#I forgot how much I missed Yasuo
heckinhacker · 2 years
Since dimension traveling is canon in genshin
Could you please do headcanons of a league of legends character of your choice landing in a teyvat region of your choice? their reaction, who they'd get along with best, their vision, how the natives of this region might preceive them, ect.
I loooove doing these, but instead of dimension traveling, how about AU where league characters were born in Teyvat? I think it will be easier for my brain and artblocked soul~ I hope you don't mind 💜
Characters of my choice...hohohoooo Edit: I forgot to add types of post, it's mostly: ❥ , ☃kinda?? ,
JINX!!! Jinxie my beloved
Jinx would be Pyro vision bearer, and here... I imagine her being part of fatui, as a pyro gunner role. It just fits her so much, she would cause so much mayhemmmm I love her-
Ahem. Anyway. Jinx as a Pyro Gunner from Fatui. Where is she from? Mystery, but in between us, she might be from Shneznaya as well, or from Fontaine? More like Fontaine kind of gal because of her gadgets ideology and great designing progress. Give her some time and she might be considered next Harbringer >:)) Would get along best with Childe, and if she's around Inazuma, with Yoimiya~
Obviously I'd pick Taric. I miss him so much...
Have taric as a Hydro vision bearer, and let him fight with Claymore. I see him most fitting with it, since Catalyst miiight be good but yk. Taric healing his allies while he hits enemies to quicken his healing skill, and then burst giving immunity,,, frothing at the mouth- First 10 star character >:) Taric is from Mondstadt, I dunno why, my gut feeling just says so. Maybe my sentiment to the place. Gets along significantly with Lisa and Jean, shots some flirteous remarks back and forth with Kaeya, and you could say EVERYONE in this town loves Taric. Your family loves Taric, your friends love Taric, your DOG loves Taric. Everyone.
You know Heizou's style? Just...imagine Sett, but with pyro catalyst, that he doesn't really have to use but it busts his element on his fists and he's ROCKING it. Boss of a illegal fighting pit in Sumeru. He fleds from Natlan, maybe?? Not sure, but his pit in Sumeru, I think maybe somewhere in a desert? I 'unno, did not play the archon quest yet... sorry ^^ Doesn't really get along with anyone, but has silent agreement with Cyno on not mingling with each other's buisness. Unless otherwise stated~
Geo vision bearer, from Inazuma, or eventually yields from Liyue but resides in Inazuma?? Idek-- uses sword, and his kit is pretty similiar to his league one, he uses dash to collect enemies on himself, you stack deff on him, and gives shields to his allies. Maybe 4 star? Hides his face and is also a ninja, similiarly to Sayu,
At first wanted to give him from Liyue, but decided against it because of ninja stuff being more fitting in Inazuma. Let's make him Sayu's master maybe? That would be SO cool!!
Obviously gets along GREAT with Sayu, and actually is greatly close with Ayato as his subortinate. Mister Kamisato tried to befriend him, possibly, but Shen respects boundaries soooo hard man... Even Thoma has hard time befriending him. I imagine him later on in story of Inazuma get along with Sara, anyhow.
Too great opportunity to miss. Not GREATEST fan of her, but she's so obviously fitting as Inazumian kitsune, isn't she? Similiar to Yae Miko, but she's not around Shrine, she's actually in the woods, doing...Ahri things.
Her vision is Anemo, actually, her dashes and her "q" being anemo attacks. She's a catalyst user.~
Gets along somehow with Yae Miko, but Miko never mentions Ahri, at all- once Traveler stumbled upon Ahri, they (idk, I have Lumine as Traveler but you can also insert Aether here) were sure she's anyhow related to Miko. They're not a family, at all~
I simp this man...
Also Anemo user after Yone- :))) Sword, but looks more like Katana, he's swift, mysterious... He yields from Inazuma, but is, just like Yasuo self, he's a wanderer,
Obvious friends with Kazuha LMFAOOO, also is a friend with Beidou (drinking buddies), and whole Crux, I think. Refuses to join them though--
Would love to add more but idk what I : (((
Bonus thought: please let Neeko and Razor be friends I'm gonna sob
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teeto-peteto · 8 months
small extension to the school roadtrip 'let the autocorrect finish the sentence' based on a chat i had with my friends back in highschool. Im going to traslate these, they are originally in spanish but i will not correct the grammar... it's needed to look wonky and nonsensical. everytime i look into this chat i end up wheezing because we were slightly younger but definetly more stupid. DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING SAID SERIOUSLY its literally keyboard gibberish.
sentence base is 'HAHAHA'
Sarah: HAHAHA and me to the best
Illaoi: HAHAHA no what i meant is that i dont explain myself with that i have and i like girls.
Pyke: HAHAHA cool and nobody cares
sentence base is 'Illaoi'
Braum: Illaoi and i good as always as good as good as good as good as good good good good good good good good good
Ahri: Illaoi and to be honest my hair is marbelous right now AHHH hope i die let me know if you have any questions.
sentence base is 'Pyke'
Sarah: Pyke according to what happened that i forgot.
