t know Mina. I just don’t know.
[She stands up and uses a pair of dimensional scissors to open a portal]
Your majesty: Where are you going?
Queen Moon:
I’m going back to my office. You’re in charge now Mina, so do what you think is best...
[worried about her mother] Mom?
[Queen Moon leaves the boardroom]
Well, it looks like we’re gonna have to fix this problem ourselves. Does anybody have a plan?
[Everyone scratch their heads]
Oh come on, there has to be something we could do. What about you Mina?
Me? I’m a general officer, not a political leader. I don’t know what to do in these kind of situations.
But Queen Moon left you in charge.
So what? that doesn’t mean I’m a expert when it comes to take decisions… I guess I could send my troops to surround the area for a multi-front attack or something...
Mmmm… perhaps if we use the attack as a distraction we could send someone via dimensional scissors to make the cut and remove the crystal.
That sounds like a good idea.
However, this needs to be handled very carefully. If Toffee finds out before we remove the crystal, he will go full berserk mode and destroy everything and everyone around him,,,
You’re making it sound like a suicide mission.
That’s because it is. A mission like this requires great precision, even the smallest mistake could ruin everything so there’s no room for mistakes.
Don’t worry Hekapoo, I’ll make sure that everything goes according to plan, or my name isn’t Mina Loveberry, commander in chief of Mewni’s military forces. ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!!!
[Mina makes a salute as she stands up and gets on the table]
We’re all gonna die, aren’t we?
[Cut to Ludo heading towards Mewni along with Bald eagle and Giant spider]
[clapping] Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, I can’t wait to take over the kingdom of Mewni. Is this the best time of my life or what?
[They keep walking through the forest of certain death, until they stop to take a break]
[checking a map] According to the map, we’re like an hour and a half away to Mewni, so I guess we can take a 5 minute break, [gets off from Giant spider] oh my… all this walking it’s killing me, I’m so exhausted...
[Ludo takes a rest under a tree. Meanwhile, Bald eagle and Giant spider look up for small animals to eat. Bald eagle finds a rabbit and chases it down to a hole underneath the trees and find a skull-shaped cave. In that moment, Ludo and Giant spider find it]
There you are, we’ve been looking all over for you. Stop goofing around and let’s...
[Ludo sees the cave and his pupils dilate while looking at it]
[raising an eyebrow] What is this?
[Ludo and his minions enter the cave until they reach a place where the light doesn’t shine. Ludo uses a light spell and find a pile of gold bars stacked up all over the place]
[dropping his jaw] So… much… gold… I’M RICH!!! [laughs] I mean look at this… [tries to grab one of the bars] I could live for a hundred years and still have enough to live a king… 
[Bald eagle and Giant spider look at each other while watching Ludo]
Alright Ludo, try to keep your composure. Okay, the first thing you need to do is to take all this gold and get it out from this place... [takes a look to his minions] Oh girls, I have a new work for you...
[Bald eagle and Giant spider sigh in reluctance. Cut back to Mina hidden in a bush along with Marco and the girls just a few feet away from Toffee]
So… how long until we attack?
[using binoculars] Shhh… wait for it… [her troops give her the signal] NOW!!!
[Mina’s troops start the multi-front attack and Toffee defends himself shooting spikeballs. As the troops keep shooting arrows to distract him, one of the soldiers uses dimensional scissors to reach the diamond at the top, but before he can remove it a giant eye appears above the diamond and sees the soldier, so Toffee uses one of his tentacles to strangle him]
[still using binoculars] What the…?!!! [uses a megaphone] Attention everyone, abort mission!!! repeat: Abort mission!!! the enemy has peripheral vision!!!
[Mina’s troops run away from Toffee, but he still manages to kill most of them using both spikeballs and tentacles to choke them to death]
What’s going on?!!!
It turns out that Toffee has an eye above the crystal so he can spot when someone tries to remove it… I knew I should‘ve seen that coming.
So how much time do we have now?