Yasuo: Pyke i adore you so much hope you love me HAHAHAHA so sad.
sentence base is: 'im going to get'
Braum: Im going to get a greeting and a lot of blessings.
Ahri: Im going to get it with Yasuo fuck so good the milk the future of you.
Illaoi: Im going to get the bull and honestly i dont remember much about life.
sentence base is: 'you're touching my'
Pyke: You're touching my balls and im sending the bill that i made the last two times we have been seing each other.
Yasuo: You're touching my piano.
Sarah: You're toching my everything.
sentence base is: 'Maokai' (Originally this had the name of one of our teachers)
Ahri: Maokai come by you're free to come truly marvelous.
Braum: Maokai told me i dont remember.
Yasuo: Maokai and Ivern is salaam Tanzania Thailand and Vietnam.
sentence base is: 'i like potatoes'
Braum: I like potatoes but they didnt tell me they didnt arrive
Pyke: I like potatoes and things i cannot understand.
Illaoi: I like potatoes fried and fruit salad and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit and vegetables and fruit.
sentence base is: 'Rosalía' (i dont listen to her music that much but queen <3) ((Originally we meant the singer but sometimes the keyboard understood Rosalia De Castro, a recognizible poet and writer in spanish history))
Illaoi: Rosalía De Castro told me i dont remember about life.
Yasuo: Rosalía from XXI scared me away from home and i dont kow what a birthday is.
Ahri: Rosalía they told me that she isnt that precious.
sentence base is: 'I got on'
Yasuo: I got on my bed with my acoustic guitar to the disco and i hope she likes Code Lyoko.
Pyke: I got on a locker.
sentence base is: 'Yasuo's ass'
Ahri: Yasuo's ass is the reciever of this message please.
Braum: Yasuo's ass please dont feel bad i love you so so much okay
Sarah: Yasuo's ass because i pretended a lot of things.
sentence base is: 'Hello life'
Ahri: Hello life tell me how's the world i miss you so much my little one you're going on a vacation i miss your stuff and i miss you my love you're the only thing my love i like you so much and i adore you okay
Illaoi: Hello life i've been overthinking in my opinion world is a bit weird but you know i like women and that.
sentence base is an old twitter meme, wich says: Im (Y/N) god/godess of (keyboard predict), bearer of (keyboard predict). Tremble because (keyboard predict).
Ahri: Im Ahri, godess of the Ionian university and bearer of the faculty. Tremble because i'd love to know how to make people not trouble each other.
Braum: Im Braum, god of life and bearer of life. Tremble becuase you should tell me if you forget about the budget.
Illaoi: Im Illaoi, goddess of the rest of men and bearer of the two women. Tremble cause its actually the same without you.
Pyke: Im Pyke, god of the classroom, bearer of the company. Tremble cause i dont care.
Sarah: Im Sarah Fortune, goddess of my bed and bearer of the sunrise. Tremble cause i dont like to go to parties.
Yasuo: Im Yasuo goddess of truth and bearer of universal knowledge. Tremble because i care about my life.
sentence base is 'Braum's first kiss'.
Sarah: Braum first kiss was with everyone in life.
Pyke: Braum's first kiss was affectionate i got it dont worry girl
Ahri: Braum's first kiss was with a friend of his dad.
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togetherhearted · 1 year
After quite some time I went back to play Ruined King.
I missed the crew.
I forgot how much damage Yasuo can do everytime he crits. I think I saw heaven at some point.
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wasure-arashi · 5 years
It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?
I suppose I should get back to work then.
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astrodart · 2 years
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True Damage-2020: RECORDING SESSION 
This was done for a comic collaboration with other fanartists. This was my very first BIG comic I ever done of them. There are a couple of mistakes here and there but it was a nice learning session :3c
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EkkoTaliyah and Yasriv? :0
Yasuo x Riven
On a Scale (1-10): Initially, it was a five, but with more thought, turned into a strong nine.
I decided to start with this ship because, holy carp, I just had far too much to say about Ekko and Taliyah, and in advanced in case you don’t wanna read that MONSTER of an essay, thanks for sending this in so I could change my mind about that ship. Anyways, let’s begin.
Since my interest really remains in the Zaun/Piltover area, it was kind of weird for me to have to try and think about characters beyond there. But with the very little I knew of Yasuo and Riven, the ship kinda… appealed to me. At first, I was like, “No way in hell,” and then as I was thinking about it, I was like, “No. Actually, this could work and might even be cute.”
The funny thing is that they are basically both rebels with a serious cause, and it’s the funniest thing that they both are exiles of a self-proclaimed type, more Riven than Yasuo but I digress.