Well, considering the fact that he has eyes now… I would say less than 2 hours.
2 hours?!!! but last time you said...
Look, I know what I said okay? but I never thought that he would develop so fast. I’ve already told you that my knowledge on this topic is still very limited.
Well that’s just great: Now Toffee is going to become an invincible deity that will destroy us all, and there’s nothing we can do to stop him. God, I hate magic.
No, no, no, no, no… there’s gotta be something else we can do to work this out. Come on Hekapoo, is there anything else you didn’t tell us on how to stop the power of the crystal? like a spell, a virus, a ritual… anything...
I’m sorry princess Butterfly, but the only way to stop him is to remove the crystal out of his body, but as long as he can spot our movements using that giant eye, all hope is lost. 
Okay, but what if we throw something to that eye so he can’t see when we remove the crystal?
That’s not gonna work, even if we manage to blind him he could still perceive when someone is crawling across his skin. It’s all over now.
If that’s the case, we better go back to the castle before he notices that we’re here.
Uhm, I think he already did. Look...
[Toffee’s eye watches them from the distance and start throwing spikeballs at them]
Let’s get out of here!!!
[Hekapoo opens a portal and everyone gets inside before the spikeballs could reach them. Cut to mewni’s castle where Marco and the girls reunite at the meeting room to discuss their next move]
Okay, so far our main plan failed, we’re running out of time and we have no resources to fight back. And considering the uncertainty of the current situation, I strongly suggest to use the ultimate strategy to guarantee our survival... 
And that strategy is…?
Accept our defeat and run away like cowards of course.
What? this is ridiculous, I don’t want to run away without put up a fight. I mean, come on Mina, what happened to you? this is not the brave, bold military leader that I used to idolize as a kid.
In that case: welcome to the real world kiddo. Sometimes you have to accept defeat and hide your head in the sand, That’s just the way it is.
Oh no, you can’t just expect me to give up just like that. I know we can work this out.
[sigh] What’s the point of all this conversation anyway?!!! We’re all gonna die no matter what. We might as well go where Toffee is and ask him to kill us all once and for all...
Marco, what’s wrong with you?
Yeah, since when you’re so pessimistic?
I’m tired to pretend that everything will be alright every time something bad happens. It’s like the more I try to fool myself, the more I realize how naive and stupid I’m becoming, I just… [grabs his hair out of desperation] Ugh, I think I’m going insane just to think about it… [breathes heavily]
[grabbing Marco’s shoulder] Marco, are you okay...?
Don’t touch me!!! I’m so sick of you Star. I’m sick of your lies, sick of your petty attitude, and most of all: I’m sick of the way you manipulate everyone so you can get your way!!!
Okay, fine I get it: I’m a horrible person and I caused you a lot of pain, but this isn’t the right time to talk about this. There are more important things going on...
That’s the problem with you Star: The only moments you care about something other than YOUR problems it’s when we’re all going to die. That’s how selfish you are...
Well EXCUSE me for having actual self esteem instead of wallow in my own self-pity like YOU do!!!
[getting in between] Okay, both of you need to chill out. There’s no need to fall into this pointless drama all over again.
You know what? I agree with you Janna. There’s no need to keep beating this dead horse. This conversation is over…
[Marco goes upstairs to stay away from everyone]
Marco, where are you going?
Somewhere where you won’t bother me... [walks away]
[The girls look at each other in silence while they watch Marco leaving the room]
Okay, this is awkward...
[Meanwhile, Marco locks himself up in the highest room of the castle and sits in a corner to play Asphalt 8: Airborne on his phone]
[thinking to himself] Stupid Star, she thinks she knows everything. I mean, what’s the point of trying to stop Toffee from taking over Mewni anyway? It’s all too late for that… and that Janna who always try to take advantage at every opportunity, I can’t believe I was fool enough to trust her too. It’s like I can’t trust anyone anymore, not even Jackie or Hekapoo… Jesus, I feel so lonely...
[Cut back to Star and the girls still talking at the dining room along with Queen Moon]
...so that’s the whole situation in a nutshell your majesty. I’m sorry I failed you your majesty.
Queen Moon:
It’s okay Mina. I know you did everything you could. But how much time do we have?
We have exactly an hour to flee to another dimension and erase all our traces before Toffee completes his transformation.  
Queen Moon:
Well, what are we waiting for? let’s go...
Wait… we can’t go without Marco.
But we’re running out of time and the castle is too big to look around for him.
It’s okay, I can use the All-seeing eye to find out where he is...
Queen Moon:
The All-seeing eye?!!! Star, you know that spell is off-limits.
Don’t worry mom, I know how to use it, just let me take a look...
But we don’t have time for this. If we don’t evacuate the rest of the population to a safer dimension Toffee will find everyone in no time.
Mom, please… just give me a chance. Marco is my friend, I can’t go without him.
[Queen Moon thinks about it for a few seconds]
Queen Moon:
[sigh] Fine... you have 1 hour, but you gotta give me your wand.
What? But how am I supposed to find him?
Queen Moon:
Look for him, call his name or whatever, but I can’t let you use your wand if I know you’re planning to use a spell so dangerous.
Just because you don’t understand it, doesn’t mean it’s dangerous!!!
Queen Moon:
Listen young lady: I’m not gonna argue with you about this, either you give me the wand and I let you look for Marco, or we can just go and leave him behind. The choice is yours!!!
[Star gets angry as she starts grinding her teeth]
Don’t worry Star, I’ll help you to find Marco.
Yeah, me too.
You can count on me as well.
Really? Are you willing to risk your own lives just to help me to find Marco?
Hey, that goes without saying.
Yeah, after all: We’re all in this together, remember?
Well… in that case, I’ll give my mother the wand. Here, take it...
[Star gives her mother the wand]
Queen Moon:
Okay Star, you can go to find Marco, but remember: You only have 1 hour.
Yes mom, I understand.
Queen Moon:
Good, now let’s go Mina...
[Mina uses dimensional scissors to open a portal and leaves the castle along with Queen Moon]
Come on girls, we gotta find Marco before it’s too late.
[Star and the girls look for Marco in every room]
Marco… Marco… where are you?
[opening a door] Marco?
[Hekapoo uses dimensional portals to check every room]
Marco, this isn’t funny. We’re running out of time.
[wandering around the hallways] Marco, please we have to go...
[sigh] It’s no use, we’ll never gonna find him in time.
Hold on...
[Janna hears some noises from upstairs]
I think I know where he is, come on...
[The girls go upstairs to the room where Marco is hiding. Janna lends an ear on the door to confirm it]
This is the room... [tries to open it, but the door is closed] It’s locked. Does anybody have a bobby pin or something? [everyone shake their heads] Rats...
[knocking at the door] MARCO!!! STOP PLAYING GAMES WITH US, WE GOTTA GET OUT BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!! [she keeps knocking, but there’s no answer] MARCO!!!
[sigh] Don’t worry girls, I got this...
[Hekapoo tries to open a portal, but something blocks her magic]
What’s wrong?
Damn it, the room must have some kind of tramorfidian crystal that blocks any kind of magical intervention.
Okay, can you say it in english now?
I can’t get inside this room using magic.
[Star gets more desperate as she keeps hitting the door with her fists. Jackie stops her and tries to calm her down]
Take it easy Star, we still have plenty of time to figure this out...
[dropping tears] But I don’t know what else to do Jackie. I’m losing my mind...
Just let me talk to him.
[sobbing] Okay. It’s up to you now.
[knocking at the door] Uhm Marco, it’s me Jackie. Look: I know you’re still angry and all, but you can’t just cover your ears and pretend that we’re not here… [keeps knocking at the door] Marco... Marco...
[Marco tries to focus on the game and ignore her words]
Well, I guess we’re gonna have to break the door down.