They would totally travel together and help each other out with their quests! That seems like a thing they would do. They are both in search of honour and purpose, and what a cuter end to a story than to find this honour and purpose in each other. In a less romantic way, they understand each other’s plight in a way that no one else really would. Riven wouldn’t blame Yasuo for his decision to go search for the assassin and bring justice. She might even find her own purpose and honour in helping him achieve his goal. And once that was all said and done, it’s even entirely possible that he would help her back.
There is the initial thing of, she’s Noxian and he’s Ionian, but given their current states of exile, I feel like this would be something they could work through rather early, especially if they explain their stories. Perhaps they can get rather dramatic with each other, and it’s strongly possible that they might have to part ways for personal reasons, but I kinda hope they work out? They both have the patience to deal with each other, they are both calm hearted, they have similar energy levels (ie; one’s not too hyper for the other), and I feel like they would just work! I can’t explain it, they just make sense to me.
Yep. I ship it. *throws hands up* I ship it.
Ekko x Taliyah
ALRIGHT. I’m going to be fair. When I first heard of the ship, I hated it. I was not a huge fan. Two hours ago, I still wasn’t a fan but I was over myself. Now that I’m actually sitting here and thinking and talking about it, I’m severely reconsidering.
There is nothing to compare the ship between my Ekko and this Jinx; I will take this fucking ship to the grave, but dammit, I’m gonna board the Ekko x Taliyah ship, too, just for variety’s sake.
Okay, so, initially, I thought the Taliyah/Ekko ship was too forced to me, that they wouldn’t work naturally. I felt like Ekko and Taliyah’s values were too different from each other, that he would not want to leave Zaun and she would never leave Shiruma; he was too much a “bad boy” and she was too much of a “good girl” -- but in all honesty, this initial misconception actually adds to their dynamic.
Because, perhaps, the opposite is true. Many people see Ekko as a bad boy, who breaks laws and steals from Pilties, but in truth, he’s very kind hearted and loving and compassionate. And Taliyah’s desire and love for her family and her people makes her seem like such a sweetheart (and she is), but she’s also wild and free and stubborn as stone. In other words, they would most likely know the side of each other that other people might overlook or forget or miss. Ekko’s compassion would speak to Taliyah, and Taliyah’s freedom-loving attitude would appeal greatly to Ekko.
Unfortunately, Ekko is very hurt by his past and Taliyah fears hurting the ones she loves, and this can really drive a wedge between them. I know that Ekko could comfort her and help her with her fear and she could provide the tenderness he needs to heal, but they might be too scared of themselves or each other to really get close enough to say anything. It would start on a rather shallow level, though I suppose that’s how most relationships start, but as they learn more about each other and their history, it’s hard to tell which direction it would go, though no matter which way it would go, they would still be pulled apart by their values.
There’s also Ekko’s great dislike towards Pilties and Taliyah might just think he’s being unfairly stubborn against those people, and that could really burst into a great dispute between them, especially since they’re both stubborn as hell and Ekko won’t ever admit to liking a Piltie. At most, she could get him to relent. But this ideal is more appealing than annoying because, yes, Ekko is a jerk-off to Pilties, but it’s not without reason. I guess she would have to appeal to the forgiveness and freedom of letting go of that hatred but that’s something that they would need to figure out, and I don’t feel like putting too much thought into it at the moment.
The only other great downside I see to it (in terms of their actual) is their binds to their past and their home: I’m going back to that again. Ekko is too hurt from the past and Taliyah is too tied to Shurima, and I see them more as star-crossed lovers than as a life-long relationship -- which makes me appeal to the ship even more, because I kinda wanna know how they would deal with that; would they try to stay together, or would they say goodbye. Which is a super weird thing for me, because I hate, “Will they or won’t they?”s but this doesn’t feel like it’s out of a cheap YA scenario. They want to be together but they physically cannot? I feel hypocritical. But yeah.
But it’s so ironic that this couple who’s based themselves on freedom and life and the refusal to follow laws or rules are the ones who are tied down by their pasts and their home. Perhaps, maybe, this is kind of the cool part of them as a couple, because they could achieve that freedom together and they have all the freedom they could ask for, in a way, but the freedom to be with each other is something they need to seek in themselves; force to make a decision that may tie them down. One of them would have to give up their freedom to be with the other, but they couldn’t ask that of each other and they wouldn’t do it themselves so... what will they do? 
Ultimately, they are two gifted, special teenagers who want nothing more than make their home proud and do the world good and live by their own rules and breath all life has to offer them and they would make an amazing power couple that has the power to rule the world but instead choose to make it a better place.
On a Scale (1-10): Anyways, I had to leave halfway through writing this and I forgot a lot of stuff that I wanted to talk about. I’m very wishy-washy about this ship and how I feel about it, but talking about it has kinda pushed the scale from a three to, hummm, I’ll say about eight with some good room for improvement.
GOSH, this got bloody long and I can’t believe how much I wrote for these two. My goodness. Okay, I’m done now. If anyone ever read this far, holy carp, I’m sorry I wrote this much but thank you for reading it all. XD
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