Hold on, let me try something different… [uses her phone to call Marco]
[Marco receives a phone call from Jackie and takes a moment to consider to take it. He takes a deep breath and eventually answers it]
What do you want Jackie?
Marco, listen to me: I can understand that you are mad at us for all the things that happened so far, and it’s fine, but if you keep locking yourself like you’re doing right now, you’re just gonna make things worse for all of us...
If this is about Toffee, why don’t you just go away? at this point I don’t care if I die.
Okay, now you’re just talking nonsense. Just listen of what you’re saying, this isn’t the Marco we all know and love.
Oh, you mean the same Marco who cheated on you only to replace you with the same girl whom he had the aforementioned affair?
Although I admit that this whole situation went out of control, there’s no real need to...
...Only to find out that this new girl is a self-centered, compulsive liar that lacks empathy and treats their boyfriends like objects. Is that Marco the one you’re talking about?
Okay, okay, I get it, we all got carried away with this whole “open relationship” idea, but just because we made mistakes that set off a chain of events doesn’t mean we had to point fingers at each other. That won’t solve anything and you know it, I know it, and even Star knows it.
That may be true, but it doesn’t change the fact that we’re all doomed, and I don’t know you, but I don’t wanna flee to another dimension and run away like a coward. There’s nothing for me on the other side, so I prefer to stay and assume the responsibility of my actions.
[sigh] Do you realize how selfish you’re being right now? I mean, think of all the people that will be devastated once you’re gone if you decide to stay, and I’m not even talking about me and the girls, think of your parents, your friends, on all the people who care about you for crying out loud.
The only reason people care about me in the first place is because they expect me to do things for them. Even my parents.
That’s not true...
YES. IT. IS!!! the only thing I’m good at is to be exploited. That’s just the way things are.
[disappointed] I see... So, is this what you really want?
[looking depressed] Not really, but is the thing I deserve so you might as well get used to it. Goodbye Jackie... [hangs up the phone]
[whispering] Marco...
[Janna gives Jackie a pat on the back]
You did your best Jackie, it’s not your fault.
That’s where you’re wrong Janna. This is all my fault... [walks away]
Oh no Jackie, not you too...
[Star tries to go after her, but get stopped by Janna and Hekapoo. Meanwhile Jackie tries to hide the tears from her eyes]
I can’t believe this is happening, first Marco and now Jackie… I mean, what if they’re right and there’s no hope for us? perhaps it’s time to accept reality and throw in the towel...
[Janna gives Star a slap on the face]
Get a hold of yourself Star, this in not the right time to mope around.
But I don’t know what to do now, it’s like everyone else is giving up and I’m just fooling myself… what do you expect me to do?
Mmmm… let’s see: You’re a princess and this is a massive crisis that requires a good leader, so… Do I even have to tell you?!!! Jeez...
She has a point you know… It’s up to you now.
[Star takes a moment to consider it]
[taking a deep breath] You’re right… I’m Star Butterfly, princess of Mewni and since everyone is counting on me to solve this issue,  I’m not gonna give up without putting up a fight.
Now that’s a ruler I can get behind.
So, what’s your new plan?
I… don’t… know...
[Janna and Hekapoo look at each other]
Perhaps we should go back to the meeting room to discuss the new plan all together...
That’s a good idea...
[Cut to the Plains of Time (from Freeze Day) where all the villagers gather around Queen Moon and the Magic High Commission]
Attention everyone: Your royal highness Queen Butterfly is about to give an important message regarding the current crisis, so I’m gonna ask you to be quiet for a moment... 
[Everyone stop chattering while Queen Moon prepares to deliver her speech]
Queen Moon:
Thanks Mina.
[saluting her] You’re welcome your majesty...
Queen Moon:
Citizens of Mewni: It is with great sadness that we inform you that despite our best efforts, we were not able to stop Toffee’s transformation as we ran out of practical solutions… [everyone react in shock] As your queen and ruler I just want to apologize on behalf of the Magic High Commision as well as our Department of Defense who put their best effort trying to restore the peace on our country… [Everyone starts chattering again] Now, I know that many of you are concerned about the future of our country, and I just want you to know that our administration will take all necessary measures to ensure a prosper life for all our citizens a we find a new location on a safer dimension to start all over again...
[This response causes mixed reactions among the audience]
Villager #1:
Move out to a different dimension? No way!!!
Villager #2:
Does that mean we’ll have to find different professions too?
Villager #3:
Aw man, I hope they’re not talking about that dimension with cats with human faces...
Queen Moon:
People, people, calm down please, I understand your frustration and I couldn’t agree with you more on this issue, but the thing is: We can’t go back to Mewni, it’s dangerous. If we want to survive, we’re gonna have to learn to adapt. I’m sorry.
Villager #1:
But your majesty, don’t you understand? this isn’t about adapting to a new home, this is about our livelihood. Look: I’m a farmer and I depend on my crops to sustain my family, but now that you’re saying that we have to find a new home to live, I don’t what am I gonna do if the land you choose doesn’t have the resources I need to maintain my lifestyle. 
Queen Moon:
[sweating] Okay, that’s a good point, but you have to consider that...
Villager #4:
I work as an architect but I don’t know any of the standards and rules regarding other dimensions...
Villager #5:
I’m a baker and all the ingredients I need to work are only located on Mewni...
Villager #2:
As a doctor I depend on a special plant that only grows on Mewni.
[Everyone keeps complaining while arguing with each other]
Queen Moon
[facepalm] Oh crap, here we go again...
[Cut to Star, Janna and Hekapoo at the meeting room discussing their next plan. Meanwhile, Jackie is watching them from the other side of the room in silence]
For the millionth time Star, we can’t just blow up the door and take Marco out like he was some kind of animal. It’s not gonna work.
But what else can we do Hekapoo? because I don’t see you giving a better idea.
But I don’t get it: As a member of the Magic High Commision don’t you have access to the keys of the castle? I’m just sayin’
I told I went to Queen Moon’s office and checked every key and I couldn’t find it. He probably took it before he enter the room.
Huh, it makes me wonder how did he know that was the key to that particular room...
I have NO idea… unless someone [stares at Star] taught him about the keys in Queen Moon’s office and what they were for....
What? Why are you looking at me?
Cut it out Star, you’re the only person in this castle who could have taught him about the keys. Being Marco’s bestie and all...
Okay, fine… I’ll admit it: I was the one who taught him about the keys, but I never thought he would have such a good memory, heck I don’t even know how to distinct them myself. 
Oh God, how many times do you have to screw things up? It’s unbelievable…
Hey shut up, how am I supposed to know he would decide to lock himself up in the only room of the castle that you can’t enter using a dimensional portal?
Mmmm... speaking of which: How did he know that particular room had that tramorfidian thingy that blocks magic?
[shrugging her shoulders] Uhm, coincidence?
Aw, come on!!! How can you be SO irresponsible?
I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m not very good keeping secrets.
[Meanwhile, Jackie thinks up a plan as they keep talking]
But these are ROYAL secrets, you don’t have to tell Marco every single detail about your life as a princess of Mewni.
Is there any other major detail that you revealed to him before any of this?
Nope, nothing that I can remember.
Ugh, is there a way this could possibly get any…?
[interrupting her] Uhm, excuse me: Can I say something?
Eh… sure, go ahead.
I think I’ve figured out what we’ve doing wrong this whole time.
You do?
Yeah, and it’s very simple if you think about it. Okay, hear me out: Marco is mad because of our lies and manipulation, right?
But at the same time, he is smart enough to realize how dangerous is to remain here at the castle, right?
Yeah, that’s true...
And… if you take in consideration how full of pride Marco tends to be, there’s a strong chance that he’s only doing this for attention.
I think I know exactly what you’re getting at, but I still don’t understand how that will help us to get him out of the room.
That’s the point: We can’t… the only way to get him out is to persuade him by using that pride.
[scratching her head] I still don’t get it Jackie...
Of course, I can see it now. All we need to do is show Marco all the things he has accomplished so far so he can’t refuse to save his own life...
Exactly, but at the same time we have to trick him into believing that if he doesn't come with us, we’re just gonna go without him...
Mmmm… reverse psychology, I’m starting to like this idea.
So, what do you say?
I’m all for it, this is a really good plan.
Yeah, me too. Count me in...
What about you Star?
Well, if everyone agrees, I have no problem with it.
That’s great, now let’s move on because we only have 30 minutes left...
[Cut to Marco still playing Asphalt 8 on his cell phone]
[o.s.] [knocking at the door] Hey Marco...
Leave me alone!!!
[o.s.] We just wanna talk to you for a moment. Can you stop what you’re doing and listen to us please? you don’t have to open the door if you don’t want to...
[Marco turns up the volume]
Okay Marco, now you’re just being immature. Look, if you don’t stop plating with that thing I’m gonna keep pounding this door until you listen...
[Star pounds the door repeatedly while Marco tries to focus on the game]
[whispering to Jackie] How long do I have to this?
Just a few minutes.
[Meanwhile, Jackie sends text messages to Marco, but he tries to ignore them]
Almost there...
[Marco’s cell phone finally runs out of battery just when was about to win the game]
[groaning loudly] FINE!!! I’ll listen to you...
[whispering] Yes...
But I’m not gonna open the door.
That’s okay, you don’t have to do that. Just listen what we have to say.
[sigh] Whatever... [sits next to the door]
[to Jackie] Go ahead Jackie, you go first...
Okay Marco, are you listening to me? because I’m only gonna say this once. Do you understand?
[Marco gets in fetal position]
[sigh] Yes Jackie, I understand...
Now, I know what you’re thinking: Why do I have to listen to these girls? they already caused me a lot of problems and I don’t have to listen to their BS, and you know what? you’re 100% right: We suck, we are terrible people and we don’t deserve your attention, but… what about you Marco? if you remain here your life will be at risk, and we both know you’re smart enough to realize about that… I mean, come on dude, where’s your sense of self-preservation?
Oh, what’s the point Jackie? my whole existence is a joke, I’m so tired of pretending that I’m in control of my own life, the reality is that no matter how hard I try, I will always be the loser in the end.
That’s not true, you’re an amazing guy who has accomplished so much at such a young age… Are you really gonna turn your back on all those years of hard work and dedication just because someone hurt your feelings? give me a break.
And you think you know anything about me, don’t you?
Well, as a matter of fact I do. You know, I remember not too long ago when a hard working guy named Marco Diaz, against all the odds, managed to break a national record at the presidential fitness test making everyone at his school proud for such a great achievement...
Yeah, and don’t forget that a few weeks later he did what he deemed as impossible and graduated from his karate class with the highest honors after years of trial and error.
Meh, it was just sheer luck, those are just isolated cases.
Oh really? then how do you explain the fact that you also have the highest grades of our class in pretty much everything. I’m sure those aren’t just “isolated cases”.
Anyone with half a brain can become first in the class, that doesn’t prove anything.
Fine, forget about school, what about me? you spent 16 years chasing me to get back a pair of scissors that “allegedly” belonged to Star, and even though you had all the opportunities to return to your dimension, you never gave up, and let me tell you something: I lived for more than 700 years and in all my years I have never, and I mean NEVER seen someone so determined and persistent as you Marco, and that’s saying a lot. I think...
[covering his face with both hands] Ugh, why don’t you just shut up? I don’t care what you think… don’t you get it? I don’t trust you anymore.
But Marco, we’re just trying to help you.
Well, in that case you’re doing a lousy job. Do you think I didn’t realize what you’re trying to do? you want me to feel guilty for making you stay in this castle even though I already told you to go and leave me alone, but no… you have to drag me with you because you need a sucker to put up with your bullshit problems... [everyone gets in silence for a moment] What? you don’t have anything else to say to that? then f*** off!!!
[Star and the girls get more desperate]
[whispering] God, he’s SO goddamn stubborn it’s driving me nuts...
[o.s] By the way, I still can hear you even if you’re whispering.
[Janna gets upset and start grinding her teeth]
[getting an idea] I know what to do, just wait right here… [opens a portal]
Where are you going?
That’s not important, I’ll be back in a moment… [leaves the dimension]
Huh, I wonder where she went...
[A few seconds later another portal opens and Hekapoo returns along with Nachos (Marco’s dragon pet/motorcycle)]
Wow, that creature looks pretty awesome.
Oh Marco, there’s someone right here who wants to see you... [winks at the girls]
Who is it?
Maybe this will give you a clue...
[Hekapoo twists one of the grips to make a distinctive motorcycle sound]
[gasps] Nachos? Is that you?
[Nachos makes another sound to confirm it]
Oh, my precious boo-boo. I’m so glad you’re okay...
Well, maybe you should open the door so you can get together, don’t you think?
[Marco prepares to open the door, but suddenly...]
[holding the knob] Wait a minute: I know what you’re trying to do!!!
What? No, no, no, it’s not what you think...
You unbelievable bitches... you tried to manipulate me using Nachos as a bait. How dare you?!!! 
Listen Marco, I know this looks pretty bad, but...
NO!!! F*** YOU JACKIE!!! F*** ALL OF YOU!!!! Of all the pathetic, half-assed, poorly made attempts you’ve pulled to get me out of this room, this is by far the most offensive and disgusting. You all make me sick...
But Marco...
[mocking her] “But Marco” shut the f*** up you pathetic excuse for a princess, you are by far the most obnoxious, uncaring, unlikeable person I’ve ever met in my entire life, and I don’t wanna hear a single word coming out of your mouth as long as I live, you hear me? get the f*** out here!!! 
[Star starts to cry so she runs away followed by Jackie and Janna]
Star, wait!!!
Come back here!!!
[Hekapoo watches the door in complete silence until she walks away along with Nachos leaving a pair of dimensional scissors next to the door. Meanwhile, Marco lays down on the floor and starts crying. Cut to Star and the girls at Queen Moon’s office. Star is crying uncontrollably whole Jackie and Janna try to comfort her] 
[crying on Jackie’s shoulder] Oh Jackie, I can’t take this anymore. This is the worst day of my life and I don’t know what to do to fix it.
[Jackie gives Star a pat on the back]
Don’t worry Star, we’re gonna get through this, I promise...
No, we’re not… how many times you’re gonna keep saying that? just face it, Marco hates me and there’s nothing I can do about it.
Marco doesn’t hate you Star, he’s just afraid just like all of us. Just give it some time...
What time? we only have 10 minutes left.
What? I’m just stating facts.
[Hekapoo enters the room]
Girls, we gotta get out of here before it’s too late.
What happened to Nachos?
I left him on the horse stable so he can eat, but seriously: We’re running out of time.
But… what about Marco? we can’t go without him
Look, I left a pair of dimensional scissors in front of the door, so he could escape whenever he wants to, but now we have look out for ourselves if we want to survive...
I don’t wanna go, I wanna stay here.
WHAT?!!! Are you nuts?!!! If we don’t leave...
Yeah I know, we’re all going to die, big deal...
Star, are you even listening to yourself?
[crossing her arms] Yeah, and I decide that I don’t care anymore.
Oh, come on Star, be reasonable...
I’M SICK OF BEING REASONABLE!!! I just wanna wait right here and wait until it’s over, and that’s it. You can leave if you want, I don’t care.
[Cut to Marco finally opening the door. He sees the scissors on the floor so he takes them and stare at them for a few seconds, then he takes a deep breath and walks away. Cut back to Star and the girls still arguing]
Princess Butterfly, please I beg you: You’re making my work even harder by doing this.
Well, your work it’s not my problem.
[groaning loudly] Why do you always do this?!!! I’m just trying to help you.
Oh, is that it? then why did you try to steal Marco from me in the first place?
Princess, this is not the right moment...
No, I don’t wanna hear more excuses, just answer my question.
[sigh] And what makes you think you’re entitled to be Marco’s girlfriend? I knew him long before any of you, and you don’t see me whining like a brat.
Well... you stalked him like a creep.
And you’re just doing the same by manipulating his emotions, so don’t try to paint me as the villain because you’ve done much worse than me...
[getting in between] Girls, we’re doing it again. Let’s just calm down and...
And seriously: Why are you so obsessed with Marco?!!! Why can’t you accept the fact that he loves someone else and just move on?!!!
BECAUSE I’M PREGNANT!!! [everyone gets shocked] I’m expecting Marco’s baby, that’s the reason why I don’t wanna lose him… not now...
Wow, I… didn’t know about that… I’m sorry to hear that...
Listen: I know that lately I’ve been acting like a jerk and that has no excuse whatsoever, but also I need you to understand how important it is for me to have Marco around.
Don’t worry Star, I understand your point of view because… I’m pregnant too...
Well, since you’re all coming clean, I have to confess that I’m also expecting.
Yeah, me too...
[Everyone share a moment of silence while looking at the floor]
My God, what have we done? We were so busy fighting each other over Marco that we all got carried away and forgot to take care of ourselves...
You’re right Star, I mean: What happened to us? it’s like we’ve been acting like characters from a poorly written fanfiction or something like that.
I wonder how Marco is gonna react...
Oh no, he’ll probably gonna freak out when he finds out about this.
So, you’re suggesting we should keep it a secret?
No, no more secrets. It’s time to come clean and work together to work out this problem like adults, so what do you say? are you with me?
I’m with you Hekapoo.
Yeah I agree, we have to stop acting like children and face reality if we wanna get through this.
Well princess, it seems like once again it’s up to you to decide. You want to bury the hatchet and start all over, or you prefer to keep holding your grudge and walk away? no pressure.
[Star thinks about it for a few seconds]
Oh well, what the heck. Let’s do this...
Now, that’s more like it...
Now, all we need to do is go to talk with Marco.
Well, in that case: What are we waiting for? let’s go girls...
[Cut to Star at the girls returning to the room where Marco was hiding, only to find out that the door is now open and Marco is gone]
Oh great, now where did he go?
Maybe he used the scissors to escape to another dimension.
Nah, I would’ve detect it if that were the case. He has to be hidden somewhere in the castle.
Let’s split up and find him.
[The girls start looking for Marco]
[at the kitchen] Marco...
[at the ballroom] Marco...
[at the library] Marco...
[The girls reunite at the meeting room]
He’s not in the kitchen.
He’s not at the ballroom either.
And he’s definitely not in the library.
Great, now how are we supposed to find him now? this is so frustrating...
[Hekapoo shows up looking very nervous]
[breathing heavily] GIRLS!!! GIRLS!!! you gotta come quick!!!
What’s going on?
It’s Nachos: He’s gone!!!
What?!!! But how can it be?
I don’t know, I left him on the horse stable tied up so he couldn’t escape on his own. I don’t get it.
Mmmm… something tells me that Marco has something to do with this...
Wait... if Marco didn’t use the dimensional scissors, and he also took Nachos with him, that only means that he… oh no...
[Cut to Marco and Nachos heading towards Toffee at full speed. Toffee defends himself throwing spike balls, but they manage to dodge them. As he comes closer, Marco has flashbacks of all the moments he spent with the girls. Finally when they reach the top as they ascend vertically, Marco jumps out of Nachos (he runs away afterwards) and uses the scissors to make a clean cut around the crystal in Toffee’s chest, but due a slight miscalculation the scissors touch the crystal resulting both Marco and Toffee exploding in an upward spiral until they vanish into thin air]
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